未验证 提交 1c1ccfdc 编写于 作者: D dotnet bot 提交者: GitHub

Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 499: Build ID 2068561 (#14474)

* Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 499: Build ID 2068115

* Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 499: Build ID 2068115
Co-authored-by: NTomas Grosup <tomasgrosup@microsoft.com>
上级 fc35ff40
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="arrayElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Alle Elemente eines Arrays müssen implizit in den Typ des ersten Elements konvertiert werden. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Tupel der Länge {0} vom Typ\n {1} \nDieses Element ist ein Tupel der Länge {2} vom Typ\n {3}. \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="buildInvalidSourceFileExtensionML">
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<trans-unit id="chkDuplicatedMethodParameter">
<source>Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</source>
<target state="new">Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</target>
<target state="translated">Doppelter Parameter. Der Parameter „{0}“ wurde in dieser Methode mehrmals verwendet.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="chkFeatureNotLanguageSupported">
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
<trans-unit id="elseBranchHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Alle Verzweigungen eines „If-Ausdrucks“ müssen Werte zurückgeben, die implizit in den Typ der ersten Verzweigung konvertierbar sind. In diesem Fall handelt es sich dabei um ein Tupel der Länge {0} des Typs.\n {1} \nDiese Verzweigung gibt ein Tupel der Länge {2} des Typs\n {3} \nzurück.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="etProviderHasDesignerAssemblyDependency">
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureArithmeticInLiterals">
<source>Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</source>
<target state="new">Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</target>
<target state="translated">Arithmetische und logische Vorgänge in Literalen zulassen</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureAttributesToRightOfModuleKeyword">
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired">
<source>Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</source>
<target state="new">Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</target>
<target state="translated">Implizites Erweiterungsattribut für deklarierende Typen und Module zulassen</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureDefaultInterfaceMemberConsumption">
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureErrorForNonVirtualMembersOverrides">
<source>Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</source>
<target state="new">Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</target>
<target state="translated">Löst Fehler für Außerkraftsetzungen nicht virtueller Member aus.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureErrorOnDeprecatedRequireQualifiedAccess">
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureEscapeBracesInFormattableString">
<source>Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</source>
<target state="new">Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</target>
<target state="translated">Escapezeichen mit geschweiften Klammern, bevor FormattableStringFactory.Create aufgerufen wird, wenn ein interpoliertes Zeichenfolgenliteral als FormattableString eingegeben wird.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureExpandedMeasurables">
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureMatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">Das Verwerfen von Musterübereinstimmungen ist für einen Union-Fall, der keine Daten akzeptiert, nicht zulässig.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureNameOf">
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
<trans-unit id="followingPatternMatchClauseHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Alle Verzweigungen eines Musterübereinstimmungsausdrucks müssen Werte zurückgeben, die implizit in den Typ der ersten Verzweigung konvertierbar sind. In diesem Fall handelt es sich dabei um ein Tupel der Länge {0} des Typs.\n {1} \nDiese Verzweigung gibt ein Tupel der Länge {2} des Typs\n {3} \nzurück.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="forFormatInvalidForInterpolated">
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ifExpressionTuple">
<source>The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Der „if“-Ausdruck muss ein Tupel mit der Länge {0} vom Typ\n {1} \nzurückgeben, um die Kontexttypanforderungen zu erfüllen. Derzeit wird ein Tupel mit der Länge {2} vom Typ\n {3} \nzurückgegeben.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ilxGenUnknownDebugPoint">
......@@ -459,12 +459,12 @@
<trans-unit id="listElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Alle Elemente einer Liste müssen implizit in den Typ des ersten Elements konvertiert werden. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Tupel der Länge {0} vom Typ\n {1} \nDieses Element ist ein Tupel der Länge {2} vom Typ\n {3}. \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="matchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">Das Verwerfen von Mustern ist für Union-Fall, der keine Daten akzeptiert, nicht zulässig.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="mlCompatError">
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefAssembly">
<source>Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</source>
<target state="new">Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</target>
<target state="translated">Ungültige Verwendung der Ausgabe einer Referenzassembly. Verwenden Sie nicht „--standalone“ oder „--staticlink“ mit „--refonly“ oder „--refout“.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefOut">
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectedPatternAfterToken">
<source>Expected a pattern after this point</source>
<target state="new">Expected a pattern after this point</target>
<target state="translated">Nach diesem Punkt wurde ein Muster erwartet.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingExpressionInTuple">
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingPatternInTuple">
<source>Expecting pattern</source>
<target state="new">Expecting pattern</target>
<target state="translated">Muster wird erwartet</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsIncompleteTyparExpr1">
......@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcSynTypeOrInvalidInDeclaration">
<source>SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</source>
<target state="new">SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</target>
<target state="translated">SynType.Or ist in dieser Deklaration nicht zulässig.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcTraitHasMultipleSupportTypes">
......@@ -3859,7 +3859,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcUnionCaseExpectsTupledArguments">
<source>This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</source>
<target state="new">This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</target>
<target state="translated">Dieser Union-Fall erwartet {0} Argumente in Tupelform, es wurden jedoch {1} angegeben. Zu den fehlenden Feldargumenten gehören möglicherweise folgende: {2}.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcFieldIsNotStatic">
......@@ -7539,7 +7539,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcStructUnionMultiCaseDistinctFields">
<source>If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</source>
<target state="new">If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</target>
<target state="translated">Wenn ein Mehrfach-Union-Typ eine Struktur ist, müssen alle Union-Fälle eindeutige Namen aufweisen. Beispiel: „type A = B von b: int | C von c: int“.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CallerMemberNameIsOverriden">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="arrayElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">配列のすべての要素は、最初の要素の型に暗黙的に変換できる必要があります。これは、型の長さ {0} のタプルです\n {1} \nこの要素は、型の長さ {2} のタプルです\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="buildInvalidSourceFileExtensionML">
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<trans-unit id="chkDuplicatedMethodParameter">
<source>Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</source>
<target state="new">Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</target>
<target state="translated">パラメーターが重複しています。パラメーター '{0}' は、このメソッドで 1 回以上使用されています。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="chkFeatureNotLanguageSupported">
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
<trans-unit id="elseBranchHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">'if' 式のすべての分岐は、最初の分岐の型に暗黙的に変換できる値を返す必要があります。これは、型の長さ {0} のタプルです\n {1} \nこの分岐は、型の長さ {2} のタプルを返します\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="etProviderHasDesignerAssemblyDependency">
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureArithmeticInLiterals">
<source>Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</source>
<target state="new">Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</target>
<target state="translated">リテラルで算術演算と論理演算を許可する</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureAttributesToRightOfModuleKeyword">
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired">
<source>Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</source>
<target state="new">Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</target>
<target state="translated">型、モジュールの宣言で暗黙的な拡張属性を許可する</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureDefaultInterfaceMemberConsumption">
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureErrorForNonVirtualMembersOverrides">
<source>Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</source>
<target state="new">Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</target>
<target state="translated">仮想メンバー以外のオーバーライドに対してエラーを発生させます</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureErrorOnDeprecatedRequireQualifiedAccess">
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureEscapeBracesInFormattableString">
<source>Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</source>
<target state="new">Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</target>
<target state="translated">挿入文字列リテラルが FormattableString として型指定されている場合は、FormattableStringFactory.Create を呼び出す前に波かっこをエスケープします</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureExpandedMeasurables">
