未验证 提交 fc35ff40 编写于 作者: D dotnet bot 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #14475 from dotnet/merges/main-to-release/dev17.5

Merge main to release/dev17.5
......@@ -297,12 +297,6 @@ let signStream stream keyBlob =
let signature = createSignature hash keyBlob KeyType.KeyPair
patchSignature stream peReader signature
let signFile fileName keyBlob =
use fs =
FileSystem.OpenFileForWriteShim(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
signStream fs keyBlob
let signatureSize (pk: byte[]) =
if pk.Length < 25 then
raise (CryptographicException(getResourceString (FSComp.SR.ilSignInvalidPKBlob ())))
......@@ -339,18 +333,9 @@ let signerOpenKeyPairFile filePath =
let signerGetPublicKeyForKeyPair (kp: keyPair) : pubkey = getPublicKeyForKeyPair kp
let signerGetPublicKeyForKeyContainer (_kcName: keyContainerName) : pubkey =
raise (NotImplementedException("signerGetPublicKeyForKeyContainer is not yet implemented"))
let signerCloseKeyContainer (_kc: keyContainerName) : unit =
raise (NotImplementedException("signerCloseKeyContainer is not yet implemented"))
let signerSignatureSize (pk: pubkey) : int = signatureSize pk
let signerSignFileWithKeyPair (fileName: string) (kp: keyPair) : unit = signFile fileName kp
let signerSignFileWithKeyContainer (_fileName: string) (_kcName: keyContainerName) : unit =
raise (NotImplementedException("signerSignFileWithKeyContainer is not yet implemented"))
let signerSignStreamWithKeyPair stream keyBlob = signStream stream keyBlob
let failWithContainerSigningUnsupportedOnThisPlatform () =
failwith (FSComp.SR.containerSigningUnsupportedOnThisPlatform () |> snd)
......@@ -371,13 +356,6 @@ type ILStrongNameSigner =
static member OpenKeyPairFile s = KeyPair(signerOpenKeyPairFile s)
static member OpenKeyContainer s = KeyContainer s
member s.Close() =
match s with
| PublicKeySigner _
| PublicKeyOptionsSigner _
| KeyPair _ -> ()
| KeyContainer _ -> failWithContainerSigningUnsupportedOnThisPlatform ()
member s.IsFullySigned =
match s with
| PublicKeySigner _ -> false
......@@ -412,9 +390,9 @@ type ILStrongNameSigner =
| KeyPair kp -> pkSignatureSize (signerGetPublicKeyForKeyPair kp)
| KeyContainer _ -> failWithContainerSigningUnsupportedOnThisPlatform ()
member s.SignFile file =
member s.SignStream stream =
match s with
| PublicKeySigner _ -> ()
| PublicKeyOptionsSigner _ -> ()
| KeyPair kp -> signerSignFileWithKeyPair file kp
| KeyPair kp -> signerSignStreamWithKeyPair stream kp
| KeyContainer _ -> failWithContainerSigningUnsupportedOnThisPlatform ()
......@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
module internal FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.StrongNameSign
open System
open System.IO
// Strong name signing
......@@ -17,8 +20,7 @@ type ILStrongNameSigner =
static member OpenPublicKey: byte[] -> ILStrongNameSigner
static member OpenKeyPairFile: string -> ILStrongNameSigner
static member OpenKeyContainer: string -> ILStrongNameSigner
member Close: unit -> unit
member IsFullySigned: bool
member PublicKey: byte[]
member SignatureSize: int
member SignFile: string -> unit
member SignStream: Stream -> unit
......@@ -3714,9 +3714,22 @@ let writePdb (
// Used to capture the pdb file bytes in the case we're generating in-memory
let mutable pdbBytes = None
let signImage () =
// Sign the binary. No further changes to binary allowed past this point!
match signer with
| None -> ()
| Some s ->
use fs = reopenOutput()
s.SignStream fs
with exn ->
failwith ($"Warning: A call to SignFile failed ({exn.Message})")
reportTime showTimes "Signing Image"
// Now we've done the bulk of the binary, do the PDB file and fixup the binary.
match pdbfile with
| None -> ()
| None -> signImage ()
| Some pdbfile ->
let idd =
match pdbInfoOpt with
......@@ -3766,28 +3779,14 @@ let writePdb (
os2.BaseStream.Seek (int64 (textV2P i.iddChunk.addr), SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
if i.iddChunk.size < i.iddData.Length then failwith "Debug data area is not big enough. Debug info may not be usable"
writeBytes os2 i.iddData
reportTime showTimes "Finalize PDB"
signImage ()
with exn ->
failwith ("Error while writing debug directory entry: " + exn.Message)
(try os2.Dispose(); FileSystem.FileDeleteShim outfile with _ -> ())
reportTime showTimes "Finalize PDB"
// Sign the binary. No further changes to binary allowed past this point!
match signer with
| None -> ()
| Some s ->
s.SignFile outfile
with exn ->
failwith ("Warning: A call to SignFile failed ("+exn.Message+")")
(try s.Close() with _ -> ())
(try FileSystem.FileDeleteShim outfile with _ -> ())
reportTime showTimes "Signing Image"
type options =
......@@ -4531,7 +4530,7 @@ let writeBinaryFiles (options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRefs) =
let reopenOutput () =
FileSystem.OpenFileForWriteShim(options.outfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)
FileSystem.OpenFileForWriteShim(options.outfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read)
writePdb (options.dumpDebugInfo,
......@@ -4561,7 +4560,9 @@ let writeBinaryInMemory (options: options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRefs) =
let pdbData, pdbInfoOpt, debugDirectoryChunk, debugDataChunk, debugChecksumPdbChunk, debugEmbeddedPdbChunk, debugDeterministicPdbChunk, textV2P, _mappings =
writeBinaryAux(stream, options, modul, normalizeAssemblyRefs)
let reopenOutput () = stream
let reopenOutput () =
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
let pdbBytes =
writePdb (options.dumpDebugInfo,
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