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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# sys_vars_dict.py是由gen_ob_sys_variables.py根据ob_system_variable_init.json和upgrade_sys_var_base_script.py文件生成的,不可修改
sys_var_dict = {}
sys_var_dict["auto_increment_increment"] = {"id": 0, "name": "auto_increment_increment", "value": "1", "data_type": 10, "info": " ", "flags": 131, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "65535"}
sys_var_dict["auto_increment_offset"] = {"id": 1, "name": "auto_increment_offset", "value": "1", "data_type": 10, "info": " ", "flags": 3, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "65535"}
sys_var_dict["autocommit"] = {"id": 2, "name": "autocommit", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["character_set_client"] = {"id": 3, "name": "character_set_client", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The character set in which statements are sent by the client", "flags": 163}
sys_var_dict["character_set_connection"] = {"id": 4, "name": "character_set_connection", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The character set which should be translated to after receiving the statement", "flags": 163}
sys_var_dict["character_set_database"] = {"id": 5, "name": "character_set_database", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The character set of the default database", "flags": 4131}
sys_var_dict["character_set_results"] = {"id": 6, "name": "character_set_results", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The character set which server should translate to before shipping result sets or error message back to the client", "flags": 35}
sys_var_dict["character_set_server"] = {"id": 7, "name": "character_set_server", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The server character set", "flags": 4131}
sys_var_dict["character_set_system"] = {"id": 8, "name": "character_set_system", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The character set used by the server for storing identifiers.", "flags": 7}
sys_var_dict["collation_connection"] = {"id": 9, "name": "collation_connection", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The collation which the server should translate to after receiving the statement", "flags": 227}
sys_var_dict["collation_database"] = {"id": 10, "name": "collation_database", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The collation of the default database", "flags": 4259}
sys_var_dict["collation_server"] = {"id": 11, "name": "collation_server", "value": "45", "data_type": 5, "info": "The server collation", "flags": 4259}
sys_var_dict["interactive_timeout"] = {"id": 12, "name": "interactive_timeout", "value": "28800", "data_type": 5, "info": "The number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it.", "flags": 3, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "31536000"}
sys_var_dict["last_insert_id"] = {"id": 13, "name": "last_insert_id", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": " ", "flags": 2, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "18446744073709551615"}
sys_var_dict["max_allowed_packet"] = {"id": 14, "name": "max_allowed_packet", "value": "4194304", "data_type": 5, "info": "Max packet length to send to or receive from the server", "flags": 139, "min_val": "1024", "max_val": "1073741824"}
sys_var_dict["sql_mode"] = {"id": 15, "name": "sql_mode", "value": "4194304", "data_type": 10, "info": " ", "flags": 4291}
sys_var_dict["time_zone"] = {"id": 16, "name": "time_zone", "value": "+8:00", "data_type": 22, "info": " ", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["tx_isolation"] = {"id": 17, "name": "tx_isolation", "value": "READ-COMMITTED", "data_type": 22, "info": "Transaction Isolcation Levels: READ-UNCOMMITTED READ-COMMITTED REPEATABLE-READ SERIALIZABLE", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["version_comment"] = {"id": 18, "name": "version_comment", "value": "OceanBase 1.0.0", "data_type": 22, "info": " ", "flags": 5}
sys_var_dict["wait_timeout"] = {"id": 19, "name": "wait_timeout", "value": "28800", "data_type": 5, "info": "The number of seconds the server waits for activity on a noninteractive connection before closing it.", "flags": 3, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "31536000"}
sys_var_dict["binlog_row_image"] = {"id": 20, "name": "binlog_row_image", "value": "2", "data_type": 5, "info": "control row cells to logged", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["character_set_filesystem"] = {"id": 21, "name": "character_set_filesystem", "value": "63", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 35}
sys_var_dict["connect_timeout"] = {"id": 22, "name": "connect_timeout", "value": "10", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 1, "min_val": "2", "max_val": "31536000"}
sys_var_dict["datadir"] = {"id": 23, "name": "datadir", "value": "/usr/local/mysql/data/", "data_type": 22, "info": " ", "flags": 5}
sys_var_dict["debug_sync"] = {"id": 24, "name": "debug_sync", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "Debug sync facility", "flags": 18}
sys_var_dict["div_precision_increment"] = {"id": 25, "name": "div_precision_increment", "value": "4", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 195, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "30"}