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureMatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">データを受け取らない共用体ケースでは、パターン一致の破棄は許可されません。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureNameOf">
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
<trans-unit id="followingPatternMatchClauseHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">パターン一致のすべての分岐は、最初の分岐の型に暗黙的に変換できる値を返す必要があります。これは、型の長さ {0} のタプルです\n {1} \nこの分岐は、型の長さ {2} のタプルを返します\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="forFormatInvalidForInterpolated">
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ifExpressionTuple">
<source>The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">'if' 式は、コンテキスト型の要件を満たすために、\n {1} \n 型の長さの {0} のタプルを返す必要があります。現在、型の {2} 長さのタプルを返します\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ilxGenUnknownDebugPoint">
......@@ -459,12 +459,12 @@
<trans-unit id="listElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">リストのすべての要素は、最初の要素の型に暗黙的に変換できる必要があります。これは、型の長さ {0} のタプルです\n {1} \nこの要素は、型の長さ {2} のタプルです\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="matchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">データを受け取らない共用体ケースでは、パターンの破棄は許可されません。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="mlCompatError">
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefAssembly">
<source>Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</source>
<target state="new">Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</target>
<target state="translated">参照アセンブリの出力の使用が無効です。'--standalone または --staticlink' を '--relabelly または --refout' と共に使用しないでください。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefOut">
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectedPatternAfterToken">
<source>Expected a pattern after this point</source>
<target state="new">Expected a pattern after this point</target>
<target state="translated">このポイントの後にパターンが必要です</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingExpressionInTuple">
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingPatternInTuple">
<source>Expecting pattern</source>
<target state="new">Expecting pattern</target>
<target state="translated">必要なパターン</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsIncompleteTyparExpr1">
......@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcSynTypeOrInvalidInDeclaration">
<source>SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</source>
<target state="new">SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</target>
<target state="translated">SynType.Or はこの宣言では許可されていません</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcTraitHasMultipleSupportTypes">
......@@ -3859,7 +3859,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcUnionCaseExpectsTupledArguments">
<source>This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</source>
<target state="new">This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</target>
<target state="translated">この共用体の場合は、タプル フォームに {0} 個の引数が必要ですが、{1} 個しか渡されませんでした。不足しているフィールド引数は次のいずれかです:{2}</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcFieldIsNotStatic">
......@@ -7539,7 +7539,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcStructUnionMultiCaseDistinctFields">
<source>If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</source>
<target state="new">If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</target>
<target state="translated">マルチケース共用体の型が構造体の場合は、すべての共用体ケースに一意の名前を付ける必要があります。例: 'type A = B of b: int | c の C: int'。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CallerMemberNameIsOverriden">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="arrayElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">배열의 모든 요소는 첫 번째 요소의 형식으로 암시적으로 변환할 수 있어야 합니다. 여기서는 형식이 \n {1}이고 길이가 {0}인 튜플입니다. \n이 요소는 형식이 \n {3}이고 길이가 {2}인 튜플입니다. \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="buildInvalidSourceFileExtensionML">
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<trans-unit id="chkDuplicatedMethodParameter">
<source>Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</source>
<target state="new">Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</target>
<target state="translated">매개 변수가 중복되었습니다. 이 메소드에서 매개 변수 '{0}'이(가) 두 번 이상 사용되었습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="chkFeatureNotLanguageSupported">
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
<trans-unit id="elseBranchHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">'if' 식의 모든 분기는 첫 번째 분기의 유형으로 암시적으로 변환 가능한 값을 반환해야 합니다. 여기서는 형식이 \n {1}이고 길이가 {0}인 튜플입니다. \n이 분기는 형식이 \n {3}이고 길이가 {2}인 튜플을 반환합니다. \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="etProviderHasDesignerAssemblyDependency">
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureArithmeticInLiterals">
<source>Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</source>
<target state="new">Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</target>
<target state="translated">리터럴에서 산술 및 논리 연산 허용</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureAttributesToRightOfModuleKeyword">
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired">
<source>Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</source>
<target state="new">Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</target>
<target state="translated">유형, 모듈 선언에 암시적 확장 속성 허용</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureDefaultInterfaceMemberConsumption">
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureErrorForNonVirtualMembersOverrides">
<source>Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</source>
<target state="new">Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</target>
<target state="translated">비가상 멤버 재정의에 대한 오류 발생</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureErrorOnDeprecatedRequireQualifiedAccess">
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureEscapeBracesInFormattableString">
<source>Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</source>
<target state="new">Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</target>
<target state="translated">보간된 문자열 리터럴이 FormattableString으로 형식화된 경우 FormattableStringFactory.Create를 호출하기 전에 중괄호를 이스케이프합니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureExpandedMeasurables">
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureMatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">데이터를 사용하지 않는 공용 구조체 사례에는 패턴 일치 삭제가 허용되지 않습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureNameOf">
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
<trans-unit id="followingPatternMatchClauseHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">패턴 일치 식의 모든 분기는 첫 번째 분기의 유형으로 암시적으로 변환 가능한 값을 반환해야 합니다. 여기서는 형식이 \n {1}이고 길이가 {0}인 튜플입니다. \n이 분기는 형식이 \n {3}이고 길이가 {2}인 튜플을 반환합니다. \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="forFormatInvalidForInterpolated">
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ifExpressionTuple">
<source>The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">'if' 식은 컨텍스트 유형 요구 사항을 충족하기 위해 형식이\n {1} \n이고 길이가 {0}인 튜플을 반환해야 합니다. 해당 식은 현재 형식이 {3}이고 길이가\n {2}인 튜플을 반환합니다. \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ilxGenUnknownDebugPoint">
......@@ -459,12 +459,12 @@
<trans-unit id="listElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">목록의 모든 요소는 첫 번째 요소의 형식으로 암시적으로 변환할 수 있어야 합니다. 여기서는 형식이 \n {1}이고 길이가 {0}인 튜플입니다. \n이 요소는 형식이 \n {3}이고 길이가 {2}인 튜플입니다. \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="matchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">데이터를 사용하지 않는 공용 구조체 사례에는 패턴 삭제가 허용되지 않습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="mlCompatError">
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefAssembly">
<source>Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</source>
<target state="new">Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</target>
<target state="translated">참조 어셈블리 내보내기를 잘못 사용했습니다. '--refonly 또는 --refout'과 함께 '--standalone 또는 --staticlink'를 사용하지 마세요.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefOut">
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectedPatternAfterToken">
<source>Expected a pattern after this point</source>
<target state="new">Expected a pattern after this point</target>
<target state="translated">이 지점 뒤에 패턴이 필요합니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingExpressionInTuple">
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingPatternInTuple">
<source>Expecting pattern</source>
<target state="new">Expecting pattern</target>
<target state="translated">예상되는 패턴</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsIncompleteTyparExpr1">
......@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcSynTypeOrInvalidInDeclaration">
<source>SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</source>
<target state="new">SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</target>
<target state="translated">SynType.Or는 이 선언에서 허용되지 않습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcTraitHasMultipleSupportTypes">
......@@ -3859,7 +3859,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcUnionCaseExpectsTupledArguments">
<source>This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</source>
<target state="new">This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</target>
<target state="translated">이 공용 구조체 사례에는 튜플 형식의 {0} 인수가 필요하지만 {1}이(가) 제공되었습니다. 누락된 필드 인수는 다음 중 하나일 수 있습니다.{2}</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcFieldIsNotStatic">
......@@ -7539,7 +7539,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcStructUnionMultiCaseDistinctFields">
<source>If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</source>
<target state="new">If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</target>
<target state="translated">다중 사례 공용 구조체 형식이 구조체인 경우 모든 공용 구조체 사례의 이름이 고유해야 합니다. 예: 'type A = B of b: int | C 중 C: 정수'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CallerMemberNameIsOverriden">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="arrayElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Todos os elementos de uma matriz devem ser implicitamente conversíveis ao tipo do primeiro elemento, que aqui é uma tupla de comprimento {0} do tipo\n {1} \nEste elemento é uma tupla de comprimento {2} do tipo\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="buildInvalidSourceFileExtensionML">
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<trans-unit id="chkDuplicatedMethodParameter">
<source>Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</source>
<target state="new">Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</target>
<target state="translated">Parâmetro duplicado. O parâmetro '{0}' foi usado mais de uma vez neste método.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="chkFeatureNotLanguageSupported">
