ob_errno.def 286.1 KB
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// @see http://oceanbase.alibaba-inc.com/wiki/index.php?title=%E9%94%99%E8%AF%AF%E7%A0%81%E7%9A%84%E8%A7%84%E8%8C%83
// 错误码总数不超过10000个
// 不能使用的值域[-1, -4000),这一段值为兼容MySQL目的使用。MySQL Server端错误码范围1000-3000,客户端错误码2000-3000, 1-1000预留。实际上,Oracle的常用错误码的范围大约在这个范围内。
// 通用错误码值域[-4000, -4500),含sstable等
// RootServer错误码值域[-4500, -5000)
// SQL层错误码值域[-5000, -6000),含各种schema相关错误
// 事务层错误码值域[-6000, -7000),含clog,memtable等
// Election错误码值域[-7000, -7100)
// 致命错误[-8000, -9000),客户端收到8xxx错误,需要关闭SQL连接
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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
// backup [-9000, -9500)
// pl [-9500, -10000)
//error code -1~-999 are reserved
//error code -1000~-1999 are reserved for mysql server error, see mysql_errno.h
//error code -2001~-3000 are reserved for mysql client error, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/error-messages-client.html
//error code -4000~-65535 are reserved for ob error
//oracle error https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/18/errmg/ORA-00910.html
//we have ob errno, mysql errno, oracle errno. ob errno used in source code, mysql/oracle errno used in error packet encoding.
//developer only use ob errno in source code, and specify the mapping relation between ob errno and mysql/oracle errnor in this file.
//C0: int OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE                           -----> ob errno
//C1: char *ERROR_NAME[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE];            -----> store ob errno name
//M1: int MYSQL_ERRNO[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE];             -----> store mysql errno
//M2: char *SQLSTATE[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE];              -----> store mysql errstate
//M3: char *STR_ERROR[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE];             -----> store mysql errmsg without parameter
//M4: char *STR_USER_ERROR[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE];        -----> store mysql errmsg with parameter
//R1: int ORACLE_ERRNO[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE];            -----> store oracle errno
//R2: char *ORACLE_SQLSTATE[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE];       -----> store oracle errstate
//R3: char *ORACLE_STR_ERROR[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE];      -----> store oracle errno without parameter
//R4: char *ORACLE_STR_USER_ERROR[OB_MAX_ERROR_CODE]; -----> store oracle errno with parameter
//DEFINE_ERROR(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3)                            <==>   DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M3, -600, M2, M3, M3)
//DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4)                    <==>   DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4, -600, M2, M3, M4)
//DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, R1, R3)             <==>   DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M3, R1, ORA, R3, R3)
//DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4, R1, R3, R4) <==>   DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4, R1, ORA, R3, R4)
//DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, R1, R3)                <==>   DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M3, R1, PLS, R3, R3)
//DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4, R1, R3, R4)    <==>   DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4, R1, PLS, R3, R4)
//DEFINE_ERROR(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3)
//   M1 = (M1 == -1 ? C0 : M1)
//   M4 = M3
//   R1 = -600
//   R2 = ORA
//   R3 = internal error code, arguments: M3
//   R4 = internal error code, arguments: M3
//DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4)
//   M1 = (M1 == -1 ? C0 : M1)
//   R1 = -600
//   R2 = ORA
//   R3 = internal error code, arguments: M3
//   R4 = internal error code, arguments: M4
//DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, R1, R3)
//   M1 = (M1 == -1 ? C0 : M1)
//   M4 = M3
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//   R4 = R3//   R2 = ORA
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60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
//DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4, R1, R3, R4)
//   M1 = (M1 == -1 ? C0 : M1)
//   R2 = ORA
//DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, R1, R3)
//   M1 = (M1 == -1 ? C0 : M1)
//   M4 = M3
//   R2 = PLS
//   R4 = R3
//DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(C1, C0, M1, M2, M3, M4, R1, R3, R4)
//   M1 = (M1 == -1 ? C0 : M1)
//   R2 = PLS
//only add the definition of errno msg with parameter, in order to be compatible with the old code
//errno of c1 is equal to errno of c0. you should use it like below
//DEFINE_OTHER_MSG_FMT(OB_ERR_DATA_TOO_LONG_MSG_FMT_V2, OB_ERR_DATA_TOO_LONG, "Data too long for column '%.*s' at row %ld", "value too large for column %.*s (actual: %ld, maximum: %ld)")

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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_SUCCESS, 0, 0, "00000", "Success");
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//error code for common -4000 ---- -4500
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88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERROR, -4000, -1, "HY000", "Common error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_OBJ_TYPE_ERROR, -4001, -1, "HY004", "Object type error");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT, -4002, ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, "HY000", "Invalid argument", "Incorrect arguments to %s");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ARRAY_OUT_OF_RANGE, -4003, -1, "42000", "Array index out of range");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_SERVER_LISTEN_ERROR, -4004, -1, "08S01", "Failed to listen to the port");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INIT_TWICE, -4005, -1, "HY000", "The object is initialized twice");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_NOT_INIT, -4006, -1, "HY000", "The object is not initialized");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_NOT_SUPPORTED, -4007, ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "0A000", "Not supported feature or function", "%s not supported");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ITER_END, -4008, -1, "HY000", "End of iteration");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_IO_ERROR, -4009, -1, "58030", "IO error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERROR_FUNC_VERSION, -4010, -1, "HY000", "Wrong RPC command version");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PACKET_NOT_SENT, -4011, -1, "HY000", "Can not send packet");
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100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_TIMEOUT, -4012, -1, "HY000", "Timeout", "Timeout, query has reached the maximum query timeout: %ld(us), maybe you can adjust the session variable ob_query_timeout or query_timeout hint, and try again.");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_FAILED, -4013, -1, "HY001", "No memory or reach tenant memory limit");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INNER_STAT_ERROR, -4014, -1, "HY000", "Inner state error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_SYS, -4015, -1, "HY000", "System error");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED, -4016, -1, "HY000", "Internal error", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ENTRY_EXIST, -4017, -1, "HY000", "Entry already exist", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ENTRY_NOT_EXIST, -4018, -1, "HY000", "Entry not exist", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_SIZE_OVERFLOW, -4019, -1, "HY000", "Size overflow");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_REF_NUM_NOT_ZERO, -4020, -1, "HY000", "Reference count is not zero");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_CONFLICT_VALUE, -4021, -1, "HY000", "Conflict value");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ITEM_NOT_SETTED, -4022, -1, "HY000", "Item not set");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_EAGAIN, -4023, -1, "HY000", "Try again");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BUF_NOT_ENOUGH, -4024, -1, "HY000", "Buffer not enough");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTIAL_FAILED, -4025, -1, "HY000", "Partial failed");
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114 115 116
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_READ_NOTHING, -4026, ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA, "02000", "No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed", 1403, "no data found");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_DISCONTINUOUS_LOG, -4028, -1, "HY000", "Log entry not continuous");
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117 118 119 120
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SCHEMA_ERROR, -4029, -1, "HY000", "Schema error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TENANT_OUT_OF_MEM, -4030, -1, "HY000", "Over tenant memory limits");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UNKNOWN_OBJ, -4031, -1, "HY004", "Unknown object");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_MONITOR_DATA, -4032, -1, "02000", "No monitor data");
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121 122 123 124
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_SERIALIZE_ERROR, -4033, -1, "HY000", "Serialize error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_DESERIALIZE_ERROR, -4034, -1, "HY000", "Deserialize error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_AIO_TIMEOUT, -4035, -1, "HY000", "Asynchronous IO error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_NEED_RETRY, -4036, -1, "HY000", "Need retry");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TOO_MANY_SSTABLE, -4037, -1, "HY000", "Too many sstable");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_NOT_MASTER, -4038, -1, "HY000", "The observer or zone is not the master");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KILLED_BY_THROTTLING, -4039, -1, "HY000", "Request has killed by sql throttle");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_DECRYPT_FAILED, -4041, -1, "HY000", "Decrypt error");
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129 130 131 132
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_USER_NOT_EXIST, -4042, ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH, "42000", "Can not find any matching row in the user table", "Can not find any matching row in the user table'%.*s'", 1918, "user does not exist", "user '%.*s' does not exist");

DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_PASSWORD_WRONG, -4043, ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, "42000", "Access denied for user", "Access denied for user '%.*s'@'%.*s' (using password: %s)");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SKEY_VERSION_WRONG, -4044, -1, "HY000", "Wrong skey version");
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133 134 135
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PUSHDOWN_STATUS_CHANGED, -4045, -1, "HY000", "pushdown status changed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_STORAGE_SCHEMA_INVALID, -4046, -1, "HY000", "Storage schema is not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MEDIUM_COMPACTION_INFO_INVALID, -4047, -1, "HY000", "Medium compaction info is not valid");
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136 137
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_REGISTERED, -4048, -1, "HY000", "Not registered");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WAITQUEUE_TIMEOUT, -4049, 4012, "HY000", "Task timeout and not executed");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_NOT_THE_OBJECT, -4050, -1, "HY000", "Not the object");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ALREADY_REGISTERED, -4051, -1, "HY000", "Already registered");
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140 141
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_LAST_LOG_RUINNED, -4052, -1, "HY000", "Corrupted log entry");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_CS_SELECTED, -4053, -1, "HY000", "No Server selected");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_TABLETS_CREATED, -4054, -1, "HY000", "No tablets created");
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143 144
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INVALID_ERROR, -4055, -1, "HY000", "Invalid entry");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_DECIMAL_OVERFLOW_WARN, -4057, -1, "HY000", "Decimal overflow warning");
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145 146 147 148
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DECIMAL_UNLEGAL_ERROR, -4058, -1, "HY000", "Decimal overflow error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBJ_DIVIDE_ERROR, -4060, -1, "HY000", "Divide error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_A_DECIMAL, -4061, -1, "HY000", "Not a decimal");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DECIMAL_PRECISION_NOT_EQUAL, -4062, -1, "HY104", "Decimal precision error");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_EMPTY_RANGE, -4063, -1, "HY000", "Empty range");
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150 151
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SESSION_KILLED, -4064, -1, "HY000", "Session killed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_NOT_SYNC, -4065, -1, "HY000", "Log not sync");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_DIR_NOT_EXIST, -4066, ER_CANT_READ_DIR, "HY000", "Directory not exist");
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153 154
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SESSION_NOT_FOUND, -4067, 4012, "HY000", "RPC session not found");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_LOG, -4068, -1, "HY000", "Invalid log");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INVALID_DATA, -4070, -1, "HY000", "Invalid data");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ALREADY_DONE, -4071, -1, "HY000", "Already done");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_CANCELED, -4072, -1, "HY000", "Operation canceled");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_SRC_CHANGED, -4073, -1, "HY000", "Log source changed");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_LOG_NOT_ALIGN, -4074, -1, "HY000", "Log not aligned");
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160 161
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_MISSING, -4075, -1, "HY000", "Log entry missed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NEED_WAIT, -4076, -1, "HY000", "Need wait");
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162 163 164
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_NOT_IMPLEMENT, -4077, -1, "0A000", "Not implemented feature");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, -4078, ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, "42000", "Divided by zero");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_EXCEED_MEM_LIMIT, -4080, -1, "HY013", "exceed memory limit");
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165 166
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RESULT_UNKNOWN, -4081, -1, "HY000", "Unknown result");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_RESULT, -4084, -1, "02000", "No result");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_QUEUE_OVERFLOW, -4085, -1, "HY000", "Queue overflow");
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168 169 170
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ID_RANGE_NOT_CONTINUOUS, -4090, -1, "HY000", "Table log_id range no continuous");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TERM_LAGGED, -4097, -1, "HY000", "Term lagged");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TERM_NOT_MATCH, -4098, -1, "HY000", "Term not match");
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171 172 173
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_START_LOG_CURSOR_INVALID, -4099, -1, "HY000", "Invalid log cursor");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_LOCK_NOT_MATCH, -4100, -1, "HY000", "Lock not match");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_DEAD_LOCK, -4101, ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK, "HY000", "Deadlock", 60, "deadlock detected while waiting for resource");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTIAL_LOG, -4102, -1, "HY000", "Incomplete log entry");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_CHECKSUM_ERROR, -4103, -1, "42000", "Data checksum error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INIT_FAIL, -4104, -1, "HY000", "Initialize error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ROWKEY_ORDER_ERROR, -4105, -1, "HY000", "Rowkey order error");
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178 179
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_ENOUGH_STORE, -4106, -1, "HY000", "not enough commitlog store");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BLOCK_SWITCHED, -4107, -1, "HY000", "block switched when fill commitlog");
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180 181
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_PHYSIC_CHECKSUM_ERROR, -4108, -1, "42000", "Physic data checksum error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_STATE_NOT_MATCH, -4109, -1, "HY000", "Server state or role not the same as expected");
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182 183 184 185
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_READ_ZERO_LOG, -4110, -1, "HY000", "Read zero log");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BLOCK_NEED_FREEZE, -4111, -1, "HY000", "block need freeze");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BLOCK_FROZEN, -4112, -1, "HY000", "block frozen");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_IN_FATAL_STATE, -4113, -1, "HY000", "In FATAL state");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_IN_STOP_STATE, -4114, -1, "08S01", "In STOP state");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UPS_MASTER_EXISTS, -4115, -1, "HY000", "Master UpdateServer already exists");
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188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_LOG_NOT_CLEAR, -4116, -1, "42000", "Log not clear");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST, -4117, ER_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR, "58000", "File already exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_RPC_PACKET_TOO_LONG, -4119, -1, "08000", "RPC packet to send too long");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_LOG_TOO_LARGE, -4120, -1, "HY000", "Log too large");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_RPC_SEND_ERROR, -4121, 4012, "HY000", "RPC send error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_RPC_POST_ERROR, -4122, 4012, "HY000", "RPC post error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_LIBEASY_ERROR, -4123, -1, "08000", "Libeasy error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_CONNECT_ERROR, -4124, -1, "HY000", "Connect error");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_FREE, -4125, -1, "HY000", "Not free");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INIT_SQL_CONTEXT_ERROR, -4126, -1, "HY000", "Init SQL context error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SKIP_INVALID_ROW, -4127, -1, "42000", "Skip invalid row");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_RPC_PACKET_INVALID, -4128, -1, "HY000", "RPC packet is invalid");
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201 202 203 204 205
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_TABLET, -4133, -1, "HY000", "No tablets");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_SNAPSHOT_DISCARDED, -4138, -1, "HY000", "Request to read too old versioned data", 1555, "snapshot too old");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_NOT_UPTODATE, -4139, -1, "HY000", "State is stale");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ROW_MODIFIED, -4142, -1, "HY000", "Row modified");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_VERSION_NOT_MATCH, -4143, -1, "42000", "Version not match");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BAD_ADDRESS, -4144, -1, "42000", "Bad address");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ENQUEUE_FAILED, -4146, -1, "HY000", "Enqueue error");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_INVALID_CONFIG, -4147, -1, "HY000", "Invalid config", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_STMT_EXPIRED, -4149, -1, "HY000", "Expired statement");
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210 211 212 213 214
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_MIN_VALUE, -4150, -1, "42000", "Min value");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_MAX_VALUE, -4151, -1, "42000", "Max value");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_NULL_VALUE, -4152, -1, "42000", "Null value", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_RESOURCE_OUT, -4153, ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, "53000", "Out of resource");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_SQL_CLIENT, -4154, -1, "HY000", "Internal SQL client error");
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215 216
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_META_TABLE_WITHOUT_USE_TABLE, -4155, -1, "HY000", "Meta table without use table");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DISCARD_PACKET, -4156, -1, "HY000", "Discard packet");
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217 218
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_OPERATE_OVERFLOW, -4157, ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, "22003", "value is out of range", "%s value is out of range in '%s'", 25137, "Data value out of range", "Data value %s out of range in '%s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT, -4158, ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE, "22007", "Incorrect value", "%s=%d must between %d and %d", 1821, "date format not recognized", "date format not recognized, %s=%d must between %d and %d");
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219 220
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_POOL_REGISTERED_FAILED, -4159, -1, "HY000", "register pool failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_POOL_UNREGISTERED_FAILED, -4160, -1, "HY000", "unregister pool failed");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_NUM, -4161, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument num");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LEASE_NOT_ENOUGH, -4162, -1, "HY000", "reserved lease not enough");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LEASE_NOT_MATCH, -4163, -1, "HY000", "ups lease not match with rs");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UPS_SWITCH_NOT_HAPPEN, -4164, -1, "HY000", "ups switch not happen");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_EMPTY_RESULT, -4165, -1, "HY000", "Empty result");
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226 227
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CACHE_NOT_HIT, -4166, -1, "HY000", "Cache not hit");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NESTED_LOOP_NOT_SUPPORT, -4167, -1, "HY000", "Nested loop not support");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_LOG_INVALID_MOD_ID, -4168, -1, "HY000", "Invalid log module id");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_LOG_MODULE_UNKNOWN, -4169, -1, "HY000", "Unknown module name", "Unknown module name. Invalid Setting:'%.*s'. Syntax:parMod.subMod:level, parMod.subMod:level");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_LOG_LEVEL_INVALID, -4170, -1, "HY000", "Invalid level", "Invalid level. Invalid setting:'%.*s'. Syntax:parMod.subMod:level, parMod.subMod:level");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_LOG_PARSER_SYNTAX_ERR, -4171, -1, "HY000", "Syntax to set log_level error", "Syntax to set log_level error. Invalid setting:'%.*s'. Syntax:parMod.subMod:level, parMod.subMod:level");
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232 233
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE, -4172, -1, "HY000", "Index out of range");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INT_UNDERFLOW, -4173, -1, "HY000", "Int underflow");
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234 235
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_UNKNOWN_CONNECTION, -4174, ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD, "HY000", "Unknown thread id", "Unknown thread id: %lu");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE, -4175, -1, "42000", "Out of range");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
236 237 238
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CACHE_SHRINK_FAILED, -4176, -1, "HY001", "shrink cache failed, no available cache");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OLD_SCHEMA_VERSION, -4177, -1, "42000", "Schema version too old");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RELEASE_SCHEMA_ERROR, -4178, -1, "HY000", "Release schema error");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_OP_NOT_ALLOW, -4179, -1, "HY000", "Operation not allowed now", "%s not allowed");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_EMPTY_ENTRY, -4180, -1, "HY000", "No empty entry");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
241 242
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS, -4181, -1, "42S01", "Already exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND, -4182, -1, "HY000", "Value not found");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BEYOND_THE_RANGE, -4183, -1, "HY000", "Key out of range");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_OUTOF_DISK_SPACE, -4184, -1, "53100", "Server out of disk space");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_COLUMN_GROUP_NOT_FOUND, -4185, -1, "HY000", "Column group not found");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
246 247
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CS_COMPRESS_LIB_ERROR, -4186, -1, "HY000", "Server failed to get compress library");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ITEM_NOT_MATCH, -4187, -1, "HY000", "Item not match");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
248 249
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SCHEDULER_TASK_CNT_MISMATCH, -4188, -1, "HY000", "Running task cnt and unfinished task cnt not consistent");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_MACRO_BLOCK_TYPE, -4189, -1, "HY000", "the macro block type does not exist");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT_END, -4190, ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE, "22007", "Incorrect value", 1830, "date format picture ends before converting entire input string");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PG_IS_REMOVED, -4191, -1, "HY000", "partition group is removed");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
252 253 254 255 256
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_HASH_EXIST, -4200, -1, "HY000", "hash map/set entry exist", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_HASH_NOT_EXIST, -4201, -1, "HY000", "hash map/set entry not exist", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_HASH_GET_TIMEOUT, -4204, -1, "HY000", "hash map/set get timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_HASH_PLACEMENT_RETRY, -4205, -1, "HY000", "hash map/set retry");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_HASH_FULL, -4206, -1, "HY000", "hash map/set full");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PACKET_PROCESSED, -4207, -1, "HY000", "packet processed");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_WAIT_NEXT_TIMEOUT, -4208, -1, "HY000", "wait next packet timeout");
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259 260 261 262
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LEADER_NOT_EXIST, -4209, -1, "HY000", "partition has not leader");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PREPARE_MAJOR_FREEZE_FAILED, -4210, -1, "HY000", "prepare major freeze failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_COMMIT_MAJOR_FREEZE_FAILED, -4211, -1, "HY000", "commit major freeze failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ABORT_MAJOR_FREEZE_FAILED, -4212, -1, "HY000", "abort major freeze failed");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_MAJOR_FREEZE_NOT_FINISHED, -4213, -1, "HY000", "last major freeze not finish", "%s");
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264 265 266 267 268
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_NOT_LEADER, -4214, -1, "HY000", "partition is not leader partition");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WAIT_MAJOR_FREEZE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, -4215, -1, "HY000", "wait major freeze response timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CURL_ERROR, -4216, -1, "HY000", "curl error");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_MAJOR_FREEZE_NOT_ALLOW, -4217, -1, "HY000", "Major freeze not allowed now", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PREPARE_FREEZE_FAILED, -4218, -1, "HY000", "prepare freeze failed");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_DATE_VALUE, -4219, ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE, "22007", "Incorrect value", "Incorrect datetime value: '%.*s' for column '%s'", 1861, "literal does not match format string", "literal does not match format string: '%.*s' for column '%s'");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_OTHER_MSG_FMT(OB_ERR_INVALID_DATE_MSG_FMT_V2, OB_INVALID_DATE_VALUE, "Incorrect datetime value for column '%.*s' at row %ld", "Incorrect datetime value for column '%.*s' at row %ld")
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
271 272 273 274 275
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INACTIVE_SQL_CLIENT, -4220, -1, "HY000", "Inactive sql client, only read allowed");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INACTIVE_RPC_PROXY, -4221, -1, "HY000", "Inactive rpc proxy, can not send RPC request");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INTERVAL_WITH_MONTH, -4222, -1, "42000", "Interval with year or month can not be converted to microseconds");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_TOO_MANY_DATETIME_PARTS, -4223, -1, "42000", "Interval has too many datetime parts");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, -4224, ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, "22003", "Out of range value for column", "Out of range value for column '%.*s' at row %ld", 1438, "value larger than specified precision allowed for this column", "value larger than specified precision allowed for this column '%.*s' at row %ld");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST, -4225, -1, "HY000", "Partition entry not exists");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
277 278
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD, -4226, ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD, "HY000", "Incorrect integer value", "Incorrect integer value: '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD, -4227, ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD, "HY000", "Field doesn\'t have a default value", "Field \'%s\' doesn't have a default value");
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279 280 281 282 283
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE, -4228, ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE, "42000", "Column specified twice", "Column \'%s\' specified twice", 957, "duplicate column name", "duplicate column name \'%s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_TABLE_COMMENT, -4229, ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_COMMENT, "HY000", "Comment for table is too long", "Comment for table is too long (max = %ld)");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_FIELD_COMMENT, -4230, ER_TOO_LONG_FIELD_COMMENT, "HY000", "Comment for field is too long", "Comment for field is too long (max = %ld)");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_INDEX_COMMENT, -4231, ER_TOO_LONG_INDEX_COMMENT, "HY000", "Comment for index is too long", "Comment for index is too long (max = %ld)");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_FOLLOWER, -4232, -1, "HY000", "The observer or zone is not a follower");
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284 285 286
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_OUT_OF_LOWER_BOUND, -4233, -1, "HY000", "smaller than container lower bound");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_OUT_OF_UPPER_BOUND, -4234, -1, "HY000", "bigger than container upper bound");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_BAD_NULL_ERROR, -4235, ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR, "23000", "Column cannot be null", "Column '%.*s' cannot be null", 1400, "cannot insert NULL", "cannot insert NULL into '(%.*s)'");
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287 288 289 290 291 292 293
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBCONFIG_RETURN_ERROR, -4236, -1, "HY000", "ObConfig return error code");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBCONFIG_APPNAME_MISMATCH, -4237, -1, "HY000", "Appname mismatch with obconfig result");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_VIEW_SELECT_DERIVED, -4238, ER_VIEW_SELECT_DERIVED, "HY000", "View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANT_MJ_PATH, -4239, -1, "HY000", "Can not use merge-join to join the tables without join conditions");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_JOIN_ORDER_GENERATED, -4240, -1, "HY000", "No join order generated");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_PATH_GENERATED, -4241, -1, "HY000", "No join path generated");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WAIT_REMOTE_SCHEMA_REFRESH, -4242, -1, "HY000", "Schema error");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_FILE_NOT_OPENED, -4243, -1, "HY000", "file not opened");
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295 296 297 298 299
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TIMER_TASK_HAS_SCHEDULED, -4244, -1, "HY000", "Timer task has been scheduled");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TIMER_TASK_HAS_NOT_SCHEDULED, -4245, -1, "HY000", "Timer task has not been scheduled");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARSE_DEBUG_SYNC_ERROR, -4246, -1, "HY000", "parse debug sync string error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UNKNOWN_DEBUG_SYNC_POINT, -4247, -1, "HY000", "unknown debug sync point");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INTERRUPTED, -4248, -1, "HY000", "task is interrupted while running");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_DATA_TRUNCATED, -4249, WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED, "01000", "Data truncated for argument", "Data truncated for column '%.*s' at row %ld");
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// used by modules in partition service only, and not returned to client
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_NOT_RUNNING, -4250, -1, "HY000", "module is not running");
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303 304 305 306 307 308
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_PARTITION, -4251, -1, "HY000", "partition not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TIMEOUT_TRUNCATED, -4252, WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED, "01000", "Timeout value truncated to 102 years");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_TENANT_COMMENT, -4253, -1, "HY000", "Comment for tenant is too long", "Comment for tenant is too long (max = %ld)");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE, -4254, ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE, "08S01", "Got a packet bigger than \'max_allowed_packet\' bytes");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRACE_DESC_NOT_EXIST, -4255, -1, "HY000", "trace log title or key not exist describle");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_DEFAULT, -4256, ER_NO_DEFAULT, "42000", "Variable doesn't have a default value", "Variable '%.*s' doesn't have a default value");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
309 310
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_COMPRESS_DECOMPRESS_DATA, -4257, -1, "HY000", "compress data or decompress data failed");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INCORRECT_STRING_VALUE, -4258, ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD, "HY000", "Incorrect string value", "Incorrect string value for column '%.*s' at row %ld");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_IS_CHANGING_LEADER, -4260, -1, "HY000", "the partition is changing leader");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
312 313
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_DOUBLE_TRUNCATED, -4262, ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE, "01000", "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value", "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '%.*s'", 1722, "invalid number", "invalid number: '%.*s'");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_MINOR_FREEZE_NOT_ALLOW, -4263, -1, "HY000", "Minor freeze not allowed now", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_OUTOF_DISK_SPACE, -4264, -1, "HY000", "Log out of disk space");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RPC_CONNECT_ERROR, -4265, -1, "HY000", "Rpc connect error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MINOR_MERGE_NOT_ALLOW, -4266, -1, "HY000", "minor merge not allow");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CACHE_INVALID, -4267, -1, "HY000", "Cache invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REACH_SERVER_DATA_COPY_IN_CONCURRENCY_LIMIT, -4268, -1, "HY000", "reach server data copy in concurrency");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WORKING_PARTITION_EXIST, -4269, -1, "HY000", "Working partition entry already exists");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WORKING_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST, -4270, -1, "HY000", "Working partition entry does not exists");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LIBEASY_REACH_MEM_LIMIT, -4271, -1, "HY000", "LIBEASY reach memory limit");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_MISS_ARGUMENT, -4272, ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, "HY000", "Miss argument", "Miss argument for %s");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_CACHE_FREE_BLOCK_NOT_ENOUGH, -4273, -1, "HY000", "free memblock in cache is not enough");
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325 326 327 328
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SYNC_WASH_MB_TIMEOUT, -4274, -1, "HY000", "sync wash memblock timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_ALLOW_MIGRATE_IN, -4275, -1, "HY000", "not allow migrate in");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SCHEDULER_TASK_CNT_MISTACH, -4276, -1, "HY000", "Scheduler task cnt does not match")
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_MISS_ARGUMENT, -4277, ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS, "HY000", "Miss argument", "Miss argument for %s");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_LAST_LOG_NOT_COMPLETE, -4278, -1, "HY000", "last log is not complete");
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330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TABLE_IS_DELETED, -4279, -1, "HY000", "table is deleted");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_VERSION_RANGE_NOT_CONTINUES, -4280, -1, "HY000", "version range not continues");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_IO_BUFFER, -4281, -1, "HY000", "io buffer is invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_IS_REMOVED, -4282, -1, "HY000", "partition is removed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_GTS_NOT_READY, -4283, -1, "HY000", "gts is not ready");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MAJOR_SSTABLE_NOT_EXIST, -4284, -1, "HY000", "major sstable not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_VERSION_RANGE_DISCARDED, -4285, -1, "HY000", "Request to read too old version range data");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MAJOR_SSTABLE_HAS_MERGED, -4286, -1, "HY000", "major sstable may has been merged");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MINOR_SSTABLE_RANGE_CROSS, -4287, -1, "HY000", "minor sstable version range cross");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MEMTABLE_CANNOT_MINOR_MERGE, -4288, -1, "HY000", "memtable cannot minor merge");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TASK_EXIST, -4289, -1, "HY000", "task exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ALLOCATE_DISK_SPACE_FAILED, -4290, -1, "HY000", "cannot allocate disk space");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CANT_FIND_UDF, -4291, ER_CANT_FIND_UDF, "HY000", "Can't load function", "Can not load function %s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF, -4292, ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF, "HY000", "Can't initialize function", "Can not initialize function '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UDF_NO_PATHS, -4293, ER_UDF_NO_PATHS, "HY000", "No paths allowed for shared library");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_UDF_EXISTS, -4294, ER_UDF_EXISTS, "HY000", "Function already exists", "Function %.*s already exists");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY, -4295, ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY, "HY000", "Can't open shared library", "Can not open shared library '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY, -4296, ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY, "HY000", "Can't find symbol", "Can't find symbol %.*s in library");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBJECT_NAME_EXIST, -4297, -1, "HY000", "name is already used by an existing object");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_EXIST, -4298, -1, "HY000", "object does not exist", "%s does not exist", 2289, "object does not exist", "%s does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DUP_ARGUMENT, -4299, ER_DUP_ARGUMENT, "HY000", "Option used twice in statement", "Option '%s' used twice in statement");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SEQUENCE_NAME, -4300,-1, "HY000", "invalid sequence name", 2277, "invalid sequence name");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_MAXVALUE_SPEC, -4301,-1, "HY000", "duplicate MAXVALUE/NOMAXVALUE specifications", 2278, "duplicate MAXVALUE/NOMAXVALUE specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_MINVALUE_SPEC, -4302,-1, "HY000", "duplicate MINVALUE/NOMINVALUE specifications", 2279, "duplicate MINVALUE/NOMINVALUE specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_CYCLE_SPEC, -4303,-1, "HY000", "duplicate CYCLE/NOCYCLE specifications", 2280, "duplicate CYCLE/NOCYCLE specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_CACHE_SPEC, -4304,-1, "HY000", "duplicate CACHE/NOCACHE specifications", 2281, "duplicate CACHE/NOCACHE specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_ORDER_SPEC, -4305,-1, "HY000", "duplicate ORDER/NOORDER specifications", 2282, "duplicate ORDER/NOORDER specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONFL_MAXVALUE_SPEC, -4306,-1, "HY000", "conflicting MAXVALUE/NOMAXVALUE specifications", 2278, "conflicting MAXVALUE/NOMAXVALUE specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONFL_MINVALUE_SPEC, -4307,-1, "HY000", "conflicting MINVALUE/NOMINVALUE specifications", 2279, "conflicting MINVALUE/NOMINVALUE specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONFL_CYCLE_SPEC, -4308,-1, "HY000", "conflicting CYCLE/NOCYCLE specifications", 2280, "conflicting CYCLE/NOCYCLE specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONFL_CACHE_SPEC, -4309,-1, "HY000", "conflicting CACHE/NOCACHE specifications", 2281, "conflicting CACHE/NOCACHE specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONFL_ORDER_SPEC, -4310,-1, "HY000", "conflicting ORDER/NOORDER specifications", 2282, "conflicting ORDER/NOORDER specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ALTER_START_SEQ_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED, -4311,-1, "HY000", "cannot alter starting sequence number", 2283, "cannot alter starting sequence number");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_INCREMENT_BY_SPEC, -4312,-1, "HY000", "duplicate INCREMENT BY specifications", 2284, "duplicate INCREMENT BY specifications",);
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_START_WITH_SPEC, -4313,-1, "HY000", "duplicate START WITH specifications", 2285, "duplicate START WITH specifications",);
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REQUIRE_ALTER_SEQ_OPTION, -4314,-1, "HY000", "no options specified for ALTER SEQUENCE", 2286, "no options specified for ALTER SEQUENCE");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE, -4315,-1, "HY000", "sequence number not allowed here", 2287, "sequence number not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_NOT_EXIST, -4316,-1, "HY000", "sequence does not exist", 2289, "sequence does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SEQ_OPTION_MUST_BE_INTEGER, -4317,-1, "HY000","sequence parameter must be an integer", "sequence parameter %s must be an integer", 4001, "sequence parameter must be an integer","sequence parameter %s must be an integer");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_INCREMENT_CAN_NOT_BE_ZERO, -4318,-1, "HY000", "INCREMENT must be a nonzero integer", 4002, "INCREMENT must be a nonzero integer");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_OPTION_EXCEED_RANGE, -4319,-1, "HY000", "sequence parameter exceeds maximum size allowed", 4003, "sequence parameter exceeds maximum size allowed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_START_WITH_LESS_THAN_MINVALUE, -4322,-1, "HY000", "START WITH cannot be less than MINVALUE", 4006, "START WITH cannot be less than MINVALUE");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MINVALUE_EXCEED_CURRVAL, -4323,-1, "HY000", "MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value", 4007, "MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_START_WITH_EXCEED_MAXVALUE, -4324,-1, "HY000", "START WITH cannot be more than MAXVALUE", 4008, "START WITH cannot be more than MAXVALUE");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MAXVALUE_EXCEED_CURRVAL, -4325,-1, "HY000", "MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value", 4009, "MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_CACHE_TOO_SMALL, -4326,-1, "HY000", "the number of values to CACHE must be greater than 1", 4010, "the number of values to CACHE must be greater than 1");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_OPTION_OUT_OF_RANGE, -4327,-1, "HY000", "sequence option value out of range", 4011, "sequence option value out of range");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_CACHE_TOO_LARGE, -4328,-1, "HY000", "number to CACHE must be less than one cycle", 4013, "number to CACHE must be less than one cycle");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_REQUIRE_MINVALUE, -4329,-1, "HY000", "descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE", 4014, "descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SEQ_REQUIRE_MAXVALUE, -4330,-1, "HY000", "ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE", 4015, "ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SEQ_NO_LONGER_EXIST, -4331,-1, "HY000", "sequence no longer exists", "sequence %s no longer exists", 4015, "sequence no longer exists", "sequence %s no longer exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SEQ_VALUE_EXCEED_LIMIT, -4332, -1, "HY000", "sequence exceeds limit and cannot be instantiated", "sequence exceeds %s and cannot be instantiated", 8004, "sequence exceeds limit and cannot be instantiated", "sequence exceeds %s and cannot be instantiated");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DIVISOR_IS_ZERO, -4333,-1, "HY000", "divisor is equal to zero", 1476, "divisor is equal to zero");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
385 386
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_AES_DECRYPT, -4334, -1, "HY000", "fail to decrypt data");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_AES_ENCRYPT, -4335, -1, "HY000", "fail to encrypt data");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
387 388 389
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_AES_IV_LENGTH, -4336, ER_AES_INVALID_IV, "HY000", "The initialization vector supplied to aes_encrypt is too short. Must be at least 16 bytes long");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_STORE_DIR_ERROR, -4337, -1, "HY000", "store directory structure error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OPEN_TWICE, -4338, -1, "HY000", "open twice");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RAID_SUPER_BLOCK_NOT_MACTH, -4339, -1, "HY000", "raid super block not match");
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391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_OPEN, -4340, -1, "HY000", "not opened");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_IN_SERVICE, -4341, -1, "HY000", "target module is not in service");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RAID_DISK_NOT_NORMAL, -4342, -1, "HY000", "raid disk not in normal status");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TENANT_SCHEMA_NOT_FULL, -4343, -1, "HY000", "tenant schema is not full");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_QUERY_TIMESTAMP, -4344, -1, "HY000", "invalid timestamp", 8186, "invalid timestamp");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DIR_NOT_EMPTY, -4345, -1, "HY000", "dir not empty");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SCHEMA_NOT_UPTODATE, -4346, -1, "HY000", "schema is not up to date for read");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ROLE_NOT_EXIST, -4347, -1, "HY000", "role does not exist", "role '%.*s' does not exist", 1919, "role does not exist", "role '%.*s' does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ROLE_EXIST, -4348, -1, "HY000", "role exists", "role '%.*s' exists", 1921, "role name conflicts with another user or role name", "role name '%.*s' conflicts with another user or role name");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_PRIV_DUP, -4349, -1, "HY000", "duplicate privilege listed", 1711, "duplicate privilege listed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KEYSTORE_EXIST, -4350, -1, "HY000", "the keystore already exists and each tenant can only have at most one");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KEYSTORE_NOT_EXIST, -4351, -1, "HY000", "the keystore is not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KEYSTORE_WRONG_PASSWORD, -4352, -1, "HY000", "the password is wrong for keystore");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TABLESPACE_EXIST, -4353, -1, "HY000", "tablespace already exists", "tablespace '%.*s' already exists", 1543, "tablespace already exists", "tablespace '%.*s' already exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TABLESPACE_NOT_EXIST, -4354, -1, "HY000", "tablespace does not exist", "tablespace '%.*s' does not exist", 959, "tablespace does not exist", "tablespace '%.*s' does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TABLESPACE_DELETE_NOT_EMPTY, -4355, -1, "HY000", "cannot delete a tablespace which is not empty");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_FLOAT_PRECISION_OUT_RANGE, -4356, -1, "HY000", "floating point precision is out of range (1 to 126)", 1724, "floating point precision is out of range (1 to 126)");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_NUMERIC_PRECISION_OUT_RANGE, -4357, -1, "HY000", "numeric precision specifier is out of range (1 to 38)", 1727, "numeric precision specifier is out of range (1 to 38)");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_NUMERIC_SCALE_OUT_RANGE, -4358, -1, "HY000", "numeric scale specifier is out of range (-84 to 127)", 1728, "numeric scale specifier is out of range (-84 to 127)");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KEYSTORE_NOT_OPEN, -4359, -1, "HY000", "the keystore is not open");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KEYSTORE_OPEN_NO_MASTER_KEY, -4360, -1, "HY000", "the keystore opened with dont have a master key");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SLOG_REACH_MAX_CONCURRENCY, -4361, -1, "HY000", "slog active transaction entries reach maximum");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
413 414 415
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_AUDITING_THE_OBJECT_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED, -4363, -1, "HY000", "auditing the object is not supported", 1930, "auditing the object is not supported");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DDL_STATEMENT_CANNOT_BE_AUDITED_WITH_BY_SESSION_SPECIFIED, -4364, -1, "HY000", "DDL statement cannot be audited with BY SESSION specified", 32595, "DDL statement cannot be audited with BY SESSION specified");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
416 417 418 419
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD, -4365, ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD, "HY000", "Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD, -4366, ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD, "HY000", "You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement", 28001, "the password has expired");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OVERSIZE_NEED_RETRY, -4367, ER_OVERSIZE_NEED_RETRY, "HY000", "The data more than 64M(rpc limit), split into smaller task and retry");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBCONFIG_CLUSTER_NOT_EXIST, -4368, -1, "HY000", "cluster not exists", "cluster %s not exist");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
420 421 422 423 424
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_GET_MASTER_KEY, -4369, -1, "HY000", "fail to get master key");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TDE_METHOD, -4370, -1, "HY000", "tde_method parameter is invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KMS_SERVER_CONNECT_ERROR, -4371, -1, "HY000", "kms server connect failed, may be kms server is down");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KMS_SERVER_IS_BUSY, -4372, -1, "HY000", "kms server is busy, try again");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_KMS_SERVER_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT, -4373, -1, "HY000", "kms server update key conflict at the same time, please try again");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
425 426 427
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_VALUE_LARGER_THAN_ALLOWED, -4374, -1, "HY000", "value larger than specified precision allowed for this column", 1438, "value larger than specified precision allowed for this column");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DISK_ERROR, -4375, -1, "HY000", "observer has disk error");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE, -4376, -1, "HY000", "unimplemented feature", 3001, "unimplemented feature");
leslieyuchen 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DEFENSIVE_CHECK, -4377, -1, "HY000", "fatal internal error", "fatal internal error in [%.*s]");
zbf0 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CLUSTER_NAME_HASH_CONFLICT, -4378, -1, "HY000", "cluster name conflict");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
430 431 432 433 434
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_HEAP_TABLE_EXAUSTED, -4379, -1, "HY000", "heap table has reached max row size, cannot insert anymore");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INDEX_KEY_NOT_FOUND, -4380, -1, "HY000", "index key not found", 8102, "index key not found");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UNSUPPORTED_DEPRECATED_FEATURE, -4381, -1, "HY000", "Not supported, deprecated %s feature");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_RESTART_SPEC, -4382,-1, "HY000", "duplicate RESTART specified", 64601, "duplicate RESTART specified");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_GTI_NOT_READY, -4383, -1, "HY000", "transaction id is not ready");
xuhuleon 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_STACK_OVERFLOW, -4385, -1, "HY000", "stack overflow");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
436 437 438 439 440 441
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_ALLOW_REMOVING_LEADER, -4386, -1, "HY000", "Do not allow removing leader");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NEED_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP, -4387, -1, "HY000", "Need switch consumer group");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UNEXPECT_INTERNAL_ERROR, -4388, -1, "HY000", "Unexpected internal error happen, please checkout the internal errcode");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MUCH_TIME, -4389, -1, "HY000", "Porcessing time is too long");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REMOTE_SCHEMA_NOT_FULL, -4390, -1, "HY000", "Schema of remote server is not refreshed yet");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DDL_SSTABLE_RANGE_CROSS, -4391, -1, "HY000", "ddl sstable version range cross");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502

