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# 快速入门指南
本指南以单机安装 OceanBase 数据库为例指导您如何快速使用 OceanBase 数据库。
## 前提条件
在安装 OceanBase 数据库之前,确保您的机器可以连接公网。并且您的软硬件环境满足以下要求:
| 项目 | 描述 |
| ---- | --- |
| 系统 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.2 版本(内核 Linux 3.10.0 版本及以上) <br /> CentOS Linux 7.2 版本(内核 Linux 3.10.0 版本及以上) |
| 内存 | 至少 16G <br /> 推荐 64G 及以上|
| 磁盘类型 | 推荐使用 SSD|
| 磁盘存储空间 | 至少 100G|
| 文件系统 | EXT4 戓 XFS|
| 网卡 | 千兆互联及以上|
>**注意:** 以下内容以 x86 架构的 CentOS Linux 7.2 镜像作为环境,其他环境可能略有不同。
## 步骤 1:下载安装 OBD
获取 OceanBase 数据库最快的方式是使用数据库部署工具 OceanBase Deployer(简称 OBD),因此推荐您使用此方式体验 OceanBase 数据库。按照以下步骤下载并安装 OBD:
### 方案1:通过 YUM 软件源安装 OBD
如您的机器可以访问公网,并能够添加三方 YUM 软件源,您可以运行以下命令,使用 OceanBase 的官方软件源安装 OBD:
sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/oceanbase/OceanBase.repo
sudo yum install -y ob-deploy
### 方案2: 离线安装
1. 下载 OBD 离线 RPM 安装包。
2. 运行以下命令安装 OBD。
yum install -y ob-deploy-1.0.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
source /etc/profile.d/obd.sh
## (可选)步骤 2:下载 OceanBase 数据库
如果您的机器可以连接公网,则直接跳过此步骤。因为在您执行了 `obd cluster deploy` 命令时,OBD 将检查您的目标机器是否已存在 OceanBase 数据库软件包。如未找到,OBD 将自动从 YUM 源获取。
如果您的机器机器不能连接公网,按照以下步骤下载 OceanBase 数据库的离线软件包:
1. 运行以下命令,下载 OceanBase 数据库的离线软件包:
# 创建一个目录用于下载
mkdir rpm
cat > rpm_list <<EOF
wget -B https://mirrors.aliyun.com/oceanbase/community/stable/el/7/x86_64/ -i rpm_list -P rpm
**注意:** 示例中的安装包可能不是最新版本,建议您下载最新的安装包。详细信息,参考 [OceanBase 数据库发行版本](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/releases)。
2. 运行以下命令,将软件包拷贝到您的中控机器:
scp -r rpm <user>@<your-machine-ip>
3. 在中控机器运行以下命令,将 OceanBase 数据库的离线软件包加入本地镜像:
cd ~/rpm
obd mirror clone *.rpm
## 步骤 3:部署 OceanBase 数据库
本节介绍如何使用 OBD 部署 OceanBase 数据库。按照以下步骤部署 OceanBase 数据库:
1. 从 Gitee/GitHub 上下载对应的配置文件模板。
- 如果您采用本地安装,即中控机器和目标机器是同一台机器,请下载 [本地安装配置文件](https://gitee.com/oceanbase/obdeploy/blob/master/example/mini-local-example.yaml)。
- 如果您采用单机安装,即中控机器和目标机器不是同一台机器,且目标机器只有一台,请下载 [单机安装配置文件](https://gitee.com/oceanbase/obdeploy/blob/master/example/mini-single-example.yaml)。
- 如果您采用分布式安装,即中控机器和目标机器不是同一台机器,且目标机器有多台,请下载 [分布式安装配置文件](https://gitee.com/oceanbase/obdeploy/blob/master/example/mini-distributed-example.yaml)。