sys_var_dict["explicit_defaults_for_timestamp"] = {"id": 26, "name": "explicit_defaults_for_timestamp", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "whether use traditional mode for timestamp", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["group_concat_max_len"] = {"id": 27, "name": "group_concat_max_len", "value": "1024", "data_type": 10, "info": " ", "flags": 131, "min_val": "4", "max_val": "18446744073709551615"}
sys_var_dict["identity"] = {"id": 28, "name": "identity", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": " ", "flags": 2, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "18446744073709551615"}
sys_var_dict["lower_case_table_names"] = {"id": 29, "name": "lower_case_table_names", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "how table database names are stored and compared, 0 means stored using the lettercase in the CREATE_TABLE or CREATE_DATABASE statement. Name comparisons are case sensitive; 1 means that table and database names are stored in lowercase abd name comparisons are not case sensitive.", "flags": 133, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "2"}
sys_var_dict["net_read_timeout"] = {"id": 30, "name": "net_read_timeout", "value": "30", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 3, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "31536000"}
sys_var_dict["net_write_timeout"] = {"id": 31, "name": "net_write_timeout", "value": "60", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 3, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "31536000"}
sys_var_dict["read_only"] = {"id": 32, "name": "read_only", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 65}
sys_var_dict["sql_auto_is_null"] = {"id": 33, "name": "sql_auto_is_null", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["sql_select_limit"] = {"id": 34, "name": "sql_select_limit", "value": "9223372036854775807", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 131, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "9223372036854775807"}
sys_var_dict["timestamp"] = {"id": 35, "name": "timestamp", "value": "0", "data_type": 15, "info": " ", "flags": 2, "min_val": "0"}
sys_var_dict["tx_read_only"] = {"id": 36, "name": "tx_read_only", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["version"] = {"id": 37, "name": "version", "value": "5.6.25", "data_type": 22, "info": " ", "flags": 5}
sys_var_dict["sql_warnings"] = {"id": 38, "name": "sql_warnings", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["max_user_connections"] = {"id": 39, "name": "max_user_connections", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": " ", "flags": 11, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "4294967295"}
sys_var_dict["init_connect"] = {"id": 40, "name": "init_connect", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": " ", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["license"] = {"id": 41, "name": "license", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": " ", "flags": 5}
sys_var_dict["net_buffer_length"] = {"id": 42, "name": "net_buffer_length", "value": "16384", "data_type": 5, "info": "Buffer length for TCP/IP and socket communication", "flags": 11, "min_val": "1024", "max_val": "1048576"}
sys_var_dict["system_time_zone"] = {"id": 43, "name": "system_time_zone", "value": "CST", "data_type": 22, "info": "The server system time zone", "flags": 133}
sys_var_dict["query_cache_size"] = {"id": 44, "name": "query_cache_size", "value": "1048576", "data_type": 10, "info": "The memory allocated to store results from old queries(not used yet)", "flags": 1, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "18446744073709551615"}
sys_var_dict["query_cache_type"] = {"id": 45, "name": "query_cache_type", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "OFF = Do not cache or retrieve results. ON = Cache all results except SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ... queries. DEMAND = Cache only SELECT SQL_CACHE ... queries(not used yet)", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["sql_quote_show_create"] = {"id": 46, "name": "sql_quote_show_create", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["max_sp_recursion_depth"] = {"id": 47, "name": "max_sp_recursion_depth", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "The number of times that any given stored procedure may be called recursively.", "flags": 131, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "255"}
sys_var_dict["sql_safe_updates"] = {"id": 48, "name": "sql_safe_updates", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "enable mysql sql safe updates", "flags": 4227}
sys_var_dict["concurrent_insert"] = {"id": 49, "name": "concurrent_insert", "value": "AUTO", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["default_authentication_plugin"] = {"id": 50, "name": "default_authentication_plugin", "value": "mysql_native_password", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["disabled_storage_engines"] = {"id": 51, "name": "disabled_storage_engines", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["error_count"] = {"id": 52, "name": "error_count", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 4098}
sys_var_dict["general_log"] = {"id": 53, "name": "general_log", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["have_openssl"] = {"id": 54, "name": "have_openssl", "value": "YES", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["have_profiling"] = {"id": 55, "name": "have_profiling", "value": "YES", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["have_ssl"] = {"id": 56, "name": "have_ssl", "value": "YES", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["hostname"] = {"id": 57, "name": "hostname", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["lc_messages"] = {"id": 58, "name": "lc_messages", "value": "en_US", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["local_infile"] = {"id": 59, "name": "local_infile", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["lock_wait_timeout"] = {"id": 60, "name": "lock_wait_timeout", "value": "31536000", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 4099, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "31536000"}