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
<trans-unit id="elseBranchHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Todas as ramificações de uma expressão 'if' devem retornar valores implicitamente conversíveis ao tipo da primeira ramificação, que aqui é uma tupla de comprimento {0} do tipo\n {1} \nEsta ramificação retorna uma tupla de comprimento {2} do tipo\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="etProviderHasDesignerAssemblyDependency">
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureArithmeticInLiterals">
<source>Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</source>
<target state="new">Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</target>
<target state="translated">Permitir operações aritméticas e lógicas em literais</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureAttributesToRightOfModuleKeyword">
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired">
<source>Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</source>
<target state="new">Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</target>
<target state="translated">Permitir atributo de Extensão implícito em tipos declarativos, módulos</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureDefaultInterfaceMemberConsumption">
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureErrorForNonVirtualMembersOverrides">
<source>Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</source>
<target state="new">Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</target>
<target state="translated">Gera erros para substituições de membros não virtuais</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureErrorOnDeprecatedRequireQualifiedAccess">
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureEscapeBracesInFormattableString">
<source>Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</source>
<target state="new">Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</target>
<target state="translated">Sai das chaves antes de chamar FormattableStringFactory.Create quando o literal de cadeia de caracteres é digitado como FormattableString</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureExpandedMeasurables">
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureMatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">O descarte de correspondência de padrão não é permitido para casos união que não aceitam dados.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureNameOf">
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
<trans-unit id="followingPatternMatchClauseHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Todas as ramificações de uma expressão de correspondência de padrão devem retornar valores implicitamente conversíveis ao tipo da primeira ramificação, que aqui é uma tupla de comprimento {0} do tipo\n {1} \nEsta ramificação retorna uma tupla de comprimento {2} do tipo\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="forFormatInvalidForInterpolated">
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ifExpressionTuple">
<source>The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Se a expressão 'if' precisa retornar uma tupla de comprimento {0} do tipo\n {1} \npara atender aos requisitos de tipo de contexto. Atualmente, ele retorna uma tupla de comprimento {2} do tipo\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ilxGenUnknownDebugPoint">
......@@ -459,12 +459,12 @@
<trans-unit id="listElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Todos os elementos de uma lista devem ser implicitamente conversíveis ao tipo do primeiro elemento, que aqui é uma tupla de comprimento {0} do tipo\n {1} \nEste elemento é uma tupla de comprimento {2} do tipo\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="matchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">O descarte de padrão não é permitido para casos união que não aceitam dados.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="mlCompatError">
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefAssembly">
<source>Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</source>
<target state="new">Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</target>
<target state="translated">Uso inválido da emissão de um assembly de referência, não use '--standalone ou --staticlink' com '--refonly ou --refout'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefOut">
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectedPatternAfterToken">
<source>Expected a pattern after this point</source>
<target state="new">Expected a pattern after this point</target>
<target state="translated">Um padrão é esperado após este ponto</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingExpressionInTuple">
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingPatternInTuple">
<source>Expecting pattern</source>
<target state="new">Expecting pattern</target>
<target state="translated">Padrão esperado</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsIncompleteTyparExpr1">
......@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcSynTypeOrInvalidInDeclaration">
<source>SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</source>
<target state="new">SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</target>
<target state="translated">SynType.Or não é permitido nesta declaração</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcTraitHasMultipleSupportTypes">
......@@ -3859,7 +3859,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcUnionCaseExpectsTupledArguments">
<source>This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</source>
<target state="new">This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</target>
<target state="translated">Este caso união espera {0} argumentos em formato de tupla, mas recebeu {1}. Os argumentos de campo ausente pode ser:{2}</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcFieldIsNotStatic">
......@@ -7539,7 +7539,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcStructUnionMultiCaseDistinctFields">
<source>If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</source>
<target state="new">If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</target>
<target state="translated">Se um tipo de união multicase for um struct, todos os casos união deverão ter nomes exclusivos. Por exemplo: tipo A = B de b: int | C de c: int'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CallerMemberNameIsOverriden">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="arrayElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Все элементы массива должны поддерживать неявное преобразование в тип первого элемента, который здесь является кортежем длиной {0} типа\n {1} \nЭтот элемент является кортежем длиной {2} типа\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="buildInvalidSourceFileExtensionML">
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<trans-unit id="chkDuplicatedMethodParameter">
<source>Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</source>
<target state="new">Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</target>
<target state="translated">Повторяющийся параметр. Параметр "{0}" использовался в этом методе несколько раз.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="chkFeatureNotLanguageSupported">
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
<trans-unit id="elseBranchHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Все ветви выражения "if" должны возвращать значения, поддерживающие неявное преобразование в тип первой ветви, которым здесь является кортеж длиной {0} типа\n {1} \nЭта ветвь возвращает кортеж длиной {2} типа\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="etProviderHasDesignerAssemblyDependency">
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureArithmeticInLiterals">
<source>Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</source>
<target state="new">Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</target>
<target state="translated">Разрешить арифметические и логические операции в литералах</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureAttributesToRightOfModuleKeyword">
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired">
<source>Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</source>
<target state="new">Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</target>
<target state="translated">Разрешить атрибут неявного расширения для объявляющих типов, модулей</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureDefaultInterfaceMemberConsumption">
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureErrorForNonVirtualMembersOverrides">
<source>Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</source>
<target state="new">Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</target>
<target state="translated">Вызывает ошибки при переопределениях невиртуальных элементов</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureErrorOnDeprecatedRequireQualifiedAccess">
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureEscapeBracesInFormattableString">
<source>Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</source>
<target state="new">Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</target>
<target state="translated">Экранирует фигурные скобки перед вызовом FormattableStringFactory.Create, когда интерполированный строковый литерал введен как FormattableString</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureExpandedMeasurables">
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureMatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">Отмена сопоставления с шаблоном не разрешена для случая объединения, не принимающего данные.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureNameOf">
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
<trans-unit id="followingPatternMatchClauseHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Все ветви выражения сопоставления с шаблоном должны возвращать значения, поддерживающие неявное преобразование в тип первой ветви, которым здесь является кортеж длиной {0} типа\n {1} \nЭта ветвь возвращает кортеж длиной {2} типа\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="forFormatInvalidForInterpolated">
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ifExpressionTuple">
<source>The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Выражение "if" должно возвращать кортеж длиной {0} типа\n {1} \nдля соответствия требованиям к типу контекста. В настоящее время возвращается кортеж длиной {2} типа\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ilxGenUnknownDebugPoint">
......@@ -459,12 +459,12 @@
