提交 a0384179 编写于 作者: H Hongqin-Li 提交者: ob-robot

Fix unexpected ddl start after ddl commit log

上级 b5244db4
......@@ -71,16 +71,24 @@ ObDDLStartClogCb::ObDDLStartClogCb()
int ObDDLStartClogCb::init(const uint32_t lock_tid, ObDDLKvMgrHandle &ddl_kv_mgr_handle)
int ObDDLStartClogCb::init(const ObITable::TableKey &table_key,
const int64_t data_format_version,
const int64_t execution_id,
const uint32_t lock_tid,
ObDDLKvMgrHandle &ddl_kv_mgr_handle)
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
if (OB_UNLIKELY(is_inited_)) {
LOG_WARN("init twice", K(ret));
} else if (OB_UNLIKELY(0 == lock_tid || !ddl_kv_mgr_handle.is_valid())) {
} else if (OB_UNLIKELY(!table_key.is_valid() || execution_id < 0 || data_format_version < 0
|| 0 == lock_tid || !ddl_kv_mgr_handle.is_valid())) {
LOG_WARN("invalid argument", K(ret));
} else {
table_key_ = table_key;
data_format_version_ = data_format_version;
execution_id_ = execution_id;
lock_tid_ = lock_tid;
ddl_kv_mgr_handle_ = ddl_kv_mgr_handle;
is_inited_ = true;
......@@ -91,12 +99,15 @@ int ObDDLStartClogCb::init(const uint32_t lock_tid, ObDDLKvMgrHandle &ddl_kv_mgr
int ObDDLStartClogCb::on_success()
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
const SCN &start_scn = __get_scn();
if (OB_UNLIKELY(!is_inited_)) {
ret = OB_NOT_INIT;
LOG_WARN("not init", K(ret));
} else {
} else if (OB_FAIL(ddl_kv_mgr_handle_.get_obj()->ddl_start_nolock(table_key_, start_scn, data_format_version_,
execution_id_, SCN::min_scn()/*checkpoint_scn*/))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to start ddl in cb", K(ret), K(table_key_), K(start_scn), K(execution_id_));
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class ObDDLStartClogCb : public logservice::AppendCb
virtual ~ObDDLStartClogCb() = default;
int init(const uint32_t lock_tid, ObDDLKvMgrHandle &ddl_kv_mgr_handle);
int init(const ObITable::TableKey &table_key, const int64_t data_format_version, const int64_t execution_id, const uint32_t lock_tid, ObDDLKvMgrHandle &ddl_kv_mgr_handle);
virtual int on_success() override;
virtual int on_failure() override;
inline bool is_success() const { return status_.is_success(); }
......@@ -88,10 +88,13 @@ public:
inline bool is_finished() const { return status_.is_finished(); }
int get_ret_code() const { return status_.get_ret_code(); }
void try_release();
TO_STRING_KV(K(is_inited_), K(status_), K_(lock_tid));
TO_STRING_KV(K(is_inited_), K(status_), K_(table_key), K_(data_format_version), K_(execution_id), K_(lock_tid));
bool is_inited_;
ObDDLClogCbStatus status_;
ObITable::TableKey table_key_;
int64_t data_format_version_;
int64_t execution_id_;
uint32_t lock_tid_;
ObDDLKvMgrHandle ddl_kv_mgr_handle_;
......@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ int ObDDLRedoLogWriter::write_ddl_start_log(ObTabletHandle &tablet_handle,
} else if (OB_ISNULL(cb = op_alloc(ObDDLStartClogCb))) {
LOG_WARN("fail to alloc memory", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(cb->init(lock_tid, ddl_kv_mgr_handle))) {
} else if (OB_FAIL(cb->init(log.get_table_key(), log.get_data_format_version(), log.get_execution_id(), lock_tid, ddl_kv_mgr_handle))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to init cb", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(base_header.serialize(buffer, buffer_size, pos))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to serialize log base header", K(ret));
......@@ -747,15 +747,13 @@ int ObDDLRedoLogWriter::write_ddl_start_log(ObTabletHandle &tablet_handle,
if (OB_SUCC(ret)) {
const int64_t saved_snapshot_version = log.get_table_key().get_snapshot_version();
start_scn = scn;
if (OB_FAIL(ddl_kv_mgr_handle.get_obj()->ddl_start(*tablet_handle.get_obj(),
SCN::min_scn()/*checkpoint_scn*/))) {
LOG_WARN("start ddl log failed", K(ret), K(start_scn), K(log));
// remove ddl sstable if exists and flush ddl start log ts and snapshot version into tablet meta
if (OB_FAIL(ddl_kv_mgr_handle.get_obj()->update_tablet(start_scn, saved_snapshot_version, start_scn))) {
LOG_WARN("clean up ddl sstable failed", K(ret), K(log));
FLOG_INFO("start ddl kv mgr finished", K(ret), K(start_scn), K(log));
tmp_cb->try_release(); // release the memory no matter succ or not
......@@ -87,13 +87,7 @@ int ObTabletDDLKvMgr::init(const share::ObLSID &ls_id, const common::ObTabletID
return ret;
// ddl start from log
// cleanup ddl sstable
// ddl start from checkpoint
// keep ddl sstable table