//error code for root server & server management -4500 ---- -5000
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_IMPORT_NOT_IN_SERVER, -4505, -1, "HY000", "Import not in service");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CONVERT_ERROR, -4507, -1, "42000", "Convert error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BYPASS_TIMEOUT, -4510, -1, "HY000", "Bypass timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RS_STATE_NOT_ALLOW, -4512, -1, "HY000", "RootServer state error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_REPLICA_VALID, -4515, -1, "HY000", "No replica is valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_NEED_UPDATE, -4517, -1, "HY000", "No need to update");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CACHE_TIMEOUT, -4518, -1, "HY000", "Cache timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ITER_STOP, -4519, -1, "HY000", "Iteration was stopped");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ZONE_ALREADY_MASTER, -4523, -1, "HY000", "The zone is the master already");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_IP_PORT_IS_NOT_SLAVE_ZONE, -4524, -1, "HY000", "Not slave zone");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ZONE_IS_NOT_SLAVE, -4525, -1, "HY000", "Not slave zone");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ZONE_IS_NOT_MASTER, -4526, -1, "HY000", "Not master zone");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CONFIG_NOT_SYNC, -4527, -1, "F0000", "Configuration not sync");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_IP_PORT_IS_NOT_ZONE, -4528, -1, "42000", "Not a zone address");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MASTER_ZONE_NOT_EXIST, -4529, -1, "HY000", "Master zone not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ZONE_INFO_NOT_EXIST, -4530, -1, "HY000", "Zone info not exist", "Zone info \'%s\' not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_GET_ZONE_MASTER_UPS_FAILED, -4531, -1, "HY000", "Failed to get master UpdateServer");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MULTIPLE_MASTER_ZONES_EXIST, -4532, -1, "HY000", "Multiple master zones");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INDEXING_ZONE_INVALID, -4533, -1, "HY000", "indexing zone is not exist anymore or not active");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ROOT_TABLE_RANGE_NOT_EXIST, -4537, -1, "HY000", "Tablet range not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ROOT_MIGRATE_CONCURRENCY_FULL, -4538, -1, "HY000", "Migrate concurrency full");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ROOT_MIGRATE_INFO_NOT_FOUND, -4539, -1, "HY000", "Migrate info not found");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_DATA_LOAD_TABLE, -4540, -1, "HY000", "No data to load");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_LOAD_TABLE_DUPLICATED, -4541, -1, "HY000", "Duplicated table data to load");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ROOT_TABLE_ID_EXIST, -4542, -1, "HY000", "Table ID exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INDEX_TIMEOUT, -4543, -1, "HY000", "Building index timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ROOT_NOT_INTEGRATED, -4544, -1, "42000", "Root not integrated");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INDEX_INELIGIBLE, -4545, -1, "HY000", "index data not unique");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REBALANCE_EXEC_TIMEOUT, -4546, -1, "HY000", "execute replication or migration task timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MERGE_NOT_STARTED, -4547, -1, "HY000", "global merge not started");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MERGE_ALREADY_STARTED, -4548, -1, "HY000", "merge already started");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ROOTSERVICE_EXIST, -4549, -1, "HY000", "rootservice already exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RS_SHUTDOWN, -4550, -1, "HY000", "rootservice is shutdown");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_MIGRATE_IN_DENIED, -4551, -1, "HY000", "server migrate in denied");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REBALANCE_TASK_CANT_EXEC, -4552, -1, "HY000", "rebalance task can not executing now");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_CNT_REACH_ROOTSERVER_LIMIT, -4553, -1, "HY000", "rootserver can not hold more partition");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REBALANCE_TASK_NOT_IN_PROGRESS, -4554, -1, "HY000", "rebalance task not in progress on observer");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_NOT_EXIST, -4600, -1, "HY000", "Data source not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_TABLE_NOT_EXIST, -4601, -1, "HY000", "Data source table not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_RANGE_NOT_EXIST, -4602, -1, "HY000", "Data source range not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_DATA_NOT_EXIST, -4603, -1, "HY000", "Data source data not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_SYS_ERROR, -4604, -1, "HY000", "Data source sys error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_TIMEOUT, -4605, -1, "HY000", "Data source timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_CONCURRENCY_FULL, -4606, -1, "53000", "Data source concurrency full");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_WRONG_URI_FORMAT, -4607, -1, "42000", "Data source wrong URI format");

DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SSTABLE_VERSION_UNEQUAL, -4608, -1, "42000", "SSTable version not equal");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UPS_RENEW_LEASE_NOT_ALLOWED, -4609, -1, "HY000", "ups should not renew its lease");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UPS_COUNT_OVER_LIMIT, -4610, -1, "HY000", "ups count over limit");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_UPS_MAJORITY, -4611, -1, "HY000", "ups not form a majority");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INDEX_COUNT_REACH_THE_LIMIT, -4613, -1, "HY000", "created index tables count has reach the limit:128");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TASK_EXPIRED, -4614, -1, "HY000", "task expired");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TABLEGROUP_NOT_EMPTY, -4615, -1, "HY000", "tablegroup is not empty");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_SERVER_STATUS, -4620, -1, "HY000", "server status is not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WAIT_ELEC_LEADER_TIMEOUT, -4621, -1, "HY000", "wait elect partition leader timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WAIT_ALL_RS_ONLINE_TIMEOUT, -4622, -1, "HY000", "wait all rs online timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ALL_REPLICAS_ON_MERGE_ZONE, -4623, -1, "HY000", "all replicas of partition group are on zones to merge");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
503 504
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_MACHINE_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH, -4624, -1, "HY000", "machine resource is not enough to hold a new unit", "zone '%s' server \'%s\' %s resource is not enough to hold a new unit");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_SERVER_CAN_HOLD_SOFTLY, -4625, -1, "HY000", "not server can hold the unit and not over soft limit");
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505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_RESOURCE_POOL_ALREADY_GRANTED, -4626, -1, "HY000", "resource pool has already been granted to a tenant", "resource pool \'%s\' has already been granted to a tenant");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_ALREADY_DELETED, -4628, -1, "HY000", "server has already been deleted");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_NOT_DELETING, -4629, -1, "HY000", "server is not in deleting status");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_NOT_IN_WHITE_LIST, -4630, -1, "HY000", "server not in server white list");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_ZONE_NOT_MATCH, -4631, -1, "HY000", "server zone not match");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OVER_ZONE_NUM_LIMIT, -4632, -1, "HY000", "zone num has reach max zone num");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ZONE_STATUS_NOT_MATCH, -4633, -1, "HY000", "zone status not match");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_RESOURCE_UNIT_IS_REFERENCED, -4634, -1, "HY000", "resource unit is referenced by resource pool", "resource unit \'%s\' is referenced by some resource pool");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DIFFERENT_PRIMARY_ZONE, -4636, -1, "HY000", "table schema primary zone different with other table in sampe tablegroup");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_NOT_ACTIVE, -4637, -1, "HY000", "server is not active");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RS_NOT_MASTER, -4638, -1, "HY000", "The RootServer is not the master");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANDIDATE_LIST_ERROR, -4639, -1, "HY000", "The candidate list is invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_ZONE_DUPLICATED, -4640, -1, "HY000", "The chosen partition servers belong to same zone.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ZONE_DUPLICATED, -4641, -1, "HY000", "Duplicated zone in zone list", "Duplicated zone \'%s\' in zone list %s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_ALL_ZONE_ACTIVE, -4642, -1, "HY000", "Not all zone in zone list are active");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_PRIMARY_ZONE_NOT_IN_ZONE_LIST, -4643, -1, "HY000", "primary zone not in zone list", "primary zone \'%s\' not in zone list %s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REPLICA_NUM_NOT_MATCH, -4644, -1, "HY000", "replica num not same with zone count");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ZONE_LIST_POOL_LIST_NOT_MATCH, -4645, -1, "HY000", "zone list not a subset of  resource pool list", "zone list %s not a subset of resource pool zone list %s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_INVALID_TENANT_NAME, -4646, -1, "HY000", "tenant name is too long", "tenant name \'%s\' over max_tenant_name_length %ld");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_EMPTY_RESOURCE_POOL_LIST, -4647, -1, "HY000", "resource pool list is empty");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_RESOURCE_UNIT_NOT_EXIST, -4648, -1, "HY000", "resource unit not exist", "resource unit \'%s\' not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_RESOURCE_UNIT_EXIST, -4649, -1, "HY000", "resource unit already exist", "resource unit \'%s\' already exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_RESOURCE_POOL_NOT_EXIST, -4650, -1, "HY000", "resource pool not exist", "resource pool \'%s\' not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_RESOURCE_POOL_EXIST, -4651, -1, "HY000", "resource pool already exist", "resource pool \'%s\' exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WAIT_LEADER_SWITCH_TIMEOUT, -4652, -1, "HY000", "wait leader switch timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOCATION_NOT_EXIST, -4653, -1, "HY000", "location not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOCATION_LEADER_NOT_EXIST, -4654, -1, "HY000", "location leader not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ZONE_NOT_ACTIVE, -4655, -1, "HY000", "zone not active");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UNIT_NUM_OVER_SERVER_COUNT, -4656, -1, "HY000", "resource pool unit num is bigger than zone server count");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_POOL_SERVER_INTERSECT, -4657, -1, "HY000", "resource pool list unit server intersect", "resource pool list %s unit servers intersect");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_NOT_SINGLE_RESOURCE_POOL, -4658, -1, "HY000", "create tenant only support single resource pool now", "create tenant only support single resource pool now, but pool list is %s");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_RESOURCE_UNIT_VALUE_BELOW_LIMIT, -4659, -1, "HY000", "resource unit value is below limit", "invalid %s value, min value is %s");
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537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_STOP_SERVER_IN_MULTIPLE_ZONES, -4660, -1, "HY000", "Can not stop server in multiple zones", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SESSION_ENTRY_EXIST, -4661, -1, "HY000", "Session already exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_GOT_SIGNAL_ABORTING, -4662, ER_GOT_SIGNAL, "01000", "Got signal. Aborting!", "%s: Got signal %d. Aborting!");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_NOT_ALIVE, -4663, -1, "HY000", "server is not alive");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_GET_LOCATION_TIME_OUT, -4664, 4012, "HY000", "Timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UNIT_IS_MIGRATING, -4665, -1, "HY000", "Unit is migrating, can not migrate again");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CLUSTER_NO_MATCH, -4666, -1, "HY000", "cluster name does not match", "cluster name does not match to \'%s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CHECK_ZONE_MERGE_ORDER, -4667, -1, "HY000", "Please check new zone in zone_merge_order. You can show parameters like 'zone_merge_order'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ZONE_NOT_EMPTY, -4668, -1, "HY000", "zone not empty", "The zone is not empty and can not be deleted. You should delete the servers of the zone. There are %ld servers alive and %ld not alive.");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DIFFERENT_LOCALITY, -4669, -1, "HY000", "locality not match, check it");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_EMPTY_LOCALITY, -4670, -1, "HY000", "locality is empty")
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_FULL_REPLICA_NUM_NOT_ENOUGH, -4671, -1, "HY000", "full replica num not enough")
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REPLICA_NUM_NOT_ENOUGH, -4672, -1, "HY000", "replica num not enough")
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DATA_SOURCE_NOT_VALID, -4673, -1, "HY000", "Data source not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RUN_JOB_NOT_SUCCESS, -4674, -1, "HY000", "run job not success yet");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_NEED_REBUILD, -4675, -1, "HY000", "no need to rebuild");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NEED_REMOVE_UNNEED_TABLE, -4676, -1, "HY000", "need remove unneed table");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_NEED_MERGE, -4677, -1, "HY000", "no need to merge");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CONFLICT_OPTION, -4678, -1, "HY000", "conflicting specifications", "conflicting %.*s specifications");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_DUPLICATE_OPTION, -4679, -1, "HY000", "duplicate specifications", "duplicate %.*s specifications");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_INVALID_OPTION, -4680, -1, "HY000", "invalid specifications", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_RPC_NEED_RECONNECT, -4681, -1, "HY000", "rpc need reconnect", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANNOT_COPY_MAJOR_SSTABLE, -4682, -1, "HY000", "cannot copy major sstable now");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SRC_DO_NOT_ALLOWED_MIGRATE, -4683, -1, "HY000", "src do not allowed migrate");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TOO_MANY_TENANT_PARTITIONS_ERROR, -4684, -1, "HY000", "Too many partitions were defined for this tenant");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ACTIVE_MEMTBALE_NOT_EXSIT, -4685, -1, "HY000", "active memtable not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_USE_DUP_FOLLOW_AFTER_DML, -4686, -1, "HY000", "Should use leader replica for duplicate table after DML operator");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_DISK_NEED_REBUILD, -4687, -1, "HY000", "no disk need rebuild");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_STANDBY_WEAK_READ_ONLY, -4688, -1, "HY000", "standby cluster support weak read only", 16000, "standby cluster support weak read only");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALD_WEB_SERVICE_CONTENT, -4689, -1, "HY000", "web service content not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PRIMARY_CLUSTER_EXIST, -4690, -1, "HY000", "other primary cluster already exist, can not start as primary");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ARRAY_BINDING_SWITCH_ITERATOR, -4691, -1, "HY000", "array binding needs to switch iterator");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_STANDBY_CLUSTER_NOT_EMPTY, -4692, -1, "HY000", "standby cluster not empty");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_PRIMARY_CLUSTER, -4693, -1, "HY000", "not primary cluster");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CHECK_DROP_COLUMN_FAILED, -4694, -1, "HY000", "check drop column failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_STANDBY_CLUSTER, -4695, -1, "HY000", "not standby cluster");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CLUSTER_VERSION_NOT_COMPATIBLE, -4696, -1, "HY000", "cluster version not compatible");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WAIT_TRANS_TABLE_MERGE_TIMEOUT, -4697, -1, "HY000", "wait trans table merge finish timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SKIP_RENEW_LOCATION_BY_RPC, -4698, -1, "HY000", "skip renew location by rpc");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RENEW_LOCATION_BY_RPC_FAILED, -4699, -1, "HY000", "renew location by rpc failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CLUSTER_ID_NO_MATCH, -4700, -1, "HY000", "cluster id does not match");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARAM_INVALID, -4701, -1, "HY000", "parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid", 2097, "parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_RES_OBJ_ALREADY_EXIST, -4702, -1, "HY000", "resource object already exists", "%s %.*s already exists", 29357, "resource object already exists", "%s %.*s already exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_RES_PLAN_NOT_EXIST, -4703, -1, "HY000", "resource plan does not exist", "resource plan %.*s does not exist", 29358, "resource plan does not exist", "resource plan %.*s does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PERCENTAGE_OUT_OF_RANGE, -4704, -1, "HY000", "value is outside valid range of 0 to 100", "value %ld for %s is outside valid range of 0 to 100", 29361, "value is outside valid range of 0 to 100", "value %ld for %s is outside valid range of 0 to 100");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PLAN_DIRECTIVE_NOT_EXIST, -4705, -1, "HY000", "plan directive does not exist", "plan directive %.*s, %.*s does not exist", 29362, "plan directive does not exist", "plan directive %.*s, %.*s does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PLAN_DIRECTIVE_ALREADY_EXIST, -4706, -1, "HY000", "plan directive already exists", "plan directive %.*s, %.*s already exists", 29364, "plan directive already exists", "plan directive %.*s, %.*s already exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_PLAN_DIRECTIVE_NAME, -4707, -1, "HY000", "plan directive name not supported.", "plan directive name '%.*s' not supported." , 29366, "plan directive name not supported.", "plan directive name '%.*s' not supported.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_FAILOVER_NOT_ALLOW, -4708, -1, "HY000", "Failover is not allowed", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ADD_CLUSTER_NOT_ALLOWED, -4709, -1, "HY000", "Add cluster not allowed.", "Add cluster not allowed. Actions: %s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CONSUMER_GROUP_NOT_EXIST, -4710, -1, "HY000", "consumer group does not exist", "consumer group %.*s does not exist", 29368, "consumer group does not exist", "consumer group %.*s does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CLUSTER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE, -4711, -1, "HY000", "cluster is not accessible", "cluster is not accessible, cluster_id: %ld");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TENANT_RESOURCE_UNIT_EXIST, -4712, -1, "HY000", "tenant already has resource unit configured", "tenant already has resource unit configured, tenant_id: %ld, observer: \'%s\'");
590 591 592
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DROP_TRUNCATE_PARTITION_REBUILD_INDEX, -4713, -1, "HY000", "rebuild global index failed when drop/truncate partitions", "rebuild global index:'%.*s' failed when drop/truncate partitions");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ATLER_TABLE_ILLEGAL_FK, -4714, -1, "HY000", "unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys", 02266, "unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVILEGE, -4715, -1, "HY000", "insufficient Resource Manager privileges", 56713, "insufficient Resource Manager privileges");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
593 594
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LEADER_COORDINATOR_NEED_RETRY, -4716, -1, "HY000", "leader coordinator needs retry");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REBALANCE_TASK_NEED_RETRY, -4717, -1, "HY000", "rebalance task needs retry");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RES_MGR_PLAN_NOT_EXIST, -4718, -1, "HY000", "specified resource manager plan does not exist in the data dictionary", 7452, "specified resource manager plan does not exist in the data dictionary");
oceanbase-admin 已提交

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597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625
// for log stream and tablet
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LS_NOT_EXIST, -4719, -1, "HY000", "log stream does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TOO_MANY_TENANT_LS, -4720, -1, "HY000", "too many log streams were defined for this tenant");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LS_LOCATION_NOT_EXIST, -4721, -1, "HY000", "log stream location does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LS_LOCATION_LEADER_NOT_EXIST, -4722, -1, "HY000", "log stream location leader does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MAPPING_BETWEEN_TABLET_AND_LS_NOT_EXIST, -4723, -1, "HY000", "mapping between tablet and log stream does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TABLET_EXIST, -4724, -1, "HY000", "unexpected tablet existence");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TABLET_NOT_EXIST, -4725, -1, "HY000", "tablet does not exist");

DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_STANDBY_STATUS, -4726, -1, "HY000", "check standby cluster status");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LS_NEED_REVOKE, -4727, -1, "HY000", "ls need revoke");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INTERVAL_PARTITION_EXIST, -4728, -1, "HY000", "interval partition already exists");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INTERVAL_PARTITION_ERROR, -4729, -1, "HY000", "the property of interval partition is changed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_LAST_PARTITION_IN_THE_RANGE_SECTION_CANNOT_BE_DROPPED, -4730, -1, "HY000", "Last partition in the range section cannot be dropped", 14758, "Last partition in the range section cannot be dropped");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SET_INTERVAL_IS_NOT_LEGAL_ON_THIS_TABLE, -4731, -1, "HY000", "SET INTERVAL is not legal on this table.", 14759, "SET INTERVAL is not legal on this table.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CHECK_CLUSTER_STATUS, -4732, -1, "HY000", "check cluster status", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ZONE_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH, -4733, -1, "HY000", "zone resource is not enough to hold new units", "zone '%s' resource not enough to hold %ld unit. You can check resource info by views: DBA_OB_UNITS, GV$OB_UNITS, GV$OB_SERVERS.\n%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ZONE_SERVER_NOT_ENOUGH, -4734, -1, "HY000", "zone server not enough to hold all units", "zone '%s' server not enough to hold %ld new unit, please check zone valid servers");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SSTABLE_NOT_EXIST, -4735, -1, "HY000", "sstable not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RESOURCE_UNIT_VALUE_INVALID, -4736, -1, "HY000", "resource unit value is invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LS_EXIST, -4737, -1, "HY000", "log stream already exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DEVICE_EXIST, -4738, -1, "HY000", "Unexpected device existence");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DEVICE_NOT_EXIST, -4739, -1, "HY000", "Device does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LS_REPLICA_TASK_RESULT_UNCERTAIN, -4740, -1, "HY000", "log stream replica task result is uncertain");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WAIT_REPLAY_TIMEOUT, -4741, -1, "HY000", "log stream wait log replay timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WAIT_TABLET_READY_TIMEOUT, -4742, -1, "HY000", "log stream wait tablet ready timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_FREEZE_SERVICE_EPOCH_MISMATCH, -4743, -1, "HY000", "freeze service epoch is not expected");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_FROZEN_INFO_ALREADY_EXIST, -4744, -1, "HY000", "already exist larger frozen_scn in __all_freeze_info", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_DELETE_SERVER_NOT_ALLOWED, -4745, -1, "HY000", "delete server not allowed", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PACKET_STATUS_UNKNOWN, -4746, -1, "HY000", "Network error and packet status unknown. Abort auto retry.");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交