sys_var_dict["long_query_time"] = {"id": 61, "name": "long_query_time", "value": "10", "data_type": 15, "info": "", "flags": 4099, "min_val": "0"}
sys_var_dict["max_connections"] = {"id": 62, "name": "max_connections", "value": "4294967295", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 4097, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "4294967295"}
sys_var_dict["max_execution_time"] = {"id": 63, "name": "max_execution_time", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["protocol_version"] = {"id": 64, "name": "protocol_version", "value": "10", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["server_id"] = {"id": 65, "name": "server_id", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 4099, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "4294967295"}
sys_var_dict["ssl_ca"] = {"id": 66, "name": "ssl_ca", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["ssl_capath"] = {"id": 67, "name": "ssl_capath", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["ssl_cert"] = {"id": 68, "name": "ssl_cert", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["ssl_cipher"] = {"id": 69, "name": "ssl_cipher", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["ssl_crl"] = {"id": 70, "name": "ssl_crl", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["ssl_crlpath"] = {"id": 71, "name": "ssl_crlpath", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["ssl_key"] = {"id": 72, "name": "ssl_key", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["time_format"] = {"id": 73, "name": "time_format", "value": "%H:%i:%s", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["tls_version"] = {"id": 74, "name": "tls_version", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["tmp_table_size"] = {"id": 75, "name": "tmp_table_size", "value": "16777216", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 4099, "min_val": "1024", "max_val": "18446744073709551615"}
sys_var_dict["tmpdir"] = {"id": 76, "name": "tmpdir", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["unique_checks"] = {"id": 77, "name": "unique_checks", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["version_compile_machine"] = {"id": 78, "name": "version_compile_machine", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["version_compile_os"] = {"id": 79, "name": "version_compile_os", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["warning_count"] = {"id": 80, "name": "warning_count", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 4098}
sys_var_dict["session_track_schema"] = {"id": 81, "name": "session_track_schema", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "specifies whether return schema change info in ok packet", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["session_track_system_variables"] = {"id": 82, "name": "session_track_system_variables", "value": "time_zone, autocommit, character_set_client, character_set_results, character_set_connection", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies whether return system variables change info in ok packet", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["session_track_state_change"] = {"id": 83, "name": "session_track_state_change", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "specifies whether return session state change info in ok packet", "flags": 4099}
sys_var_dict["ob_default_replica_num"] = {"id": 10000, "name": "ob_default_replica_num", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "The default replica number of table per zone if not specified when creating table.", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["ob_interm_result_mem_limit"] = {"id": 10001, "name": "ob_interm_result_mem_limit", "value": "2147483648", "data_type": 5, "info": "Indicate how many bytes the interm result manager can alloc most for this tenant", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["ob_proxy_partition_hit"] = {"id": 10002, "name": "ob_proxy_partition_hit", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "Indicate whether sql stmt hit right partition, readonly to user, modify by ob", "flags": 22}
sys_var_dict["ob_log_level"] = {"id": 10003, "name": "ob_log_level", "value": "disabled", "data_type": 22, "info": "log level in session", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["ob_max_parallel_degree"] = {"id": 10004, "name": "ob_max_parallel_degree", "value": "16", "data_type": 5, "info": "Max parellel sub request to chunkservers for one request", "flags": 67}
