提交 b5244db4 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: ob-robot

Avoiding the impact of new_truncate_table on mysql auotinc, then we need to execute the old logic

上级 4d8634e9
......@@ -13354,6 +13354,8 @@ int ObDDLService::prepare_hidden_table_schema(const ObTableSchema &orig_table_sc
LOG_WARN("fail to generate tablet id for hidden table", K(ret), K(hidden_table_schema));
} else {
// offline ddl change table_id, so we need to reset truncate_version
......@@ -16225,6 +16227,7 @@ int ObDDLService::new_truncate_table_in_trans(const ObIArray<const ObTableSchema
boundary_schema_version = gen_schema_version_array.at(gen_array_count - 1);
latest_table_schema_version = gen_schema_version_array.at(gen_array_count - 2);
// in mysql mode
// 1.reinit auto_increment table value
// 2.clear auto_increment cache
......@@ -16234,7 +16237,8 @@ int ObDDLService::new_truncate_table_in_trans(const ObIArray<const ObTableSchema
LOG_WARN("fail to get alive server list", KR(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(ddl_operator.reinit_autoinc_row(*orig_table_schemas.at(0), trans, &alive_server_list))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to reinit autoinc row", KR(ret), K(table_name));
} else if (OB_FAIL(drop_and_create_tablet(first_schema_version, orig_table_schemas, new_table_schemas, trans))) {
if (FAILEDx(drop_and_create_tablet(first_schema_version, orig_table_schemas, new_table_schemas, trans))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to drop or create tablet", KR(ret), K(table_name), K(first_schema_version));
} else {
ObTableSchema *new_table_schema = NULL;
......@@ -16292,7 +16296,6 @@ int ObDDLService::new_truncate_table_in_trans(const ObIArray<const ObTableSchema
} // else
int64_t before_wait_task = ObTimeUtility::current_time();
// Serial Submit
if (FAILEDx(schema_service_->get_ddl_trans_controller().wait_task_ready(task_id, THIS_WORKER.get_timeout_remain()))) {
......@@ -16311,14 +16314,6 @@ int ObDDLService::new_truncate_table_in_trans(const ObIArray<const ObTableSchema
int64_t trans_end = ObTimeUtility::current_time();
// For table has auto_increment
// Sequence will not start from 1 when table not refresh newest schema
//To protect sequence value, we should synchronous refresh schema when we finish truncate table
//if (OB_SUCC(ret)) {
// if (OB_FAIL(publish_schema(tenant_id))) {
// LOG_WARN("publish_schema failed", KR(ret), K(table_name), K(tenant_id));
// }
LOG_INFO("truncate cost after truncate_in_trans finish", KR(ret), K(task_id),
"trans_cost", trans_end - start_time,
"fetch_schema_cost", before_wait_task - before_fetch_schema,
......@@ -16507,6 +16502,9 @@ int ObDDLService::check_table_schema_is_legal(const ObDatabaseSchema & database_
if (check_foreign_key && OB_FAIL(check_is_foreign_key_parent_table(table_schema, trans))){
LOG_WARN("failed to check table is foreign key's parent table", KR(ret), K(table_name), K(table_id));
} else if (0 != table_schema.get_autoinc_column_id()) {
LOG_WARN("table with autoinc column should not get in new_truncate_table", KR(ret));
} else if (table_schema.is_sys_table()) {
LOG_WARN("truncate table is not supported on system table", KR(ret), K(table_id), K(table_name));
......@@ -1695,19 +1695,36 @@ int ObTruncateTableExecutor::execute(ObExecContext &ctx, ObTruncateTableStmt &st
} else if (!stmt.is_truncate_oracle_temp_table()) {
int64_t foreign_key_checks = 0;
share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard schema_guard;
const_cast<obrpc::ObTruncateTableArg&>(truncate_table_arg).foreign_key_checks_ = is_oracle_mode() || (is_mysql_mode() && foreign_key_checks);
const_cast<obrpc::ObTruncateTableArg&>(truncate_table_arg).compat_mode_ = ORACLE_MODE == my_session->get_compatibility_mode()
? lib::Worker::CompatMode::ORACLE : lib::Worker::CompatMode::MYSQL;
int64_t affected_rows = 0;
uint64_t compat_version = 0;
if (OB_FAIL(GET_MIN_DATA_VERSION(truncate_table_arg.tenant_id_, compat_version))) {
LOG_WARN("get min data_version failed", K(ret), K(truncate_table_arg.tenant_id_));
} else if (compat_version < DATA_VERSION_4_1_0_0) {
const ObTableSchema *table_schema = NULL;
const uint64_t tenant_id = truncate_table_arg.tenant_id_;
const ObString table_name = truncate_table_arg.table_name_;
const ObString database_name = truncate_table_arg.database_name_;
if (OB_FAIL(GET_MIN_DATA_VERSION(tenant_id, compat_version))) {
LOG_WARN("get min data_version failed", K(ret), K(tenant_id));
} else if (OB_ISNULL(GCTX.schema_service_)) {
ret = OB_NOT_INIT;
LOG_WARN("GCTX schema_service not init", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(GCTX.schema_service_->get_tenant_schema_guard(tenant_id, schema_guard))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to get tenant schema guard", K(ret), K(tenant_id));
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.get_table_schema(tenant_id, database_name, table_name, false, table_schema))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to get table schema", K(ret), K(database_name), K(table_name));
} else if (OB_ISNULL(table_schema)) {
LOG_WARN("table is not exist", K(ret), K(database_name), K(table_name));
// Avoiding the impact of new_truncate_table on mysql auotinc, then we need to execute the old logic
} else if (compat_version < DATA_VERSION_4_1_0_0
|| table_schema->get_autoinc_column_id() != 0) {
if (OB_FAIL(common_rpc_proxy->truncate_table(truncate_table_arg, res))) {
LOG_WARN("rpc proxy alter table failed", K(ret));
} else if (res.is_valid()
&& OB_FAIL(ObDDLExecutorUtil::wait_ddl_retry_task_finish(res.tenant_id_, res.task_id_, *my_session, common_rpc_proxy, affected_rows))) {
&& OB_FAIL(ObDDLExecutorUtil::wait_ddl_retry_task_finish(tenant_id, res.task_id_, *my_session, common_rpc_proxy, affected_rows))) {
LOG_WARN("wait ddl finish failed", K(ret));
} else {
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