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628 629 630 631 632 633 634
// SQL & Schema specific error code, -5000 ~ -6000
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARSER_INIT, -5000, ER_PARSE_ERROR, "0B000", "Failed to init SQL parser");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PARSE_SQL, -5001, ER_PARSE_ERROR, "42000", "Parse error", "%s near \'%.*s\' at line %d", 900, "invalid SQL statement", "%s near \'%.*s\' at line %d");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RESOLVE_SQL, -5002, -1, "HY000", "Resolve error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_GEN_PLAN, -5003, -1, "HY000", "Generate plan error");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_PARSER_SYNTAX, -5006, ER_SYNTAX_ERROR, "42000", "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your OceanBase version for the right syntax to use", 900, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your OceanBase version for the right syntax to use");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_COLUMN_SIZE, -5007, ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT, "21000", "The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
// xiyu@TODO: will be replaced by OB_NON_UNIQ_ERROR
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638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_COLUMN_DUPLICATE, -5008, ER_DUP_FIELDNAME, "42S21", "Duplicate column name", "Duplicate column name '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OPERATOR_UNKNOWN, -5010, -1, "21000", "Unknown operator");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_STAR_DUPLICATE, -5011, -1, "42000", "Duplicated star");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_ID, -5012, -1, "HY000", "Illegal ID", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_VALUE, -5014, -1, "HY000", "Illegal value");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_LOGICAL_PLAN_FAILD, -5016, -1, "HY000", "Generate logical plan error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SCHEMA_UNSET, -5017, -1, "HY000", "Schema not set");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_NAME, -5018, -1, "42000", "Illegal name");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TABLE_EXIST, -5020, ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR, "42S01", "Table already exists", "Table '%.*s' already exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TABLE_NOT_EXIST, -5019, ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE, "42S02", "Table doesn\'t exist", "Table \'%s.%s\' doesn\'t exist", 942, "table or view does not exist", "table or view \'%s.%s\' does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXPR_UNKNOWN, -5022, -1, "42000", "Unknown expression");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_TYPE, -5023, -1, "S1004", "Illegal type", "unsupport MySQL type %d. Maybe you should use java.sql.Timestamp instead of java.util.Date.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_KEY_NAME_DUPLICATE, -5025, ER_DUP_KEYNAME, "42000", "Duplicated key name", "Duplicate key name \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PRIMARY_KEY_DUPLICATE, -5024, ER_DUP_ENTRY, "23000", "Duplicated primary key", "Duplicate entry \'%s\' for key \'%.*s\'", 1, "unique constraint violated", "unique constraint \'%s\' for key \'%.*s\' violated");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CREATETIME_DUPLICATE, -5026, -1, "42000", "Duplicated createtime");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFYTIME_DUPLICATE, -5027, -1, "42000", "Duplicated modifytime");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_INDEX, -5028, ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX, "42S12", "Illegal index");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SCHEMA, -5029, -1, "HY000", "Invalid schema");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INSERT_NULL_ROWKEY, -5030, ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL, "42000", "Insert null rowkey", "Insert null into %.*s", 1400, "cannot insert NULL into", "cannot insert NULL into (%.*s)");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND, -5031, -1, "HY000", "Column not found");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
659 660
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DELETE_NULL_ROWKEY, -5032, -1, "23000", "Delete null rowkey");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_USER_EMPTY, -5034, -1, "01007", "No user");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_USER_NOT_EXIST, -5035, ER_NO_SUCH_USER, "HY000", "User not exist");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_PRIVILEGE, -5036, ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, "42501", "Access denied", "Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %s privilege(s) for this operation");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_AVAILABLE_PRIVILEGE_ENTRY, -5037, -1, "HY000", "No privilege entry");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_PASSWORD, -5038, ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH, "42000", "Incorrect password");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UPDATE_ROWKEY_COLUMN, -5040, -1, "42000", "Can not update rowkey column");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UPDATE_JOIN_COLUMN, -5041, -1, "42000", "Can not update join column");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_COLUMN_NUM, -5042, ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS, "21000", "Invalid column number", "Operand should contain %ld column(s)");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PREPARE_STMT_NOT_FOUND, -5043, ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER, "HY007", "Unknown prepared statement", "statement not prepared, stmt_id=%u");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_SYS_VARIABLE_UNKNOWN, -5044, ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_VARIABLE, "HY000", "Unknown system variable", "Unknown system variable '%.*s'");
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671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OLDER_PRIVILEGE_VERSION, -5046, -1, "HY000", "Older privilege version");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_LACK_OF_ROWKEY_COL, -5047, ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY, "42000", "No rowkey column specified", "Primary key column(s) not specified in the WHERE clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_USER_EXIST, -5050, -1, "42710", "User exists", 1920, "user name conflicts with another user or role name");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PASSWORD_EMPTY, -5051, -1, "HY000", "Empty password");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_GRANT_PRIVILEGES_TO_CREATE_TABLE, -5052, -1, "42000", "Failed to grant privelege");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WRONG_DYNAMIC_PARAM, -5053, -1, "HY093", "Wrong dynamic parameters", "Incorrect arguments number to EXECUTE, need %ld arguments but give %ld");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PARAM_SIZE, -5054, ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT, "42000", "Incorrect parameter count", "Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%.*s'", 909, "invalid number of arguments", "invalid number of arguments in the call to native function '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FUNCTION_UNKNOWN, -5055, ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "42000", "FUNCTION does not exist", "FUNCTION %.*s does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CREAT_MODIFY_TIME_COLUMN, -5056, -1, "23000", "CreateTime or ModifyTime column cannot be modified");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_PRIMARY_KEY, -5057, -1, "23000", "Primary key cannot be modified");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARAM_DUPLICATE, -5058, -1, "42000", "Duplicated parameters");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_PS, -5061, -1, "54023", "Too many prepared statements");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_HINT_UNKNOWN, -5063, -1, "42000", "Unknown hint");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WHEN_UNSATISFIED, -5064, -1, "23000", "When condition not satisfied");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, -5065, ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED, "70100", "Query execution was interrupted");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SESSION_INTERRUPTED, -5066, -1, "HY000", "Session interrupted", 1092, "OceanBase instance terminated. Disconnection forced");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID, -5067, -1, "HY000", "Unknown session ID");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PROTOCOL_NOT_RECOGNIZE, -5068, -1, "HY000", "Incorrect protocol");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRITE_AUTH_ERROR, -5069, -1, "HY000", "Write auth packet error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARSE_JOIN_INFO, -5070, -1, "42000", "Wrong join info")
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ALTER_INDEX_COLUMN, -5071, -1, "42000", "Cannot alter index column");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_INDEX_TABLE, -5072, -1, "42000", "Cannot modify index table");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INDEX_UNAVAILABLE, -5073, ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX, "42000", "Index unavailable");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOP_VALUE, -5074, -1, "23000", "NOP cannot be used here");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PS_TOO_MANY_PARAM, -5080, ER_PS_MANY_PARAM, "54000", "Prepared statement contains too many placeholders");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_READ_ONLY, -5081, -1, "25000", "The server is read only now");
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698 699 700 701 702
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_OP, -5083, -1, "22000", "Invalid data type for the operation", "invalid obj type for type promotion: left_type=%s right_type=%s", 932, "inconsistent datatypes", "inconsistent datatypes: left_type=%s right_type=%s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CAST_VARCHAR_TO_BOOL, -5084, -1, "22000", "Can not cast varchar value to bool type");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CAST_VARCHAR_TO_NUMBER, -5085, -1, "22000", "Not a number Can not cast varchar value to number type", 1722, "invalid number");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CAST_VARCHAR_TO_TIME, -5086, -1, "22000", "Not timestamp Can not cast varchar value to timestamp type");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CAST_NUMBER_OVERFLOW, -5087, -1, "22000", "Result value was out of range when cast to number");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
703 704
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INTEGER_PRECISION_OVERFLOW, -5088, ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, "22003", "Result value was out of range when casting varchar to number", "value larger than specified precision(%ld,%ld) allowed for this column", 1426, "numeric overflow", "numeric overflow, value larger than specified precision(%ld,%ld) allowed for this column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_DECIMAL_PRECISION_OVERFLOW, -5089, ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, "22003", "Result value was out of range when casting varchar to number", "value(%s) larger than specified precision(%ld,%ld) allowed for this column", 1426, "numeric overflow", "numeric overflow, value(%s) larger than specified precision(%ld,%ld) allowed for this column");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
705 706 707
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SCHEMA_NUMBER_PRECISION_OVERFLOW, -5090, -1, "22000", "Precision was out of range");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SCHEMA_NUMBER_SCALE_OVERFLOW, -5091, -1, "22000", "Scale value was out of range");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INDEX_UNKNOWN, -5092, -1, "42000", "Unknown index");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW, -5093, ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, "22003", "Result value was out of range when casting varchar to number", 1426, "numeric overflow");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_JOIN_TABLES, -5094, -1, "HY000", "too many joined tables");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
710 711 712
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DDL_ON_REMOTE_DATABASE, -5095, -1, "HY000", "DDL operations are not allowed on a remote database", 2021, "DDL operations are not allowed on a remote database");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISSING_KEYWORD, -5096, -1, "HY000", "missing keyword", 905, "missing keyword");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DATABASE_LINK_EXPECTED, -5097, -1, "HY000", "database link name expected", 1729, "database link name expected");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_VARCHAR_TOO_LONG, -5098, -1, "22001", "Varchar value is too long for the column", "Data too long(%d>%ld) for column '%s'");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_SYS_CONFIG_UNKNOWN, -5099, -1, "42000", "System config unknown");
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715 716 717 718 719 720
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_LOCAL_VARIABLE, -5100, ER_LOCAL_VARIABLE, "HY000", "Local variable", "Variable \'%.*s\' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBAL");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_GLOBAL_VARIABLE, -5101, ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE, "HY000", "Global variable", "Variable \'%.*s\' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_VARIABLE_IS_READONLY, -5102, ER_VARIABLE_IS_READONLY, "HY000", "variable is read only", "%.*s variable '%.*s' is read-only. Use SET %.*s to assign the value");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR, -5103, ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR, "HY000", "incorrect global or local variable", "Variable '%.*s' is a %.*s variable");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_EXPIRE_INFO_TOO_LONG, -5104, -1, "42000", "Expire expression too long", "length(%d) of expire_info is larger than the max allowed(%ld)");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_EXPIRE_COND_TOO_LONG, -5105, -1, "42000", "Expire condition too long", "total length(%ld) of expire_info and its expression is larger than the max allowed(%ld)");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
721 722 723 724 725 726
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_EXTRACT, -5106, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument for extract()", "EXTRACT() expected timestamp or a string as date argument");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_IS, -5107, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument for IS operator", "Invalid operand type for IS operator, lval=%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_LENGTH, -5108, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument for length()", "function LENGTH() expected a varchar argument");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_SUBSTR, -5109, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument for substr()", "invalid input format. ret=%d text=%s start=%s length=%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_TIME_TO_USEC, -5110, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument for time_to_usec()", "TIME_TO_USEC() expected timestamp or a string as date argument");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_USEC_TO_TIME, -5111, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument for usec_to_time()", "USEC_TO_TIME expected a interger number as usec argument");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
727 728
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_USER_VARIABLE_UNKNOWN, -5112, -1, "42P01", "Unknown user variable", "Variable %.*s does not exists");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ILLEGAL_USAGE_OF_MERGING_FROZEN_TIME, -5113, -1, "42000", "Illegal usage of merging_frozen_time()", "MERGING_FROZEN_TIME() system function only be used in daily merging.");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
729 730
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_NUMERIC, -5114, -1, "42000", "Invalid numeric", "Invalid numeric char '%c'", 1722, "invalid number", "invalid number char '%c'");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_REGEXP_ERROR, -5115, ER_REGEXP_ERROR, "42000", "Got error 'empty (sub)expression' from regexp");
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731 732 733 734 735 736 737
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_LOG_OP_SETCHILD_OVERFLOW, -5116, -1, "HY000", "Logical operator child index overflow");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_EXPLAIN_FAILED, -5117, -1, "HY000", "fail to explain plan");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_OPT_COPY_OP_FAILED, -5118, -1, "HY000", "fail to copy logical operator");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_OPT_GEN_PLAN_FALIED, -5119, -1, "HY000", "fail to generate plan");;
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_OPT_CREATE_RAWEXPR_FAILED, -5120, -1,  "HY000", "fail to create raw expr");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_OPT_JOIN_ORDER_FAILED, -5121, -1,  "HY000", "fail to generate join order");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_OPT_ERROR, -5122, -1,  "HY000", "optimizer general error");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
738 739
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OCI_INIT_TIMEZONE, -5123, -1, "HY000", "failure to initialize timezone information", 1804, "failure to initialize timezone information");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ZLIB_DATA, -5124, ER_ZLIB_Z_DATA_ERROR, "HY000", "ZLIB: Input data corrupted");
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740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_RESOLVER_NO_MEMORY, -5130, -1, "HY000", "sql resolver no memory");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_DML_ONLY, -5131, -1, "HY000", "plan cache support dml only");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_GRANT, -5133, -1, "42000", "No such grant defined");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_DB_SELECTED, -5134, ER_NO_DB_ERROR, "3D000", "No database selected");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_PC_OVERFLOW, -5135, -1, "HY000", "plan cache is overflow");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_PC_PLAN_DUPLICATE, -5136, -1, "HY000", "plan exists in plan cache already");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_PC_PLAN_EXPIRE, -5137, -1, "HY000", "plan is expired");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_PC_NOT_EXIST, -5138, -1, "HY000", "no plan exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_PARAMS_LIMIT, -5139, -1, "HY000", "too many params, plan cache not support" );
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_PC_PLAN_SIZE_LIMIT, -5140, -1, "HY000", "plan is too big to add to plan cache");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
750 751 752 753
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_UNKNOWN_CHARSET, -5142, ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET, "42000", "Unknown character set", "Unknown character set: '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_UNKNOWN_COLLATION, -5143, ER_UNKNOWN_COLLATION, "HY000", "Unknown collation", "Unknown collation: '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_COLLATION_MISMATCH, -5144, ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH, "42000", "The collation is not valid for the character set", "COLLATION '%.*s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%.*s'", 12704, "character set mismatch", "COLLATION '%.*s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR, -5145, ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR, "42000", "Variable can't be set to the value", "Variable \'%.*s\' can't be set to the value of \'%.*s\'");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
754 755 756 757
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_UNKNOWN_PARTITION, -5146, ER_UNKNOWN_PARTITION, "HY000", "Unknown partition", "Unkown partition '%.*s' in table '%.*s'", 2149, "Specified partition does not exist", "Specified partition does not exist '%.*s' in table '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_NOT_MATCH, -5147, ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GIVEN_PARTITION_SET, "HY000", "Found a row not matching the given partition set");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_PASSWD_LENGTH, -5148, -1, "HY000", " Password hash should be a 40-digit hexadecimal number");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INSERT_INNER_JOIN_COLUMN, -5149, -1, "07000", "Insert inner join column error");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_TENANT_NOT_IN_SERVER, -5150, -1, "HY000", "Tenant not in this server");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
759 760 761 762 763
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TABLEGROUP_NOT_EXIST, -5151, -1, "42P01", "tablegroup not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_SUBQUERY_TOO_MANY_ROW, -5153, ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW, "21000", "Subquery returns more than 1 row", 1427, "single-row subquery returns more than one row");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_BAD_DATABASE, -5154, ER_BAD_DB_ERROR, "42000", "Unknown database", "Unknown database '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CANNOT_USER, -5155, ER_CANNOT_USER, "HY000", "User operation failed", "Operation %.*s failed for %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TENANT_EXIST, -5156, -1, "HY000", "tenant already exist", "tenant \'%s\' already exist");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_TENANT_NOT_EXIST, -5157, -1, "HY000", "Unknown tenant", "Unknown tenant '%.*s'");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_DATABASE_EXIST, -5158, ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS, "HY000", "Can't create database;database exists", "Can't create database '%.*s'; database exists");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TABLEGROUP_EXIST, -5159, -1, "HY000", "tablegroup already exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_TENANT_NAME, -5160, -1, "HY000", "invalid tenant name specified in connection string");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_EMPTY_TENANT, -5161, -1, "HY000", "tenant is empty");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WRONG_DB_NAME, -5162, ER_WRONG_DB_NAME, "42000", "Incorrect database name", "Incorrect database name '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WRONG_TABLE_NAME, -5163, ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME, "42000", "Incorrect table name", "Incorrect table name '%.*s'", 903, "invalid table name", "invalid table name '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME, -5164, ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME, "42000", "Incorrect column name", "Incorrect column name '%.*s'", 904, "invalid identifier", "invalid identifier '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_COLUMN_SPEC, -5165, ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC, "42000", "Incorrect column specifier", "Incorrect column specifier for column '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DB_DROP_EXISTS, -5166, ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS, "HY000", "Can't drop database;database doesn't exist", "Can't drop database '%.*s'; database doesn't exist");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_DATA_TOO_LONG, -5167, ER_DATA_TOO_LONG, "22001", "Data too long for column", "Data too long for column '%.*s' at row %ld", 12899, "value too large for column", "value too large for column '%.*s' at row %ld");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_OTHER_MSG_FMT(OB_ERR_DATA_TOO_LONG_MSG_FMT_V2, OB_ERR_DATA_TOO_LONG, "Data too long for column '%.*s' at row %ld", "value too large for column %.*s (actual: %ld, maximum: %ld)")
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW, -5168, ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW, "21S01", "column count does not match value count", "column count does not match value count at row '%d'");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT, -5169, ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT, "42000", "You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_DB_PRIVILEGE, -5170, ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, "42000", "Access denied for user to database", "Access denied for user '%.*s'@'%.*s' to database '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_TABLE_PRIVILEGE, -5171, ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, "42000", "Command denied to user for table", "%.*s command denied to user '%.*s'@'%.*s' for table '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_INVALID_ON_UPDATE, -5172, ER_INVALID_ON_UPDATE, "HY000", "Invalid ON UPDATE clause", "Invalid ON UPDATE clause for \'%s\' column");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_INVALID_DEFAULT, -5173, ER_INVALID_DEFAULT, "42000", "Invalid default value", "Invalid default value for \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UPDATE_TABLE_USED, -5174, ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED, "HY000", "Update table used", "You can\'t specify target table \'%s\' for update in FROM clause");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_COULUMN_VALUE_NOT_MATCH, -5175, ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW, "21S01", "Column count doesn\'t match value count", "Column count doesn\'t match value count at row %ld");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE, -5176, ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE, "HY000", "Invalid use of group function");
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786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_PARTITION_FIELD, -5178, ER_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_PARTITION_FIELD, "HY000", "Field is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioning", "Field \'%.*s\' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioning");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_IDENT, -5179, ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT, "42000", "Identifier name is too long", "Identifier name \'%.*s\' is too long", 972, "identifier is too long", "identifier \'%.*s\' is too long");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR, -5180, ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR, "42000", "Incorrect argument type to variable", "Incorrect argument type to variable '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WRONG_USER_NAME_LENGTH, -5181, ER_WRONG_STRING_LENGTH, "HY000", "String is too long for user_name (should be no longer than 16)", "String '%.*s' is too long for user name (should be no longer than 16)");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE, -5183, ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE, "42000", "Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REACH_AUTOINC_MAX, -5184, ER_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED, "HY000", "Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS, -5187, ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS, "42000", "You can't delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR, -5188, ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR, "HY000", "Too many partitions (including subpartitions) were defined", "Too many partitions (including subpartitions) were defined")
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_PARTS_ERROR, -5189, ER_NO_PARTS_ERROR, "HY000", "Number of partitions = 0 is not an allowed value", "Number of partitions = 0 is not an allowed value");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WRONG_SUB_KEY, -5190, ER_WRONG_SUB_KEY, "HY000", "Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keys");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_KEY_PART_0, -5191, ER_KEY_PART_0, "HY000", "Key part length cannot be 0", "Key part \'%.*s\' length cannot be 0");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE, -5192, ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE, "HY000", "Unknown or incorrect time zone", "Unknown or incorrect time zone: \'%.*s\'", 1882, "timezone region string not found", "timezone region \'%.*s\' not found");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_AUTO_KEY, -5193, ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY, "42000", "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_KEYS, -5194, ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS, "42000","Too many keys specified", "Too many keys specified; max %ld keys allowed");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_ROWKEY_COLUMNS, -5195, ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS, "42000","Too many key parts specified", "Too many key parts specified; max %ld parts allowed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_KEY_LENGTH, -5196, ER_TOO_LONG_KEY, "42000", "Specified key was too long", "Specified key was too long; max key length is %ld bytes", 1450, "maximum key length exceeded", "maximum key length (%ld) exceeded");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS, -5197, ER_TOO_MANY_FIELDS, "42000", "Too many columns");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_COLUMN_LENGTH, -5198, ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH, "42000", "Column length too big", "Column length too big for column '%s' (max = %d)", 910, "specified length too long for its datatype", "specified length too long for column '%s' (max = %d byte)");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE, -5199, ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE, "42000", "Row size too large");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UNKNOWN_TABLE, -5200, ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE, "42S02", "Unknown table", "Unknown table '%.*s' in %.*s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_BAD_TABLE, -5201, ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR, "42S02", "Unknown table", "Unknown table '%.*s'", 942, "table or view does not exist", "table or view '%.*s' does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_BIG_SCALE, -5202, ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE, "42000", "Too big scale specified for column", "Too big scale %d specified for column '%s'. Maximum is %ld.");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
810 811
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_TOO_BIG_PRECISION, -5203, ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION, "42000", "Too big precision specified for column", "Too big precision %d specified for column '%s'. Maximum is %ld.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_M_BIGGER_THAN_D, -5204, ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D, "42000", "precision must be >= scale", "For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%s').");
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812 813 814 815 816 817
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH, -5205, ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH, "42000", "Display width out of range for column", "Display width out of range for column '%s' (max = %ld)");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD, -5206, ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD, "42000", "Can't group on column", "Can't group on '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_NON_UNIQ_ERROR, -5207, ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR, "23000", "Column is ambiguous", "Column '%.*s' in %.*s is ambiguous", 918, "Column is ambiguous", "column '%.*s' in %.*s ambiguously defined");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NONUNIQ_TABLE, -5208, ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE, "42000", "Not unique table/alias", "Not unique table/alias: \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY, -5209, ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY, "42000", "Can't DROP Column; check that column/key exists", "Can't DROP '%.*s'; check that column/key exists", 1418, "specified index does not exist", "specified index '%.*s' does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY, -5210, ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY, "42000", "Multiple primary key defined");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS, -5211, ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS, "42000", "Key column doesn't exist in table", "Key column '%.*s' doesn't exist in table", 904, "invalid identifier", "'%.*s': invalid identifier");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_AUTO_PARTITION_KEY, -5212, -1, "42000", "auto-increment column should not be part of partition key", "auto-increment column '%.*s' should not be part of partition key");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE, -5213, ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE, "42000", "Incorrect usage/placement", "Incorrect usage/placement of '%s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WRONG_OBJECT, -5214, ER_WRONG_OBJECT, "HY000", "Wrong object", "\'%s.%s\' is not %s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ON_RENAME, -5215, ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME, "HY000", "Error on rename table", "Error on rename of \'%s.%s\' to \'%s.%s\'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN, -5216, ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN, "42000", "The used storage engine can't index column", "The used storage engine can't index column '%.*s'", 2329, "column of datatype string cannot be unique or a primary key", "column '%.*s' of datatype string cannot be unique or a primary key");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_BAD_FIELD_ERROR, -5217, ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR, "42S22", "Unknown column", "Unknown column '%.*s' in '%.*s'", 904, "invalid identifier", "invalid identifier '%.*s' in '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP, -5218, ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP, "42000", "column is not in GROUP BY", "\'%.*s\' is not in GROUP BY", 979, "not a GROUP BY expression", "\'%.*s\' not a GROUP BY expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS, -5219, ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS, "25001", "Transaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progress", 1453, "SET TRANSACTION must be first statement of transaction");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION, -5220, ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION, "25006", "Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.", 1456, "may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS, -5221, ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS, "42000", "Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause");
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DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE, -5222, ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE, "22007", "Incorrect value", "Truncated incorrect %.*s value: '%.*s'");
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830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_IDENT_NAME, -5223, -1, "42000", "wrong ident name");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX, -5224, ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX, "42000", "Incorrect index name", "Incorrect index name '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE, -5225, ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE, "42S22", "Reference not supported (reference to group function)", "Reference '%.*s' not supported (reference to group function)")
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REACH_MEMORY_LIMIT, -5226, -1, "42000", "plan cache memory used reach the high water mark.");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PASSWORD_FORMAT, -5227, ER_PASSWORD_FORMAT, "42000", "The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NON_UPDATABLE_TABLE, -5228, ER_NON_UPDATABLE_TABLE, "HY000", "The target table is not updatable", "The target table %.*s of the %.*s is not updatable");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, -5229, ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, "22003", "Out of range value for column", "Out of range value for column '%.*s' at row %ld")
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_EXPR_IN_PARTITION_FUNC_ERROR, -5230, ER_WRONG_EXPR_IN_PARTITION_FUNC_ERROR, "HY000", "Constant or random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowed");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_VIEW_INVALID, -5231, ER_VIEW_INVALID, "42S22", "view invalid", "View \'%.*s.%.*s\' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them", 4063, "view invalid", "view '%.*s.%.*s' has errors");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT, -5233, ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT, "HY000", "The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DB_READ_ONLY, -5234, -1, "HY000", "The database is read only so it cannot execute this statement", "The database \'%.*s\' is read only so it cannot execute this statement", 16000, "database open for read-only access", "database \'%.*s\' open for read-only access");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TABLE_READ_ONLY, -5235, -1, "HY000", "The table is read only so it cannot execute this statement", "The table \'%.*s.%.*s\' is read only so it cannot execute this statement");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION, -5236, ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION, "HY000", "Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD, -5237, ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD, "HY000", "Duplicate partition field name", "Duplicate partition field name '%.*s'")
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE, -5238, ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE, "42000", "Table from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in global ORDER clause", "Table \'%.*s\' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in global ORDER clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_VIEW_RECURSIVE, -5239, ER_VIEW_RECURSIVE, "42S02", "view contains recursion", "\'%.*s.%.*s\' contains view recursion", 1731, "circular view definition encountered", "view '%.*s.%.*s' encounters circular definition");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_QUALIFIER, -5240, -1, "HY000", "Column part of USING clause cannot have qualifier");
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847 848
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_WRONG_VALUE, -5241, ER_WRONG_VALUE, "HY000", "Incorrect value", "Incorrect %s value: '%s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_VIEW_WRONG_LIST, -5242, ER_VIEW_WRONG_LIST,  "HY000", "View's SELECT and view's field list have different column counts", 1730, "invalid number of column names specified");
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849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SYS_VARS_MAYBE_DIFF_VERSION, -5243, -1,  "HY000", "system variables' version maybe different");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_AUTO_INCREMENT_CONFLICT, -5244, ER_AUTO_INCREMENT_CONFLICT, "HY000", "Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated values");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TASK_SKIPPED, -5245, -1, "HY000", "some tasks are skipped", "some tasks are skipped, skipped server addr is '%s', the orginal error code is %d");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NAME_BECOMES_EMPTY, -5246, ER_NAME_BECOMES_EMPTY, "HY000", "Name has become ''", "Name \'%.*s\' has become ''");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_REMOVED_SPACES, -5247, ER_REMOVED_SPACES, "HY000", "Leading spaces are removed from name ", "Leading spaces are removed from name \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WARN_ADD_AUTOINCREMENT_COLUMN, -5248, -1, "HY000", "Alter table add auto_increment column is dangerous", "Alter table add auto_increment column is dangerous, table_name=\'%.*s\', column_name=\'%s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WARN_CHAMGE_NULL_ATTRIBUTE, -5249, -1, "HY000", "Alter table change nullable column to not nullable is dangerous", "Alter table change nullable column to not nullable is dangerous, table_name=\'%.*s\', column_name=\'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING, -5250, ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING, "HY000", "Invalid character string", "Invalid %.*s character string: \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_KILL_DENIED, -5251, ER_KILL_DENIED_ERROR, "HY000", "You are not owner of thread", "You are not owner of thread %lu");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_COLUMN_DEFINITION_AMBIGUOUS, -5252, -1, "HY000", "Column definition is ambiguous. Column has both NULL and NOT NULL attributes", "Column \'%.*s\' definition is ambiguous. Column has both NULL and NOT NULL attributes");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EMPTY_QUERY, -5253, ER_EMPTY_QUERY, "42000", "Query was empty");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_PART, -5255, ER_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_PART_ERROR, "HY000", "Field in list of fields for partition function not found in table");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL, -5256, ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL, "42000", "All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_BLOCK_SIZE, -5258, -1, "HY000", "Invalid block size, block size should between 1024 and 1048576");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE, -5259, ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE, "42000", "Unknown storage engine", "Unknown storage engine \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TENANT_IS_LOCKED, -5260, -1, "HY000", "Tenant is locked", "Tenant \'%.*s\' is locked");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_EER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF, -5261, ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF, "HY000", "A UNIQUE INDEX/PRIMARY KEY must include all columns in the table's partitioning function", "A %s must include all columns in the table's partitioning function";
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_AGGREGATE_ORDER_FOR_UNION, -5263, ER_AGGREGATE_ORDER_FOR_UNION, "HY000", "aggregate order for union", "Expression #%d of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNION");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_OUTLINE_EXIST, -5264, -1, "HY000", "Outline exists", "Outline '%.*s' already exists");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_OUTLINE_NOT_EXIST, -5265, -1, "HY000", "Outline not exists", "Outline \'%.*s.%.*s\' doesn\'t exist");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WARN_OPTION_BELOW_LIMIT, -5266, WARN_OPTION_BELOW_LIMIT, "HY000", "The value should be no less than the limit", "The value of \'%s\' should be no less than the value of \'%s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_INVALID_OUTLINE, -5267, -1, "HY000", "invalid outline", "invalid outline ,error info:%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_REACH_MAX_CONCURRENT_NUM, -5268, -1, "HY000", "SQL reach max concurrent num", "SQL reach max concurrent num %ld");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OPERATION_ON_RECYCLE_OBJECT, -5269, -1, "HY000", "can not perform DDL/DML over objects in Recycle Bin");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CON_COUNT_ERROR, -5271, ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR, "08004", "Too many connections");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_OUTLINE_CONTENT_EXIST, -5272, -1, "HY000", "Outline content already exists when added", "Outline content '%.*s' of outline '%.*s' already exists when added");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_OUTLINE_MAX_CONCURRENT_EXIST, -5273, -1, "HY000", "Max concurrent already exists when added", "Max concurrent in outline '%.*s' already exists when added");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_VALUES_IS_NOT_INT_TYPE_ERROR, -5274, ER_VALUES_IS_NOT_INT_TYPE_ERROR, "HY000", "VALUES value for partition must have type INT", "VALUES value for partition \'%.*s\' must have type INT");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR, -5275, ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR, "HY000", "Partition column values of incorrect type", 14019, "partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or MAXVALUE");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR, -5276, ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR, "HY000", "Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioning");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR, -5277, ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR, "HY000", "Cannot have more than one value for this type of RANGE partitioning");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_VALUE_ERROR, -5278, -1, "HY000", "This partition value with incorrect charset type");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_INTERVAL_ERROR, -5279, -1, "HY000", "Partition interval must have type INT");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SAME_NAME_PARTITION, -5280, ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION, "HY000", "Duplicate partition name", "Duplicate partition name \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR, -5281, ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR, "HY000", "VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition", "VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition%.*s", 14037, "partition bound is too high", "partition bound of partition '%.*s' is too high");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARSE_PARTITION_RANGE, -5282, ER_PARSE_ERROR, "42000", "Wrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous setting");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF, -5283, ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF, "HY000", "A PRIMARY KEY must include all columns in the table\'s partitioning function");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE, -5284, ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE, "HY000", "Table has no partition for value", 14400, "inserted partition key does not map to any partition");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_EER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN, -5285, ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN, "HY000", "Not allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THAN", 14019, "partition bound element must be one of: datetime or interval literal, number, or MAXVALUE");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_CONST_DOMAIN_ERROR, -5286, ER_PARTITION_CONST_DOMAIN_ERROR, "HY000", "Partition constant is out of partition function domain");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_PARTITION_FUNC_FIELDS, -5287, ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITION_FUNC_FIELDS_ERROR, "HY000", "Too many fields in \'list of partition fields\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_BAD_FT_COLUMN, -5288, ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN, "HY000", "Column cannot be part of FULLTEXT index", "Column '%.*s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
895 896
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXISTS, -5289, ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS, "42000", "key does not exist in table", "Key '%.*s' doesn't exist in table '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_NON_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_GENERATED_COLUMN, -5290, ER_NON_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_GENERATED_COLUMN, "HY000", "non-default value for generated column is not allowed", "The value specified for generated column '%.*s' in table '%.*s' is not allowed", 54013, "INSERT operation disallowed on virtual columns", "INSERT operation disallowed on virtual columns '%.*s'.'%.*s'");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
897 898 899 900 901 902
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_BAD_CTXCAT_COLUMN, -5291, -1, "HY000", "The CTXCAT column must be contiguous in the index column list");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION_ON_GENERATED_COLUMN, -5292, ER_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION_ON_GENERATED_COLUMN, "HY000", "not supported for generated columns", "'%s' is not supported for generated columns.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DEPENDENT_BY_GENERATED_COLUMN, -5293, ER_DEPENDENT_BY_GENERATED_COLUMN, "HY000", "Column has a generated column dependency", "Column '%.*s' has a generated column dependency");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_ROWS, -5294, ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS, "42000", "Result consisted of more than one row", 1422, "exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS, -5295, ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS, "42000", "Field separator argument is not what is expected; check the manual");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_READABLE_REPLICA, -5296, -1, "42000", "there has no readable replica");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED_TZ_TRANSITION, -5297, -1, "HY000", "unexpected time zone info transition");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
904 905 906 907 908
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SYNONYM_EXIST, -5298, -1, "HY000", "synonym exists", "synonym '%.*s' already exists");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_SYNONYM_NOT_EXIST, -5299, -1, "HY000", "synonym not exists", "synonym \'%.*s.%.*s\' doesn\'t exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISS_ORDER_BY_EXPR, -5300, -1, "HY000", "missing ORDER BY expression in the window specification", 30485, "missing ORDER BY expression in the window specification");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_CONST_EXPR, -5301, -1, "HY000", "The argument of the window function should be a constant for a partition", "The argument of the window function should be a constant for a partition");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_NONPARTITIONED, -5302, ER_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_NONPARTITIONED, "HY000", "Partition management on a not partitioned table is not possible");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DROP_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT, -5303, ER_DROP_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT, "HY000", "Error in list of partitions to DROP", "Error in list of partitions to DROP");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
910 911 912
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_TWOPART_TABLE, -5304, -1, "HY000", "Partition management on a two-part table is not possible");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ONLY_ON_RANGE_LIST_PARTITION, -5305, ER_ONLY_ON_RANGE_LIST_PARTITION, "HY000", "can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitions", "%s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitions");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DROP_LAST_PARTITION, -5306, ER_DROP_LAST_PARTITION, "HY000", "Cannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE instead");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PARALLEL_SERVERS_TARGET_NOT_ENOUGH, -5307, -1, "HY000", "Not enough thread resource to execute the query. Maybe parallel_servers_target was set too low.", "Not enough thread resource to execute the query. Require setting parallel_servers_target to a value no less than %ld for this query");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_IGNORE_USER_HOST_NAME, -5308, -1, "HY000", "Ignore the host name");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_IGNORE_SQL_IN_RESTORE, -5309, -1, "HY000", "Ignore sql in restore process");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TEMPORARY_TABLE_WITH_PARTITION, -5310, ER_PARTITION_NO_TEMPORARY, "HY000", "Cannot create temporary table with partitions");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_COLUMN_ID, -5311, -1, "HY000", "Invalid column id", "Invalid column id for %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_SYNC_DDL_DUPLICATE, -5312, -1, "HY000", "Duplicated ddl id", "Duplicated ddl id '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_SYNC_DDL_ERROR, -5313, -1, "HY000", "Failed to sync ddl", "Failed to sync ddl '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ROW_IS_REFERENCED, -5314, ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2, "23000", "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails", 2292, "integrity constraint violated - child record found");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_REFERENCED_ROW, -5315, ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2, "23000", "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails", 2291, "integrity constraint violated - parent key not found");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FUNC_RESULT_TOO_LARGE, -5316, ER_WARN_ALLOWED_PACKET_OVERFLOWED, "HY000", "Result of function was larger than max_allowed_packet - truncated", "Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%d) - truncated");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN, -5317, ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN, "HY000", "Cannot add foreign key constraint");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_FK_DEF, -5318, ER_WRONG_FK_DEF, "42000", "Incorrect foreign key definition: Key reference and table reference don't match");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_CHILD_COLUMN_LENGTH_FK, -5319, -1, "HY000", "Invalid child column length", "Child column \'%.*s\' data length cannot be less than parent column \'%.*s\' data length");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ALTER_COLUMN_FK, -5320, -1, "HY000", "Cannot alter foreign key column", "\'%.*s\': used in a foreign key constraint");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONNECT_BY_REQUIRED, -5321, -1, "HY000", "CONNECT BY clause required in this query block");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_PSEUDO_COLUMN_PLACE, -5322, -1, "HY000", "Specified pseudocolumn, operator or function not allowed here");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOCYCLE_REQUIRED, -5323, -1, "HY000", "NOCYCLE keyword is required with CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudocolumn");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONNECT_BY_LOOP, -5324, -1, "HY000", "CONNECT BY loop in user data");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SIBLINGS, -5325, -1, "HY000", "ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause not allowed here", 30929, "ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause not allowed here");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SEPARATOR, -5326, -1, "HY000", "when using SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function, cannot have separator as part of column value");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SYNONYM_NAME, -5327, -1, "HY000", "Database can not be specified in public synonym");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_LOOP_OF_SYNONYM, -5328, -1, "HY000", "Looping chain of synonyms");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SYNONYM_SAME_AS_OBJECT, -5329, -1, "HY000", "Cannot create a synonym with same name as object");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SYNONYM_TRANSLATION_INVALID, -5330, -1, "HY000", "Synonym translation is no longer valid", "Synonym %s translation is no longer valid", 980, "synonym translation is no longer valid", "synonym %s translation is no longer valid");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXIST_OBJECT, -5331, -1, "HY000", "name is already used by an existing object", 955, "name is already used by an existing object");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE, -5332, ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE, "22007", "Illegal value found during parsing", "Illegal %s '%.*s' value found during parsing");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ER_TOO_LONG_SET_ENUM_VALUE, -5333, ER_TOO_LONG_SET_ENUM_VALUE, "HY000", "Too long enumeration/set value for column.", "Too long enumeration/set value for column %.*s.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ER_DUPLICATED_VALUE_IN_TYPE, -5334, ER_DUPLICATED_VALUE_IN_TYPE, "HY000", "Column has duplicated value", "Column '%.*s' has duplicated value '%.*s' in %s ", 1, "unique constraint violated", "unique constraint violated, column '%.*s' with value '%.*s' in %s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ER_TOO_BIG_ENUM, -5335, ER_TOO_BIG_ENUM, "HY000", "Too many enumeration values for column", "Too many enumeration values for column %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_BIG_SET, -5336, ER_TOO_BIG_SET, "HY000", "Too many strings for column", "Too many strings for column %.*s and SET");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_ROWID, -5337, -1, "HY000", "rowid is wrong");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW_FUNCTION_PLACE, -5338, -1, "HY000", "Window Function not allowed here");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARSE_PARTITION_LIST, -5339, -1, "HY000", "Fail to parse list partition");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART, -5340, ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR, "HY000", "Multiple definition of same constant in list partitioning");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
947 948
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_TIMEZONE_REGION_ID, -5341, -1, "HY000", "timezone region ID is invalid", 1881, "timezone region ID is invalid");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_HEX_NUMBER, -5342, -1, "HY000", "invalid hex number", 1465, "invalid hex number");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WRONG_FUNC_ARGUMENTS_TYPE, -5343, -1, "42000", "wrong number or types of arguments in function", "wrong number or types of arguments in call to '%.*s'", 6553, "wrong number or types of arguments in function", "wrong number or types of arguments in call to '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT, -5344, ER_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT, "HY000", "Primary key/index key/partition key update is not allowed", "Primary key/index key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%.*s' and '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PX_WORKER, -5345, -1, "HY000", "insufficient parallel query worker available", 12827, "insufficient parallel query worker available");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_FOR_UPDATE_EXPR_NOT_ALLOWED, -5346, -1, "HY000", "FOR UPDATE of this query expression is not allowed", 1786, "FOR UPDATE of this query expression is not allowed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WIN_FUNC_ARG_NOT_IN_PARTITION_BY, -5347, -1, "HY000", "argument should be a function of expressions in PARTITION BY", 30488, "argument should be a function of expressions in PARTITION BY");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_STRING_IN_CONCAT, -5348, -1, "HY000", "result of string concatenation is too long", 1489, "result of string concatenation is too long");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_TIMESTAMP_LTZ_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR, -5349, ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR, "HY000", "Partition column values of incorrect type", 30078, "partition bound must be TIME/TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE literals");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UPD_CAUSE_PART_CHANGE, -5350, -1, "HY000", "updating partition key column would cause a partition change", 14402, "updating partition key column would cause a partition change");
xj0 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_ARGUMENT, -5351, ER_INCORRECT_TYPE, "HY000", "invalid type given for an argument", 30175, "invalid type given for an argument");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_IN_DATETIME_OR_INTERVAL, -5352, -1, "HY000", "specified field not found in datetime or interval", 1878, "specified field not found in datetime or interval");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
959 960 961 962 963
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ADD_PART_BOUN_NOT_INC, -5353, ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR, "HY000", "VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition", 14074, "partition bound must collate higher than that of the last partition");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DATA_TOO_LONG_IN_PART_CHECK,-5354, ER_DATA_TOO_LONG, "22001", "Data too long for column", 14036, "partition bound value too large for column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_V2_ERROR, -5355, ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR, "HY000", "Partition column values of incorrect type", 14308, "partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or NULL");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
964 965
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DUPLICATED_UNIQUE_KEY, -5358, ER_DUP_ENTRY, "23000", "Duplicated primary key", "Duplicate entry \'%s\' for key \'%.*s\'", 1452, "cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found", "cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_DOUBLE_OVERFLOW, -5359, ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, "22003", "result Double value is out of range", 1426, "Double value overflow");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992

DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_SYS_PRIVILEGE, -5360, -1, "HY000", "insufficient privileges", 1031, "insufficient privileges");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_LOGIN_PRIVILEGE, -5361, -1, "HY000", "user lacks CREATE SESSION privilege logon denied", "user %.*s lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied", 1045, "user lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied", "user %.*s lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_REVOKE_PRIVILEGES_YOU_DID_NOT_GRANT, -5362, OB_ERR_NO_GRANT, "42000", "No such grant defined", 1927, "cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGES_NOT_GRANTED_TO, -5363, -1, "HY000", "system privileges not granted to", "system privileges not granted to '%.*s'", 1952, "system privileges not granted to", "system privileges not granted to '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ONLY_SELECT_AND_ALTER_PRIVILEGES_ARE_VALID_FOR_SEQUENCES, -5364, -1, "HY000", "only SELECT and ALTER privileges are valid for sequences", 2205, "only SELECT and ALTER privileges are valid for sequences");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXECUTE_PRIVILEGE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_TABLES, -5365, -1, "HY000", "EXECUTE privilege not allowed for tables", 2224, "EXECUTE privilege not allowed for tables");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ONLY_EXECUTE_AND_DEBUG_PRIVILEGES_ARE_VALID_FOR_PROCEDURES, -5366, -1, "HY000", "only EXECUTE and DEBUG privileges are valid for procedures", 2225, "only EXECUTE and DEBUG privileges are valid for procedures");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ONLY_EXECUTE_DEBUG_AND_UNDER_PRIVILEGES_ARE_VALID_FOR_TYPES, -5367, -1, "HY000", "only EXECUTE, DEBUG, and UNDER privileges are valid for types", 2305, "only EXECUTE, DEBUG, and UNDER privileges are valid for types");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ADMIN_OPTION_NOT_GRANTED_FOR_ROLE, -5368, -1, "HY000", "ADMIN option not granted for role", "ADMIN option not granted for role '%.*s'", 1932, "ADMIN option not granted for role", "ADMIN option not granted for role '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_USER_OR_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, -5369, -1, "HY000", "user or role does not exist", "user or role '%.*s' does not exist", 1917, "user or role does not exist", "user or role '%.*s' does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISSING_ON_KEYWORD, -5370, -1, "HY000", "missing ON keyword", 969, "missing ON keyword");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_GRANT_OPTION, -5371, -1, "HY000", "grant option does not exists", "grant option does not exist for '%.*s.%.*s'", 1720, "grant option does not exist", "grant option does not exist for '%.*s.%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ALTER_INDEX_AND_EXECUTE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_VIEWS, -5372, -1, "HY000", "ALTER, INDEX and EXECUTE not allowed for views", 2204, "ALTER, INDEX and EXECUTE not allowed for views");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CIRCULAR_ROLE_GRANT_DETECTED, -5373, -1, "HY000", "circular role grant detected", 1934, "circular role grant detected");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_PRIVILEGE_ON_DIRECTORIES, -5374, -1, "HY000", "invalid privilege on directories", 22928, "invalid privilege on directories");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DIRECTORY_ACCESS_DENIED, -5375, -1, "HY000", "directory access denied", 29289, "directory access denied");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISSING_OR_INVALID_ROLE_NAME, -5376, -1, "HY000", "missing or invalid role name", 1937, "missing or invalid role name");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ROLE_NOT_GRANTED_OR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, -5377, -1, "HY000", "role not granted or does not exist", "role '%.*s' not granted or does not exist", 1924, "role not granted or does not exist", "role '%.*s' not granted or does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DEFAULT_ROLE_NOT_GRANTED_TO_USER, -5378, -1, "HY000", "DEFAULT ROLE not granted to user", "DEFAULT ROLE '%.*s' not granted to user", 1955, "DEFAULT ROLE not granted to user", "DEFAULT ROLE '%.*s' not granted to user");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ROLE_NOT_GRANTED_TO, -5379, -1, "HY000", "ROLE not granted to", "ROLE '%.*s' not granted to '%.*s'", 1951, "ROLE not granted to", "ROLE '%.*s' not granted to '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUPLICATE_USERNAME_IN_LIST, -5381, -1, "HY000", "duplicate username in list", 1700, "duplicate username in list");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CANNOT_GRANT_STRING_TO_A_ROLE, -5382, -1, "HY000", "cannot grant string to a role", "cannot grant %.*s to a role", 1931, "cannot grant string to a role", "cannot grant %.*s to a role");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CASCADE_CONSTRAINTS_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_TO_PERFORM_THIS_REVOKE, -5383, -1, "HY000", "CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified to perform this revoke", 1981, "CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified to perform this revoke");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_YOU_MAY_NOT_REVOKE_PRIVILEGES_FROM_YOURSELF, -5384, -1, "HY000", "you may not GRANT/REVOKE privileges to/from yourself", 1749, "you may not GRANT/REVOKE privileges to/from yourself");

wangzelin.wzl 已提交
993 994 995 996 997 998
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_MISS_ERR_LOG_MANDATORY_COLUMN, -5385, -1, "HY000", "miss mandatory column of error log table", "miss mandatory column %.*s of error log table", 38900, "miss mandatory column of error log table", "miss mandatory column %.*s of error log table");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_OBJECT_STRING_DOES_NOT_EXIST, -5400, -1, "HY000", "object string does not exist", "object %.*s does not exist", 4043, "object string does not exist", "object %.*s does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RESULTANT_DATA_TYPE_OF_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED, -5401, -1, "HY000", "resultant data type of virtual column is not supported", 54004, "resultant data type of virtual column is not supported");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_DDL_SCHEMA_VERSION_NOT_MATCH, -5403, -1, "HY000", "ddl schema version not match");

999 1000 1001
//error code for json  -5410 ---- -5433, as for json only support mysql mode, error code for oracle use special values 
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1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_TEXT, -5411, ER_INVALID_JSON_TEXT, "22032", "Invalid JSON text.", "Invalid JSON text.", 600, "Invalid JSON text.", "Invalid JSON text.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_TEXT_IN_PARAM, -5412, ER_INVALID_JSON_TEXT_IN_PARAM, "22032", "Invalid JSON text in argument.", "Invalid JSON text in argument.", 600, "Invalid JSON text in argument.", "Invalid JSON text in argument.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_BINARY_DATA, -5413, ER_INVALID_JSON_BINARY_DATA, "42000", "The JSON binary value contains invalid data.", "The JSON binary value contains invalid data.", 600, "The JSON binary value contains invalid data.", "The JSON binary value contains invalid data.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_PATH, -5414, ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH, "42000", "Invalid JSON path expression.", "Invalid JSON path expression.", 600, "Invalid JSON path expression.", "Invalid JSON path expression.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET, -5415, ER_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET, "22032", "Cannot create a JSON value from a string.", "Cannot create a JSON value from a string.", 600, "Cannot create a JSON value from a string.", "Cannot create a JSON value from a string.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET_IN_FUNCTION, -5416, ER_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET_IN_FUNCTION, "22032", "Invalid JSON character data provided to function.", "Invalid JSON character data provided to function.", 600, "Invalid JSON character data provided to function.", "Invalid JSON character data provided to function.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_JSON, -5417, ER_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_JSON, "22032", "Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.", "Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.", 600, "Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.", "Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_CAST_TO_JSON, -5418, ER_INVALID_CAST_TO_JSON, "22032", "Cannot CAST value to JSON.", "Cannot CAST value to JSON.", 600, "Cannot CAST value to JSON.", "Cannot CAST value to JSON.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_PATH_CHARSET, -5419, ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_CHARSET, "42000", "A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set.", "A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set.", 600, "A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set.", "A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_PATH_WILDCARD, -5420, ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_WILDCARD, "42000", "In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.", "In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.", 600, "In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.", "In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_JSON_VALUE_TOO_BIG, -5421, ER_JSON_VALUE_TOO_BIG, "22032", "The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.", "The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.", 600, "The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.", "The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_JSON_KEY_TOO_BIG, -5422, ER_JSON_KEY_TOO_BIG, "22032", "The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.", "The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.", 600, "The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.", "The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_JSON_USED_AS_KEY, -5423, ER_JSON_USED_AS_KEY, "42000", "JSON column cannot be used in key specification.", "JSON column '%.*s' cannot be used in key specification.", 600, "JSON column cannot be used in key specification.", "JSON column '%.*s' cannot be used in key specification.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_JSON_VACUOUS_PATH, -5424, ER_JSON_VACUOUS_PATH, "42000", "The path expression is not allowed in this context.", "The path expression is not allowed in this context.", 600, "The path expression is not allowed in this context.", "The path expression is not allowed in this context.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_JSON_BAD_ONE_OR_ALL_ARG, -5425, ER_JSON_BAD_ONE_OR_ALL_ARG, "42000", "The oneOrAll argument may take these values: \'one\' or \'all\'.", "The oneOrAll argument may take these values: \'one\' or \'all\'.", 600, "The oneOrAll argument may take these values: \'one\' or \'all\'.", "The oneOrAll argument may take these values: \'one\' or \'all\'.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_NUMERIC_JSON_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, -5426, ER_NUMERIC_JSON_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, "22003", "Out of range JSON value for CAST", "Out of range JSON value for CAST", 600, "Out of range JSON value for CAST", "Out of range JSON value for CAST");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_VALUE_FOR_CAST, -5427, ER_INVALID_JSON_VALUE_FOR_CAST, "22018", "Invalid JSON value for CAST", "Invalid JSON value for CAST", 600, "Invalid JSON value for CAST", "Invalid JSON value for CAST");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_JSON_OUT_OF_DEPTH, -5428, ER_JSON_DOCUMENT_TOO_DEEP, "22032", "The JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.", "The JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.", 600, "The JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.", "The JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_JSON_DOCUMENT_NULL_KEY, -5429, ER_JSON_DOCUMENT_NULL_KEY, "22032", "JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.", "JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.", 600, "JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.", "JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT, -5430, ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT, "42000", "BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column can't have a default value", "BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column '%.*s' can't have a default value", 600, "Invalid default value", "Invalid default value for \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JSON_PATH_ARRAY_CELL, -5431, ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_ARRAY_CELL, "42000", "A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array", "A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array", 600, "A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array", "A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_MISSING_JSON_VALUE, -5432, ER_MISSING_JSON_VALUE, "22035", "No value was found by '%.*s' on the specified path.", "No value was found by '%.192s' on the specified path.", 600, "No value was found by '%.192s' on the specified path.", "No value was found by '%.192s' on the specified path.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_MULTIPLE_JSON_VALUES, -5433, ER_MULTIPLE_JSON_VALUES, "22034", "More than one value was found by '%.*s' on the specified path.", "More than one value was found by '%.192s' on the specified path.", 600, "More than one value was found by '%.192s' on the specified path.", "More than one value was found by '%.192s' on the specified path.");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SQL_RETRY_SPM, -5434, -1, "HY000", "retry sql due to spm");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OUTLINE_NOT_REPRODUCIBLE, -5435, -1, "HY000", "outline not reproducible");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_TIMESTAMP_TO_SCN, -5436, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument for timestamp_to_scn()", " TIMESTAMP_TO_SCN expected timestamp argument");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP, -5437, -1, "42000", "Invalid argument for scn_to_timestamp()", "SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP expected a interger number as nsec argument");


oceanbase-admin 已提交
1031 1032 1033 1034
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS, -5541, ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS, "42000", "procedure/function already exists", "%s %.*s already exists");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST, -5542, ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "42000", "procedure/function does not exist", "%s %.*s.%.*s does not exist");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR, -5543, ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR, "42000", "Undeclared variable", "Undeclared variable: %.*s", 201, "identifier must be declared", "identifier '%.*s' must be declared");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_UNDECLARED_TYPE, -5544, ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR, "42000", "Undeclared type", "Undeclared type: %.*s");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_COND_MISMATCH, -5545, ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH, "42000", "Undefined CONDITION", "Undefined CONDITION: %.*s", 485, "Undefined CONDITION", "in exception handler, '%.*s' must be an exception name");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH, -5546, ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH, "42000", "no matching label", "no matching label: %.*s", 201, "identifier must be declared", "identifier '%.*s' must be declared");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_DUP_PARAM, -5548, ER_SP_DUP_PARAM, "42000", "Duplicate parameter", "Duplicate parameter: %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_DUP_VAR, -5549, ER_SP_DUP_VAR, "42000", "Duplicate variable", "Duplicate variable: %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_DUP_TYPE, -5550, ER_SP_DUP_PARAM, "42000", "Duplicate type", "Duplicate type: %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_DUP_CONDITION, -5551, ER_SP_DUP_COND, "42000", "Duplicate condition", "Duplicate condition: %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_DUP_LABEL, -5552, ER_SP_DUP_PARAM, "42000", "Duplicate label", "Duplicate label: %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_DUP_CURSOR, -5553, ER_SP_DUP_CURS, "42000", "Duplicate cursor", "Duplicate cursor: %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SP_INVALID_FETCH_ARG, -5554, ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_FETCH_ARGS, "HY000", "Incorrect number of FETCH variables");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_WRONG_ARG_NUM, -5555, ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS, "42000", "Incorrect number of arguments", "Incorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %u");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SP_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, -5556, ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION, "HY000", "Unhandled exception has occurred in PL", "Unhandled user-defined exception condition");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PACKAGE_ALREADY_EXISTS, -5558, -1, "42000", "package already exists", "%s \'%.*s.%.*s\' already exists");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PACKAGE_DOSE_NOT_EXIST, -5559, -1, "42000", "package does not exist", "%s \'%.*s.%.*s\' does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_EER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER, -5560, ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER, "HY000", "Unknown prepared statement handle");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_WINDOW_FUNC_USE, -5561, -1, "HY000", "Invalid use of window function");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CONSTRAINT_DUPLICATE, -5562, -1, "HY000", "Duplicate constraint name", "Duplicate constraint name '%.*s'", 1, "unique constraint violated", "unique constraint (%.*s) violated");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONTRAINT_NOT_FOUND, -5563, -1, "HY000", "Constraint not found");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ALTER_TABLE_ALTER_DUPLICATED_INDEX, -5564, -1, "HY000", "Duplicate alter index operations", "Duplicate alter index operations on column \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REORGANIZE_OUTSIDE_RANGE, -5566, ER_REORG_OUTSIDE_RANGE, "HY000", "Reorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the range");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT, -5567, ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT, "HY000", "Recursive limit was exceeded", "Recursive limit %ld (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS, -5568, ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS, "HY000", "This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG, -5569, ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG, "0A000", "stmt is not allowed in stored function or trigger", "%s is not allowed in stored function or trigger");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_NO_RECURSION, -5570, ER_SP_NO_RECURSION, "HY000", "Recursive stored functions are not allowed.");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND, -5571, ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND, "20000", "Case not found for CASE statement");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SPLIT_COUNT, -5572, -1, "HY000", "a partition may be split into exactly two new partitions");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SPLIT_GRAMMAR, -5573, -1, "HY000", "this physical attribute may not be specified for a table partition");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISS_VALUES, -5574, -1, "HY000", "missing VALUES keyword", 926, "missing VALUES keyword");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISS_AT_VALUES, -5575, -1, "HY000", "missing AT or VALUES keyword");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG, -5576, ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG, "HY000", "Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1067 1068
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PC_GET_LOCATION_ERROR, -5577, -1, "HY000", "Plan cache get location failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PC_LOCK_CONFLICT, -5578, -1, "HY000", "Plan cache lock conflict");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_NO_RETSET, -5579, ER_SP_NO_RETSET, "0A000", "Not allowed to return a result set from a %s");
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1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SP_DUP_HANDLER, -5581, ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER, "42000", "Duplicate handler declared in the same block");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE, -5582, ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE, "2F003", "Can\'t create a routine from within another routine");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_BADRETURN, -5583, ER_SP_BADRETURN, "42000", "RETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION", 372, "In a procedure, RETURN statement cannot contain an expression");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR, -5586, ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR, "42000", "Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declaration");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER, -5587, ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER, "42000", "Cursor declaration after handler declaration");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ER_SP_WRONG_NAME, -5588, ER_SP_WRONG_NAME, "42000", "Incorrect routine name", "Incorrect routine name \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN, -5589, ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN, "24000", "Cursor is already open");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN, -5590, ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN, "24000", "Cursor is not open");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_SP_CANT_SET_AUTOCOMMIT, -5591, ER_SP_CANT_SET_AUTOCOMMIT, "HY000", "Not allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or trigger");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG, -5592, ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG, "42000", "OUT or INOUT argument for routine is not a variable", "OUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %.*s is not a variable");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH, -5593, ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH, "42000", "with no matching label", "%s with no matching label: %s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK, -5594, ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK, "42000", "Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint", "Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint %.*s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DUP_KEY, -5595, ER_DUP_KEY, "23000", "Can't write; duplicate key in table", "Can't write; duplicate key in table \'%.*s\'", 1, "unique constraint violated", "unique constraint (%.*s) violated");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL, -5596, ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL, "22004", "Invalid use of NULL value");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SPLIT_LIST_LESS_VALUE, -5597, -1, "HY000", "last resulting partition cannot contain bounds");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ADD_PARTITION_TO_DEFAULT_LIST, -5598, -1, "HY000", "cannot add partition when DEFAULT partition exists");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SPLIT_INTO_ONE_PARTITION, -5599, -1, "HY000", "cannot split partition into one partition, use rename instead");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_TENANT_PRIVILEGE, -5600, -1, "HY000", "can not create user in sys tenant", "can not create user %s in sys tenant, name %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_PERCENTAGE, -5601, -1, "HY000", "Percentage should between 1 and 99");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_COLLECT_HISTOGRAM, -5602, -1, "HY000", "Should collect histogram after major freeze");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ER_TEMP_TABLE_IN_USE, -5603, -1, "0A000", "Attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_NLS_PARAMETER_STRING, -5604, -1, "HY000", "invalid NLS parameter string used in SQL function", 12702, "invalid NLS parameter string used in SQL function");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DATETIME_INTERVAL_PRECISION_OUT_OF_RANGE, -5605, -1, "HY000", "datetime/interval precision is out of range", 30088, "datetime/interval precision is out of range");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT_MODEL, -5606, -1, "42000", "Invalid number format model", 1481, "invalid number format model");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CMD_NOT_PROPERLY_ENDED, -5607, -1, "HY000", "SQL command not properly ended", 933, "SQL command not properly ended");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT_MODEL, -5608, -1, "42000", "invalid number format model", 1481, "invalid number format model");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WARN_NON_ASCII_SEPARATOR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -5609, ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS, "HY000", "Non-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supported");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_WARN_AMBIGUOUS_FIELD_TERM, -5610, ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS, "HY000", "First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BY");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS, -5611, ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS, "01000", "Row doesn't contain data for all columns", "Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columns");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS, -5612, ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS, "01000", "Row was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns", "Row %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_VALUES, -5613, -1, "HY000", "too many values", 913, "too many values");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_VALUES, -5614, -1, "HY000", "not enough values", 947, "not enough values");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MORE_THAN_ONE_ROW, -5615, -1, "HY000", "single-row subquery returns more than one row", 1427, "single-row subquery returns more than one row");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_SUBQUERY, -5616, -1, "HY000", "UPDATE ... SET expression must be a subquery", 1767, "UPDATE ... SET expression must be a subquery");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_INAPPROPRIATE_INTO, -5617, -1, "HY000", "inappropriate INTO", 1744, "inappropriate INTO");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TABLE_IS_REFERENCED, -5618, ER_FK_CANNOT_DROP_PARENT, "HY000", "Cannot drop parent table referenced by a foreign key constraint on child table", "Cannot drop table \'%.*s\' referenced by a foreign key constraint \'%.*s\' on table \'%.*s\'", 2449, "unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys", "unique/primary keys in table (%.*s) referenced by foreign key (%.*s) on table (%.*s)");
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1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_QUALIFIER_EXISTS_FOR_USING_COLUMN, -5619, -1, "HY000", "Column part of using clause can not have qualifier", 25154, "Column part of using clause can not have qualifier");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OUTER_JOIN_NESTED, -5620, -1, "HY000", "two tables cannot be outer-joined to each other", 1416, "two tables cannot be outer-joined to each other");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MULTI_OUTER_JOIN_TABLE, -5621, -1, "HY000", "a predicate may reference only one outer-joined table", 1468, "a predicate may reference only one outer-joined table");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OUTER_JOIN_ON_CORRELATION_COLUMN, -5622, -1, "HY000", "an outer join cannot be specified on a correlation column", 1705, "an outer join cannot be specified on a correlation column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OUTER_JOIN_AMBIGUOUS, -5623, -1, "HY000", "outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN", 1719, "outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OUTER_JOIN_WITH_SUBQUERY, -5624, -1, "HY000", "a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery", 1799, "a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OUTER_JOIN_WITH_ANSI_JOIN, -5625, -1, "HY000", "old style outer join (+) cannot be used with ANSI joins", 25156, "old style outer join (+) cannot be used with ANSI joins");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OUTER_JOIN_NOT_ALLOWED, -5626, -1, "HY000", "outer join operator (+) is not allowed here", 30563, "outer join operator (+) is not allowed here");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SCHEMA_EAGAIN, -5627, -1, "HY000", "Schema try again");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ZERO_LEN_COL, -5628, -1, "HY000", "zero-length columns are not allowed", 1723, "zero-length columns are not allowed");
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1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_YEAR_CONFLICTS_WITH_JULIAN_DATE, -5629, -1, "HY000", "year conflicts with Julian date", 1831, "year conflicts with Julian date");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DAY_OF_YEAR_CONFLICTS_WITH_JULIAN_DATE, -5630, -1, "HY000", "day of year conflicts with Julian date", 1832, "day of year conflicts with Julian date");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_MONTH_CONFLICTS_WITH_JULIAN_DATE, -5631, -1, "HY000", "month conflicts with Julian date", 1833, "month conflicts with Julian date");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DAY_OF_MONTH_CONFLICTS_WITH_JULIAN_DATE, -5632, -1, "HY000", "day of month conflicts with Julian date", 1834, "day of month conflicts with Julian date");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DAY_OF_WEEK_CONFLICTS_WITH_JULIAN_DATE, -5633, -1, "HY000", "day of week conflicts with Julian date", 1835, "day of week conflicts with Julian date");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_HOUR_CONFLICTS_WITH_SECONDS_IN_DAY, -5634, -1, "HY000", "hour conflicts with seconds in day", 1836, "hour conflicts with seconds in day");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_MINUTES_OF_HOUR_CONFLICTS_WITH_SECONDS_IN_DAY, -5635, -1, "HY000", "minutes of hour conflicts with seconds in day", 1837, "minutes of hour conflicts with seconds in day");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_SECONDS_OF_MINUTE_CONFLICTS_WITH_SECONDS_IN_DAY, -5636, -1, "HY000", "seconds of minute conflicts with seconds in day", 1838, "seconds of minute conflicts with seconds in day");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DATE_NOT_VALID_FOR_MONTH_SPECIFIED, -5637, -1, "HY000", "date not valid for month specified", 1839, "date not valid for month specified");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INPUT_VALUE_NOT_LONG_ENOUGH, -5638, -1, "HY000", "input value not long enough for date format", 1840, "input value not long enough for date format");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_YEAR_VALUE, -5639, -1, "HY000", "(full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0", 1841, "(full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_QUARTER_VALUE, -5640, -1, "HY000", "quarter must be between 1 and 4", 1842, "quarter must be between 1 and 4");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_MONTH, -5641, -1, "HY000", "not a valid month", 1843, "not a valid month");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_DAY_OF_THE_WEEK, -5642, -1, "HY000", "not a valid day of the week", 1846, "not a valid day of the week");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_DAY_OF_YEAR_VALUE, -5643, -1, "HY000", "day of year must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year)", 1848, "day of year must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year)");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_HOUR12_VALUE, -5644, -1, "HY000", "hour must be between 1 and 12", 1849, "hour must be between 1 and 12");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_HOUR24_VALUE, -5645, -1, "HY000", "hour must be between 0 and 23", 1850, "hour must be between 0 and 23");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_MINUTES_VALUE, -5646, -1, "HY000", "minutes must be between 0 and 59", 1851, "minutes must be between 0 and 59");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_SECONDS_VALUE, -5647, -1, "HY000", "seconds must be between 0 and 59", 1852, "seconds must be between 0 and 59");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_SECONDS_IN_DAY_VALUE, -5648, -1, "HY000", "seconds in day must be between 0 and 86399", 1853, "seconds in day must be between 0 and 86399");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_JULIAN_DATE_VALUE, -5649, -1, "HY000", "julian date must be between 1 and 5373484", 1854, "julian date must be between 1 and 5373484");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_AM_OR_PM_REQUIRED, -5650, -1, "HY000", "AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required", 1855, "AM/A.M. or PM/P.M. required");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_BC_OR_AD_REQUIRED, -5651, -1, "HY000", "BC/B.C. or AD/A.D. required", 1856, "BC/B.C. or AD/A.D. required");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_FORMAT_CODE_APPEARS_TWICE, -5652, -1, "HY000", "format code appears twice", 1810, "format code appears twice");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DAY_OF_WEEK_SPECIFIED_MORE_THAN_ONCE, -5653, -1, "HY000", "day of week may only be specified once", 1817, "day of week may only be specified once");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_SIGNED_YEAR_PRECLUDES_USE_OF_BC_AD, -5654, -1, "HY000", "signed year precludes use of BC/AD", 1819, "signed year precludes use of BC/AD");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_JULIAN_DATE_PRECLUDES_USE_OF_DAY_OF_YEAR, -5655, -1, "HY000", "Julian date precludes use of day of year", 1811, "Julian date precludes use of day of year");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_YEAR_MAY_ONLY_BE_SPECIFIED_ONCE, -5656, -1, "HY000", "year may only be specified once", 1812, "year may only be specified once");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_HOUR_MAY_ONLY_BE_SPECIFIED_ONCE, -5657, -1, "HY000", "hour may only be specified once", 1813, "hour may only be specified once");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_AM_PM_CONFLICTS_WITH_USE_OF_AM_DOT_PM_DOT, -5658, -1, "HY000", "AM/PM conflicts with use of A.M./P.M.", 1814, "AM/PM conflicts with use of A.M./P.M.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_BC_AD_CONFLICT_WITH_USE_OF_BC_DOT_AD_DOT, -5659, -1, "HY000", "BC/AD conflicts with use of B.C./A.D.", 1815, "BC/AD conflicts with use of B.C./A.D.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_MONTH_MAY_ONLY_BE_SPECIFIED_ONCE, -5660, -1, "HY000", "month may only be specified once", 1816, "month may only be specified once");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DAY_OF_WEEK_MAY_ONLY_BE_SPECIFIED_ONCE, -5661, -1, "HY000", "day of week may only be specified once", 1817, "day of week may only be specified once");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_FORMAT_CODE_CANNOT_APPEAR, -5662, -1, "HY000", "format code cannot appear in date input format", 1820, "format code cannot appear in date input format");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_NON_NUMERIC_CHARACTER_VALUE, -5663, -1, "HY000", "a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected", 1858, "a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INVALID_MERIDIAN_INDICATOR_USE, -5664, -1, "HY000", "'HH24' precludes use of meridian indicator", 1818, "'HH24' precludes use of meridian indicator");
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1155 1156
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_CHAR_FOLLOWING_ESCAPE_CHAR, -5665, -1, "HY000", "missing or illegal character following the escape character", 1424, "missing or illegal character following the escape character");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_ESCAPE_CHAR_LENGTH, -5666, -1, "HY000", "escape character must be character string of length 1", 1425, "escape character must be character string of length 1");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DAY_OF_MONTH_RANGE, -5667, -1, "HY000", "day of month must be between 1 and last day of month", 1847, "day of month must be between 1 and last day of month");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1158 1159 1160 1161
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_SELECTED_EXPR, -5668, -1, "HY000", "not a SELECTed expression", 1791, "not a SELECTed expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UK_PK_DUPLICATE, -5671, -1, "HY000", "such unique or primary key already exists in the table", 2261, "such unique or primary key already exists in the table");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_COLUMN_LIST_ALREADY_INDEXED, -5672, -1, "HY000", "such column list already indexed", 1408, "such column list already indexed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_BUSHY_TREE_NOT_SUPPORTED, -5673, -1, "HY000", "PX does not support processing a bushy tree");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_ERR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE, -5674, -1, "HY000", "argument is out of range", "argument '%ld' is out of range", 1428, "argument is out of range", "argument '%ld' is out of range");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ORDER_BY_ITEM_NOT_IN_SELECT_LIST, -5675, -1, "HY000", "ORDER BY item must be the number of a SELECT-list expression", 1785, "ORDER BY item must be the number of a SELECT-list expression");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INTERVAL_INVALID, -5676, -1, "HY000", "the interval is invalid", 1867, "the interval is invalid");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NUMERIC_OR_VALUE_ERROR, -5677, -1, "HY000", "PL/SQL: numeric or value error", "PL/SQL: numeric or value error: %.*s", 6502, "PL/SQL: numeric or value error", "PL/SQL: numeric or value error: %.*s");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CONSTRAINT_NAME_DUPLICATE, -5678, ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_DUP_NAME, "HY000", "Duplicate check constraint name","Duplicate check constraint name \'%.*s\'.", 2264, "name already used by an existing constraint", "name \'%.*s\' already used by an existing constraint");
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1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ONLY_HAVE_INVISIBLE_COL_IN_TABLE, -5679, -1, "HY000", "table must have at least one column that is not invisible", 54039, "table must have at least one column that is not invisible");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVISIBLE_COL_ON_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_TYPE, -5680, -1, "HY000", "Invisible column is not supported on this type of table.", 54042, "Invisible column is not supported on this type of table.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_COL_VISIBILITY_COMBINED_WITH_OTHER_OPTION, -5681, -1, "HY000", "Column visibility modifications cannot be combined with any other modified column DDL option.", 54046, "Column visibility modifications cannot be combined with any other modified column DDL option.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_COL_VISIBILITY_BY_SYS_USER, -5682, -1, "HY000", "The visibility of a column from a table owned by a SYS user cannot be changed.", 54053, "The visibility of a column from a table owned by a SYS user cannot be changed.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TOO_MANY_ARGS_FOR_FUN, -5683, -1, "HY000", "too many arguments for function", 939, "too many arguments for function");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PX_SQL_NEED_RETRY, -5684, -1, "HY000", "PX sql need retry");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TENANT_HAS_BEEN_DROPPED, -5685, -1, "HY000", "tenant has been dropped", "Tenant '%.*s' has been dropped");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXTRACT_FIELD_INVALID, -5686, -1, "HY000", "invalid extract field for extract source", 30076, "invalid extract field for extract source");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PACKAGE_COMPILE_ERROR, -5687, -1, "42000", "package compile error", "%s \'%.*s.%.*s\' compile error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SP_EMPTY_BLOCK, -5688, -1, "42000", "Empty block prohibited in Oracle");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ARRAY_BINDING_ROLLBACK, -5689, -1, "HY000", "array binding need rollback");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SUBQUERY_USE, -5690, -1, "HY000", "subquery not allowed here", 2251, "subquery not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DATE_OR_SYS_VAR_CANNOT_IN_CHECK_CST, -5691, -1, "HY000", "date or system variable wrongly specified in CHECK constraint", 2436, "date or system variable wrongly specified in CHECK constraint");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1180 1181
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NONEXISTENT_CONSTRAINT, -5692, ER_CONSTRAINT_NOT_FOUND, "HY000", "Constraint does not exist.", "Constraint \'%.*s\' does not exist.", 2443, "Cannot drop constraint  - nonexistent constraint", "Cannot drop constraint \'%.*s\' - nonexistent constraint");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED, -5693, ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED, "HY000", "check constraint violated", 2290, "check constraint violated");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_GROUP_FUNC_NOT_ALLOWED, -5694, -1, "HY000", "group function is not allowed here", 934, "group function is not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_POLICY_STRING_NOT_FOUND, -5695, -1, "HY000", "policy string not found", 12416, "policy string not found");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_LABEL_STRING, -5696, -1, "HY000", "invalid label string", 12401, "invalid label string");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UNDEFINED_COMPARTMENT_STRING_FOR_POLICY_STRING, -5697, -1, "HY000", "undefined compartment string for policy string", 12462, "undefined compartment string for policy string");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UNDEFINED_LEVEL_STRING_FOR_POLICY_STRING, -5698, -1, "HY000", "undefined level string for policy string", 12461, "undefined level string for policy string");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UNDEFINED_GROUP_STRING_FOR_POLICY_STRING, -5699, -1, "HY000", "undefined group string for policy string", 12463, "undefined group string for policy string");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_LBAC_ERROR, -5700, -1, "HY000", "LBAC error", "LBAC error: %s", 12432, "LBAC error", "LBAC error: %s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_POLICY_ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_POLICY_STRING, -5701, -1, "HY000", "policy role already exists for policy string", 12447, "policy role already exists for policy string");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NULL_OR_INVALID_USER_LABEL, -5702, -1, "HY000", "NULL or invalid user label", "NULL or invalid user label: %s", 12470, "NULL or invalid user label", "NULL or invalid user label: %s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ADD_INDEX, -5703, -1, "HY000", "Add index failed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PROFILE_STRING_DOES_NOT_EXIST, -5704, -1, "HY000", "profile string does not exist", "profile %.*s does not exist", 2380, "profile string does not exist", "profile %.*s does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_RESOURCE_LIMIT, -5705, -1, "HY000", "invalid resource limit", "invalid resource limit %s", 2377, "invalid resource limit", "invalid resource limit %s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PROFILE_STRING_ALREADY_EXISTS, -5706, -1, "HY000", "profile string already exists", "profile %.*s already exists", 2379, "profile string already exists", "profile %.*s already exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PROFILE_STRING_HAS_USERS_ASSIGNED, -5707, -1, "HY000", "profile string has users assigned, cannot drop without CASCADE", "profile %.*s has users assigned, cannot drop without CASCADE", 2382, "profile string has users assigned, cannot drop without CASCADE", "profile %.*s has users assigned, cannot drop without CASCADE");
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1196 1197 1198 1199 1200
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_THE_LEADING_PRECISION_OF_THE_INTERVAL_IS_TOO_SMALL, -5708, -1, "HY000", "the leading precision of the interval is too small", 1873, "the leading precision of the interval is too small");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_TIME_ZONE_HOUR, -5709, -1, "HY000", "time zone hour must be between -12 and 14", 1874, "time zone hour must be between -15 and 15");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_INVALID_TIME_ZONE_MINUTE, -5710, -1, "HY000", "time zone minute must be between -59 and 59", 1875, "time zone minute must be between -59 and 59");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_NOT_A_VALID_TIME_ZONE, -5711, -1, "HY000", "not a valid time zone", 1857, "not a valid time zone");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DATE_FORMAT_IS_TOO_LONG_FOR_INTERNAL_BUFFER, -5712, -1, "HY000", "date format is too long for internal buffer", 1801, "date format is too long for internal buffer");
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1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ADD_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED, -5713, -1, "HY000", "cannot validate - check constraint violated", "cannot validate (%.*s.%.*s) - check constraint violated", 2293, "cannot validate - check constraint violated", "cannot validate (%.*s.%.*s) - check constraint violated");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_VIEW_UPDATE, -5714, -1, "HY000", "data manipulation operation not legal on this view", 1732, "data manipulation operation not legal on this view");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_VIRTUAL_COL_NOT_ALLOWED, -5715, -1, "HY000", "virtual column not allowed here", 1733, "virtual column not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_O_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE, -5716, -1, "HY000", "cannot modify more than one base table through a join view", 1776, "cannot modify more than one base table through a join view");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE, -5717, ER_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE, "HY000", "The target table is not insertable", "The target table %.*s of the INSERT is not insertable-into");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE, -5718, ER_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE, "HY000", "Can not modify more than one base table through a join view", "Can not modify more than one base table through a join view '%.*s.%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NONUPDATEABLE_COLUMN, -5719, ER_NONUPDATEABLE_COLUMN, "HY000", "Column is not updatable", "Column '%.*s' is not updatable");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_VIEW_DELETE_MERGE_VIEW, -5720, ER_VIEW_DELETE_MERGE_VIEW, "HY000", "Can not delete from join view", "Can not delete from join view '%.*s.%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_O_DELETE_VIEW_NON_KEY_PRESERVED, -5721, -1, "HY000", "cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table", 1752, "cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_O_UPDATE_VIEW_NON_KEY_PRESERVED, -5722, -1, "HY000", "cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table", 1779, "cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_READ_ONLY_VIEW, -5723, -1, "HY000", "cannot perform a DML operation on a read-only view", 42399, "cannot perform a DML operation on a read-only view");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_INITRANS_VALUE, -5724, -1, "HY000", "invalid INITRANS option value", 2207, "invalid INITRANS option value");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_MAXTRANS_VALUE, -5725, -1, "HY000", "invalid MAXTRANS option value", 2209, "invalid MAXTRANS option value");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_PCTFREE_OR_PCTUSED_VALUE, -5726, -1, "HY000", "invalid value for PCTFREE or PCTUSED", 2211, "invalid value for PCTFREE or PCTUSED");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PROXY_REROUTE, -5727, -1, "HY000", "SQL request should be rerouted");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_FOR_FUNCTION, -5728, -1, "HY000", "illegal argument for function", 1760, "illegal argument for function");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_OPERATOR_CANNOT_BE_USED_WITH_LIST, -5729, -1, "HY000", "this operator cannot be used with lists", 1796, "this operator cannot be used with lists");
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1218 1219 1220 1221 1222
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SAMPLING_RANGE, -5730, -1, "HY000", "SAMPLE percentage must be in the range [0.000001,100)", 30562, "SAMPLE percentage must be in the range [0.000001,100)");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SPECIFY_DATABASE_NOT_ALLOWED, -5731, -1, "HY000", "specifying owner's name of the table is not allowed", 1765, "specifying owner's name of the table is not allowed");
// OB_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS_FOR_FUN changed to -5774
//DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS_FOR_FUN, -5732, -1, "HY000", "not enough arguments for function", 938, "not enough arguments for function");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_STMT_TRIGGER_WITH_WHEN_CLAUSE, -5732, -1, "HY000", "stmt trigger with when clause", 4077, "stmt trigger with when clause");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_NOT_EXIST, -5733, ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "HY000", "Trigger does not exist", "Trigger does not exist", 4080, "trigger not exist", "trigger '%.*s' does not exist");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_ALREADY_EXIST, -5734, -1, "HY000", "trigger already exist", "trigger '%.*s' already exist", 4081, "trigger already exist", "trigger '%.*s' already exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_EXIST_ON_OTHER_TABLE, -5735, -1, "HY000", "trigger already exists on another table, cannot replace it", "trigger '%.*s' already exists on another table, cannot replace it", 4095, "trigger already exists on another table, cannot replace it", "trigger '%.*s' already exists on another table, cannot replace it");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SIGNALED_IN_PARALLEL_QUERY_SERVER, -5736, -1, "HY000", "error signaled in parallel query server", 12801, "error signaled in parallel query server");