> **注意:** 此处以本地安装为例,介绍如何修改配置文件。您必须按照您的安装方式选择对应的配置文件模板。
2. 如您的中控机器和目标机器不是同一台,您还需要在配置文件顶部添加远程 SSH 访问的相关配置。
username: <您的账号名>
password: <您的登录密码>
key_file: <您的私钥路径>
其中,`username` 为登录到目标机器的用户名,确保您的用户名有 `home_path` 权限。
> **注意:** 通常情况下,您只能使用登录密码或者私钥登录中的一种方式登录目标机器,如果同时填写,`password` 将被认为是您私钥的密码。
3. (可选)修改配置文件中的 IP 地址。
- name: z1
# Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported
4. 修改配置文件中的 `devname` 变量和 `home_path`
home_path: <your_observer_work_path>
# Please set devname as the network adaptor's name whose ip is in the setting of severs.
# if set severs as "", please set devname as "lo"
# if current ip is, and the ip's network adaptor'sname is "eth0", please use "eth0"
devname: bond0
## 步骤 4:连接 OceanBase 数据库
按照以下步骤部署并启动 OceanBase 数据库实例:
1. 运行以下命令部署集群:
obd cluster deploy <deploy_name> -c <deploy_config_path>
其中,`deploy_name` 为集群名称。一个集群只能有一个名称,且集群名称不能重复。
2. 运行以下命令启动集群:
obd cluster start <deploy_name>
3. 运行以下命令查看集群状态:
obd cluster display <deploy_name>
## 步骤 5:连接 OceanBase 数据库
按照以下步骤连接 OceanBase 数据库:
1. 安装 OceanBase 数据库客户端 OBClient:
如您的机器已添加 OceanBase 官方 YUM 源作为软件源,使用以下命令直接安装:
sudo yum install -y obclient
sudo yum install -y obclient-2.0.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
**注意:** 示例中的安装包可能不是最新版本,建议您下载最新的安装包。详细信息,参考 [OceanBase 官网下载中心](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/releases)。
2. 运行以下命令,使用 OBClient 客户端连接 OceanBase 数据库:
obclient -h<your_ip> -P<observer_mysql_port> -uroot
其中,`<your_ip>` 为您 OceanBase 实例所在的机器 IP 地址。`observer` 默认使用端口 `2883` 连接 OBClient。如果您对端口做了更改,此处使用您实际的端口号。
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3221546072
Server version: 5.7.25 OceanBase 3.1.0 (r1-) (Built Apr 7 2021 08:14:49)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MySQL [(none)]>
## (可选)步骤 6:创建租户
创建租户详细信息,参考 [创建用户租户](https://open.oceanbase.com/docs/community/oceanbase-database/V3.1.0/create-a-user-tenant)
# Quick Start
This guide navigates you through the installation of OceanBase Database by taking standalone OceanBase Database as an example.
## Prerequisites
Your server has access to the Internet, and the software and hardware meet the following requirements:
| Item | Description |
| ---- | --- |
| System | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.2 Release with the Linux kernel version being 3.10.0 or later<br /> CentOS Linux 7.2 Release with the Linux kernel version being 3.10.0 or later |
| Memory | At least 16 GB<br /> 64 GB or larger is recommended |
| Disk type | SSDs are recommended |
| Disk space | At least 100 GB |
| File system | EXT4 or XFS |
| NIC | 1 Gbit/s or above |
> **NOTE:** The following description is based on a CentOS Linux 7.2 image in the x86 architecture. The installation procedure may be slightly different in other environments.
## Step 1: Download and install OBD
We recommend that you use OceanBase Deployer (OBD). It is the fastest tool for the deployment of OceanBase Database. Take the following steps to download and install OBD:
### Option 1: Install OBD by using Yum repositories
If your server has access to the Internet and supports third-party software from YUM repositories, you can run the following command to install OBD:
sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/oceanbase/OceanBase.repo
sudo yum install -y ob-deploy
### Option 2: Install ODB offline
1. Download the RPM package of OBD.
2. Run the following command to install OBD.
yum install -y ob-deploy-1.0.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
source /etc/profile.d/obd.sh
## (Optional) Step 2: Download the OceanBase Database installation package
You may skip this step if your server has access to the Internet, because when you run the `obd cluster deploy` command, OBD checks whether the OceanBase Database installation package exists on your target server. If the package is not found, OBD automatically downloads it from YUM repositories.