sys_var_dict["ob_query_timeout"] = {"id": 10005, "name": "ob_query_timeout", "value": "10000000", "data_type": 5, "info": "Query timeout in microsecond(us)", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["ob_read_consistency"] = {"id": 10006, "name": "ob_read_consistency", "value": "3", "data_type": 5, "info": "read consistency level: 3=STRONG, 2=WEAK, 1=FROZEN", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_transformation"] = {"id": 10007, "name": "ob_enable_transformation", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "whether use transform in session", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["ob_trx_timeout"] = {"id": 10008, "name": "ob_trx_timeout", "value": "100000000", "data_type": 5, "info": "The max duration of one transaction", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_plan_cache"] = {"id": 10009, "name": "ob_enable_plan_cache", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "whether use plan cache in session", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_index_direct_select"] = {"id": 10010, "name": "ob_enable_index_direct_select", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "whether can select from index table", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["ob_proxy_set_trx_executed"] = {"id": 10011, "name": "ob_proxy_set_trx_executed", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "this value is true if we have executed set transaction stmt, until a transaction commit(explicit or implicit) successfully", "flags": 22}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_aggregation_pushdown"] = {"id": 10012, "name": "ob_enable_aggregation_pushdown", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "enable aggregation function to be push-downed through exchange nodes", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["ob_last_schema_version"] = {"id": 10013, "name": "ob_last_schema_version", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": " ", "flags": 2}
sys_var_dict["ob_global_debug_sync"] = {"id": 10014, "name": "ob_global_debug_sync", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "Global debug sync facility", "flags": 18}
sys_var_dict["ob_proxy_global_variables_version"] = {"id": 10015, "name": "ob_proxy_global_variables_version", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "this value is global variables last modified time when server session create, used for proxy to judge whether global vars has changed between two server session", "flags": 22}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_trace_log"] = {"id": 10016, "name": "ob_enable_trace_log", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "control whether use trace log", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_hash_group_by"] = {"id": 10017, "name": "ob_enable_hash_group_by", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_blk_nestedloop_join"] = {"id": 10018, "name": "ob_enable_blk_nestedloop_join", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["ob_bnl_join_cache_size"] = {"id": 10019, "name": "ob_bnl_join_cache_size", "value": "10485760", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 195, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "9223372036854775807"}
sys_var_dict["ob_proxy_user_privilege"] = {"id": 10020, "name": "ob_proxy_user_privilege", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "Indicate current client session user privilege, readonly after modified by first observer", "flags": 22, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "9223372036854775807"}
sys_var_dict["ob_org_cluster_id"] = {"id": 10021, "name": "ob_org_cluster_id", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "When the DRC system copies data into the target cluster, it needs to be set to the CLUSTER_ID that should be written into commit log of OceanBase, in order to avoid loop replication of data. Normally, it does not need to be set, and OceanBase will use the default value, which is the CLUSTER_ID of current cluster of OceanBase. 0 indicates it is not set, please do not set it to 0", "flags": 130, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "4294967295"}
sys_var_dict["ob_plan_cache_percentage"] = {"id": 10022, "name": "ob_plan_cache_percentage", "value": "5", "data_type": 5, "info": "percentage of tenant memory resources that can be used by plan cache", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["ob_plan_cache_evict_high_percentage"] = {"id": 10023, "name": "ob_plan_cache_evict_high_percentage", "value": "90", "data_type": 5, "info": "memory usage percentage of plan_cache_limit at which plan cache eviction will be trigger", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["ob_plan_cache_evict_low_percentage"] = {"id": 10024, "name": "ob_plan_cache_evict_low_percentage", "value": "50", "data_type": 5, "info": "memory usage percentage  of plan_cache_limit at which plan cache eviction will be stopped", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["recyclebin"] = {"id": 10025, "name": "recyclebin", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "When the recycle bin is enabled, dropped tables and their dependent objects are placed in the recycle bin. When the recycle bin is disabled, dropped tables and their dependent objects are not placed in the recycle bin; they are just dropped.", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["ob_capability_flag"] = {"id": 10026, "name": "ob_capability_flag", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": "Indicate features that observer supports, readonly after modified by first observer", "flags": 22, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "18446744073709551615"}
sys_var_dict["ob_stmt_parallel_degree"] = {"id": 10027, "name": "ob_stmt_parallel_degree", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "The parallel degree of a job in a query, which represent how many tasks of a job can be run parallelly", "flags": 195, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "10240"}