// !!! subquery factoring (CTE, with clause) error code
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_ILLEGAL_QUERY_NAME, -5737, -1, "HY000", "illegal reference of a query name in WITH clause", 32031, "illegal reference of a query name in WITH clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_UNSUPPORTED_COLUMN_ALIASING, -5738, -1, "HY000", "unsupported column aliasing", 32033, "unsupported column aliasing");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_USE_OF_CTE, -5739, -1, "HY000", "unsupported use of WITH clause", 32034, "unsupported use of WITH clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_COLUMN_NUMBER_NOT_MATCH, -5740, -1, "HY000", "number of WITH clause column names does not match number of elements in select list", 32038, "number of WITH clause column names does not match number of elements in select list");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NEED_COLUMN_ALIAS_LIST_IN_RECURSIVE_CTE, -5741, -1, "HY000", "recursive WITH clause must have column alias list", 32039, "recursive WITH clause must have column alias list");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NEED_UNION_ALL_IN_RECURSIVE_CTE, -5742, -1, "HY000", "recursive WITH clause must use a UNION ALL operation", 32040, "recursive WITH clause must use a UNION ALL operation");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NEED_ONLY_TWO_BRANCH_IN_RECURSIVE_CTE, -5743, -1, "HY000", "UNION ALL operation in recursive WITH clause must have only two branches", 32041, "UNION ALL operation in recursive WITH clause must have only two branches");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NEED_REFERENCE_ITSELF_DIRECTLY_IN_RECURSIVE_CTE, -5744, -1, "HY000", "recursive WITH clause must reference itself directly in one of the UNION ALL branches", 32042, "recursive WITH clause must reference itself directly in one of the UNION ALL branches");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NEED_INIT_BRANCH_IN_RECURSIVE_CTE, -5745, -1, "HY000", "recursive WITH clause needs an initialization branch", 32043, "recursive WITH clause needs an initialization branch");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CYCLE_FOUND_IN_RECURSIVE_CTE, -5746, -1, "HY000", "cycle detected while executing recursive WITH query", 32044, "cycle detected while executing recursive WITH query");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_REACH_MAX_LEVEL_RECURSION, -5747, -1, "HY000", "maximum level of recursion reached while executing recursive WITH query", 32045, "maximum level of recursion reached while executing recursive WITH query");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_ILLEGAL_SEARCH_PSEUDO_NAME, -5748, -1, "HY000", "sequence column name for SEARCH clause must not be part of the column alias list", 32046, "sequence column name for SEARCH clause must not be part of the column alias list");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_ILLEGAL_CYCLE_NON_CYCLE_VALUE, -5749, -1, "HY000", "cycle mark value and non-cycle mark value must be one byte character string values", 32047, "cycle mark value and non-cycle mark value must be one byte character string values");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_ILLEGAL_CYCLE_PSEUDO_NAME, -5750, -1, "HY000", "cycle mark column name for CYCLE clause must not be part of the column alias list", 32048, "cycle mark column name for CYCLE clause must not be part of the column alias list");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_COLUMN_ALIAS_DUPLICATE, -5751, -1, "HY000", "duplicate name found in column alias list for WITH clause", 32049, "duplicate name found in column alias list for WITH clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_ILLEGAL_SEARCH_CYCLE_CLAUSE, -5752, -1, "HY000", "SEARCH and CYCLE clauses can only be specified for recursive WITH clause elements", 32480, "SEARCH and CYCLE clauses can only be specified for recursive WITH clause elements");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_DUPLICATE_CYCLE_NON_CYCLE_VALUE, -5753, -1, "HY000", "cycle value for CYCLE clause must be different from the non-cycle value", 32481, "cycle value for CYCLE clause must be different from the non-cycle value");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_DUPLICATE_SEQ_NAME_CYCLE_COLUMN, -5754, -1, "HY000", "sequence column for SEARCH clause must be different from the cycle mark column for CYCLE clause", 32482, "sequence column for SEARCH clause must be different from the cycle mark column for CYCLE clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_DUPLICATE_NAME_IN_SEARCH_CLAUSE, -5755, -1, "HY000", "duplicate name found in sort specification list for SEARCH clause of WITH clause", 32483, "duplicate name found in sort specification list for SEARCH clause of WITH clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_DUPLICATE_NAME_IN_CYCLE_CLAUSE, -5756, -1, "HY000", "duplicate name found in cycle column list for CYCLE clause of WITH clause", 32484, "duplicate name found in cycle column list for CYCLE clause of WITH clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_ILLEGAL_COLUMN_IN_CYCLE_CLAUSE, -5757, -1, "HY000", "element in cycle column list of CYCLE clause must appear in the column alias list of the WITH clause element", 32485, "element in cycle column list of CYCLE clause must appear in the column alias list of the WITH clause element");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_ILLEGAL_RECURSIVE_BRANCH, -5758, -1, "HY000", "unsupported operation in recursive branch of recursive WITH clause", 32486, "unsupported operation in recursive branch of recursive WITH clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_JOIN_IN_RECURSIVE_CTE, -5759, -1, "HY000", "unsupported join in recursive WITH query", 32487, "unsupported join in recursive WITH query");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_NEED_COLUMN_ALIAS_LIST, -5760, -1, "HY000", "WITH clause element did not have a column alias list", 32488, "WITH clause element did not have a column alias list");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_ILLEGAL_COLUMN_IN_SERACH_CALUSE, -5761, -1, "HY000", "element in sort specification list of SEARCH clause did not appear in the column alias list of the WITH clause element", 32489, "element in sort specification list of SEARCH clause did not appear in the column alias list of the WITH clause element");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CTE_RECURSIVE_QUERY_NAME_REFERENCED_MORE_THAN_ONCE, -5762, -1, "HY000", "recursive query name referenced more than once in recursive branch of recursive WITH clause element", 32490, "recursive query name referenced more than once in recursive branch of recursive WITH clause element");