<trans-unit id="listElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Все элементы списка должны поддерживать неявное преобразование в тип первого элемента, который здесь является кортежем длиной {0} типа\n {1} \nЭтот элемент является кортежем длиной {2} типа\n {3} \n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="matchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">Отмена шаблона не разрешена для случая объединения, не принимающего данные.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="mlCompatError">
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefAssembly">
<source>Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</source>
<target state="new">Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</target>
<target state="translated">Недопустимое использование при создании базовой сборки. Не используйте "--standalone or --staticlink" с "--refonly or --refout".</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefOut">
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectedPatternAfterToken">
<source>Expected a pattern after this point</source>
<target state="new">Expected a pattern after this point</target>
<target state="translated">После этой точки ожидался шаблон</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingExpressionInTuple">
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingPatternInTuple">
<source>Expecting pattern</source>
<target state="new">Expecting pattern</target>
<target state="translated">Ожидается шаблон</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsIncompleteTyparExpr1">
......@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcSynTypeOrInvalidInDeclaration">
<source>SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</source>
<target state="new">SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</target>
<target state="translated">SynType.Or не допускается в этом объявлении</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcTraitHasMultipleSupportTypes">
......@@ -3859,7 +3859,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcUnionCaseExpectsTupledArguments">
<source>This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</source>
<target state="new">This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</target>
<target state="translated">Этот вариант объединения ожидает аргументы {0} в форме кортежа, но было предоставлено: {1}. Отсутствующие аргументы поля могут быть любыми из следующих: {2}</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcFieldIsNotStatic">
......@@ -7539,7 +7539,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcStructUnionMultiCaseDistinctFields">
<source>If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</source>
<target state="new">If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</target>
<target state="translated">Если тип объединения с несколькими регистрами является структурой, все случаи объединения должны иметь уникальные имена. Например: "type A = B of b: int | C of c: int".</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CallerMemberNameIsOverriden">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="arrayElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of an array must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Bir dizinin tüm öğeleri örtük olarak ilk öğenin türüne dönüştürülebilir olmalıdır. Burada ilk öğe {0} uzunluğunda türü\n {1} \nolan bir demet. Bu öğe ise {2} uzunluğunda türü\n {3} \nolan bir demet.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="buildInvalidSourceFileExtensionML">
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<trans-unit id="chkDuplicatedMethodParameter">
<source>Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</source>
<target state="new">Duplicate parameter. The parameter '{0}' has been used more that once in this method.</target>
<target state="translated">Yinelenen parametre. '{0}' parametresi bu metotta bir kereden fazla kullanıldı.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="chkFeatureNotLanguageSupported">
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
<trans-unit id="elseBranchHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of an 'if' expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Bir 'if' ifadesinin tüm dalları, örtük olarak ilk dalın türüne dönüştürülebilir değerler döndürmelidir. Burada ilk dal {0} uzunluğunda türü\n {1} olan bir demet \nBu dal {2} uzunluğunda türü\n {3} \nolan bir demet döndürüyor</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="etProviderHasDesignerAssemblyDependency">
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureArithmeticInLiterals">
<source>Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</source>
<target state="new">Allow arithmetic and logical operations in literals</target>
<target state="translated">Sabit değerlerle aritmetik ve mantıksal işlemlere izin ver</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureAttributesToRightOfModuleKeyword">
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired">
<source>Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</source>
<target state="new">Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</target>
<target state="translated">Türler, modüller bildirirken örtük Extension özniteliğine izin ver</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureDefaultInterfaceMemberConsumption">
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureErrorForNonVirtualMembersOverrides">
<source>Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</source>
<target state="new">Raises errors for non-virtual members overrides</target>
<target state="translated">Sanal olmayan üyelerde geçersiz kılmalar için hatalar oluştur</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureErrorOnDeprecatedRequireQualifiedAccess">
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureEscapeBracesInFormattableString">
<source>Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</source>
<target state="new">Escapes curly braces before calling FormattableStringFactory.Create when interpolated string literal is typed as FormattableString</target>
<target state="translated">İçe eklenmiş dize sabit değerinin türü FormattableString olduğunda FormattableStringFactory.Create çağrılmadan önce küme ayraçlarını atlar</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureExpandedMeasurables">
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
<trans-unit id="featureMatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">Veri almayan birleşim durumu için desen eşleştirme atma kullanılamaz.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureNameOf">
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
<trans-unit id="followingPatternMatchClauseHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All branches of a pattern match expression must return values implicitly convertible to the type of the first branch, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis branch returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Bir desen eşleştirme ifadesinin tüm dalları, örtük olarak ilk dalın türüne dönüştürülebilir değerler döndürmelidir. Burada ilk dal {0} uzunluğunda türü\n {1} olan bir demet \nBu dal {2} uzunluğunda türü\n {3} \nolan bir demet döndürüyor</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="forFormatInvalidForInterpolated">
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ifExpressionTuple">
<source>The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">The 'if' expression needs to return a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nto satisfy context type requirements. It currently returns a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Bağlam türü gereksinimlerini karşılaması için 'if' ifadesinin {0} uzunluğunda türü\n {1} \nolan bir demet döndürmesi gerekiyor. Şu anda {2} uzunluğunda türü\n {3} \nolan bir demet döndürüyor</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ilxGenUnknownDebugPoint">
......@@ -459,12 +459,12 @@
<trans-unit id="listElementHasWrongTypeTuple">
<source>All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</source>
<target state="new">All elements of a list must be implicitly convertible to the type of the first element, which here is a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nThis element is a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} \n</target>
<target state="translated">Bir listenin tüm öğeleri örtük olarak ilk öğenin türüne dönüştürülebilir olmalıdır. Burada ilk öğe {0} uzunluğunda türü\n {1} \nolan bir demet. Bu öğe ise {2} uzunluğunda türü\n {3} \nolan bir demet.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="matchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData">
<source>Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</source>
<target state="new">Pattern discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data.</target>
<target state="translated">Veri almayan birleşim durumu için desen atma kullanılamaz.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="mlCompatError">
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefAssembly">
<source>Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</source>
<target state="new">Invalid use of emitting a reference assembly, do not use '--standalone or --staticlink' with '--refonly or --refout'.</target>
<target state="translated">Başvuru bütünleştirilmiş kodu oluşturmanın geçersiz kullanımı; '--standalone’ veya ‘--staticlink' seçeneğini '--refonly’ veya ‘--refout' ile birlikte kullanmayın.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="optsInvalidRefOut">
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectedPatternAfterToken">
<source>Expected a pattern after this point</source>
<target state="new">Expected a pattern after this point</target>
<target state="translated">Bu noktadan sonra bir desen bekleniyordu</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingExpressionInTuple">
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
<trans-unit id="parsExpectingPatternInTuple">
<source>Expecting pattern</source>
<target state="new">Expecting pattern</target>
<target state="translated">Desen bekleniyor</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="parsIncompleteTyparExpr1">
......@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcSynTypeOrInvalidInDeclaration">
<source>SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</source>
<target state="new">SynType.Or is not permitted in this declaration</target>
<target state="translated">Bu bildirimde SynType.Or'a izin verilmiyor</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcTraitHasMultipleSupportTypes">
......@@ -3859,7 +3859,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcUnionCaseExpectsTupledArguments">
<source>This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</source>
<target state="new">This union case expects {0} arguments in tupled form, but was given {1}. The missing field arguments may be any of:{2}</target>
<target state="translated">Bu birleşim durumu demet halinde {0} bağımsız değişken bekliyordu ancak {1} verildi. Eksik alan bağımsız değişkenleri şunlardan biri olabilir:{2}</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="tcFieldIsNotStatic">
......@@ -7539,7 +7539,7 @@
<trans-unit id="tcStructUnionMultiCaseDistinctFields">
<source>If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</source>
<target state="new">If a multicase union type is a struct, then all union cases must have unique names. For example: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</target>
<target state="translated">Çok durumlu bir birleşim türü bir yapıysa, tüm birleşim durumlarının adları benzersiz olmalıdır. Örneğin: 'type A = B of b: int | C of c: int'.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CallerMemberNameIsOverriden">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ErrorFromAddingTypeEquationTuples">
<source>Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</source>
<target state="new">Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</target>
<target state="translated">Typenkonflikt. Es wurde ein Tupel der Länge {0} des Typs\n {1} \nerwartet, aber ein Tupel der Länge {2} des Typs\n {3}{4}\n angegeben.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="HashLoadedSourceHasIssues0">
......@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInIntrinsicAugmentation">
<source>Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</source>
<target state="new">Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</target>
<target state="translated">Die Implementierung von Schnittstellen sollte normalerweise in der ersten Deklaration eines Typs angegeben werden. Schnittstellenimplementierungen in Augmentationen können dazu führen, dass vor der Initialisierung auf statische Bindungen zugegriffen wird. Die gilt allerdings nur, wenn die Schnittstellenimplementierung während der Initialisierung der statischen Daten aufgerufen wird, und wiederum auf die statischen Daten zugreift. Sie können diese Warnung mit #nowarn "69" entfernen, wenn Sie überprüft haben, dass dies nicht der Fall ist.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInExtrinsicAugmentation">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ErrorFromAddingTypeEquationTuples">
<source>Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</source>
<target state="new">Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</target>
<target state="translated">型が一致しません。型の長さ {0} のタプルが必要です\n {1} \nただし、型の長さ {2} のタプルが指定された場合\n {3}{4}\n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="HashLoadedSourceHasIssues0">
......@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInIntrinsicAugmentation">
<source>Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</source>
<target state="new">Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</target>
<target state="translated">インターフェイスの実装には、通常、最初に型を指定する必要があります。拡張のインターフェイス実装は、初期化前に静的バインディングにアクセスする可能性があります。ただし、静的データの初期化中にインターフェイスの実装が呼び出され、静的データにアクセスする場合のみです。この警告は、#nowarn "69" を使用して削除できます。この点をすでにチェックしている場合は該当しません。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInExtrinsicAugmentation">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ErrorFromAddingTypeEquationTuples">
<source>Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</source>
<target state="new">Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</target>
<target state="translated">유형 불일치. 형식이 \n {1}이고 길이가 {0}인 튜플이 필요합니다. \n그러나 형식이 \n {3}이고 길이가 {2}인 튜플이 제공되었습니다.{4}\n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="HashLoadedSourceHasIssues0">
......@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInIntrinsicAugmentation">
<source>Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</source>
<target state="new">Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</target>
<target state="translated">인터페이스 구현은 일반적으로 유형의 초기 선언에 제공되어야 합니다. 확대의 인터페이스 구현은 초기화되기 전에 정적 바인딩에 액세스할 수 있지만 정적 데이터의 초기화 중에 인터페이스 구현이 호출되어 정적 데이터에 액세스하는 경우에만 가능합니다. 사실이 아님을 확인한 경우 #nowarn "69"를 사용하여 이 경고를 제거할 수 있습니다.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInExtrinsicAugmentation">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ErrorFromAddingTypeEquationTuples">
<source>Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</source>
<target state="new">Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</target>
<target state="translated">Tipo incompatível. Esperando uma tupla de comprimento {0} do tipo\n {1} \nmas recebeu uma tupla de comprimento {2} do tipo\n {3}{4}\n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="HashLoadedSourceHasIssues0">
......@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInIntrinsicAugmentation">
<source>Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</source>
<target state="new">Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</target>
<target state="translated">As implementações de interface normalmente devem ser fornecidas na declaração inicial de um tipo. As implementações de interface em aumentos podem levar ao acesso a associações estáticas antes de serem inicializadas, embora somente se a implementação de interface for chamada durante a inicialização dos dados estáticos e, por sua vez, o acesso aos dados estáticos. Você pode remover este aviso usando #nowarn "69" se tiver verificado que não é o caso.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInExtrinsicAugmentation">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ErrorFromAddingTypeEquationTuples">
<source>Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</source>
<target state="new">Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</target>
<target state="translated">Несоответствие типов. Ожидается кортеж длиной {0} типа\n {1}, \nно предоставлен кортеж длиной {2} типа\n {3}{4}\n</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="HashLoadedSourceHasIssues0">
......@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInIntrinsicAugmentation">
<source>Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</source>
<target state="new">Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</target>
<target state="translated">Реализации интерфейса обычно следует указывать при первоначальном объявлении типа. Реализации интерфейса в приращениях могут привести к доступу к статическим привязкам до их инициализации, но только в том случае, если реализация интерфейса вызвана во время инициализации статических данных. Это, в свою очередь, приведет к доступу к статическим данным. Это предупреждение можно удалить с помощью #nowarn "69", если вы убедились, что это не так.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInExtrinsicAugmentation">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="ErrorFromAddingTypeEquationTuples">
<source>Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</source>
<target state="new">Type mismatch. Expecting a tuple of length {0} of type\n {1} \nbut given a tuple of length {2} of type\n {3} {4}\n</target>
<target state="translated">Tür uyuşmazlığı. {0} uzunluğunda türü\n {1} \nolan bir demet bekleniyordu ancak {2} uzunluğunda türü\n {3}{4}\nolan bir demet verildi</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="HashLoadedSourceHasIssues0">
......@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInIntrinsicAugmentation">
<source>Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</source>
<target state="new">Interface implementations should normally be given on the initial declaration of a type. Interface implementations in augmentations may lead to accessing static bindings before they are initialized, though only if the interface implementation is invoked during initialization of the static data, and in turn access the static data. You may remove this warning using #nowarn "69" if you have checked this is not the case.</target>
<target state="translated">Arabirim uygulamaları normalde bir türün ilk bildiriminde verilmelidir. Genişletmelerdeki arabirim uygulamaları, başlatılmadan önce statik bağlamalara erişilmesine neden olabilirse de bu yalnızca arabirim uygulaması statik verilerin başlatılması sırasında çağrılmışsa ve buna bağlı olarak statik verilere erişiyorsa olur. Bunun söz konusu olmadığından eminseniz #nowarn "69" seçeneğini kullanarak bu uyarıyı kaldırabilirsiniz.</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="IntfImplInExtrinsicAugmentation">
......@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</source>
<target state="new">Block Structure Guides;
Show structure guidelines for F# code;
Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</target>
<target state="translated">Führungslinien für Blockstruktur;
Strukturrichtlinien für F#-Code anzeigen;
Gliederungs- und reduzierbare Knoten für F#-Code anzeigen;
Hinweise zu Inlinetypen anzeigen (experimentell);
Hinweise zu Inlineparameternamen anzeigen (experimentell); Bier</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CodeFixesPageKeywords">
......@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</source>
<target state="new">Simplify names (remove unnecessary qualifiers);
Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</target>
<target state="translated">Namen vereinfachen (unnötige Qualifizierer entfernen);
Open-Anweisungen immer auf oberster Ebene platzieren;
Nicht verwendete Open-Anweisungen entfernen;
Analysieren und Vorschlagen von Korrekturen für nicht verwendete Werte;
Namen für nicht aufgelöste Bezeichner vorschlagen;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen">
<source>Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</source>
<target state="new">Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</target>
<target state="translated">C# „using“ in F# „open“ konvertieren</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertToAnonymousRecord">
......@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</source>
<target state="new">Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show symbols in unopened namespaces;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</target>
<target state="translated">Vervollständigungslisten;
Vervollständigungsliste anzeigen, nachdem ein Zeichen gelöscht wurde;
Vervollständigungsliste anzeigen, nachdem ein Zeichen eingegeben wurde;
Symbole in ungeöffneten Namespaces anzeigen;
Schlüsselverhalten eingeben;
Nach Eingabe keine neue Zeile hinzufügen;
Nur nach dem Ende des vollständig eingegebenen Worts eine neue Zeile hinzufügen.
