提交 03b29816 编写于 作者: M Mislav Marohnić

[release] Retry attaching release assets on 5xx server errors

Fixes #2197
上级 adaa53e4
......@@ -456,6 +456,33 @@ MARKDOWN
Attaching 1 asset...\n
Scenario: Retry attaching assets on 5xx errors
Given the GitHub API server:
attempt = 0
post('/repos/mislav/will_paginate/releases') {
status 201
json :html_url => "https://github.com/mislav/will_paginate/releases/v1.2.0",
:upload_url => "https://uploads.github.com/uploads/assets{?name,label}"
post('/uploads/assets', :host_name => 'uploads.github.com') {
attempt += 1
halt 400 unless request.body.read.to_s == "TARBALL"
halt 502 if attempt == 1
status 201
And a file named "hello-1.2.0.tar.gz" with:
When I successfully run `hub release create -m "hello" v1.2.0 -a hello-1.2.0.tar.gz`
Then the output should contain exactly:
Attaching 1 asset...\n
Scenario: Create a release with some assets failing
Given the GitHub API server:
......@@ -412,11 +412,28 @@ func (client *Client) UploadReleaseAssets(release *Release, assets []LocalAsset)
uploadPath := addQuery(uploadURL, params)
// TODO: retry failed assets
var res *simpleResponse
res, err = api.PostFile(uploadPath, asset.Contents, asset.Size)
if err = checkStatus(201, "uploading release asset", res, err); err != nil {
attempts := 0
maxAttempts := 3
body := asset.Contents
for {
res, err = api.PostFile(uploadPath, body, asset.Size)
if err == nil && res.StatusCode >= 500 && res.StatusCode < 600 && attempts < maxAttempts {
time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(attempts))
var f *os.File
f, err = os.Open(asset.Name)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
body = f
if err = checkStatus(201, "uploading release asset", res, err); err != nil {
newAsset := ReleaseAsset{}
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