未验证 提交 fe1368a1 编写于 作者: A Alissa Tung 提交者: GitHub

tweak docs, use code instead of quote

上级 f3fb9df0
......@@ -39,13 +39,19 @@ OceanBase Database is under [MulanPubL - 2.0](https://license.coscl.org.cn/Mulan
## How to build
#### debug mode
> sh build.sh debug --init --make
sh build.sh debug --init --make
#### release mode
> sh build.sh release --init --make
sh build.sh release --init --make
#### rpm packages
> sh build.sh rpm --init && cd build_rpm && make -j16 rpm
sh build.sh rpm --init && cd build_rpm && make -j16 rpm
## Contributing
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