Nach Eingabe immer eine neue Zeile hinzufügen;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="MakeDeclarationMutable">
......@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">F# Project and Caching Performance Options;
Enable in-memory cross project references;
IntelliSense Performance Options;
Enable stale data for IntelliSense features;
Time until stale results are used (in milliseconds);
Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">F#-Projekt- und Cacheleistungsoptionen;
Projektübergreifende Verweise im Arbeitsspeicher aktivieren;
Veraltete Daten für IntelliSense-Features aktivieren;
Zeit bis zur Verwendung veralteter Ergebnisse (in Millisekunden);
Parallelisierung (Neustart erforderlich);
Parallele Typüberprüfung mit Signaturdateien aktivieren;
Parallele Verweisauflösung aktivieren;
Schnellsuche und Umbenennen von Verweisen aktivieren (experimentell)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="PrefixValueNameWithUnderscore">
......@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</source>
<target state="new">Navigation links;
Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</target>
<target state="translated">Navigationslinks;
Navigationslinks anzeigen als;
Durchgehende Unterstreichung;
Gepunktete Unterstreichung;
Gestrichelte Unterstreichung;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RemoveReturn">
......@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</source>
<target state="new">Block Structure Guides;
Show structure guidelines for F# code;
Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</target>
<target state="translated">ブロック構造ガイド;
F# コードの構造ガイドラインを表示します。
F# コードのアウトラインと折りたたみ可能なノードを表示します。
インライン ヒント;
インライン型のヒントを表示する (試験段階);
インライン パラメーター名のヒントを表示する (試験段階);ビール</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CodeFixesPageKeywords">
......@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</source>
<target state="new">Simplify names (remove unnecessary qualifiers);
Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</target>
<target state="translated">名前を簡略化します (不要な修飾子を削除する);
常に open ステートメントを最上位レベルに配置します。
未使用の open ステートメントを削除します。
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen">
<source>Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</source>
<target state="new">Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</target>
<target state="translated">C# 'using' を F# 'open' に変換する</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertToAnonymousRecord">
......@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</source>
<target state="new">Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show symbols in unopened namespaces;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</target>
<target state="translated">入力候補リスト;
Enter キーで改行を追加しないでください。
完全に入力された単語の末尾の後に Enter キーで改行を追加します。
常に Enter キーを押して新しい行を追加します。</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="MakeDeclarationMutable">
......@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">F# Project and Caching Performance Options;
Enable in-memory cross project references;
IntelliSense Performance Options;
Enable stale data for IntelliSense features;
Time until stale results are used (in milliseconds);
Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">F# プロジェクトとキャッシュのパフォーマンス オプション;
IntelliSense パフォーマンス オプション;
IntelliSense 機能の古いデータを有効にする。
古い結果が使用されるまでの時間 (ミリ秒);
並列化 (再起動が必要);
高速検索参照の有効化と名前の変更 (試験段階)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="PrefixValueNameWithUnderscore">
......@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</source>
<target state="new">Navigation links;
Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</target>
<target state="translated">ナビゲーション リンク;
ナビゲーション リンクを次のように表示します。
<note />
<trans-unit id="RemoveReturn">
......@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</source>
<target state="new">Block Structure Guides;
Show structure guidelines for F# code;
Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</target>
<target state="translated">블록 구조 안내선,
F# 코드에 대한 구조 지침 표시,
F# 코드에 대한 개요 및 축소 가능한 노드 표시,
인라인 힌트,
인라인 형식 힌트 표시(실험적),
인라인 매개 변수 이름 힌트 표시(실험적); 맥주</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CodeFixesPageKeywords">
......@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</source>
<target state="new">Simplify names (remove unnecessary qualifiers);
Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</target>
<target state="translated">이름 간소화(불필요한 한정자 제거),
항상 최상위 수준에 open 문 배치,
사용되지 않는 열린 문을 제거,
사용되지 않는 값에 대한 수정 사항 분석 및 제안,
확인되지 않은 식별자의 이름 제안,</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen">
<source>Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</source>
<target state="new">Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</target>
<target state="translated">C# 'using'을 F# 'open'으로 변환</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertToAnonymousRecord">
......@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</source>
<target state="new">Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show symbols in unopened namespaces;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</target>
<target state="translated">완료 목록,
문자가 삭제된 후 완성 목록 표시,
문자를 입력한 후 완성 목록 표시,
열지 않은 네임스페이스에 기호 표시,
키 동작 입력,
&lt;Enter&gt; 키를 누를 때 새 줄을 추가하지 않음,
완전히 입력된 단어의 끝 뒤에 Enter 키를 누를 때만 새 줄 추가,
Enter 키를 누를 때 항상 새 줄 추가,</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="MakeDeclarationMutable">
......@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">F# Project and Caching Performance Options;
Enable in-memory cross project references;
IntelliSense Performance Options;
Enable stale data for IntelliSense features;
Time until stale results are used (in milliseconds);
Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">F# 프로젝트 및 캐싱 성능 옵션,
메모리 내 프로젝트 간 참조 사용,
IntelliSense 성능 옵션;
IntelliSense 기능에 부실 데이터 사용
부실 결과가 사용될 때까지의 시간(밀리초)
병렬 처리(다시 시작해야 함)
서명 파일을 사용한 병렬 형식 검사 사용
병렬 참조 확인 사용
빠른 찾기 참조 및 이름 바꾸기 사용(실험적)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="PrefixValueNameWithUnderscore">
......@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</source>
<target state="new">Navigation links;
Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</target>
<target state="translated">탐색 링크,
탐색 링크를 다음으로 표시,
단색 밑줄,
점 밑줄,
대시 밑줄,</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RemoveReturn">
......@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</source>
<target state="new">Block Structure Guides;
Show structure guidelines for F# code;
Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</target>
<target state="translated">Guias de Estrutura de Bloco;
Mostrar diretrizes de estrutura para o código F#;
Estrutura de tópicos;
Mostrar estrutura de tópicos e nós recolhíveis para o código F#;
Dicas embutidas;
Exibir dicas do tipo embutido (experimental);
Exibir dicas de nome de parâmetro embutidas (experimental);Cerveja</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CodeFixesPageKeywords">
......@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</source>
<target state="new">Simplify names (remove unnecessary qualifiers);
Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</target>
<target state="translated">Simplificar nomes (remover qualificadores desnecessários);
Sempre colocar instruções abertas no nível superior;
Remover instruções abertas não utilizadas;
Analisar e sugerir correções para valores não utilizados;
Sugerir nomes para identificadores não resolvidos;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen">
<source>Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</source>
<target state="new">Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</target>
<target state="translated">Converter 'using' de C# em 'open' de F#</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertToAnonymousRecord">
......@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</source>
<target state="new">Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show symbols in unopened namespaces;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</target>
<target state="translated">Listas de Conclusão;
Mostrar a lista de conclusão após a exclusão de um caractere;
Mostrar a lista de conclusão depois que um caractere for digitado;
Mostrar símbolos em namespaces não abertos;
Inserir o comportamento da tecla;
Nunca adicionar uma nova linha ao pressionar Enter;
Somente adicionar uma nova linha ao pressionar Enter após digitar toda a palavra;
Sempre adicionar uma nova linha ao pressionar Enter;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="MakeDeclarationMutable">
......@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">F# Project and Caching Performance Options;
Enable in-memory cross project references;
IntelliSense Performance Options;
Enable stale data for IntelliSense features;
Time until stale results are used (in milliseconds);
Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Opções de Desempenho de Projeto e Cache do F#;
Habilitar referências entre projetos na memória;
Opções de Desempenho do IntelliSense;
Habilitar dados obsoletos para recursos do IntelliSense;
Tempo até que os resultados obsoletos sejam usados (em milissegundos);
Paralelização (requer reinicialização);
Habilitar a verificação de tipo paralelo com arquivos de assinatura;
Habilitar a resolução de referência paralela;
Habilitar localizar referências rapidamente e renomear (experimental)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="PrefixValueNameWithUnderscore">
......@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</source>
<target state="new">Navigation links;
Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</target>
<target state="translated">Links de navegação;
Mostrar links de navegação como;
Sublinhado sólido;