sys_var_dict["is_result_accurate"] = {"id": 10028, "name": "is_result_accurate", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "when query is with topk hint, is_result_accurate indicates whether the result is acuurate or not ", "flags": 130}
sys_var_dict["error_on_overlap_time"] = {"id": 10029, "name": "error_on_overlap_time", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "The variable determines how OceanBase should handle an ambiguous boundary datetime value a case in which it is not clear whether the datetime is in standard or daylight saving time", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["ob_compatibility_mode"] = {"id": 10030, "name": "ob_compatibility_mode", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "What DBMS is OceanBase compatible with? MYSQL means it behaves like MySQL while ORACLE means it behaves like Oracle.", "flags": 2183}
sys_var_dict["ob_create_table_strict_mode"] = {"id": 10031, "name": "ob_create_table_strict_mode", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "If set true, create all the replicas according to the locality or the operation will fail.", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["ob_sql_work_area_percentage"] = {"id": 10032, "name": "ob_sql_work_area_percentage", "value": "5", "data_type": 5, "info": "The percentage limitation of tenant memory for SQL execution.", "flags": 1, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot"] = {"id": 10033, "name": "ob_safe_weak_read_snapshot", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "The safe weak read snapshot version in one server", "flags": 146, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "9223372036854775807"}
sys_var_dict["ob_route_policy"] = {"id": 10034, "name": "ob_route_policy", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "the routing policy of obproxy/java client and observer internal retry, 1=READONLY_ZONE_FIRST, 2=ONLY_READONLY_ZONE, 3=UNMERGE_ZONE_FIRST, 4=UNMERGE_FOLLOWER_FIRST", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_transmission_checksum"] = {"id": 10035, "name": "ob_enable_transmission_checksum", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "whether do the checksum of the packet between the client and the server", "flags": 387}
sys_var_dict["foreign_key_checks"] = {"id": 10036, "name": "foreign_key_checks", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "set to 1 (the default by MySQL), foreign key constraints are checked. If set to 0, foreign key constraints are ignored", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["ob_statement_trace_id"] = {"id": 10037, "name": "ob_statement_trace_id", "value": "Y0-0", "data_type": 22, "info": "the trace id of current executing statement", "flags": 22}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_truncate_flashback"] = {"id": 10038, "name": "ob_enable_truncate_flashback", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "Enable the flashback of table truncation.", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["ob_tcp_invited_nodes"] = {"id": 10039, "name": "ob_tcp_invited_nodes", "value": ",::1", "data_type": 22, "info": "ip white list for tenant, support % and _ and multi ip(separated by commas), support ip match and wild match", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["sql_throttle_current_priority"] = {"id": 10040, "name": "sql_throttle_current_priority", "value": "100", "data_type": 5, "info": "current priority used for SQL throttling", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["sql_throttle_priority"] = {"id": 10041, "name": "sql_throttle_priority", "value": "-1", "data_type": 5, "info": "sql throttle priority, query may not be allowed to execute if its priority isnt greater than this value.", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["sql_throttle_rt"] = {"id": 10042, "name": "sql_throttle_rt", "value": "-1", "data_type": 15, "info": "query may not be allowed to execute if its rt isnt less than this value.", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["sql_throttle_cpu"] = {"id": 10043, "name": "sql_throttle_cpu", "value": "-1", "data_type": 15, "info": "query may not be allowed to execute if its CPU usage isnt less than this value.", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["sql_throttle_io"] = {"id": 10044, "name": "sql_throttle_io", "value": "-1", "data_type": 5, "info": "query may not be allowed to execute if its number of IOs isnt less than this value.", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["sql_throttle_network"] = {"id": 10045, "name": "sql_throttle_network", "value": "-1", "data_type": 15, "info": "query may not be allowed to execute if its network usage isnt less than this value.", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["sql_throttle_logical_reads"] = {"id": 10046, "name": "sql_throttle_logical_reads", "value": "-1", "data_type": 5, "info": "query may not be allowed to execute if its number of logical reads isnt less than this value.", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["auto_increment_cache_size"] = {"id": 10047, "name": "auto_increment_cache_size", "value": "1000000", "data_type": 5, "info": "auto_increment service cache size", "flags": 129, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "100000000"}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_jit"] = {"id": 10048, "name": "ob_enable_jit", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "JIT execution engine mode, default is AUTO", "flags": 195}