int ObTabletDDLKvMgr::ddl_start(ObTablet &tablet,
const ObITable::TableKey &table_key,
int ObTabletDDLKvMgr::ddl_start_nolock(const ObITable::TableKey &table_key,
const SCN &start_scn,
const int64_t data_format_version,
const int64_t execution_id,
......@@ -101,8 +95,6 @@ int ObTabletDDLKvMgr::ddl_start(ObTablet &tablet,
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
bool is_brand_new = false;
SCN saved_start_scn;
int64_t saved_snapshot_version = 0;
if (OB_UNLIKELY(!is_inited_)) {
ret = OB_NOT_INIT;
LOG_WARN("not init", K(ret), K(is_inited_));
......@@ -114,7 +106,6 @@ int ObTabletDDLKvMgr::ddl_start(ObTablet &tablet,
ret = OB_ERR_SYS;
LOG_WARN("tablet id not same", K(ret), K(table_key), K(tablet_id_));
} else {
ObLatchWGuard guard(lock_, ObLatchIds::TABLET_DDL_KV_MGR_LOCK);
if (start_scn_.is_valid_and_not_min()) {
if (execution_id >= execution_id_ && start_scn >= start_scn_) {
LOG_INFO("execution id changed, need cleanup", K(ls_id_), K(tablet_id_), K(execution_id_), K(execution_id), K(start_scn_), K(start_scn));
......@@ -137,7 +128,33 @@ int ObTabletDDLKvMgr::ddl_start(ObTablet &tablet,
start_scn_ = start_scn;
max_freeze_scn_ = SCN::max(start_scn, checkpoint_scn);
if (OB_SUCC(ret)) {
return ret;
// ddl start from log
// cleanup ddl sstable
// ddl start from checkpoint
// keep ddl sstable table
int ObTabletDDLKvMgr::ddl_start(ObTablet &tablet,
const ObITable::TableKey &table_key,
const SCN &start_scn,
const int64_t data_format_version,
const int64_t execution_id,
const SCN &checkpoint_scn)
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
SCN saved_start_scn;
int64_t saved_snapshot_version = 0;
if (OB_UNLIKELY(!is_inited_)) {
ret = OB_NOT_INIT;
LOG_WARN("not init", K(ret), K(is_inited_));
} else {
ObLatchWGuard guard(lock_, ObLatchIds::TABLET_DDL_KV_MGR_LOCK);
if (OB_FAIL(ddl_start_nolock(table_key, start_scn, data_format_version, execution_id, checkpoint_scn))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to ddl start", K(ret));
} else {
// save variables under lock
saved_start_scn = start_scn_;
saved_snapshot_version = table_key_.get_snapshot_version();
......@@ -149,7 +166,7 @@ int ObTabletDDLKvMgr::ddl_start(ObTablet &tablet,
LOG_WARN("clean up ddl sstable failed", K(ret), K(ls_id_), K(tablet_id_));
FLOG_INFO("start ddl kv mgr finished", K(ret), K(is_brand_new), K(start_scn), K(execution_id), K(checkpoint_scn), K(*this));
FLOG_INFO("start ddl kv mgr finished", K(ret), K(start_scn), K(execution_id), K(checkpoint_scn), K(*this));
return ret;
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ public:
int init(const share::ObLSID &ls_id, const common::ObTabletID &tablet_id); // init before memtable mgr
int ddl_start_nolock(const ObITable::TableKey &table_key, const share::SCN &start_scn, const int64_t data_format_version, const int64_t execution_id, const share::SCN &checkpoint_scn);
int ddl_start(ObTablet &tablet, const ObITable::TableKey &table_key, const share::SCN &start_scn, const int64_t data_format_version, const int64_t execution_id, const share::SCN &checkpoint_scn);
int ddl_commit(const share::SCN &start_scn, const share::SCN &commit_scn, const uint64_t table_id = 0, const int64_t ddl_task_id = 0); // schedule build a major sstable
int schedule_ddl_merge_task(const share::SCN &start_scn, const share::SCN &commit_scn, const bool is_replay); // try wait build major sstable
......@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ public:
int rdlock(const int64_t timeout_us, uint32_t &lock_tid);
int wrlock(const int64_t timeout_us, uint32_t &lock_tid);
void unlock(const uint32_t lock_tid);
int update_tablet(const share::SCN &start_scn, const int64_t snapshot_version, const share::SCN &ddl_checkpoint_scn);
OB_INLINE void inc_ref() { ATOMIC_INC(&ref_cnt_); }
OB_INLINE int64_t dec_ref() { return ATOMIC_SAF(&ref_cnt_, 1 /* just sub 1 */); }
OB_INLINE int64_t get_ref() const { return ATOMIC_LOAD(&ref_cnt_); }
......@@ -90,7 +92,6 @@ private:
int get_active_ddl_kv_impl(ObTableHandleV2 &kv_handle);
void try_get_ddl_kv_unlock(const share::SCN &scn, ObTableHandleV2 &kv_handle);
int get_ddl_kvs_unlock(const bool frozen_only, ObTablesHandleArray &kv_handle_array);
int update_tablet(const share::SCN &start_scn, const int64_t snapshot_version, const share::SCN &ddl_checkpoint_scn);
int update_ddl_major_sstable();
int create_empty_ddl_sstable(ObTableHandleV2 &table_handle);
void cleanup_unlock();
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