Sublinhado pontilhado;
Sublinhado tracejado;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RemoveReturn">
......@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</source>
<target state="new">Block Structure Guides;
Show structure guidelines for F# code;
Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</target>
<target state="translated">Направляющие для структуры блоков;
Показать рекомендации по структуре для кода F#;
Показать структурирование и свертываемые узлы для кода F#;
Встроенные подсказки;
Отображать подсказки для встроенных типов (экспериментальная версия);
Отображать подсказки для имен встроенных параметров (экспериментальная версия);Пиво</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CodeFixesPageKeywords">
......@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</source>
<target state="new">Simplify names (remove unnecessary qualifiers);
Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</target>
<target state="translated">Упростить имена (удалить ненужные квалификаторы);
Всегда располагать открытые операторы на верхнем уровне;
Удалить неиспользуемые открытые операторы;
Анализировать и предлагать исправления для неиспользуемых значений;
Предлагать имена для неразрешенных идентификаторов;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen">
<source>Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</source>
<target state="new">Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</target>
<target state="translated">Преобразовать "using" C# в "open" F#</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertToAnonymousRecord">
......@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</source>
<target state="new">Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show symbols in unopened namespaces;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</target>
<target state="translated">Списки завершения;
Показывать список завершения после удаления символа;
Показывать список завершения после ввода символа;
Показывать символы в неоткрытых пространствах имен;
Поведение при нажатии клавиши ВВОД;
Никогда не добавлять новую строку при нажатии клавиши ВВОД;
Добавлять новую строку при нажатии клавиши ВВОД только в конце полностью введенного слова;
Всегда добавлять новую строку при нажатии клавиши ВВОД;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="MakeDeclarationMutable">
......@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">F# Project and Caching Performance Options;
Enable in-memory cross project references;
IntelliSense Performance Options;
Enable stale data for IntelliSense features;
Time until stale results are used (in milliseconds);
Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Проект F# и параметры производительности кэширования;
Включить перекрестные ссылки между проектами в памяти;
Параметры производительности IntelliSense;
Включение устаревших данных для функций IntelliSense;
Время использования устаревших результатов (в миллисекундах);
Параллелизация (требуется перезапуск);
Включить параллельную проверку типа с файлами подписей;
Включить параллельное разрешение ссылок;
Включить быстрый поиск ссылок и переименование (экспериментальная версия)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="PrefixValueNameWithUnderscore">
......@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</source>
<target state="new">Navigation links;
Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</target>
<target state="translated">Ссылки навигации;
Показывать ссылки навигации как;
Сплошное подчеркивание;
Подчеркивание точками;
Подчеркивание штрихами;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RemoveReturn">
......@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</source>
<target state="new">Block Structure Guides;
Show structure guidelines for F# code;
Show outlining and collapsible nodes for F# code;
Inline hints;
Display inline type hints (experimental);
Display inline parameter name hints (experimental);Beer</target>
<target state="translated">Blok Yapısı Kılavuzları;
F# kodu için yapı yönergelerini göster;
Anahat oluşturma;
F# kodu için ana hattı ve daraltılabilir düğümleri göster;
Satır içi ipuçları;
Satır içi tür ipuçlarını görüntüle (deneysel);
Satır içi parametre adı ipuçlarını görüntüle (deneysel);Bira</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="CodeFixesPageKeywords">
......@@ -50,16 +50,16 @@ Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</source>
<target state="new">Simplify names (remove unnecessary qualifiers);
Always place open statements at the top level;
Remove unused open statements;
Analyze and suggest fixes for unused values;
Suggest names for unresolved identifiers;</target>
<target state="translated">Adları basitleştir (gereksiz niteleyicileri kaldır);
Açık deyimleri her zaman en üst düzeye yerleştir;
Kullanılmayan açık deyimleri kaldır;
Kullanılmayan değerleri analiz et ve bunlara düzeltmeler öner;
Çözümlenmemiş tanımlayıcılar için ad öner;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertCSharpUsingToFSharpOpen">
<source>Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</source>
<target state="new">Convert C# 'using' to F# 'open'</target>
<target state="translated">C# 'using' sözcüğünü F# 'open' sözcüğüne dönüştür</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="ConvertToAnonymousRecord">
......@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</source>
<target state="new">Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show symbols in unopened namespaces;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;</target>
<target state="translated">Tamamlama Listeleri;
Bir karakter silindikten sonra tamamlama listesini göster;
Bir karakter yazıldıktan sonra tamamlama listesini göster;
Açılmamış ad alanlarında simgeleri göster;
Enter tuşu davranışı;
Enter tuşunda hiçbir zaman yeni satır ekleme;
Yalnızca tam olarak yazılan sözcükten sonra basılan Enter tuşunda için yeni satır ekle;
Enter tuşunda her zaman yeni satır ekle;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="MakeDeclarationMutable">
......@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">F# Project and Caching Performance Options;
Enable in-memory cross project references;
IntelliSense Performance Options;
Enable stale data for IntelliSense features;
Time until stale results are used (in milliseconds);
Parallelization (requires restart);
Enable parallel type checking with signature files;
Enable parallel reference resolution;
Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">F# Proje ve Önbelleğe Alma Performans Seçenekleri;
Bellek içi çapraz proje başvurularını etkinleştir;
IntelliSense Performans Seçenekleri;
IntelliSense özellikleri için durum verilerini etkinleştir;
Eski sonuçlar kullanılana kadar geçen süre (milisaniye olarak);
Paralelleştirme (yeniden başlatma gerektirir);
İmza dosyalarıyla paralel tür denetlemeyi etkinleştir;
Paralel başvuru çözümlemeyi etkinleştir;
Başvuruları hızlı bulma ve yeniden adlandırmayı etkinleştir (deneysel)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="PrefixValueNameWithUnderscore">
......@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</source>
<target state="new">Navigation links;
Show navigation links as;
Solid underline;
Dot underline;
Dash underline;</target>
<target state="translated">Gezinti bağlantıları;
Gezinti bağlantılarını gösterme biçimi;
Altı düz çizili;
Altı noktalı çizili;
Çizgi altı çizili;</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="RemoveReturn">
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Fast_Find_References">
<source>Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Schnellsuche und Umbenennen von Verweisen aktivieren (experimentell)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Find_References_Performance">
<source>Find References Performance Options</source>
<target state="new">Find References Performance Options</target>
<target state="translated">Leistungsoptionen für Verweise suchen</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Inline_Hints">
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Checking_With_Signature_Files">
<source>Enable parallel type checking with signature files</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel type checking with signature files</target>
<target state="translated">Parallele Typüberprüfung mit Signaturdateien aktivieren</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Reference_Resolution">
<source>Enable parallel reference resolution</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel reference resolution</target>
<target state="translated">Parallele Verweisauflösung aktivieren</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Language_Service_Performance">
......@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@
<trans-unit id="Parallelization">
<source>Parallelization (requires restart)</source>
<target state="new">Parallelization (requires restart)</target>
<target state="translated">Parallelisierung (Neustart erforderlich)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Parameter_Name_Hints">
<source>Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Hinweise zu Inlineparameternamen anzeigen (experimentell)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Type_Hints">
<source>Display inline type hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline type hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Hinweise für Inlinetypen anzeigen (experimentell)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_all_symbols">
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Fast_Find_References">
<source>Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">高速検索参照の有効化と名前の変更 (試験段階)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Find_References_Performance">