// !!! subquery factoring (connect by) error code
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_PSEUDO_COLUMN_NOT_ALLOWED, -5763, -1, "HY000", "Specified pseudo column or operator not allowed here", 976, "Specified pseudo column or operator not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_LOOP, -5764, -1, "HY000", "CONNECT BY loop in user data", 1436, "CONNECT BY loop in user data");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_JOIN_NOT_ALLOWED, -5765, -1, "HY000", "cannot have join with CONNECT BY", 1437, "cannot have join with CONNECT BY");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_CONNECT_BY_REQUIRED, -5766, -1, "HY000", "CONNECT BY clause required in this query block", 1788, "CONNECT BY clause required in this query block");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_CONNECT_BY_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED,-5768, -1, "HY000", "SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function is not allowed here", 30002, "SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function is not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_CONNECT_BY_PATH_ILLEGAL_PARAM, -5769, -1, "HY000", "illegal parameter in SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function", 30003, "illegal parameter in SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_CONNECT_BY_PATH_INVALID_SEPARATOR, -5770, -1, "HY000", "A column value contained the string that the SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function was to use to separate column values", 30004, "A column value contained the string that the SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function was to use to separate column values.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_CONNECT_BY_ROOT_ILLEGAL_USED, -5771, -1, "HY000", "CONNECT BY ROOT operator is not supported in the START WITH or in the CONNECT BY condition", 30007, "CONNECT BY ROOT operator is not supported in the START WITH or in the CONNECT BY condition");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_OREDER_SIBLINGS_BY_NOT_ALLOWED, -5772, -1, "HY000", "ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause not allowed here", 30929, "ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_NOCYCLE_REQUIRED, -5773, -1, "HY000", "NOCYCLE keyword is required with CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudo column", 30930, "NOCYCLE keyword is required with CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudo column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS_FOR_FUN, -5774, -1, "HY000", "not enough arguments for function", 938, "not enough arguments for function");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PREPARE_STMT_CHECKSUM, -5777, -1, "HY000", "Prepare statement checksum error", 603, "Oracle Server session terminated by fatal error");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ENABLE_NONEXISTENT_CONSTRAINT, -5778, -1, "HY000", "cannot enable constraint - no such constraint", "cannot enable constraint (%.*s) - no such constraint", 2430, "cannot enable constraint - no such constraint", "cannot enable constraint (%.*s) - no such constraint");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DISABLE_NONEXISTENT_CONSTRAINT, -5779, -1, "HY000", "cannot disable constraint - no such constraint", "cannot disable constraint (%.*s) - no such constraint", 2431, "cannot disable constraint - no such constraint", "cannot disable constraint (%.*s) - no such constraint");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DOWNGRADE_DOP, -5780, -1, "HY000", "PX DOP downgrade", "PX DOP downgrade from %ld to %ld", 0, "PX DOP downgrade", "PX DOP downgrade from %ld to %ld");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DOWNGRADE_PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS, -5781, -1, "HY000", "parallel_max_servers downgrade due to insufficent cpu resource. deprecated.", "parallel_max_servers downgrade due to insufficent cpu resource from %ld to %ld. deprecated.", 0, "parallel_max_servers downgrade due to insufficent cpu resource. deprecated.", "parallel_max_servers downgrade due to insufficent cpu resource from %ld to %ld. deprecated.");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ORPHANED_CHILD_RECORD_EXISTS, -5785, -1, "HY000", "cannot validate - parent keys not found", "cannot validate (%.*s.%.*s) - parent keys not found", 2298, "cannot validate - parent keys not found", "cannot validate (%.*s.%.*s) - parent keys not found");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_COL_CHECK_CST_REFER_ANOTHER_COL, -5786, ER_COLUMN_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_REFERENCES_OTHER_COLUMN, "HY000", "Column check constraint cannot reference other columns","Column check constraint \'%.*s\' references other column.", 2438, "Column check constraint cannot reference other columns","Column check constraint \'%.*s\' cannot reference other columns");
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1279 1280 1281 1282
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BATCHED_MULTI_STMT_ROLLBACK, -5787, -1, "HY000", "batched multi statement execution needs rollback");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_FOR_UPDATE_SELECT_VIEW_CANNOT, -5788, -1, "HY000", "cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.", 2014, "cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_POLICY_WITH_CHECK_OPTION_VIOLATION, -5789, -1, "HY000", "policy with check option violation", 28115, "policy with check option violation");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_POLICY_ALREADY_APPLIED_TO_TABLE, -5790, -1, "HY000", "policy already applied to table", 12444, "policy already applied to table");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_MUTATING_TABLE_OPERATION, -5791, ER_CANT_UPDATE_USED_TABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRG, "HY000", "table is mutating, trigger/function may not see it", "Can\'t update table \'%s\' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.", 4091, "table is mutating, trigger/function may not see it", "table '%.*s'.'%.*s' is mutating, trigger/function may not see it");
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1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_OR_DROP_MULTI_COLUMN_CONSTRAINT, -5792, -1, "HY000", "column is referenced in a multi-column constraint", 12991, "column is referenced in a multi-column constraint");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DROP_PARENT_KEY_COLUMN, -5793, -1, "HY000", "cannot drop parent key column", 12992, "cannot drop parent key column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_AUTOINC_SERVICE_BUSY, -5794, -1, "HY000", "auto increment service busy", 600, "auto increment service busy");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CONSTRAINT_CONSTRAINT_DISABLE_VALIDATE, -5795, -1, "HY000", "No insert/update/delete on table with constraint disabled and validated", "No insert/update/delete on table with constraint (%.*s.%.*s) disabled and validated", 25128, "No insert/update/delete on table with constraint disabled and validated", "No insert/update/delete on table with constraint (%.*s.%.*s) disabled and validated");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK, -5796, -1, "HY000", "active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back", 6519, "active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ORDERBY_CLAUSE_NOT_ALLOWED, -5797, -1, "HY000", "ORDER BY not allowed here", 30487, "ORDER BY not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_DISTINCT_NOT_ALLOWED, -5798, -1, "HY000", "DISTINCT not allowed here", 30482, "DISTINCT not allowed here");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ASSIGN_USER_VARIABLE_NOT_ALLOWED, -5799, -1, "HY000", "assign user variable with := only allowed in select filed list and as root expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_MODIFY_NONEXISTENT_CONSTRAINT, -5800, -1, "HY000", "cannot modify constraint - no such constraint", "cannot modify constraint (%.*s) - no such constraint", 25129, "cannot modify constraint - no such constraint", "cannot modify constraint (%.*s) - no such constraint");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SP_EXCEPTION_HANDLE_ILLEGAL, -5801, -1, "HY000", "implementation restriction: exception handler in nested transaction is illegal");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INVALID_ROWID, -5802, -1, "HY000", "invalid ROWID", 1410, "invalid ROWID");
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1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_INSERT_COLUMN, -5803, -1, "HY000", "Invalid column in the INSERT VALUES Clause", "Invalid column in the INSERT VALUES Clause:'%.*s'.'%.*s'", 38101, "Invalid column in the INSERT VALUES Clause", "Invalid column in the INSERT VALUES Clause:'%.*s'.'%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_INCORRECT_USE_OF_OPERATOR, -5804, -1, "HY000", "incorrect use of operator", "incorrect use of the ['%.*s'] operator", 13207, "incorrect use of operator", "incorrect use of the ['%.*s'] operator");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NON_CONST_EXPR_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PIVOT_UNPIVOT_VALUES, -5805, -1, "HY000", "non-constant expression is not allowed for pivot|unpivot values", 56901, "non-constant expression is not allowed for pivot|unpivot values");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXPECT_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_INSIDE_PIVOT_OPERATION, -5806, -1, "HY000", "expect aggregate function inside pivot operation", 56902, "expect aggregate function inside pivot operation");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXP_NEED_SAME_DATATYPE, -5807, -1, "HY000", "expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression", 1790, "expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CHARACTER_SET_MISMATCH, -5808, -1, "HY000", "character set mismatch", 12704, "character set mismatch");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_NOMATCH, -5809, -1, "HY000", "regular expression failed to match");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_BADPAT, -5810, -1, "HY000", "invalid regular expression (reg version 0.8)");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_EESCAPE, -5811, -1, "HY000", "invalid escape \\ sequence in regular expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_EBRACK, -5812, -1, "HY000", "unmatched bracket in regular expression", 12726, "unmatched bracket in regular expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_EPAREN, -5813, -1, "HY000", "unmatched parentheses in regular expression", 12725, "unmatched parentheses in regular expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_ESUBREG, -5814, -1, "HY000", "invalid back reference in regular expression", 12727, "invalid back reference in regular expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_ERANGE, -5815, -1, "HY000", "invalid range in regular expression", 12728, "invalid range in regular expression");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_ECTYPE, -5816, -1, "HY000", "invalid character class in regular expression", 12729, "invalid character class in regular expression");
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DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_ECOLLATE, -5817, -1, "HY000", "invalid collation class in regular expression", 12731, "invalid collation class in regular expression");
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1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_EBRACE, -5818, -1, "HY000", "braces {} not balanced in in regular expression");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_BADBR, -5819, -1, "HY000", "invalid repetition count(s) in regular expression");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_BADRPT, -5820, -1, "HY000", "The regular expression was too complex and current library can't be parsed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_ASSERT, -5821, -1, "HY000", "regular expression internal error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_INVARG, -5822, -1, "HY000", "invalid argument in regular expression");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_MIXED, -5823, -1, "HY000", "character widths of regex and string differ in regular expression");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_BADOPT, -5824, -1, "HY000", "invalid embedded option in regular expression");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REGEXP_ETOOBIG, -5825, -1, "HY000", "nfa has too many states in regular expression, may be the regular expression too long");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_SUPPORTED_ROWID_TYPE, -5826, -1, "HY000", "ROWID for tables without primary key is not implemented");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARALLEL_DDL_CONFLICT, -5827, -1, "HY000", "the definition of relative objects have been modified, please check and retry");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT, -5828, -1, "HY000", "Subscript beyond count", 6533, "Subscript beyond count");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_PARTITIONED, -5829, -1, "HY000", "PARTITION () clause on non partitioned table", 14501, "object is not partitioned");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UNKNOWN_SUBPARTITION, -5830, -1, "HY000", "Unknown subpartition", 14251, "Specified subpartition does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SQL_ROW_LIMITING, -5831, -1, "HY000", "Invalid SQL ROW LIMITING expression was specified.", 62550, "Invalid SQL ROW LIMITING expression was specified.");
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1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350
DEFINE_ERROR(STATIC_ENG_NOT_IMPLEMENT, -5833, -1,  "HY000", "not implemented in SQL static typing engine, will try the old engine automatically");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_OBJ_ALREADY_EXIST, -5834, -1, "HY000", "name is already used by an existing object", 955, "name is already used by an existing object");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_DBLINK_NOT_EXIST_TO_ACCESS, -5835, -1, "HY000", "connection description for remote database not found", 2019, "connection description for remote database not found");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_DBLINK_NOT_EXIST_TO_DROP, -5836, -1, "HY000", "database link not found", 2024, "database link not found");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ACCESS_INTO_NULL, -5837, -1, "HY000", "Reference to uninitialized composite", 6530, "Reference to uninitialized composite");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_COLLECION_NULL, -5838, -1, "HY000", "Reference to uninitialized collection", 6531, "Reference to uninitialized collection");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_DATA_NEEDED, -5839, -1, "HY000", "no more rows needed", 6548, "no more rows needed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PROGRAM_ERROR, -5840, -1, "HY000", "PL/SQL: program error", 6501, "PL/SQL: program error");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ROWTYPE_MISMATCH, -5841, -1, "HY000", "PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match", 6504, "PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_STORAGE_ERROR, -5842, -1, "HY000", "PL/SQL: storage error", 6500, "PL/SQL: storage error");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT, -5843, -1, "HY000", "Subscript outside of limit", 6532, "Subscript outside of limit");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_CURSOR, -5844, -1, "HY000", "invalid cursor", 1001, "invalid cursor");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_LOGIN_DENIED, -5845, -1, "HY000", "invalid username/password; logon denied", 1017, "invalid username/password; logon deniedd");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_LOGGED_ON, -5846, -1, "HY000", "not logged on", 1012, "not logged on");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SELF_IS_NULL, -5847, -1, "HY000", "method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed", 30625, "method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE, -5848, -1, "HY000", "timeout occurred while waiting for a resource", 51, "timeout occurred while waiting for a resource");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_COLUMN_CANT_CHANGE_TO_NOT_NULL, -5849, -1, "HY000", "column to be modified to NOT NULL is already NOT NULL", 1442, "column to be modified to NOT NULL is already NOT NULL");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_COLUMN_CANT_CHANGE_TO_NULLALE, -5850, -1, "HY000", "column to be modified to NULL cannot be modified to NULL", 1451, "column to be modified to NULL cannot be modified to NULL");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ENABLE_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED, -5851, -1, "HY000", "cannot enable - null values found", "cannot enable (%.*s.%.*s) - null values found", 2296, "cannot enable - null values found", "cannot enable (%.*s.%.*s) - null values found");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_CONSTANT, -5852, -1, "HY000", "Argument should be a constant.", 30496, "Argument should be a constant.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_A_SINGLE_GROUP_FUNCTION, -5853, -1, "HY000", "not a single-group group function", 937, "not a single-group group function");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ZERO_LENGTH_IDENTIFIER, -5854, -1, "HY000", "illegal zero-length identifier", 1741, "illegal zero-length identifier");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARAM_VALUE_INVALID, -5855, -1, "HY000", "parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid", 2097, "parameter cannot be modified because specified value is invalid");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DBMS_SQL_CURSOR_NOT_EXIST, -5856, -1, "HY000", "DBMS_SQL access denied", 29471, "DBMS_SQL access denied");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DBMS_SQL_NOT_ALL_VAR_BIND, -5857, -1, "HY000", "not all variables bound", 1008, "not all variables bound");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CONFLICTING_DECLARATIONS, -5858, ER_CONFLICTING_DECLARATIONS, "42000", "Conflicting declarations", "Conflicting declarations: '%s' and '%s'");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DROP_COL_REFERENCED_MULTI_COLS_CONSTRAINT, -5859, ER_DEPENDENT_BY_CHECK_CONSTRAINT, "HY000", "column is referenced in a multi-column constraint", "Check constraint \'%.*s\' uses column \'%.*s\', hence column cannot be dropped or renamed.", 12991, "column is referenced in a multi-column constraint","column \'%.*s\' is referenced in a multi-column constraint \'%.*s\'");
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1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_COL_DATATYEP_REFERENCED_CONSTRAINT, -5860, -1, "HY000", "cannot modify column datatype with current constraint(s)", 1463, "cannot modify column datatype with current constraint(s)");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PERCENTILE_VALUE_INVALID, -5861, -1, "HY000", "The percentile value should be a number between 0 and 1.", 30493, "The percentile value should be a number between 0 and 1.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ARGUMENT_SHOULD_NUMERIC_DATE_DATETIME_TYPE, -5862, -1, "HY000", "The argument should be of numeric or date/datetime type.", 30495, "The argument should be of numeric or date/datetime type.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ALTER_TABLE_RENAME_WITH_OPTION, -5863, -1, "HY000", "ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations", 14047, "ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ONLY_SIMPLE_COLUMN_NAME_ALLOWED, -5864, -1, "HY000", "only simple column names allowed here.", 1748, "only simple column names allowed here.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SAFE_UPDATE_MODE_NEED_WHERE_OR_LIMIT, -5865, ER_UPDATE_WITHOUT_KEY_IN_SAFE_MODE, "HY000", "You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column", "You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SPECIFIY_PARTITION_DESCRIPTION, -5866, -1, "HY000", "cannot specify <(sub)partition-description> clause in CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX", 14170, "cannot specify <(sub)partition-description> clause in CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SAME_NAME_SUBPARTITION, -5867, -1, "HY000", "Duplicate partition name", "Duplicate partition name %.*s", 14159, "duplicate subpartition name", "duplicate subpartition name %.*s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UPDATE_ORDER_BY, -5868, -1, "HY000", "Incorrect usage of UPDATE and ORDER BY");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UPDATE_LIMIT, -5869, -1, "HY000", "Incorrect usage of UPDATE and LIMIT");
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1362 1363
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ROWID_TYPE_MISMATCH, -5870, -1, "HY000", "rowid type mismatch", "rowid type mismatch, expect %.*s, got %.*s", 600, "rowid type mismatch", "rowid type mismatch, expect %.*s, got %.*s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ROWID_NUM_MISMATCH, -5871, -1, "HY000", "rowid num mismatch", "rowid num mismatch, expect %ld, actual %ld", 600, "rowid num mismatch", "rowid num mismatch, expect %ld, actual %ld");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_NO_COLUMN_ALIAS, -5872, -1, "HY000", "must name this expression with a column alias", "must name %.*s with a column alias", 998, "must name this expression with a column alias", "must name %.*s with a column alias");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_NUMERIC_NOT_MATCH_FORMAT_LENGTH, -5873, -1, "HY000", "the numeric value does not match the length of the format item", 1862, "the numeric value does not match the length of the format item");
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1366 1367 1368 1369 1370
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_DATATYPE, -5874, -1, "HY000", "invalid datatype", 902, "invalid datatype");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_COMPOSITE_PARTITION, -5875, -1, "HY000", "table is not partitioned by composite partition method", 14253, "table is not partitioned by composite partition method");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SUBPARTITION_NOT_EXPECT_VALUES_IN, -5876, -1, "HY000", "VALUES IN (<value list>) cannot be used for Range subpartitioned tables", 14214, "VALUES (<value list>) cannot be used for Range subpartitioned tables");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SUBPARTITION_EXPECT_VALUES_IN, -5877, -1, "HY000", "VALUES IN (<value list>) clause expected", 14217, "VALUES (<value list>) clause expected");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_NOT_EXPECT_VALUES_LESS_THAN, -5878, -1, "HY000", "VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause cannot be used with List partitioned tables", 14310, "VALUES LESS THAN or AT clause cannot be used with List partitioned tables");
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DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_EXPECT_VALUES_LESS_THAN, -5879, -1, "HY000", "Expecting VALUES LESS THAN  or AT clause", 14311, "Expecting VALUES LESS THAN  or AT clause");
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1372 1373 1374 1375 1376
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PROGRAM_UNIT_NOT_EXIST, -5880, -1, "HY000", "Procedure, function, package, or package body does not exist", 4042, "procedure, function, package, or package body does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_RESTORE_POINT_NAME, -5881, -1, "HY000", "invalid restore point name specified in connection string");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INPUT_TIME_TYPE, -5882, -1, "HY000", "invalid time limit specified", 14312, "invalid time limit specified");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_IN_ARRAY_DML, -5883, -1, "HY000", "error(s) in array DML", 24381, "error(s) in array DML");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_COMPILE_ERROR, -5884, -1, "42000", "trigger compile error", "%s \'%.*s.%.*s\' compile error");
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1377 1378
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_IN_TRIM_SET, -5885, -1, "HY000", "trim set should have only one character", 30001, "trim set should have only one character");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_MISSING_OR_INVALID_PASSWORD_FOR_ROLE, -5886, -1, "HY000", "missing or invalid password", "missing or invalid password for role '%.*s'", 1979, "missing or invalid password", "missing or invalid password for role '%.*s'");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISSING_OR_INVALID_PASSWORD, -5887, -1, "HY000", "missing or invalid password(s)", 988, "missing or invalid password(s)");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_OPTIONS_FOR_ALTER_USER, -5888, -1, "HY000", "no options specified for ALTER USER", 2157, "no options specified for ALTER USER");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1381 1382 1383
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_MATCHING_UK_PK_FOR_COL_LIST, -5889, -1, "HY000", "no matching unique or primary key for this column-list", 2270, "no matching unique or primary key for this column-list");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_FK_IN_TABLE, -5890, -1, "HY000", "duplicate referential constraint specifications", 2774, "duplicate referential constraint specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_FK_EXISTS, -5891, -1, "HY000", "such a referential constraint already exists in the table", 2775, "such a referential constraint already exists in the table");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISSING_OR_INVALID_PRIVIEGE, -5892, -1, "HY000", "missing or invalid privilege", 990, "missing or invalide privilege");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1385 1386 1387 1388 1389
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_TYPE, -5893, -1, "HY000", "specified data type is not supported for a virtual column", 54003, "specified data type is not supported for a virtual column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REFERENCED_TABLE_HAS_NO_PK, -5894, -1, "HY000", "referenced table does not have a primary key", 2268, "referenced table does not have a primary key");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_PART_COLUMN_TYPE, -5895, -1, "HY000", "data type or length of a table partitioning column may not be changed", 14060, "data type or length of a table partitioning column may not be changed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MODIFY_SUBPART_COLUMN_TYPE, -5896, -1, "HY000", "data type or length of a table subpartitioning column may not be changed", 14265, "data type or length of a table subpartitioning column may not be changed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DECREASE_COLUMN_LENGTH, -5897, -1, "HY000", "cannot decrease column length because some value is too big", 1441, "cannot decrease column length because some value is too big");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DATETIME_INTERVAL_INTERNAL_ERROR, -5898, -1, "HY000", "Datetime/Interval internal error", 1891, "Datetime/Interval internal error");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REMOTE_PART_ILLEGAL, -5899, -1, "HY000", "partition extended table name cannot refer to a remote object", 14100, "partition extended table name cannot refer to a remote object");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_EXPRESSION_WAS_SPECIFIED, -5900, -1, "HY000", "Duplicate column expression was specified", 54015, "Duplicate column expression was specified");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1393 1394 1395
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_A_VIEW_NOT_APPROPRIATE_HERE, -5901, -1, "HY000", "a view is not appropriate here", 1702, "a view is not appropriate here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ROWID_VIEW_NO_KEY_PRESERVED, -5902, -1, "HY000", "cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a join view without a key-preserved table", 1445, "cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a join view without a key-preserved table");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ROWID_VIEW_HAS_DISTINCT_ETC, -5903, -1, "HY000", "cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc", 1446, "cannot select ROWID from, or sample, a view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_AT_LEAST_ONE_COLUMN_NOT_VIRTUAL, -5904, ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS, "42000", "A table must have at least 1 column", 54037, "table must have at least 1 column that is not virtual");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ONLY_PURE_FUNC_CANBE_INDEXED, -5905, -1, "HY000", "only pure functions can be indexed", 1743, "only pure functions can be indexed");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ONLY_PURE_FUNC_CANBE_VIRTUAL_COLUMN_EXPRESSION, -5906, 3102, "HY000", "Expression of generated column contains a disallowed function", 54002, "only pure functions can be specified in a virtual column expression");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UPDATE_OPERATION_ON_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS, -5907, -1, "HY000", "UPDATE operation disallowed on virtual columns", 54017, "UPDATE operation disallowed on virtual columns");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_COLUMN_EXPRESSION, -5908, -1, "HY000", "Invalid column expression was specified", 54016, "Invalid column expression was specified");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_IDENTITY_COLUMN_COUNT_EXCE_LIMIT, -5909, -1, "HY000", "table can have only one identity column", 30669, "table can have only one identity column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_ON_IDENTITY_COLUMN, -5910, -1, "HY000", "invalid NOT NULL constraint specified on an identity column", 30670, "invalid NOT NULL constraint specified on an identity column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_MODIFY_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_ON_IDENTITY_COLUMN, -5911, -1, "HY000", "cannot modify NOT NULL constraint on an identity column", 30671, "cannot modify NOT NULL constraint on an identity column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_DROP_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_ON_IDENTITY_COLUMN, -5912, -1, "HY000", "cannot drop NOT NULL constraint on an identity column", 30672, "cannot drop NOT NULL constraint on an identity column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_COLUMN_MODIFY_TO_IDENTITY_COLUMN, -5913, -1, "HY000", "column to be modified is not an identity column", 30673, "column to be modified is not an identity column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_IDENTITY_COLUMN_CANNOT_HAVE_DEFAULT_VALUE, -5914, -1, "HY000", "identity column cannot have a default value", 30674, "identity column cannot have a default value");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_IDENTITY_COLUMN_MUST_BE_NUMERIC_TYPE, -5915, -1, "HY000", "identity column must be a numeric type", 30675, "identity column must be a numeric type");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PREBUILT_TABLE_MANAGED_CANNOT_BE_IDENTITY_COLUMN, -5916, -1, "HY000", "prebuilt table managed column cannot be an identity column", 32792, "prebuilt table managed column cannot be an identity column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_ALTER_SYSTEM_GENERATED_SEQUENCE, -5917, -1, "HY000", "cannot alter a system-generated sequence", 32793, "cannot alter a system-generated sequence");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_DROP_SYSTEM_GENERATED_SEQUENCE, -5918, -1, "HY000", "cannot drop a system-generated sequence", 32794, "cannot drop a system-generated sequence");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INSERT_INTO_GENERATED_ALWAYS_IDENTITY_COLUMN, -5919, -1, "HY000", "cannot insert into a generated always identity column", 32795, "cannot insert into a generated always identity column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UPDATE_GENERATED_ALWAYS_IDENTITY_COLUMN, -5920, -1, "HY000", "cannot update a generated always identity column", 32796, "cannot update a generated always identity column");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_RENAME_SYSTEM_GENERATED_SEQUENCE, -5922, -1, "HY000", "cannot rename a system-generated sequence", 32799, "cannot rename a system-generated sequence");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REVOKE_BY_COLUMN, -5923, -1, "HY000", "UPDATE/REFERENCES may only be REVOKEd from the whole table, not by column", 1750, "UPDATE/REFERENCES may only be REVOKEd from the whole table, not by column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TYPE_BODY_NOT_EXIST, -5924, -1, "HY000", "not executed, type body does not exist", "not executed, type body '%.*s' does not exist", 4067, "not executed, type body does not exist", "not executed, type body '%.*s' does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_WIDTH_BUCKET, -5925, -1, "HY000", "The argument of WIDTH_BUCKET function is NULL or invalid.", "The argument [%s] of WIDTH_BUCKET function is NULL or invalid.", 30494, "The argument of WIDTH_BUCKET function is NULL or invalid.", "The argument [%s] of WIDTH_BUCKET function is NULL or invalid.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CBY_NO_MEMORY, -5926, -1, "HY000", "Not enough memory for CONNECT BY operation", 30009, "Not enough memory for CONNECT BY operation");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_PARAM_FOR_CBY_PATH, -5927, -1, "HY000", "illegal parameter in SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function", 30003, "illegal parameter in SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_HOST_UNKNOWN, -5928, -1, "HY000", "host unknown", "host %.*s unknown", 29257, "host unknown", "host %.*s unknown");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WINDOW_NAME_IS_NOT_DEFINE, -5929, -1, "HY000", "Window name is not defined.", "Window name '%.*s' is not defined.");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_OPEN_CURSORS_EXCEEDED, -5930, -1, "HY000", "maximum open cursors exceeded", 1000, "maximum open cursors exceeded");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_FETCH_OUT_SEQUENCE, -5931, -1, "HY000", "fetch out of sequence", 1002, "fetch out of sequence");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UNEXPECTED_NAME_STR, -5932, -1, "HY000", "unexpected name string", "unexpected name string '%.*s'", 23481, "unexpected name string", "unexpected name string '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_PROGRAM_UNIT, -5933, -1, "HY000", "PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called", "PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: '%.*s'", 6508, "PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called", "PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ARG_INVALID, -5934, -1, "HY000", "argument is null, invalid, or out of range", 21560, "argument %.*s is null, invalid, or out of range");
// ORA ERROR 20000 - 20999 Reserved for callers of the system_utility.raise_application_error
// stored procedure. This allows customers to generate their own exception numbers and deal
// with them on the user-side.
// If you need to use this error code, you MUST use LOG_USER_ERROR to generate a customized
// error message. Or you will make your customer really pissed off !!!
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DBMS_STATS_PL, -5935, -1, "HY000", "must use LOG_USER_ERROR", "%s", 20001, "must use LOG_USER_ERROR", "%s");
jg0 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INCORRECT_VALUE_FOR_FUNCTION, -5936, ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE, "HY000", "Incorrect value for function", "Incorrect %.*s value: '%.*s' for function %.*s");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER_SET, -5937, -1, "HY000", "unsupported character set", 1482, "unsupported character set");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MUST_BE_FOLLOWED_BY_FOUR_HEXDECIMAL_CHARACTERS_OR_ANOTHER, -5938, -1, "HY000", "'\\' must be followed by four hexdecimal characters or another '\\'", 30186, "'\\' must be followed by four hexdecimal characters or another '\\'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PARAMETER_TOO_LONG, -5939, -1, "HY000", "parameter value longer than maximum characters", "parameter value longer than %d characters", 32021, "parameter value longer than maximum characters", "parameter value longer than %d characters");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_PLSQL_CCFLAGS, -5940, -1, "HY000", "invalid parameter for PLSQL_CCFLAGS", 39962, "invalid parameter for PLSQL_CCFLAGS");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_REF_MUTUALLY_DEP, -5941, -1, "HY000", "Aborted: formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle", "Aborted: '%.*s' formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with '%.*s'", 4055, "Aborted: formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle", "Aborted: '%.*s' formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_COLUMN_NOT_ALLOWED, -5942, -1, "HY000", "column not allowed here", 984, "column not allowed here");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_ACCESS_NLS_DATA_FILES_OR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT_SPECIFIED, -5943, -1, "HY000", "Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified", 12705, "Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUPLICATE_NULL_SPECIFICATION, -5944, -1, "HY000", "duplicate or conflicting NULL and/or NOT NULL specifications", 2258, "duplicate or conflicting NULL and/or NOT NULL specifications");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED, -5945, -1, "HY000", "cannot enable not null constraint - null values found", "cannot enable (%.*s.%.*s) - null values found", 2296, "cannot enable not null constraint - null values found", "cannot enable (%.*s.%.*s) - null values found");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TABLE_ADD_NOT_NULL_COLUMN_NOT_EMPTY, -5946, -1, "HY000", "table must be empty to add mandatory (NOT NULL) column", 1758, "table must be empty to add mandatory (NOT NULL) column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_COLUMN_EXPRESSION_MODIFICATION_WITH_OTHER_DDL, -5947, -1, "HY000", "Column expression modifications cannot be combined with any other column DDL operation", 54048, "Column expression modifications cannot be combined with any other column DDL operation");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_VIRTUAL_COL_WITH_CONSTRAINT_CANT_BE_CHANGED, -5948, -1, "HY000", "Virtual column expression cannot be changed because a constraint is defined on column", 54023, "Virtual column expression cannot be changed because a constraint is defined on column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_ON_DEFAULT_ON_NULL_IDENTITY_COLUMN, -5949, -1, "HY000", "invalid NOT NULL constraint specified on a DEFAULT ON NULL column", 30665, "invalid NOT NULL constraint specified on a DEFAULT ON NULL column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE_FOR_AT_TIME_ZONE, -5950, -1, "HY000", "invalid data type for datetime primary with time zone modifier", 30084, "invalid data type for datetime primary with time zone modifier");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_BAD_ARG, -5951, -1, "HY000", "bad argument", 29261, "bad argument");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_MODIFY_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_ON_DEFAULT_ON_NULL_COLUMN, -5952, -1, "HY000", "cannot modify NOT NULL constraint on a DEFAULT ON NULL column", 30666, "cannot modify NOT NULL constraint on a DEFAULT ON NULL column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_DROP_NOT_NULL_CONSTRAINT_ON_DEFAULT_ON_NULL_COLUMN, -5953, -1, "HY000", "cannot drop NOT NULL constraint on a DEFAULT ON NULL column", 30667, "cannot drop NOT NULL constraint on a DEFAULT ON NULL column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_PATH, -5954, -1, "HY000", "file or LOB operation string failed", 22288, "file or LOB operation string failed");

DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_ENCOUNTERED, -5955, -1, "HY000", "invalid parameter encountered in method string", "invalid parameter encountered in method %s", 22369, "invalid parameter encountered in method string", "invalid parameter encountered in method %s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INCORRECT_METHOD_USAGE, -5956, -1, "HY000", "incorrect usage of method string", "incorrect usage of method %s", 22370, "incorrect usage of method string", "incorrect usage of method %s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH, -5957, -1, "HY000", "Type Mismatch while constructing or accessing OCIAnyData", 22626, "Type Mismatch while constructing or accessing OCIAnyData");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_FETCH_COLUMN_NULL, -5958, -1, "HY000", "fetched column value is NULL", 1405, "fetched column value is NULL");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SIZE_SPECIFIED, -5959, -1, "HY000", "invalid SIZE specified", 1494, "invalid SIZE specified");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SOURCE_EMPTY, -5960, -1, "HY000", "source text is empty", 24236, "source text is empty");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_BAD_VALUE_FOR_OBJECT_TYPE, -5961, -1, "HY000", "bad value for object type: string", "bad value for object type: %.*s", 24235, "bad value for object type: string", "bad value for object type: %.*s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UNABLE_GET_SOURCE, -5962, -1, "HY000", "unable to get source of string \'string\'.\'string\', insufficient privileges or does not exist", "unable to get source of string \'%.*s\'.\'%.*s\', insufficient privileges or does not exist", 24234, "unable to get source of string \'string\'.\'string\', insufficient privileges or does not exist", "unable to get source of string \'%.*s\'.\'%.*s\', insufficient privileges or does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISSING_IDENTIFIER, -5963, -1, "HY000", "missing identifier", 931, "missing identifier");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DUP_COMPILE_PARAM, -5964, -1, "HY000", "duplicate setting for PL/SQL compiler parameter string", "duplicate setting for PL/SQL compiler parameter %.*s", 39956, "duplicate setting for PL/SQL compiler parameter string", "duplicate setting for PL/SQL compiler parameter %.*s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DATA_NOT_WELL_FORMAT, -5965, -1, "HY000", "OCIAnyData is not well-formed", 22625, "OCIAnyData is not well-formed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_MUST_COMPOSIT_TYPE, -5966, -1, "HY000", "tc [string] must be that of object/varray/nested table", "tc [%s] must be that of object/varray/nested table", 22627, "tc [string] must be that of object/varray/nested table", "tc [%s] must be that of object/varray/nested table");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_USER_EXCEED_RESOURCE, -5967, 1226, "42000", "User has exceeded the resource", "User '%.*s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %lu)");
oceanbase-admin 已提交

wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UTL_ENCODE_ARGUMENT_INVALID, -5968, -1, "HY000", "bad argument", 29261, "bad argument");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UTL_ENCODE_CHARSET_INVALID, -5969, -1, "HY000", "invalid Character set", 30205, "invalid Character set");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UTL_ENCODE_MIME_HEAD_TAG, -5970, -1, "HY000", "invalid mime header tag", 29295, "invalid mime header tag");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CHECK_OPTION_VIOLATED, -5971, ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED, "HY000", "CHECK OPTION failed", "CHECK OPTION failed '%.*s.%.*s'", 1402, "view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation", "view WITH CHECK OPTION where-clause violation");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CHECK_OPTION_ON_NONUPDATABLE_VIEW, -5972, ER_VIEW_NONUPD_CHECK, "HY000", "CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view", "CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%.*s.%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_DESC_FOR_POS, -5973, -1, "HY000", "no descriptor for this position", 24334, "no descriptor for this position");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ILL_OBJ_FLAG, -5974, -1, "HY000", "object specified is incompatible with the flag specified", 4047, "object specified is incompatible with the flag specified");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DBLINK_REMOTE_ECODE, -5975, -1, "HY000", "Unknown errorcode: %d", "dblink remote ora error code: %d");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_DBLINK_NO_LIB, -5976, -1, "HY000", "oci lib not founded");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITION_EXTENDED_ON_VIEW, -5977, -1, "HY000", "partition-extended object names may only be used with tables and editioning views", 14109, "partition-extended object names may only be used with tables and editioning views");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_ALL_VARIABLE_BIND, -5978, -1, "HY000", "not all variables bound", 1008, "not all variables bound");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_BIND_VARIABLE_NOT_EXIST, -5979, -1, "HY000", "bind variable does not exist", 1006, "bind variable does not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_VALID_ROUTINE_NAME, -5980, -1, "HY000", "not a valid function or procedure name", 6576, "not a valid function or procedure name");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_DDL_IN_ILLEGAL_CONTEXT, -5981, -1, "HY000", "DDL statement is executed in an illegal context", 6546, "DDL statement is executed in an illegal context");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CTE_NEED_QUERY_BLOCKS, -5982, 3574, "HY000", "Recursive Common Table Expression should have one or more non-recursive query blocks followed by one or more recursive ones", "Recursive Common Table Expression should have one or more non-recursive query blocks followed by one or more recursive ones: %s");
1486 1487
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WINDOW_ROWS_INTERVAL_USE, -5983, ER_WINDOW_ROWS_INTERVAL_USE, "HY000", "Window '<unnamed window>': INTERVAL can only be used with RANGE frames.", "Window '%s': INTERVAL can only be used with RANGE frames.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WINDOW_RANGE_FRAME_ORDER_TYPE, -5984, ER_WINDOW_RANGE_FRAME_ORDER_TYPE, "HY000", "Window '<unnamed window>' with RANGE N PRECEDING/FOLLOWING frame requires exactly one ORDER BY expression of numeric or temporal type", "Window '%s' with RANGE N PRECEDING/FOLLOWING frame requires exactly one ORDER BY expression of numeric or temporal type");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WINDOW_ILLEGAL_ORDER_BY, -5985, ER_WINDOW_ILLEGAL_ORDER_BY, "HY000", "Window '<unnamed window>': ORDER BY or PARTITION BY uses legacy position indication which is not supported use expression.", "Window '%s': ORDER BY or PARTITION BY uses legacy position indication which is not supported use expression.");

DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_MULTIPLE_CONSTRAINTS_WITH_SAME_NAME, -5986, ER_MULTIPLE_CONSTRAINTS_WITH_SAME_NAME, "HY000", "Table has multiple constraints with the name.", "Table has multiple constraints with the name \'%.*s\'. Please use constraint specific \'%.*s\' clause.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NON_BOOLEAN_EXPR_FOR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT, -5987, ER_NON_BOOLEAN_EXPR_FOR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT, "HY000", "An expression of non-boolean type specified to a check constraint","An expression of non-boolean type specified to a check constraint \'%.*s\'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_NOT_FOUND, -5988, ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_NOT_FOUND, "HY000", "Check constraint is not found in the table.", "Check constraint \'%.*s\' is not found in the table.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ALTER_CONSTRAINT_ENFORCEMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED, -5989, ER_ALTER_CONSTRAINT_ENFORCEMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "HY000", "Altering constraint enforcement is not supported for the constraint.", "Altering constraint enforcement is not supported for the constraint \'%.*s\'. Enforcement state alter is not supported for the PRIMARY, UNIQUE and FOREIGN KEY type constraints.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_REFERS_AUTO_INCREMENT_COLUMN, -5990, ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_REFERS_AUTO_INCREMENT_COLUMN, "HY000", "Check constraint cannot refer to an auto-increment column.", "Check constraint \'%.*s\' cannot refer to an auto-increment column.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_NAMED_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, -5991, ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_NAMED_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, "HY000", "An expression of a check constraint contains disallowed function.", "An expression of a check constraint \'%.*s\' contains disallowed function: %.*s.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, -5992, ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, "HY000", "An expression of a check constraint contains disallowed function.", "An expression of a check constraint \'%.*s\' contains disallowed function");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VARIABLES, -5993, ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VARIABLES, "HY000", "An expression of a check constraint cannot refer to a user or system variable.", "An expression of a check constraint \'%.*s\' cannot refer to a user or system variable.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_REFERS_UNKNOWN_COLUMN, -5994, ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_REFERS_UNKNOWN_COLUMN, "HY000", "Check constraint refers to non-existing column.","Check constraint \'%.*s\' refers to non-existing column \'%.*s\'.");

DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_USE_UDF_IN_PART, -5995, -1, "HY000", "Cannot use PL/SQL expressions in partitioning or subpartitioning columns", "Cannot use PL/SQL expressions in partitioning or subpartitioning columns", 54021, "Cannot use PL/SQL expressions in partitioning or subpartitioning columns", "Cannot use PL/SQL expressions in partitioning or subpartitioning columns");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_USE_UDF_NOT_DETERMIN, -5996, -1, "HY000", "The function is not deterministic", "The function is not deterministic", 30553, "The function is not deterministic", "The function is not deterministic");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INTERVAL_CLAUSE_HAS_MORE_THAN_ONE_COLUMN, -5997, -1, "HY000", "Range partitioned table with INTERVAL clause has more than one column", 14750, "Range partitioned table with INTERVAL clause has more than one column");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_DATA_TYPE_INTERVAL_TABLE, -5998, -1, "HY000", "Invalid data type for partitioning column of an interval partitioned table", 14751, "Invalid data type for partitioning column of an interval partitioned table");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INTERVAL_EXPR_NOT_CORRECT_TYPE, -5999, -1, "HY000", "Interval expression is not a constant of the correct type", 14752, "Interval expression is not a constant of the correct type");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TABLE_IS_ALREADY_A_RANGE_PARTITIONED_TABLE, -6000, -1, "HY000", "Table is already a range partitioned table", 14757, "Table is already a range partitioned table");

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1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517
//error code for transaction, mvcc and commitlog -6001 ---- -7000

DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANSACTION_SET_VIOLATION, -6001, -1, "25000", "Transaction set changed during the execution");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TRANS_ROLLBACKED, -6002, -1, "40000", "Transaction rollbacked", "transaction is rolled back", 24761, "transaction rolled back", "transaction rolled back");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_CONFLICT, -6003, ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "HY000", "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction", 30006, "resource busy; acquire with WAIT timeout expired");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SHARED_LOCK_CONFLICT, -6004, 4012, "HY000", "Statement is timeout", 2049, "timeout: distributed transaction waiting for lock");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRY_LOCK_ROW_CONFLICT, -6005, -1, "HY000", "Try lock row conflict");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_CONFLICT_NOWAIT, -6006, ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "HY000", "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction", 54, "resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CLOCK_OUT_OF_ORDER, -6201, -1, "25000", "Clock out of order");
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1518 1519
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT_DEP(OB_SWITCHING_TO_FOLLOWER_GRACEFULLY, -6202, -1, "HY000", "tx ctx switching to follower gracefully", "%s");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_MASK_SET_NO_NODE, -6203, -1, "25000", "Mask set has no node");
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1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_HAS_DECIDED, -6204, -1, "HY000", "Transaction has been decided");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_INVALID_STATE, -6205, -1, "HY000", "Transaction state invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_STATE_NOT_CHANGE, -6206, -1, "HY000", "Transaction state not changed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_PROTOCOL_ERROR, -6207, -1, "HY000", "Transaction protocol error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_INVALID_MESSAGE, -6208, -1, "HY000", "Transaction message invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE, -6209, -1, "HY000", "Transaction message type invalid");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1526 1527 1528 1529
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_TRANS_TIMEOUT, -6210, 4012, "25000", "Transaction timeout occurred, please rollback the transaction, set the variable ob_trx_timeout to a larger value and then restart the transaction");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_TRANS_KILLED, -6211, 6002, "25000", "Transaction is killed", 24761, "transaction rolled back: transaction is killed");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_TRANS_STMT_TIMEOUT, -6212, 4012, "25000", "Statement timeout occurred, please set the variable ob_query_timeout to a larger value an then restart the statement");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_TRANS_CTX_NOT_EXIST, -6213, 6002, "HY000", "Transaction context does not exist", 24761, "transaction rolled back: transaction context does not exist");
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1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_IS_FROZEN, -6214, 6002, "25000", "Partition is frozen", 24761, "transaction rolled back: partition is frozen");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_IS_NOT_FROZEN, -6215, -1, "HY000", "Partition is not frozen");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_INVALID_LOG_TYPE, -6219, -1, "HY000", "Transaction invalid log type");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_SQL_SEQUENCE_ILLEGAL, -6220, -1, "HY000", "SQL sequence illegal");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_CANNOT_BE_KILLED, -6221, -1, "HY000", "Transaction context cannot be killed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_STATE_UNKNOWN, -6222, -1, "HY000", "Transaction state unknown", 25405, "transaction status unknown");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_IS_EXITING, -6223, 6002, "25000", "Transaction exiting", 24761, "transaction rolled back: Transaction exiting");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_NEED_ROLLBACK, -6224, 6002, "25000", "transaction needs rollback", 24761, "transaction rolled back: transaction needs rollback");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1538 1539
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_TRANS_UNKNOWN, -6225, 4012, "25000", "Transaction result is unknown");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION, -6226, ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION, "25006", "Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction", 1456, "may not perform insert/delete/update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction");
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1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_IS_NOT_STOPPED, -6227, -1, "HY000", "Partition is not stopped");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_IS_STOPPED, -6228, -1, "HY000", "Partition has been stopped");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_IS_BLOCKED, -6229, -1, "HY000", "Partition has been blocked");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_RPC_TIMEOUT, -6230, 4012, "25000", "transaction rpc timeout");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REPLICA_NOT_READABLE, -6231, -1, "HY000", "replica is not readable");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PARTITION_IS_SPLITTING, -6232, -1, "HY000", "Partition is splitting");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_COMMITED, -6233, -1, "HY000", "Transaction has been commited");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_CTX_COUNT_REACH_LIMIT, -6234, 6002, "25000", "transaction context count reach limit", 24761, "transaction rolled back: transaction context count reach limit");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_CANNOT_SERIALIZE, -6235, -1, "25000", "can't serialize access for this transaction", 8177, "can't serialize access for this transaction");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_WEAK_READ_VERSION_NOT_READY, -6236, -1, "HY000", "transaction weak read version is not ready");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_GTS_STANDBY_IS_INVALID, -6237, -1, "HY000", "gts standby is invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_GTS_UPDATE_FAILED, -6238, -1, "HY000", "gts update failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_GTS_IS_NOT_SERVING, -6239, -1, "HY000", "gts is not serving");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PG_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST, -6240, -1, "HY000", "pg partition not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_STMT_NEED_RETRY, -6241, -1, "HY000", "transaction statement need retry");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_SAVEPOINT_NOT_EXIST, -6242, ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "42000", "savepoint does not exist", 1086, "savepoint does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_WAIT_SCHEMA_REFRESH, -6243, -1, "HY000", "local schema is not new enough, replaying logs of user table from standby cluster needs to wait for schema refreshing ");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_OUT_OF_THRESHOLD, -6244, -1, "HY000", "out of transaction threshold");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TRANS_XA_RMFAIL, -6246, ER_XAER_RMFAIL, "XAE07", "The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in this state", "The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %s state");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_DUPID, -6247, ER_XAER_DUPID, "XAE08", "The XID already exists", "The XID already exists");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_OUTSIDE, -6248, ER_XAER_OUTSIDE, "XAE09", "Some work is done outside global transaction", "Some work is done outside global transaction");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_INVAL, -6249, ER_XAER_INVAL, "XAE05", "Invalid arguments were given", "XAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_RMERR, -6250, ER_XAER_RMERR, "XAE03", "Resource manager error occurred in the transaction branch", "XAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistency");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_PROTO, -6251, -1, "HY000", "Routine invoked in an improper context", "Routine invoked in an improper context");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_RBROLLBACK, -6252, ER_XA_RBROLLBACK, "XA100", "Rollback was caused by an unspecified reason", "XA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled back");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_RBTIMEOUT, -6253, ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT, "XA106", "Transaction branch took long", "XA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too long");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_RDONLY, -6254, -1, "HY000", "Transaction was read-only and has been committed", "Transaction was read-only and has been committed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_RETRY, -6255, -1, "HY000", "Routine returned with no effect and may be re-issued", "The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ROW_NOT_LOCKED, -6256, -1, "HY000", "Row has not been locked");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_EMPTY_PG, -6257, -1, "HY000", "Empty partition group");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_TRANS_XA_ERR_COMMIT, -6258, ER_XAER_RMFAIL, "XAE07", "RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in this state", "RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the %s state", 2089, "COMMIT is not allowed in a subordinate session", "COMMIT is not allowed in a subordinate session");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RESTORE_POINT_EXIST, -6259, -1, "HY000", "Restore point %s already exists", 38778, "Restore point %s already exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RESTORE_POINT_NOT_EXIST, -6260, -1, "HY000", "Restore point %s does not exist", 38780, "Restore point %s does not exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_BACKUP_POINT_EXIST, -6261, -1, "HY000", "Backup point %s already exists", 38778, "Restore point %s already exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_BACKUP_POINT_NOT_EXIST, -6262, -1, "HY000", "Backup point %s does not exist", 38780, "Restore point %s does not exists");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RESTORE_POINT_TOO_MANY, -6263, -1, "HY000", "cannot create restore point - too many restore points", 38779, "cannot create restore point - too many restore points");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_XA_BRANCH_FAIL, -6264, -1, "HY000", "another session or branch in same transaction failed or finalized", 2051, "another session or branch in same transaction failed or finalized");
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1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597
// for table lock
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBJ_LOCK_NOT_EXIST, -6265, -1, "HY000", "object lock does not exist.");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBJ_LOCK_EXIST, -6266, -1, "HY000", "object lock exists.");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRY_LOCK_OBJ_CONFLICT, -6267, -1, "HY000", "Try lock object conflict");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TX_NOLOGCB, -6268, -1, "HY000", "No log callbacks available");

DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ADD_PARTITION_ON_INTERVAL, -6269, -1, "HY000", "ADD PARTITION is not permitted on Interval partitioned objects", 14760, "ADD PARTITION is not permitted on Interval partitioned objects");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MAXVALUE_PARTITION_WITH_INTERVAL, -6270, -1, "HY000", "MAXVALUE partition cannot be specified for Interval partitioned objects", 14761, "MAXVALUE partition cannot be specified for Interval partitioned objects");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_INTERVAL_HIGH_BOUNDS, -6271, -1, "HY000", "Cannot specify this interval with existing high bounds", 14767, "Cannot specify this interval with existing high bounds");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_PARTITION_FOR_INTERVAL_PART, -6272, -1, "HY000", "Table has no partition for value in interval partition table", );
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INTERVAL_CANNOT_BE_ZERO, -6273, -1, "HY000", "Interval cannot be zero", 14753, "Interval cannot be zero");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_PARTITIONING_KEY_MAPS_TO_A_PARTITION_OUTSIDE_MAXIMUM_PERMITTED_NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS, -6274, -1, "HY000", "partitioning key maps to a partition outside maximum permitted number of partitions", 14300, "partitioning key maps to a partition outside maximum permitted number of partitions");

DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBJ_LOCK_NOT_COMPLETED, -6275, -1, "HY000", "object lock not completed, and can not unlock.");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OBJ_UNLOCK_CONFLICT, -6276, -1, "HY000", "there is an unlock operation doing, unlock conflict.");

// for memtable log_ts
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_TS_OUT_OF_BOUND, -6277, -1, "HY000", "log_ts is out of bounds of memtable");

DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_IDLE_TIMEOUT, -6278, 6002, "25000", "Transaction idle timeout occurred, please rollback the transaction, set the variable ob_trx_idle_timeout to a larger value and then restart the transaction", 24761, "transaction rolled back: transaction idle timeout");
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1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622

// for clog
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ID_NOT_FOUND, -6301, -1, "HY000", "log id not found");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LSR_THREAD_STOPPED, -6302, -1, "HY000", "log scan runnable thread stop");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_LOG, -6303, -1, "HY000", "no log ever scanned");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ID_RANGE_ERROR, -6304, -1, "HY000", "log id range error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ITER_ENOUGH, -6305, -1, "HY000", "iter scans enough files");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CLOG_INVALID_ACK, -6306, -1, "HY000", "invalid ack msg");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CLOG_CACHE_INVALID, -6307, -1, "HY000", "clog cache invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_EXT_HANDLE_UNFINISH, -6308, -1, "HY000", "external executor handle do not finish");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CURSOR_NOT_EXIST, -6309, -1, "HY000", "cursor not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_STREAM_NOT_EXIST, -6310, -1, "HY000", "stream not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_STREAM_BUSY, -6311, -1, "HY000", "stream busy");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_FILE_RECYCLED, -6312, -1, "HY000", "file recycled");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REPLAY_EAGAIN_TOO_MUCH_TIME, -6313, -1, "HY000", "replay eagain cost too much time");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MEMBER_CHANGE_FAILED, -6314, -1, "HY000", "member change log sync failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_NEED_BATCH_CTX, -6315, -1, "HY000", "no need batch ctx");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TOO_LARGE_LOG_ID, -6316, -1, "HY000", "too large log id");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ALLOC_LOG_ID_NEED_RETRY, -6317, -1, "HY000", "alloc log id need retry");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANS_ONE_PC_NOT_ALLOWED, -6318, -1, "HY000", "transaction one pc not allowed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_NEED_REBUILD, -6319, -1, "HY000", "need rebuild");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TOO_MANY_LOG_TASK, -6320, -1, "HY000", "too many log tasks");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_BATCH_SIZE, -6321, -1, "HY000", "ob invalid batch size");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CLOG_SLIDE_TIMEOUT, -6322, -1, "HY000", "ob clog slide timeout");

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1623 1624
// for table lock

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1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657
//error code for election -7000 ---- -7100
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_LOGBUF_FULL, -7000, -1, "HY000", "The log buffer is full");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_LOGBUF_EMPTY, -7001, -1, "HY000", "The log buffer is empty");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_NOT_RUNNING, -7002, -1, "HY000", "The object is not running");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_IS_RUNNING, -7003, -1, "HY000", "The object is running");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_NOT_REACH_MAJORITY, -7004, -1, "HY000", "Election does not reach majority");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_INVALID_SERVER, -7005, -1, "HY000", "The server is not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_INVALID_LEADER, -7006, -1, "HY000", "The leader is not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_LEADER_LEASE_EXPIRED, -7007, -1, "HY000", "The leader lease is expired");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_INVALID_MESSAGE, -7010, -1, "HY000", "The message is not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_MESSAGE_NOT_INTIME, -7011, -1, "HY000", "The message is not intime");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_NOT_CANDIDATE, -7012, -1, "HY000", "The server is not candidate");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_NOT_CANDIDATE_OR_VOTER, -7013, -1, "HY000", "The server is not candidate or voter");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_PROTOCOL_ERROR, -7014, -1, "HY000", "Election protocol error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_RUNTIME_OUT_OF_RANGE, -7015, -1, "HY000", "The task run time out of range");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_LAST_OPERATION_NOT_DONE, -7021, -1, "HY000", "Last operation has not done");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_CURRENT_SERVER_NOT_LEADER, -7022, -1, "HY000", "Current server is not leader");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_NO_PREPARE_MESSAGE, -7024, -1, "HY000", "There is not prepare message");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_ERROR_MULTI_PREPARE_MESSAGE, -7025, -1, "HY000", "There is more than one prepare message");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_NOT_EXIST, -7026, -1, "HY000", "Election does not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_MGR_IS_RUNNING, -7027, -1, "HY000", "Election manager is running");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_NO_MAJORITY_PREPARE_MESSAGE, -7029, -1, "HY000", "Election msg pool not have majority prepare message");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_ASYNC_LOG_WARN_INIT, -7030, -1, "HY000", "Election async log init error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WAIT_LEADER_MESSAGE, -7031, -1, "HY000", "Election waiting leader message");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_GROUP_NOT_EXIST, -7032, -1, "HY000", "Election group not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_UNEXPECT_EG_VERSION, -7033, -1, "HY000", "unexpected eg_version");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_GROUP_MGR_IS_RUNNING, -7034, -1, "HY000", "election_group_mgr is running");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_MGR_NOT_RUNNING, -7035, -1, "HY000", "Election manager is not running");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_ERROR_VOTE_MSG_CONFLICT, -7036, -1, "HY000", "Receive change leader msg and vote msg with same T1 timestamp");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_ERROR_DUPLICATED_MSG, -7037, -1, "HY000", "Receive duplicated prepare/vote msg with same T1 timestamp");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_WARN_T1_NOT_MATCH, -7038, -1, "HY000", "T1 timestamp is not match");
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1658 1659 1660
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_BELOW_MAJORITY, -7039, -1, "HY000", "not reach majority");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_OVER_MAJORITY, -7040, -1, "HY000", "over majority");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ELECTION_DURING_UPGRADING, -7041, -1, "HY000", "election priority mechanism changed, maybe during upgrading");
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1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680

//error code for replication group -7100 ---- -7200
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANSFER_TASK_COMPLETED, -7100, -1, "HY000", "transfer task completed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TOO_MANY_TRANSFER_TASK, -7101, -1, "HY000", "too many transfer tasks");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANSFER_TASK_EXIST, -7102, -1, "HY000", "transfer task exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANSFER_TASK_NOT_EXIST, -7103, -1, "HY000", "transfer task not exist");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_ALLOW_TO_REMOVE, -7104, -1, "HY000", "not allow to remove");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RG_NOT_MATCH, -7105, -1, "HY000", "replication group not match");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANSFER_TASK_ABORTED, -7106, -1, "HY000", "transfer task aborted");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANSFER_INVALID_MESSAGE, -7107, -1, "HY000", "transfer invalid message");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TRANSFER_CTX_TS_NOT_MATCH, -7108, -1, "HY000", "transfer ctx_ts not match");

// !!! Fatal errors and the client should close the connection, -8000 ~ -8999
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_IS_INIT, -8001, -1, "08004", "Server is initializing");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_SERVER_IS_STOPPING, -8002, -1, "08004", "Server is stopping");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PACKET_CHECKSUM_ERROR, -8003, -1, "08004", "Packet checksum error");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_PACKET_CLUSTER_ID_NOT_MATCH, -8004, -1, "08004", "Packet cluster_id not match");
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1682 1683 1684 1685

// backup and restore error codes
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1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_URI_ERROR, -9001, -1, "HY000", "URI error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_FINAL_MD5_ERROR, -9002, -1, "HY000", "OSS file MD5 error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_OSS_ERROR, -9003, -1, "HY000", "OSS error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INIT_MD5_ERROR, -9004, -1, "HY000", "Init MD5 fail");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_OUT_OF_ELEMENT, -9005, -1, "HY000", "Out of element");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_UPDATE_MD5_ERROR, -9006, -1, "HY000", "Update MD5 fail");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_FILE_LENGTH_INVALID, -9007, -1, "HY000", "Invalid OSS file length");
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1693 1694 1695
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_READ_ALL_DATA, -9008, -1, "HY000", "Read all data fail");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BUILD_MD5_ERROR, -9009, -1, "HY000", "Build MD5 fail");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MD5_NOT_MATCH, -9010, -1, "HY000", "OSS file MD5 not match");
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DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BACKUP_FILE_NOT_EXIST, -9011, -1, "HY000", "cannot find backup file");
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1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OSS_DATA_VERSION_NOT_MATCHED, -9012, -1, "HY000", "Can not get data version from timestamp");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_OSS_WRITE_ERROR, -9013, -1, "HY000", "Write OSS file error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RESTORE_IN_PROGRESS, -9014, -1, "HY000", "Another restore is in progress");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_AGENT_INITING_BACKUP_COUNT_ERROR, -9015, -1, "HY000", "agent initing backup count error");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CLUSTER_NAME_NOT_EQUAL, -9016, -1, "HY000", "ob cluster name not equal");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RS_LIST_INVAILD, -9017, -1, "HY000", "rs list invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_AGENT_HAS_FAILED_TASK, -9018, -1, "HY000", "agent has failed task");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RESTORE_PARTITION_IS_COMPELETE, -9019, -1, "HY000", "restore partition is compelete");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RESTORE_PARTITION_TWICE, -9020, -1, "HY000", "restore partition twice");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_STOP_DROP_SCHEMA, -9022, -1, "HY000", "physical backup switch is on");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANNOT_START_LOG_ARCHIVE_BACKUP, -9023, -1, "HY000", "cannot start log archive backup");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ALREADY_NO_LOG_ARCHIVE_BACKUP, -9024, -1, "HY000", "log archive backup is already disabled");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ARCHIVE_BACKUP_INFO_NOT_EXIST, -9025, -1, "HY000", "log archive backup info not exists");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_INVALID_BACKUP_DEST, -9026, -1, "HY000", "backup destination is not valid");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ARCHIVE_INTERRUPTED, -9027, -1, "HY000", "ob log archive interrupted");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ARCHIVE_STAT_NOT_MATCH, -9028, -1, "HY000", "ob log archive stat not match");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ARCHIVE_NOT_RUNNING, -9029, -1, "HY000", "log archive is not running");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ARCHIVE_INVALID_ROUND, -9030, -1, "HY000", "log archive invalid round");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_REPLICA_CANNOT_BACKUP, -9031, -1, "HY000", "Cannot backup ob replica");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_INFO_NOT_EXIST, -9032, -1, "HY000", "backup info not exists");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_INFO_NOT_MATCH, -9033, -1, "HY000", "Backup meta info stored in system dictionary does not match with current system status");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ARCHIVE_ALREADY_STOPPED, -9034, -1, "HY000", "log archive already stopped");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_RESTORE_INDEX_FAILED, -9035, -1, "HY000", "restore index failed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_IN_PROGRESS, -9036, -1, "HY000", "Backup is in progress");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_LOG_ARCHIVE_STATUS, -9037, -1, "HY000", "log archive status is not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANNOT_ADD_REPLICA_DURING_SET_MEMBER_LIST, -9038, -1, "HY000", "Cannot add replica during set member list in restore");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_LOG_ARCHIVE_LEADER_CHANGED, -9039, -1, "HY000", "pg log archive leader changed");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_BACKUP_CAN_NOT_START, -9040, -1, "HY000", "backup can not start", "backup can not start, because %s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANCEL_BACKUP_NOT_ALLOWED, -9041, -1, "HY000", "cancel backup do not allow");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_DATA_VERSION_GAP_OVER_LIMIT, -9042, -1, "HY000", "backup data version gap over limit");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_PG_LOG_ARCHIVE_STATUS_NOT_INIT, -9043, -1, "HY000", "pg log archive status is still invalid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_DELETE_DATA_IN_PROGRESS, -9044, -1, "HY000", "delete backup data is in progress");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_DELETE_BACKUP_SET_NOT_ALLOWED, -9045, -1, "HY000", "delete backup set do not allow");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_INVALID_BACKUP_SET_ID, -9046, -1, "HY000", "backup set id is not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_INVALID_PASSWORD, -9047, -1, "HY000", "invalid password for backup");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ISOLATED_BACKUP_SET, -9048, -1, "HY000", "backup set is isolated by two log archive round");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANNOT_CANCEL_STOPPED_BACKUP, -9049, -1, "HY000", "backup status is stopped, can not cancel");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_BACKUP_CAN_NOT_START, -9050, -1, "HY000", "no backup data to be backuped up");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_MOUNT_FILE_NOT_VALID, -9051, -1, "HY000", "backup mount file is not valid");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_CLEAN_INFO_NOT_MATCH, -9052, -1, "HY000", "backup clean info not match");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_CANCEL_DELETE_BACKUP_NOT_ALLOWED, -9053, -1, "HY000", "cancel delete backup do not allow");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_CLEAN_INFO_NOT_EXIST, -9054, -1, "HY000", "backup clean info not exists");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1739 1740
//DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DROP_TRUNCATE_PARTITION_REBUILD_INDEX, -9055, -1, "HY000", "rebuild global index failed when drop/truncate partitions", "rebuild global index:'%.*s' failed when drop/truncate partitions");
//DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_ATLER_TABLE_ILLEGAL_FK, -9056, -1, "HY000", "unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys", 02266, "unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys");
1741 1742 1743 1744 1745
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CANNOT_SET_BACKUP_REGION, -9057, -1, "HY000", "can not set backup region", "can not set backup region, because %s");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_CANNOT_SET_BACKUP_ZONE, -9058, -1, "HY000", "can not set backup zone", "can not set backup zone, because %s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_BACKUP_REACH_MAX_BACKUP_TIMES, -9059, -1, "HY000", "backup backup has reached max backup times");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_COS_ERROR, -9060, -1, "HY000", "COS error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_IO_LIMIT, -9061, -1, "HY000", "IO limit");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1746 1747
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BACKUP_BACKUP_REACH_COPY_LIMIT, -9062, -1, "HY000", "reach backup backup copy limit");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BACKUP_IO_PROHIBITED, -9063, -1, "HY000", "backup io is prohibited");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ARCHIVE_LOG_NOT_CONTINUES_WITH_DATA, -9064, -1, "HY000", "the archive log and backup data are not continuous");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1749 1750
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_AGENT_HAS_SUSPENDED, -9065, -1, "HY000", "agent has suspended");

WenJinyu 已提交
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_DELETE_BACKUP_PIECE_NOT_ALLOWED, -9069, -1, "HY000", "deleting backup piece is not allowed");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_DEST_NOT_CONNECT, -9070, -1, "HY000", "can not connect to backup destination");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BACKUP_PERMISSION_DENIED, -9071, -1, "HY000", "no I/O operation permission at the backup destination");

DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ESI_SESSION_CONFLICTS, -9072, -1, "HY000", "obesi process session conflicts");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ESI_OBS_ERROR, -9073, -1, "HY000", "external storage OBS error");

DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_VALIDATE_TASK_SKIPPED, -9074, -1, "HY000", "backup validation task skipped");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ESI_IO_ERROR, -9075, -1, "HY000", "obesi process io error");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BACKUP_META_INDEX_NOT_EXIST, -9076, -1, "HY000", "backup meta index does not exist");

DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ARCHIVE_ROUND_NOT_CONTINUOUS, -9077, -1, "HY000", "log discontinuous between two archive rounds");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ARCHIVE_LOG_TO_END, -9078, -1, "HY000", "archive log is to end");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ARCHIVE_LOG_RECYCLED, -9079, -1, "HY000", "archive log had been recycled");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_FORMAT_FILE_NOT_EXIST, -9080, -1, "HY000", "the format file does not exist under the destination");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_FORMAT_FILE_NOT_MATCH, -9081, -1, "HY000", "the content of the format file at the destination does not match");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BACKUP_DEVICE_OUT_OF_SPACE, -9082, -1, "HY000", "backup device out of space");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BACKUP_PWRITE_OFFSET_NOT_MATCH, -9083, -1, "HY000", "the pwrite offset of the object storage is inconsistent");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_BACKUP_PWRITE_CONTENT_NOT_MATCH, -9084, -1, "HY000", "the contents of pwrite are inconsistent");

DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_MAJOR_NOT_COVER_MINOR, -9085, -1, "HY000", "backup major sstable range not cover minor sstable");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_BACKUP_ADVANCE_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT, -9086, -1, "HY000", "backup advance checkpoint by flush timeout");

DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_EER_WINDOW_NO_CHILD_PARTITIONING, -9087, ER_WINDOW_NO_CHILD_PARTITIONING, "HY000", "Named window cann't be modified by another partitioning property", "A window which depends on another cannot define partitioning");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_EER_WINDOW_NO_INHERIT_FRAME, -9088, ER_WINDOW_NO_INHERIT_FRAME, "HY000", "Named window cann't be modified by another framing property", "Window '%.*s' has a frame definition, so cannot be referenced by another window");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_EER_WINDOW_NO_REDEFINE_ORDER_BY, -9089, ER_WINDOW_NO_REDEFINE_ORDER_BY, "HY000", "Named window cann't be modified by another ordering property", "Window '%.*s' cannot inherit '%.*s' since both contain an ORDER BY clause");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782

//error code for STORAGE3.0 -9100 ~
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NO_SUCH_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY, -9100, -1, "HY000", "no such file or directory");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_EXIST, -9101, -1, "HY000", "file or directory already exist");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1783 1784
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_PERMISSION_DENIED, -9102, -1, "HY000", "file or directory permission denied");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES, -9103, -1, "HY000", "too many open files");
oceanbase-admin 已提交

obdev 已提交
1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791
//error code for storage auto extend file
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RESIZE_FILE_TO_SMALLER, -9200, -1, "HY000", "Extend ssblock file to smaller is not allowed");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_MARK_BLOCK_INFO_TIMEOUT, -9201, -1, "HY000", "Mark blocks timeout(5s) in auto extend process when alloc block fail");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_NOT_READY_TO_EXTEND_FILE, -9202, -1, "HY000", "Auto extend param is not ready to start extending file");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1792 1793 1794 1795 1796

//error code for PL/SQL  -9500 ~ -10000
//!!! -20000/-21000/-32491 shoud not in here. but we can not remove it now because of compat. ONLY PL SQL ERROR PUT HERE!!!
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_V2_EXT(OB_SP_RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR, -20000, -1, "HY000", "The stored procedure 'raise_application_error' was called which causes this error to be generated", "%.*s", 20000, "ORA-20000: The stored procedure 'raise_application_error' was called which causes this error to be generated", "ORA%06ld: %.*s");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_SP_RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR_NUM, -21000, -1, "HY000", "error number argument to raise_application_error of stringstring is out of range", "error number argument to raise_application_error of '%d' is out of range", 21000, "error number argument to raise_application_error of stringstring is out of range", "error number argument to raise_application_error of '%d' is out of range");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_FLASHBACK_QUERY_WITH_UPDATE, -32491, -1, "HY000", "snapshot expression not allowed here", 8187, "snapshot expression not allowed here");

DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUPLICATE_HAVING_CLAUSE_IN_TABLE_EXPRESSION, -9501, -1, "HY000", "Duplicate having-clause in table expression", 119, "Duplicate having-clause in table expression");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_INOUT_PARAM_PLACEMENT_NOT_PROPERLY, -9502, -1, "HY000", "OUT and IN/OUT modes cannot be used in this context", 254, "OUT and IN/OUT modes cannot be used in this context");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, -9503, -1, "HY000", "object not found", "object '%.*s' of type %.*s not found in schema '%.*s'", 31603, "object not found", "object '%.*s' of type %.*s not found in schema '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_INPUT_VALUE, -9504, -1, "HY000", "invalid input value", "invalid input value %.*s for parameter %.*s in function %.*s", 31600, "invalid input value", "invalid input value %.*s for parameter %.*s in function %.*s");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_GOTO_BRANCH_ILLEGAL, -9505, ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH, "42000", "no matching label: %.*s", 375, "illegal GOTO statement; this GOTO cannot branch to label '%.*s'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ONLY_SCHEMA_LEVEL_ALLOW, -9506, -1, "HY000", "Only schema-level programs allow AUTHID or DEFAULT COLLATION clause", "Only schema-level programs allow %s", 157, "Only schema-level programs allow AUTHID or DEFAULT COLLATION clause", "Only schema-level programs allow %s");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DECL_MORE_THAN_ONCE, -9507, -1, "HY000", "at most one declaration for identifier is permitted", "at most one declaration for '%.*s' is permitted", 371, "at most one declaration for identifier is permitted", "at most one declaration for '%.*s' is permitted");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUPLICATE_FILED, -9508, -1, "HY000", "duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are not permitted", 410, "duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are not permitted");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PRAGMA_ILLEGAL, -9509, -1, "HY000", "Pragma string cannot be specified here", "Pragma %s cannot be specified here", 710, "Pragma string cannot be specified here", "Pragma %s cannot be specified here");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1810 1811 1812 1813
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXIT_CONTINUE_ILLEGAL, -9510, -1, "HY000", "illegal EXIT/CONTINUE statement; it must appear inside a loop", 376, "illegal EXIT/CONTINUE statement; it must appear inside a loop");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_LABEL_ILLEGAL, -9512, -1, "HY000", "EXIT/CONTINUE label must label a LOOP statement", "EXIT/CONTINUE label '%.*s' must label a LOOP statement", 373, "EXIT/CONTINUE label must label a LOOP statement", "EXIT/CONTINUE label '%.*s' must label a LOOP statement");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_CURSOR_LEFT_ASSIGN, -9513, -1, "HY000", "expression '%.*s' is inappropriate as the left hand side of an assignment statement", 321, "expression '%.*s' is inappropriate as the left hand side of anassignment statement");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_INIT_NOTNULL_ILLEGAL, -9514, -1, "HY000", "a variable declared NOT NULL must have an initialization assignment", 218, "a variable declared NOT NULL must have an initialization assignment");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INIT_CONST_ILLEGAL, -9515, -1, "HY000", "declaration of a constant 'string' must contain an initialization assignment", "declaration of a constant '%.*s' must contain an initialization assignment", 322, "declaration of a constant 'string' must contain an initialization assignment", "declaration of a constant '%.*s' must contain an initialization assignment");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1815 1816 1817
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_CURSOR_VAR_IN_PKG, -9516, -1, "HY000", "Cursor Variables cannot be declared as part of a package", 994, "Cursor Variables cannot be declared as part of a package");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_LIMIT_CLAUSE, -9518, -1, "HY000", "value in LIMIT clause: \'%.*s\' use is invalid", 438, "value in LIMIT clause: \'%.*s\' use is invalid");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXPRESSION_WRONG_TYPE, -9519, -1, "HY000", "expression is of wrong type", 382, "expression is of wrong type");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SPEC_NOT_EXIST, -9520, -1, "HY000", "cannot compile type body without its specification", "cannot compile body of '%.*s' without its specification", 304, "cannot compile type body without its specification", "cannot compile body of '%.*s' without its specification");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
1819 1820
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TYPE_SPEC_NO_ROUTINE, -9521, -1, "HY000", "subprogram is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object type specification", "subprogram '%.*s' is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object type specification", 539, "subprogram is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object type specification", "subprogram '%.*s' is declared in an object type body and must be defined in the object type specification");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TYPE_BODY_NO_ROUTINE, -9522, -1, "HY000", "subprogram or cursor is declared in an object type specification and must be defined in the object type body", "subprogram or cursor '%.*s' is declared in an object type specification and must be defined in the object type body", 538, "subprogram or cursor is declared in an object type specification and must be defined in the object type body", "subprogram or cursor '%.*s' is declared in an object type specification and must be defined in the object type body");
wangzelin.wzl 已提交
1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_BOTH_ORDER_MAP, -9523, -1, "HY000", "An object type may have only 1 MAP or 1 ORDER method", 154, "An object type may have only 1 MAP or 1 ORDER method");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_ORDER_MAP, -9524, -1, "HY000", "A MAP or ORDER function is required for comparing objects in PL/SQL", 526, "A MAP or ORDER function is required for comparing objects in PL/SQL");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ORDER_MAP_NEED_BE_FUNC, -9525, -1, "HY000", "Only a function may be a MAP, ORDER or CONSTRUCTOR method", 155, "Only a function may be a MAP, ORDER or CONSTRUCTOR method");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG, -9526, ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT, "42000", "Identifier name \'%.*s\' is too long", 114, "identifier '%.*s' too long");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVOKE_STATIC_BY_INSTANCE, -9527, -1, "HY000", "a static method cannot be invoked on an instance value", 587, "a static method cannot be invoked on an instance value");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONS_NAME_ILLEGAL, -9528, -1, "HY000", "constructor method name must match type name", 658, "constructor method name must match type name");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ATTR_FUNC_CONFLICT, -9529, -1, "HY000", "previous use of conflicts with this user", "previous use of '%.*s' conflicts with this use", 305, "previous use of conflicts with this use", "previous use of '%.*s' conflicts with this use");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_SELF_PARAM_NOT_OUT, -9530, -1, "HY000", "the SELF parameter can be declared only as IN or as IN OUT", 594, "the SELF parameter can be declared only as IN or as IN OUT");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_MAP_RET_SCALAR_TYPE, -9531, -1, "HY000", "MAP methods must return a scalar type", 522, "MAP methods must return a scalar type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_MAP_MORE_THAN_SELF_PARAM, -9532, -1, "HY000", "MAP methods must be declared without any parameters other than (optional) SELF", 520, "MAP methods must be declared without any parameters other than (optional) SELF");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ORDER_RET_INT_TYPE, -9533, -1, "HY000", "ORDER methods must return an INTEGER", 523, "ORDER methods must return an INTEGER");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ORDER_PARAM_TYPE, -9534, -1, "HY000", "The parameter type in an ORDER method must be the containing object type", 524, "The parameter type in an ORDER method must be the containing object type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_OBJ_CMP_SQL, -9535, -1, "HY000", "Within SQL statements, only equality comparisons of objects are allowed without a map or order function", 525, "Within SQL statements, only equality comparisons of objects are allowed without a map or order function");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ORDER_PARAM_MUST_IN_MODE, -9537, -1, "HY000", "The parameters to an ORDER function must have IN mode", 528, "The parameters to an ORDER function must have IN mode");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ORDER_PARAM_NOT_TWO, -9538, -1, "HY000", "ORDER methods must be declared with 1 (one) parameter in addition to (optional) SELF", 521, "ORDER methods must be declared with 1 (one) parameter in addition to (optional) SELF");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TYPE_REF_REFCURSIVE, -9539, -1, "HY000", "type is malformed because it is a non-REF mutually recursive type", "type '%.*s' is malformed because it is a non-REF mutually recursive type", 318, "type is malformed because it is a non-REF mutually recursive type", "type '%.*s' is malformed because it is a non-REF mutually recursive type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DIRECTIVE_ERROR, -9540, -1, "HY000", "$ERROR: string", "$ERROR: %.*s", 179, "$ERROR: string", "$ERROR: %.*s");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONS_HAS_RET_NODE, -9541, -1, "HY000", "RETURN statement in a CONSTRUCTOR cannot include an expression", 661, "RETURN statement in a CONSTRUCTOR cannot include an expression");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CALL_WRONG_ARG, -9542, -1, "HY000", "wrong number or types of arguments in call to procedure", "wrong number or types of arguments in call to '%.*s'", 306, "wrong number or types of arguments in call to procedure", "wrong number or types of arguments in call to '%.*s'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FUNC_NAME_SAME_WITH_CONS, -9543, -1, "HY000", "name must be a type", "'%.*s' must be a type", 488, "name must be a type", "'%.*s' must be a type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FUNC_DUP, -9544, -1, "HY000", "too many declarations of function match this call", "too many declarations of '%.*s' match this call", 307, "too many declarations of function match this call", "too many declarations of '%.*s' match this call");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WHEN_CLAUSE, -9545, -1, "HY000", "WHEN clause cannot be used with table level triggers", 4077, "WHEN clause cannot be used with table level triggers");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NEW_OLD_REFERENCES, -9546, -1, "HY000", "NEW or OLD references not allowed in table level triggers", 4082, "NEW or OLD references not allowed in table level triggers");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TYPE_DECL_ILLEGAL, -9547, -1, "HY000", "%%TYPE must be applied to a variable, column, field or attribute, not to other", "%%TYPE must be applied to a variable, column, field or attribute, not to '%.*s'", 206, "%%TYPE must be applied to a variable, column, field or attribute, not to other", "%%TYPE must be applied to a variable, column, field or attribute, not to '%.*s'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_OBJECT_INVALID, -9548, -1, "HY000", "object is invalid", "object '%.*s' is invalid", 905, "object is invalid", "object '%.*s' is invalid");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_XML_PARSE, -9549, -1, "HY000", "XML parsing failed", 31011, "XML parsing failed");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_EXP_NOT_ASSIGNABLE, -9550, -1, "HY000", "expression cannot be used as an assignment", "expression '%.*s' cannot be used as an assignment", 363, "expression cannot be used as an assignment", "expression '%.*s' cannot be used as an assignment");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CURSOR_CONTAIN_BOTH_REGULAR_AND_ARRAY, -9551, -1, "HY000", "Cursor contains both regular and array defines which is illegal", 29256, "Cursor contains both regular and array defines which is illegal");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_STATIC_BOOL_EXPR, -9552, -1, "HY000", "a static boolean expression must be used", 174, "a static boolean expression must be used");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_DIRECTIVE_CONTEXT, -9553, -1, "HY000", "preprocessor directives are not supported in this context", 180, "preprocessor directives are not supported in this context");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_INVALID_PATH, -9554, -1, "HY000", "invalid directory path", 29280, "invalid directory path");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_INVALID_MODE, -9555, -1, "HY000", "invalid mode", 29281, "invalid mode");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_INVALID_FILEHANDLE, -9556, -1, "HY000", "invalid file ID", 29282, "invalid file ID");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_UTL_FILE_INVALID_OPERATION, -9557, -1, "HY000", "invalid file operation", "invalid file operation: %.*s", 29283, "invalid file operation", "invalid file operation: %.*s");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_READ_ERROR, -9558, -1, "HY000", "file read error", 29284, "file read error");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_WRITE_ERROR, -9559, -1, "HY000", "file write error", 29285, "file write error");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_INTERNAL_ERROR, -9560, -1, "HY000", "internal error", 29286, "internal error");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_CHARSETMISMATCH, -9561, -1, "HY000", "character set mismatch", 29298, "character set mismatch");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_INVALID_MAXLINESIZE, -9562, -1, "HY000", "invalid maximum line size", 29287, "invalid maximum line size");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_INVALID_FILENAME, -9563, -1, "HY000", "invalid file name", 29288, "invalid file name");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED, -9564, -1, "HY000", "directory access denied", 29289, "directory access denied");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_INVALID_OFFSET, -9565, -1, "HY000", "invalid offset specified for seek", 29290, "invalid offset specified for seek");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_DELETE_FAILED, -9566, -1, "HY000", "file remove operation failed", 29291, "file remove operation failed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_UTL_FILE_RENAME_FAILED, -9567, -1, "HY000", "file rename operation failed", 29292, "file rename operation failed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_BIND_TYPE_NOT_MATCH_COLUMN, -9568, -1, "HY000", "type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable", 6562, "type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NESTED_TABLE_IN_TRI, -9569, -1, "HY000", "Nested table clause allowed only for INSTEAD OF triggers", 25009, "Nested table clause allowed only for INSTEAD OF triggers");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_COL_LIST_IN_TRI, -9570, -1, "HY000", "column list not valid for this trigger type", 4073, "column list not valid for this trigger type");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_WHEN_CLAUSE_IN_TRI, -9571, -1, "HY000", "WHEN clause is not allowed in INSTEAD OF triggers", 25004, "WHEN clause is not allowed in INSTEAD OF triggers");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INSTEAD_TRI_ON_TABLE, -9572, -1, "HY000", "cannot create INSTEAD OF triggers on tables", 25002, "cannot create INSTEAD OF triggers on tables");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RETURNING_CLAUSE, -9573, -1, "HY000", "unsupported feature with RETURNING clause", 22816, "unsupported feature with RETURNING clause");
DEFINE_ERROR_DEP(OB_ERR_XSLT_PARSE, -9574, -1, "HY000", "document is not a stylesheet");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_RETURN_IN_FUNCTION, -9575, ER_SP_NORETURN, "42000", "No Return found in FUNCTION '%.*s'", "No Return found in FUNCTION '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_STMT_NOT_ALLOW_IN_MYSQL_FUNC_TRIGGER, -9576, ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG, "HY000", "'%.*s' is not allowed in stored function or trigger.", "'%.*s' is not allowed in stored function or trigger.");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TOO_LONG_STRING_TYPE, -9577, ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH, "42000", "Column length too big for column '%.*s' (max = %d); use BLOB or TEXT instead", "Column length too big for column '%.*s' (max = %d); use BLOB or TEXT instead");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WIDTH_OUT_OF_RANGE, -9578, ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH, "42000", "Display width out of range for column '%.*s' (max = %d)", "Display width out of range for column '%.*s' (max = %d)");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_REDEFINE_LABEL, -9579, ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE, "42000", "Redefining label '%.*s'", "Redefining label '%.*s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_STMT_NOT_ALLOW_IN_MYSQL_PROCEDRUE, -9580, ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT, "HY000", "'%.*s' is not allowed in stored procedure.", "'%.*s' is not allowed in stored procedure.");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_NOT_SUPPORT, -9581, ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "42000", "This version of OceanBase doesn't yet support 'multiple triggers with the same action time and event for one table'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, -9583, -1, "HY000", "unknown exception name 'string' in PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT", "unknown exception name '%.*s' in PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT", 109, "unknown exception name 'string' in PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT", "unknown exception name '%.*s' in PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_CANT_CHANGE_ROW, -9584, ER_TRG_CANT_CHANGE_ROW, "HY000", "Updating of NEW/OLD row is not allowed in this trigger", "Updating of %s row is not allowed in %strigger", 4084, "cannot change NEW values for this trigger type", "cannot change NEW values for this trigger type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ITEM_NOT_IN_BODY, -9585, -1, "HY000", "subprogram or cursor 'string' is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package body", "subprogram or cursor '%.*s' is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package body", 323, "subprogram or cursor 'string' is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package body", "subprogram or cursor '%.*s' is declared in a package specification and must be defined in the package body");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WRONG_ROWTYPE, -9586, -1, "HY000", "with %%ROWTYPE attribute, 'string' must name a table, cursor or cursor-variable", "with %%ROWTYPE attribute, '%.*s' must name a table, cursor or cursor-variable", 310, "with %%ROWTYPE attribute, 'string' must name a table, cursor or cursor-variable", "with %%ROWTYPE attribute, '%.*s' must name a table, cursor or cursor-variable");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ROUTINE_NOT_DEFINE, -9587, -1, "HY000", "A subprogram body must be defined for the forward declaration of string.", "A subprogram body must be defined for the forward declaration of %.*s.", 328, "A subprogram body must be defined for the forward declaration of string.", "A subprogram body must be defined for the forward declaration of %.*s.");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUP_NAME_IN_CURSOR, -9588, -1, "HY000", "alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column names", 402, "alias required in SELECT list of cursor to avoid duplicate column names");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_LOCAL_COLL_IN_SQL, -9589, -1, "HY000", "local collection types not allowed in SQL statements", 642, "local collection types not allowed in SQL statements");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH_IN_FETCH, -9590, -1, "HY000", "type mismatch found at 'string' between FETCH cursor and INTO variables", "type mismatch found at '%.*s' between FETCH cursor and INTO variables", 386, "type mismatch found at 'string' between FETCH cursor and INTO variables", "type mismatch found at '%.*s' between FETCH cursor and INTO variables");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_OTHERS_MUST_LAST, -9591, -1, "HY000", "OTHERS handler must be last among the exception handlers of a block", 370, "OTHERS handler must be last among the exception handlers of a block");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_RAISE_NOT_IN_HANDLER, -9592, -1, "HY000", "a RAISE statement with no exception name must be inside an exception handler", 367, "a RAISE statement with no exception name must be inside an exception handler");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_CURSOR_RETURN_TYPE, -9593, -1, "HY000", "invalid cursor return type; 'string' must be a record type", "invalid cursor return type; '%.*s' must be a record type", 362, "invalid cursor return type; 'string' must be a record type", "invalid cursor return type; '%.*s' must be a record type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_IN_CURSOR_OPEND, -9594, -1, "HY000", "IN cursor 'string' cannot be OPEN'ed", "IN cursor '%.*s' cannot be OPEN'ed", 361, "IN cursor 'string' cannot be OPEN'ed", "IN cursor '%.*s' cannot be OPEN'ed");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_CURSOR_NO_RETURN_TYPE, -9595, -1, "HY000", "cursor declaration without body needs return type", 360, "cursor declaration without body needs return type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_NO_CHOICES, -9596, -1, "HY000", "no choices may appear with choice OTHERS in an exception handler", 369, "no choices may appear with choice OTHERS in an exception handler");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_TYPE_DECL_MALFORMED, -9597, -1, "HY000", "the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed", 320, "the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or malformed");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_IN_FORMAL_NOT_DENOTABLE, -9598, -1, "HY000", "subprogram 'in' formal string is not yet denotable", "subprogram 'in' formal %.*s is not yet denotable", 227, "subprogram 'in' formal string is not yet denotable", "subprogram 'in' formal %.*s is not yet denotable");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_OUT_PARAM_HAS_DEFAULT, -9599, -1, "HY000", "OUT and IN OUT formal parameters may not have default expressions", 230, "OUT and IN OUT formal parameters may not have default expressions");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ONLY_FUNC_CAN_PIPELINED, -9600, -1, "HY000", "only functions can be declared as PIPELINED", 655, "only functions can be declared as PIPELINED");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_PIPE_RETURN_NOT_COLL, -9601, -1, "HY000", "pipelined functions must have a supported collection return type", 630, "pipelined functions must have a supported collection return type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISMATCH_SUBPROGRAM, -9602, -1, "HY000", "mismatch between string on a subprogram specification and body", 263, "mismatch between string on a subprogram specification and body");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PARAM_IN_PACKAGE_SPEC, -9603, -1, "HY000", "Pragma string must be declared in a package specification", "Pragma %.*s must be declared in a package specification", 708, "Pragma string must be declared in a package specification", "Pragma %.*s must be declared in a package specification");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_NUMERIC_LITERAL_REQUIRED, -9604, -1, "HY000", "numeric literal required", 491, "numeric literal required");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NON_INT_LITERAL, -9605, -1, "HY000", "non-integral numeric literal string is inappropriate in this context", "non-integral numeric literal %.*s is inappropriate in this context", 325, "non-integral numeric literal string is inappropriate in this context", "non-integral numeric literal %.*s is inappropriate in this context");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_IMPROPER_CONSTRAINT_FORM, -9606, -1, "HY000", "improper constraint form used", 572, "improper constraint form used");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TYPE_CANT_CONSTRAINED, -9607, -1, "HY000", "type name 'string' cannot be constrained", "type name '%.*s' cannot be constrained", 566, "type name 'string' cannot be constrained", "type name '%.*s' cannot be constrained");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ANY_CS_NOT_ALLOWED, -9608, -1, "HY000", "character set ANY_CS is only allowed on a subprogram parameter", 551, "character set ANY_CS is only allowed on a subprogram parameter");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SCHEMA_TYPE_ILLEGAL, -9609, -1, "HY000", "schema-level type has illegal reference to string", "schema-level type has illegal reference to %.*s", 329, "schema-level type has illegal reference to string", "schema-level type has illegal reference to %.*s");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_INDEX_TYPE, -9610, -1, "HY000", "Implementation restriction: unsupported table index type", 315, "Implementation restriction: unsupported table index type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ARRAY_MUST_HAVE_POSITIVE_LIMIT, -9611, -1, "HY000", "A VARRAY must have a positive limit", 537, "A VARRAY must have a positive limit");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FORALL_ITER_NOT_ALLOWED, -9612, -1, "HY000", "FORALL iteration variable string is not allowed in this context", "FORALL iteration variable %.*s is not allowed in this context", 430, "FORALL iteration variable string is not allowed in this context", "FORALL iteration variable %.*s is not allowed in this context");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_BULK_IN_BIND, -9613, -1, "HY000", "references to fields of BULK In-BIND table of records or objects must have the form A(I).F", 674, "references to fields of BULK In-BIND table of records or objects must have the form A(I).F");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_FORALL_BULK_TOGETHER, -9614, -1, "HY000", "implementation restriction: cannot use FORALL and BULK COLLECT INTO together in SELECT statements", 432, "implementation restriction: cannot use FORALL and BULK COLLECT INTO together in SELECT statements");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_FORALL_DML_WITHOUT_BULK, -9615, -1, "HY000", "DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL", 435, "DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used inside FORALL");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_SHOULD_COLLECTION_TYPE, -9616, -1, "HY000", "Type of expression should be a collection type", 668, "Type of expression should be a collection type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_ASSOC_ELEM_TYPE, -9617, -1, "HY000", "Element type of associative array should be pls_integer or binary_integer", 667, "Element type of associative array should be pls_integer or binary_integer");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_INTO_CLAUSE_EXPECTED, -9618, -1, "HY000", "an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement", 428, "an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SUBPROGRAM_VIOLATES_PRAGMA, -9619, -1, "HY000", "Subprogram 'string' violates its associated pragma", "Subprogram '%.*s' violates its associated pragma", 452, "Subprogram 'string' violates its associated pragma", "Subprogram '%.*s' violates its associated pragma");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_EXPR_SQL_TYPE, -9620, -1, "HY000", "expressions have to be of SQL types", 457, "expressions have to be of SQL types");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PRAGMA_DECL_TWICE, -9621, -1, "HY000", "PRAGMA string cannot be declared twice", "PRAGMA %.*s cannot be declared twice", 711, "PRAGMA string cannot be declared twice", "PRAGMA %.*s cannot be declared twice");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PRAGMA_FOLLOW_DECL, -9622, -1, "HY000", "this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of 'string'", "this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of '%.*s'", 115, "this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of 'string'", "this PRAGMA must follow the declaration of '%.*s'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_PIPE_STMT_IN_NON_PIPELINED_FUNC, -9623, -1, "HY000", "PIPE statement cannot be used in non-pipelined functions", 629, "PIPE statement cannot be used in non-pipelined functions");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_IMPL_RESTRICTION, -9624, -1, "HY000", "implementation restriction (may be temporary)", "implementation restriction (may be temporary) %s", 999, "implementation restriction (may be temporary)", "implementation restriction (may be temporary) %s");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE, -9625, -1, "HY000", "insufficient privilege to access object string", 904, "insufficient privilege to access object string");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPTION, -9626, -1, "HY000", "illegal option for subprogram string", "illegal option for subprogram %.*s", 712, "illegal option for subprogram string", "illegal option for subprogram %.*s");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_FUNCTION_EXIST, -9627, -1, "HY000", "no function with name 'string' exists in this scope", "no function with name '%.*s' exists in this scope", 222, "no function with name 'string' exists in this scope", "no function with name '%.*s' exists in this scope");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_OUT_OF_SCOPE, -9628, -1, "HY000", "subprogram or cursor 'string' reference is out of scope", "subprogram or cursor '%.*s' reference is out of scope", 225, "subprogram or cursor 'string' reference is out of scope", "subprogram or cursor '%.*s' reference is out of scope");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_ERROR_NUM, -9629, -1, "HY000", "illegal ORACLE error number string for PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT", "illegal ORACLE error number %.*s for PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT", 701, "illegal ORACLE error number string for PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT", "illegal ORACLE error number %.*s for PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DEFAULT_NOT_MATCH, -9630, -1, "HY000", "default value of parameter 'string' in body must match that of spec", "default value of parameter '%.*s' in body must match that of spec", 593, "default value of parameter 'string' in body must match that of spec", "default value of parameter '%.*s' in body must match that of spec");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_TABLE_SINGLE_INDEX, -9631, -1, "HY000", "PL/SQL TABLEs must use a single index", 316, "PL/SQL TABLEs must use a single index");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PRAGMA_DECL, -9632, -1, "HY000", "pragma string must be declared in package specification and body", "pragma %.*s must be declared in package specification and body", 709, "pragma string must be declared in package specification and body", "pragma %.*s must be declared in package specification and body");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_INCORRECT_ARGUMENTS, -9633, -1, "HY000", "incorrect number of arguments for aggregate function", 652, "incorrect number of arguments for aggregate function");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_RETURN_VALUE_REQUIRED, -9634, -1, "HY000", "RETURN <value> statement required for this return from function", 503, "RETURN value statement required for this return from function");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_RETURN_EXPR_ILLEGAL, -9635, -1, "HY000", "RETURN statement in a pipelined function cannot contain an expression", 633, "RETURN statement in a pipelined function cannot contain an expression");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_LIMIT_ILLEGAL, -9636, -1, "HY000", "A LIMIT clause must be used within a BULK FETCH", 439, "A LIMIT clause must be used within a BULK FETCH");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INTO_EXPR_ILLEGAL, -9637, -1, "HY000", "expression 'string' in the INTO list is of wrong type", "expression '%.*s' in the INTO list is of wrong type", 597, "expression 'string' in the INTO list is of wrong type", "expression '%.*s' in the INTO list is of wrong type");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_BULK_SQL_RESTRICTION, -9638, -1, "HY000", "Implementation restriction: bulk SQL with associative arrays with VARCHAR2 key is not supported.", 657, "Implementation restriction: bulk SQL with associative arrays with VARCHAR2 key is not supported.");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_MIX_SINGLE_MULTI, -9639, -1, "HY000", "cannot mix between single row and multi-row (BULK) in INTO list", 497, "cannot mix between single row and multi-row (BULK) in INTO list");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_NO_SUCH_ROW, -9640, ER_TRG_NO_SUCH_ROW_IN_TRG, "HY000", "There is no NEW/OLD row in on this type trigger", "There is no %s row in on %s trigger");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SET_USAGE, -9641, ER_WRONG_USAGE, "HY000", "Incorrect usage of UNION and INTO");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_MODIFIER_CONFLICTS, -9642, -1, "HY000", "modifier 'string' conflicts with prior 'string' specification", "modifier '%s' conflicts with prior '%s' specification", 169, "modifier 'string' conflicts with prior 'string' specification", "modifier '%s' conflicts with prior '%s' specification");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DUPLICATE_MODIFIER, -9643, -1, "HY000", "duplicate modifier specification 'string'", "duplicate modifier specification '%s'", 168, "duplicate modifier specification 'string'", "duplicate modifier specification '%s'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_STR_LITERAL_TOO_LONG, -9644, -1, "HY000", "string literal too long", 172, "string literal too long");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_SELF_PARAM_NOT_INOUT, -9645, -1, "HY000", "SELF parameter of constructor method must be IN OUT", 660, "SELF parameter of constructor method must be IN OUT");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_CONSTRUCT_MUST_RETURN_SELF, -9646, -1, "HY000", "constructor method must return SELF AS RESULT", 659, "constructor method must return SELF AS RESULT");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_FIRST_PARAM_MUST_NOT_NULL, -9647, -1, "HY000", "the first operand in the NULLIF expression must not be NULL", 619, "the first operand in the NULLIF expression must not be NULL");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_COALESCE_AT_LEAST_ONE_NOT_NULL, -9648, -1, "HY000", "at least one operand in the COALESCE expression must not be NULL", 621, "at least one operand in the COALESCE expression must not be NULL");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_STATIC_METHOD_HAS_SELF, -9649, -1, "HY000", "a static method cannot declare a parameter named SELF", 586, "a static method cannot declare a parameter named SELF");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NO_ATTR_FOUND, -9650, -1, "HY000", "no attributes found in object type 'string'", "no attributes found in object type '%.*s'", 589, "no attributes found in object type 'string'", "no attributes found in object type '%.*s'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_ILLEGAL_TYPE_FOR_OBJECT, -9651, -1, "HY000", "Illegal type used for object type attribute: 'string'.", "Illegal type used for object type attribute: '%.*s'.", 530, "Illegal type used for object type attribute: 'string'.", "Illegal type used for object type attribute: '%.*s'.");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE, -9652, -1, "HY000", "Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: 'string'.", "Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: '%.*s'.", 531, "Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: 'string'.", "Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: '%.*s'.");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_POSITIONAL_FOLLOW_NAME, -9653, -1, "HY000", "a positional parameter association may not follow a named association", 312, "a positional parameter association may not follow a named association");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NEED_A_LABEL, -9654, -1, "HY000", "EXIT/CONTINUE statement may have a label here; 'string' is not a label", "EXIT/CONTINUE statement may have a label here; '%.*s' is not a label", 441, "EXIT/CONTINUE statement may have a label here; 'string' is not a label", "EXIT/CONTINUE statement may have a label here; '%.*s' is not a label");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_REFER_SAME_PACKAGE, -9655, -1, "HY000", "variable or constant initialization may not refer to functions declared in the same package", 492, "variable or constant initialization may not refer to functions declared in the same package");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PL_COMMON, -9656, -1, "HY000", "PL/SQL common error", "%s", 1, "PL/SQL common error", "%s");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_IDENT_EMPTY, -9657, -1, "HY000", "Identifier cannot be an empty string", 182, "Identifier cannot be an empty string");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PRAGMA_STR_UNSUPPORT, -9658, -1, "HY000", "Pragma string does not support string", "Pragma %s does not support %.*s", 132, "Pragma string does not support string", "Pragma %s does not support %.*s");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_END_LABEL_NOT_MATCH, -9659, -1, "HY000", "END identifier 'string' must match 'string' at line string, column string", "END identifier '%.*s' must match '%.*s'", 113, "END identifier 'string' must match 'string' at line string, column string", "END identifier '%.*s' must match '%.*s'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_WRONG_FETCH_INTO_NUM, -9660, -1, "HY000", "wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement", 394, "wrong number of values in the INTO list of a FETCH statement");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PRAGMA_FIRST_ARG, -9661, -1, "HY000", "Pragma string expects 1st argument to be a procedure/function/package/cursor", "Pragma %s expects 1st argument to be a procedure/function/package/cursor", 130, "Pragma string expects 1st argument to be a procedure/function/package/cursor", "Pragma %s expects 1st argument to be a procedure/function/package/cursor");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_CANT_CHANGE_OLD_ROW, -9662, -1, "HY000", "cannot change the value of an OLD reference variable", 4085, "cannot change the value of an OLD reference variable");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_CANT_CRT_ON_RO_VIEW, -9663, -1, "HY000", "cannot create trigger on read only view", 25005, "cannot CREATE INSTEAD OF trigger on a read-only view");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_TRIGGER_INVALID_REF_NAME, -9664, -1, "HY000", "invalid REFERENCING name", 4074, "invalid REFERENCING name");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_EXP_NOT_INTO_TARGET, -9665, -1, "HY000", "expression 'string' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a SELECT/FETCH statement", "expression '%.*s' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a SELECT/FETCH statement", 403, "expression 'string' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a SELECT/FETCH statement", "expression '%.*s' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a SELECT/FETCH statement");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_CASE_NULL, -9666, -1, "HY000", "at least one result in the CASE expression must not be NULL", 617, "at least one result in the CASE expression must not be NULL");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_GOTO, -9667, -1, "HY000", "Invalid GOTO to non-label 'string'", "Invalid GOTO to non-label '%.*s'", 301, "Invalid GOTO to non-label 'string'", "Invalid GOTO to non-label '%.*s'");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PRIVATE_UDF_USE_IN_SQL, -9668, -1, "HY000", "function 'string' may not be used in SQL", "function '%.*s' may not be used in SQL", 231, "function 'string' may not be used in SQL", "function '%.*s' may not be used in SQL");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FIELD_NOT_DENOTABLE, -9669, -1, "HY000", "field string is not yet denotable", "field %.*s is not yet denotable", 742, "field string is not yet denotable", "field %.*s is not yet denotable");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_NUMERIC_PRECISION_NOT_INTEGER, -9670, -1, "HY000", "non-integral numeric literal value is inappropriate in this context", "non-integral numeric literal %.*s is inappropriate in this context", 325, "non-integral numeric literal value is inappropriate in this context", "non-integral numeric literal %.*s is inappropriate in this context");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REQUIRE_INTEGER, -9671, -1, "HY000", "integer value required", 02017, "integer value required");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_INDEX_TABLE_OF_CURSOR, -9672, -1, "HY000", "Index Tables of Cursor Variables are disallowed", 990, "Index Tables of Cursor Variables are disallowed");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_NULL_CHECK_ERROR, -9673, -1, "HY000", "cannot pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained formal parameter", 567, "cannot pass NULL to a NOT NULL constrained formal parameter");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_EX_NAME_ARG, -9674, -1, "HY000", "name of exception expected for first arg in exception_init pragma", 124, "name of exception expected for first arg in exception_init pragma");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_EX_ARG_NUM, -9675, -1, "HY000", "Illegal number of arguments for pragma EXCEPTION_INIT", 128, "Illegal number of arguments for pragma EXCEPTION_INIT");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_EX_SECOND_ARG, -9676, -1, "HY000", "second argument to PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT must be a numeric literal", 702, "second argument to PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT must be a numeric literal");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_OBEN_CURSOR_NUMBER_IS_ZERO, -9677, -1, "HY000", "DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR failed. security_level of 0 is not allowed", 29474, "DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR failed. security_level of 0 is not allowed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_NO_STMT_PARSE, -9678, -1, "HY000", "no statement parsed", 01003, "no statement parsed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ARRAY_CNT_IS_ILLEGAL, -9679, -1, "HY000", "Invalid count argument passed to procedure dbms_sql.define_array", 29253, "Invalid count argument passed to procedure dbms_sql.define_array");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_WRONG_SCHEMA_REF, -9680, -1, "HY000", "Table,View Or Sequence reference not allowed in this context", "Table,View Or Sequence reference not '%s%s%s%s%s' allowed in this context", 357, "Table,View Or Sequence reference not allowed in this context", "Table,View Or Sequence reference '%s%s%s%s%s' not allowed in this context");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_COMPONENT_UNDECLARED, -9681, -1, "HY000", "component must be declared", "component '%.*s' must be declared", 302, "component must be declared", "component '%.*s' must be declared");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_FUNC_ONLY_IN_SQL, -9682, -1, "HY000", "function or pseudo-column may be used inside a SQL statement only", "function or pseudo-column '%s' may be used inside a SQL statement only", 204, "function or pseudo-column may be used inside a SQL statement only", "function or pseudo-column '%s' may be used inside a SQL statement only");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UNDEFINED, -9683, -1, "HY000", "object is not a procedure or is undefined", "'%s' is not a procedure or is undefined", 221, "object is not a procedure or is undefined", "'%s' is not a procedure or is undefined");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_SUBTYPE_NOTNULL_MISMATCH, -9684, -1, "HY000", "subtype of a not null type must also be not null", 366, "subtype of a not null type must also be not null");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_BIND_VAR_NOT_EXIST, -9685, -1, "HY000", "bind variable does not exist", 1006, "bind variable does not exist");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_CURSOR_IN_OPEN_DYNAMIC_SQL, -9686, -1, "HY000", "cursor cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement", "cursor '%.*s' cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement", 455, "cursor cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement", "cursor '%.*s' cannot be used in dynamic SQL OPEN statement");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_INVALID_INPUT_ARGUMENT, -9687, -1, "HY000", "input value for argument", "input value for argument #%d is not valid", 28106, "input value for argument", "input value for argument #%d is not valid");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG, -9688, -1, "HY000", "Client identifier is too long", 28264, "Client identifier is too long");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE_VALUE, -9689, -1, "HY000", "Invalid NameSpace Value", 28267, "Invalid NameSpace Value");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE_BEG, -9690, -1, "HY000", "Namespace beginning with 'SYS_' is not allowed", 28265, "Namespace beginning with 'SYS_' is not allowed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SESSION_CONTEXT_EXCEEDED, -9691, -1, "HY000", "The maximum size specified by the _session_context_size parameter was exceeded.", 28268, "The maximum size specified by the _session_context_size parameter was exceeded.");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_NOT_CURSOR_NAME_IN_CURRENT_OF, -9692, -1, "HY000", "identifier in CURRENT OF clause is not a cursor name", 413, "identifier in CURRENT OF clause is not a cursor name");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_NOT_FOR_UPDATE_CURSOR_IN_CURRENT_OF, -9693, -1, "HY000", "cursor must be declared with FOR UPDATE to use with CURRENT OF", "cursor '%.*s' must be declared with FOR UPDATE to use with CURRENT OF", 404, "cursor must be declared with FOR UPDATE to use with CURRENT OF", "cursor '%.*s' must be declared with FOR UPDATE to use with CURRENT OF");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_DUP_SIGNAL_SET, -9694, ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET, "42000", "Duplicate condition information item", "Duplicate condition information item '%s'");
DEFINE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND, -9695, ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND, "02000", "Unhandled user-defined not found condition", "Unhandled user-defined not found condition");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_RECURSIVE_SQL_LEVELS_EXCEEDED, -9697, -1, "HY000", "maximum number of recursive SQL levels exceeded", 36, "maximum number of recursive SQL levels (%ld) exceeded");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_INVALID_SECTION, -9698, -1, "HY000", "invalid section for this type of Compound Trigger", 675, "invalid section for this type of Compound Trigger");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR(OB_ERR_DUPLICATE_TRIGGER_SECTION, -9699, -1, "HY000", "duplicate Compound Triggers section", 676, "duplicate Compound Triggers section");
DEFINE_PLS_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_PARSE_PLSQL, -9700, -1, "HY000", "unexpected symbol", "Encountered the symbol %s when expecting one of the following: %s", 103, "Encountered the symbol A when expecting one of the following: B", "Encountered the symbol %s when expecting one of the following: %s");
DEFINE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SIGNAL_WARN, -9701, ER_SIGNAL_WARN, "01000", "Unhandled user-defined warning condition");
oceanbase-admin 已提交

wangzelin.wzl 已提交
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_UPDATE_VIRTUAL_COL_IN_TRG, -9703, -1, "HY000", "Virtual column cannot be updated in trigger body", 54029, "Virtual column cannot be updated in trigger body");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_TRG_ORDER, -9704, ER_REFERENCED_TRIGGER_NOT_EXIST, "HY000", "must use LOG_USER_ERROR", "Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.", 600, "must use LOG_USER_ERROR", "Trigger %s referenced in FOLLOWS or PRECEDES clause may not exist");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REF_ANOTHER_TABLE_IN_TRG, -9705, -1, "HY000", "cannot reference a trigger defined on another table", 25021, "cannot reference a trigger defined on another table");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REF_TYPE_IN_TRG, -9706, -1, "HY000", "cannot reference a trigger of a different type", 25022, "cannot reference a trigger of a different type");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_REF_CYCLIC_IN_TRG, -9707, -1, "HY000", "Cyclic trigger dependency is not allowed", 25023, "Cyclic trigger dependency is not allowed");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_SPECIFY_PRECEDES_IN_TRG, -9708, -1, "HY000", "cannot specify PRECEDES clause", 25025, "cannot specify PRECEDES clause");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_PERFORM_DML_INSIDE_QUERY, -9709, -1, "HY000", "cannot perform a DML operation inside a query", 14551, "cannot perform a DML operation inside a query");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CANNOT_PERFORM_DDL_COMMIT_OR_ROLLBACK_INSIDE_QUERY_OR_DML_TIPS, -9710, -1, "HY000", "cannot perform a DDL commit or rollback inside a query or DML tips", 14552, "cannot perform a DDL commit or rollback inside a query or DML tips");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_STATEMENT_STRING_IN_EXECUTE_IMMEDIATE_IS_NULL_OR_ZERO_LENGTH, -9711, -1, "HY000", "statement string in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is NULL or 0 length", 06535, "statement string in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is NULL or 0 length");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_MISSING_INTO_KEYWORD, -9712, -1, "HY000", "missing INTO keyword", 925, "missing INTO keyword");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_CLAUSE_RETURN_ILLEGAL, -9713, -1, "HY000", "RETURNING clause must be used with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements", 6547, "RETURNING clause must be used with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_NAME_HAS_TOO_MANY_PARTS, -9714, -1, "HY000", "name has too many parts", 6563, "name has too many parts");
oceanbase-admin 已提交
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
// !!! text/blob || clob/blob erro code
// for compat we cant not remove this errno!!!!
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_CLOB_ONLY_SUPPORT_WITH_MULTIBYTE_FUN, -22998, -1, "HY000", "CLOB or NCLOB in multibyte character set not supported", 22998, "CLOB or NCLOB in multibyte character set not supported");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR_EXT(OB_ERR_UPDATE_ON_EXPR, -38104, -1, "HY000", "Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated", "Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated:'%.*s'.'%.*s'", 38104, "Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated", "Columns referenced in the ON Clause cannot be updated:'%.*s'.'%.*s'");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_UPDATE_TWICE, -30926, -1, "HY000", "unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables", 30926, "unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables");
DEFINE_ORACLE_ERROR(OB_ERR_SPECIFIED_ROW_NO_LONGER_EXISTS, -38105, -1, "HY000", "specified row no longer exists", 8006, "specified row no longer exists");