sys_var_dict["ob_temp_tablespace_size_percentage"] = {"id": 10049, "name": "ob_temp_tablespace_size_percentage", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "the percentage limitation of some temp tablespace size in tenant disk.", "flags": 3}
sys_var_dict["_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing"] = {"id": 10050, "name": "_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "Enable use of adaptive cursor sharing", "flags": 147}
sys_var_dict["ob_timestamp_service"] = {"id": 10051, "name": "ob_timestamp_service", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "the type of timestamp service", "flags": 129}
sys_var_dict["plugin_dir"] = {"id": 10052, "name": "plugin_dir", "value": "./plugin_dir/", "data_type": 22, "info": "the dir to place plugin dll", "flags": 5}
sys_var_dict["undo_retention"] = {"id": 10053, "name": "undo_retention", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "specifies (in seconds) the low threshold value of undo retention.", "flags": 1, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "4294967295"}
sys_var_dict["_ob_use_parallel_execution"] = {"id": 10054, "name": "_ob_use_parallel_execution", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "auto use parallel execution", "flags": 211}
sys_var_dict["ob_sql_audit_percentage"] = {"id": 10055, "name": "ob_sql_audit_percentage", "value": "3", "data_type": 5, "info": "The limited percentage of tenant memory for sql audit", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_sql_audit"] = {"id": 10056, "name": "ob_enable_sql_audit", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "wether use sql audit in session", "flags": 129}
sys_var_dict["optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines"] = {"id": 10057, "name": "optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "Enable use sql plan baseline", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines"] = {"id": 10058, "name": "optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines enables or disables automitic capture plan baseline.", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["parallel_max_servers"] = {"id": 10059, "name": "parallel_max_servers", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "number of threads created to run parallel statements for each observer.", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "1800"}
sys_var_dict["parallel_servers_target"] = {"id": 10060, "name": "parallel_servers_target", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "number of threads allowed to run parallel statements before statement queuing will be used.", "flags": 1, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "9223372036854775807"}
sys_var_dict["ob_early_lock_release"] = {"id": 10061, "name": "ob_early_lock_release", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "If set true, transaction open the elr optimization.", "flags": 129}
sys_var_dict["ob_trx_idle_timeout"] = {"id": 10062, "name": "ob_trx_idle_timeout", "value": "120000000", "data_type": 5, "info": "The stmt interval timeout of transaction(us)", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["block_encryption_mode"] = {"id": 10063, "name": "block_encryption_mode", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "specifies the encryption algorithm used in the functions aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["nls_date_format"] = {"id": 10064, "name": "nls_date_format", "value": "DD-MON-RR", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the default date format to use with the TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions, (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) is Common value", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["nls_timestamp_format"] = {"id": 10065, "name": "nls_timestamp_format", "value": "DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the default date format to use with the TO_CHAR and TO_TIMESTAMP functions, (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF) is Common value", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["nls_timestamp_tz_format"] = {"id": 10066, "name": "nls_timestamp_tz_format", "value": "DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM TZR", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the default timestamp with time zone format to use with the TO_CHAR and TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ functions, (YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF TZR TZD) is common value", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["ob_reserved_meta_memory_percentage"] = {"id": 10067, "name": "ob_reserved_meta_memory_percentage", "value": "10", "data_type": 5, "info": "percentage of tenant memory resources that can be used by tenant meta data", "flags": 129, "min_val": "1", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["ob_check_sys_variable"] = {"id": 10068, "name": "ob_check_sys_variable", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "If set true, sql will update sys variable while schema version changed.", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["nls_language"] = {"id": 10069, "name": "nls_language", "value": "AMERICAN", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the default language of the database, used for messages, day and month names, the default sorting mechanism, the default values of NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE and NLS_SORT.", "flags": 642}