<source>Find References Performance Options</source>
<target state="new">Find References Performance Options</target>
<target state="translated">参照の検索のパフォーマンス オプション</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Inline_Hints">
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Checking_With_Signature_Files">
<source>Enable parallel type checking with signature files</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel type checking with signature files</target>
<target state="translated">署名ファイルを使用して並列型チェックを有効にする</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Reference_Resolution">
<source>Enable parallel reference resolution</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel reference resolution</target>
<target state="translated">並列参照解決を有効にする</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Language_Service_Performance">
......@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@
<trans-unit id="Parallelization">
<source>Parallelization (requires restart)</source>
<target state="new">Parallelization (requires restart)</target>
<target state="translated">並列化 (再起動が必要)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Parameter_Name_Hints">
<source>Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">インライン パラメーター名のヒントを表示する (試験段階)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Type_Hints">
<source>Display inline type hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline type hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">インライン型のヒントを表示する (試験段階)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_all_symbols">
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Fast_Find_References">
<source>Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">빠른 찾기 참조 및 이름 바꾸기 사용(실험적)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Find_References_Performance">
<source>Find References Performance Options</source>
<target state="new">Find References Performance Options</target>
<target state="translated">참조 성능 옵션 찾기</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Inline_Hints">
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Checking_With_Signature_Files">
<source>Enable parallel type checking with signature files</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel type checking with signature files</target>
<target state="translated">서명 파일로 병렬 유형 검사 사용</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Reference_Resolution">
<source>Enable parallel reference resolution</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel reference resolution</target>
<target state="translated">병렬 참조 해상도 사용</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Language_Service_Performance">
......@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@
<trans-unit id="Parallelization">
<source>Parallelization (requires restart)</source>
<target state="new">Parallelization (requires restart)</target>
<target state="translated">병렬화(다시 시작 필요)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Parameter_Name_Hints">
<source>Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">인라인 매개 변수 이름 힌트 표시(실험적)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Type_Hints">
<source>Display inline type hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline type hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">인라인 유형 힌트 표시(실험적)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_all_symbols">
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Fast_Find_References">
<source>Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Habilitar localizar referências rapidamente e renomear (experimental)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Find_References_Performance">
<source>Find References Performance Options</source>
<target state="new">Find References Performance Options</target>
<target state="translated">Opções de Localizar Referências de Desempenho</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Inline_Hints">
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Checking_With_Signature_Files">
<source>Enable parallel type checking with signature files</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel type checking with signature files</target>
<target state="translated">Habilitar a verificação de tipo paralelo com arquivos de assinatura</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Reference_Resolution">
<source>Enable parallel reference resolution</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel reference resolution</target>
<target state="translated">Habilitar a resolução de referência paralela</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Language_Service_Performance">
......@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@
<trans-unit id="Parallelization">
<source>Parallelization (requires restart)</source>
<target state="new">Parallelization (requires restart)</target>
<target state="translated">Paralelização (requer reinicialização)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Parameter_Name_Hints">
<source>Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Exibir dicas de nome de parâmetro embutidas (experimental)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Type_Hints">
<source>Display inline type hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline type hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Exibir as dicas de tipo embutido (experimental)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_all_symbols">
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Fast_Find_References">
<source>Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Включить быстрый поиск ссылок и переименование (экспериментальная версия)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Find_References_Performance">
<source>Find References Performance Options</source>
<target state="new">Find References Performance Options</target>
<target state="translated">Параметры производительности поиска ссылок</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Inline_Hints">
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Checking_With_Signature_Files">
<source>Enable parallel type checking with signature files</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel type checking with signature files</target>
<target state="translated">Включить параллельную проверку типа с файлами подписей</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Reference_Resolution">
<source>Enable parallel reference resolution</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel reference resolution</target>
<target state="translated">Включить параллельное разрешение ссылок</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Language_Service_Performance">
......@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@
<trans-unit id="Parallelization">
<source>Parallelization (requires restart)</source>
<target state="new">Parallelization (requires restart)</target>
<target state="translated">Параллелизация (требуется перезапуск)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Parameter_Name_Hints">
<source>Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Отображать подсказки для имен встроенных параметров (экспериментальная версия)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Type_Hints">
<source>Display inline type hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline type hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Отображать подсказки для встроенных типов (экспериментальная версия)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_all_symbols">
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Fast_Find_References">
<source>Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Enable fast find references &amp; rename (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Başvuruları hızlı bulma ve yeniden adlandırmayı etkinleştir (deneysel)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Find_References_Performance">
<source>Find References Performance Options</source>
<target state="new">Find References Performance Options</target>
<target state="translated">Başvuruları Bul Performans Seçenekleri</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Inline_Hints">
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Checking_With_Signature_Files">
<source>Enable parallel type checking with signature files</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel type checking with signature files</target>
<target state="translated">İmza dosyalarıyla paralel tür denetlemeyi etkinleştir</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Enable_Parallel_Reference_Resolution">
<source>Enable parallel reference resolution</source>
<target state="new">Enable parallel reference resolution</target>
<target state="translated">Paralel başvuru çözümlemeyi etkinleştir</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Language_Service_Performance">
......@@ -69,17 +69,17 @@
<trans-unit id="Parallelization">
<source>Parallelization (requires restart)</source>
<target state="new">Parallelization (requires restart)</target>
<target state="translated">Paralelleştirme (yeniden başlatma gerektirir)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Parameter_Name_Hints">
<source>Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline parameter name hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Satır içi parametre adı ipuçlarını göster (deneysel)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_Inline_Type_Hints">
<source>Display inline type hints (experimental)</source>
<target state="new">Display inline type hints (experimental)</target>
<target state="translated">Satır içi tür ipuçlarını göster (deneysel)</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="Show_all_symbols">
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