提交 2886b597 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: OB-robot

fix conflict

上级 21e41447
......@@ -388,9 +388,10 @@ int ObSSTableSecMetaIterator::adjust_index(const int64_t begin_idx, const int64_
if (OB_UNLIKELY(curr_block_idx_ < prev_block_row_cnt_)) {
LOG_WARN("Invalid current block index on sequential scan", K(ret), K_(curr_block_idx),
K_(curr_block_start_idx), K_(curr_block_end_idx), K(begin_idx), K(end_idx));
} else if (curr_block_idx_ - prev_block_row_cnt_ < curr_block_row_cnt) {
// next row in this block
K_(curr_block_start_idx), K_(curr_block_end_idx), K(begin_idx), K(end_idx), K_(prev_block_row_cnt));
} else if (curr_block_idx_ - prev_block_row_cnt_ < row_cnt) {
// First block in scan : begin_idx may larger than 0, update curr_block_idx_
// Non-first block : next row in this block
curr_block_idx_ = begin_idx + (curr_block_idx_ - prev_block_row_cnt_);
} else {
curr_block_idx_ -= prev_block_row_cnt_;
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