sys_var_dict["nls_territory"] = {"id": 10070, "name": "nls_territory", "value": "AMERICA", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the name of the territory whose conventions are to be followed for day and week numbering, establishes the default date format, the default decimal character and group separator, and the default ISO and local currency symbols.", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["nls_sort"] = {"id": 10071, "name": "nls_sort", "value": "BINARY", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the collating sequence for character value comparison in various SQL operators and clauses.", "flags": 707}
sys_var_dict["nls_comp"] = {"id": 10072, "name": "nls_comp", "value": "BINARY", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the collation behavior of the database session. value can be BINARY | LINGUISTIC | ANSI", "flags": 707}
sys_var_dict["nls_characterset"] = {"id": 10073, "name": "nls_characterset", "value": "AL32UTF8", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the default characterset of the database, This parameter defines the encoding of the data in the CHAR, VARCHAR2, LONG and CLOB columns of a table.", "flags": 1733}
sys_var_dict["nls_nchar_characterset"] = {"id": 10074, "name": "nls_nchar_characterset", "value": "AL32UTF8", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the default characterset of the database, This parameter defines the encoding of the data in the NCHAR, NVARCHAR2 and NCLOB columns of a table.", "flags": 705}
sys_var_dict["nls_date_language"] = {"id": 10075, "name": "nls_date_language", "value": "AMERICAN", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the language to use for the spelling of day and month names and date abbreviations (a.m., p.m., AD, BC) returned by the TO_DATE and TO_CHAR functions.", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["nls_length_semantics"] = {"id": 10076, "name": "nls_length_semantics", "value": "BYTE", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the default length semantics to use for VARCHAR2 and CHAR table columns, user-defined object attributes, and PL/SQL variables in database objects created in the session. SYS user use BYTE intead of NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS.", "flags": 707}
sys_var_dict["nls_nchar_conv_excp"] = {"id": 10077, "name": "nls_nchar_conv_excp", "value": "FALSE", "data_type": 22, "info": "determines whether an error is reported when there is data loss during an implicit or explicit character type conversion between NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 and CHAR/VARCHAR2.", "flags": 707}
sys_var_dict["nls_calendar"] = {"id": 10078, "name": "nls_calendar", "value": "GREGORIAN", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies which calendar system Oracle uses.", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["nls_numeric_characters"] = {"id": 10079, "name": "nls_numeric_characters", "value": ".,", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the characters to use as the decimal character and group separator, overrides those characters defined implicitly by NLS_TERRITORY.", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["_nlj_batching_enabled"] = {"id": 10080, "name": "_nlj_batching_enabled", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "enable batching of the RHS IO in NLJ", "flags": 211}
sys_var_dict["tracefile_identifier"] = {"id": 10081, "name": "tracefile_identifier", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "The name of tracefile.", "flags": 130}
sys_var_dict["_groupby_nopushdown_cut_ratio"] = {"id": 10082, "name": "_groupby_nopushdown_cut_ratio", "value": "3", "data_type": 10, "info": "ratio used to decide whether push down should be done in distribtued query optimization.", "flags": 147}
sys_var_dict["_px_broadcast_fudge_factor"] = {"id": 10083, "name": "_px_broadcast_fudge_factor", "value": "100", "data_type": 5, "info": "set the tq broadcasting fudge factor percentage.", "flags": 82, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["_primary_zone_entity_count"] = {"id": 10084, "name": "_primary_zone_entity_count", "value": "-1", "data_type": 5, "info": "statistic primary zone entity(table/tablegroup/database) count under tenant.", "flags": 21}
sys_var_dict["transaction_isolation"] = {"id": 10085, "name": "transaction_isolation", "value": "READ-COMMITTED", "data_type": 22, "info": "Transaction Isolcation Levels: READ-UNCOMMITTED READ-COMMITTED REPEATABLE-READ SERIALIZABLE", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["ob_trx_lock_timeout"] = {"id": 10086, "name": "ob_trx_lock_timeout", "value": "-1", "data_type": 5, "info": "the max duration of waiting on row lock of one transaction", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["validate_password_check_user_name"] = {"id": 10087, "name": "validate_password_check_user_name", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 129}
sys_var_dict["validate_password_length"] = {"id": 10088, "name": "validate_password_length", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "2147483647"}
sys_var_dict["validate_password_mixed_case_count"] = {"id": 10089, "name": "validate_password_mixed_case_count", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "2147483647"}
sys_var_dict["validate_password_number_count"] = {"id": 10090, "name": "validate_password_number_count", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "2147483647"}
sys_var_dict["validate_password_policy"] = {"id": 10091, "name": "validate_password_policy", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "", "flags": 129}
sys_var_dict["validate_password_special_char_count"] = {"id": 10092, "name": "validate_password_special_char_count", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "2147483647"}
sys_var_dict["default_password_lifetime"] = {"id": 10093, "name": "default_password_lifetime", "value": "0", "data_type": 10, "info": "", "flags": 129, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "65535"}
sys_var_dict["ob_trace_info"] = {"id": 10095, "name": "ob_trace_info", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "store trace info", "flags": 2}
sys_var_dict["ob_enable_batched_multi_statement"] = {"id": 10096, "name": "ob_enable_batched_multi_statement", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "enable use of batched multi statement", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["_px_partition_scan_threshold"] = {"id": 10097, "name": "_px_partition_scan_threshold", "value": "64", "data_type": 5, "info": "least number of partitions per slave to start partition-based scan", "flags": 82, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["_ob_px_bcast_optimization"] = {"id": 10098, "name": "_ob_px_bcast_optimization", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "broadcast optimization.", "flags": 147}
sys_var_dict["_ob_px_slave_mapping_threshold"] = {"id": 10099, "name": "_ob_px_slave_mapping_threshold", "value": "200", "data_type": 5, "info": "percentage threshold to use slave mapping plan", "flags": 83, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "1000"}
sys_var_dict["_enable_parallel_dml"] = {"id": 10100, "name": "_enable_parallel_dml", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "A DML statement can be parallelized only if you have explicitly enabled parallel DML in the session or in the SQL statement.", "flags": 210}
sys_var_dict["_px_min_granules_per_slave"] = {"id": 10101, "name": "_px_min_granules_per_slave", "value": "13", "data_type": 5, "info": "minimum number of rowid range granules to generate per slave.", "flags": 82, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "100"}
sys_var_dict["secure_file_priv"] = {"id": 10102, "name": "secure_file_priv", "value": "NULL", "data_type": 22, "info": "limit the effect of data import and export operations", "flags": 97}
sys_var_dict["plsql_warnings"] = {"id": 10103, "name": "plsql_warnings", "value": "ENABLE:ALL", "data_type": 22, "info": "enables or disables the reporting of warning messages by the PL/SQL compiler, and specifies which warning messages to show as errors.", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["_enable_parallel_query"] = {"id": 10104, "name": "_enable_parallel_query", "value": "1", "data_type": 5, "info": "A QUERY statement can be parallelized only if you have explicitly enabled parallel QUERY in the session or in the SQL statement.", "flags": 210}
sys_var_dict["_force_parallel_query_dop"] = {"id": 10105, "name": "_force_parallel_query_dop", "value": "1", "data_type": 10, "info": "A QUERY statement can be parallelized only if you have explicitly enabled parallel QUERY in the session or in the SQL statement.", "flags": 210}
sys_var_dict["_force_parallel_dml_dop"] = {"id": 10106, "name": "_force_parallel_dml_dop", "value": "1", "data_type": 10, "info": "A QUERY statement can be parallelized only if you have explicitly enabled parallel QUERY in the session or in the SQL statement.", "flags": 210}
sys_var_dict["ob_pl_block_timeout"] = {"id": 10107, "name": "ob_pl_block_timeout", "value": "3216672000000000", "data_type": 5, "info": "PL/SQL timeout in microsecond(us)", "flags": 131, "min_val": "0", "max_val": "9223372036854775807"}
sys_var_dict["transaction_read_only"] = {"id": 10108, "name": "transaction_read_only", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "Transaction access mode", "flags": 131}
sys_var_dict["resource_manager_plan"] = {"id": 10109, "name": "resource_manager_plan", "value": "", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies tenant resource plan.", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["performance_schema"] = {"id": 10110, "name": "performance_schema", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "indicate whether the Performance Schema is enabled", "flags": 1}
sys_var_dict["nls_currency"] = {"id": 10111, "name": "nls_currency", "value": "$", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the string to use as the local currency symbol for the L number format element. The default value of this parameter is determined by NLS_TERRITORY.", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["nls_iso_currency"] = {"id": 10112, "name": "nls_iso_currency", "value": "AMERICA", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the string to use as the international currency symbol for the C number format element. The default value of this parameter is determined by NLS_TERRITORY", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["nls_dual_currency"] = {"id": 10113, "name": "nls_dual_currency", "value": "$", "data_type": 22, "info": "specifies the dual currency symbol for the territory. The default is the dual currency symbol defined in the territory of your current language environment.", "flags": 643}
sys_var_dict["_ob_proxy_session_temporary_table_used"] = {"id": 10116, "name": "_ob_proxy_session_temporary_table_used", "value": "0", "data_type": 5, "info": "this value is true if we have executed set transaction stmt, until a transaction commit(explicit or implicit) successfully", "flags": 22}