If your server does not have Internet access, take the following steps to install the software offline:
1. Run the following command to download the OceanBase Database installation package:
# Create a directory to store the package.
mkdir rpm
cat > rpm_list <<EOF
wget -B https://mirrors.aliyun.com/oceanbase/community/stable/el/7/x86_64/ -i rpm_list -P rpm
**NOTE:** The installation packages in the preceding example may not be the latest version. We recommend that you download the latest installation packages. For more information, see [OceanBase Database Releases](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/releases).
2. Run the following command to copy the package to your central control server:
scp -r rpm <user>@<your-machine-ip>
3. Run the following command on the central control server to load the package to the local image:
cd ~/rpm
obd mirror clone *.rpm
## Step 3: Deploy OceanBase Database
This section describes how to use OBD to deploy OceanBase Database. Take the following steps:
1. Download the corresponding configuration template from GitHub. These are some sample configurations:
- If you want to install OceanBase Database on your central control server, download the [local installation configuration file](https://github.com/oceanbase/obdeploy/blob/master/example/mini-local-example.yaml).
- If you want to install OceanBase Database on a standalone server other than the central control server, download the [standalone installation configuration file](https://github.com/oceanbase/obdeploy/blob/master/example/mini-single-example.yaml).
- If you want to install OceanBase Database on multiple servers other than the central control server, download the [distributed installation configuration file](https://github.com/oceanbase/obdeploy/blob/master/example/mini-distributed-example.yaml)
> **NOTE:** The following example describes how to modify the configuration file in local installation mode. You must select the configuration template that corresponds to your installation mode.
2. If you want to install OceanBase Database on a server other than the central control server, you need to add relevant configurations for SSH remote access at the beginning of the configuration file.
username: <Your account name.>
password: <Your logon password.>
key_file: <The path of your private key.>
`username` specifies the username used to log on to the target server. Make sure that your username has access to `home_path`.
> **NOTE:** Generally, you can use only the password or the private key to log on. If you specify both of them, `password` is considered as the password of your private key.
3. (Optional) Modify the IP address in the configuration file.
- name: z1
# Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported
4. Modify the `devname` and `home_path` variables in the configuration file.
home_path: <your_observer_work_path>
# Please set devname as the network adaptor's name whose ip is in the setting of severs.
# if set severs as "", please set devname as "lo"
# if current ip is, and the ip's network adaptor'sname is "eth0", please use "eth0"
devname: bond0
## Step 4: Connect to OceanBase Database
Take the following steps to deploy and start the OceanBase Database instance:
1. Run the following command to deploy the cluster:
obd cluster deploy <deploy_name> -c <deploy_config_path>
`deploy_name` specifies the name of the cluster. You can specify only one unique name for a cluster.
2. Run the following command to start the cluster:
obd cluster start <deploy_name>
3. Run the following command to check the cluster status:
obd cluster display <deploy_name>
## Step 5: Connect to OceanBase Database
Take the following steps:
1. Install the OceanBase Database client (OBClient):
If you have added YUM repositories as the software source on your server, run the following command to install the OBClient:
sudo yum install -y obclient
Otherwise, you need to download the installation package to the server and run the following command to install it offline:
sudo yum install -y obclient-2.0.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
**NOTE:** The installation packages in the preceding example may not be the latest version. We recommend that you download the latest installation packages. For more information, see [OceanBase Download Center](https://github.com/oceanbase/oceanbase/releases).
2. Run the following command to connect to OceanBase Database from the OBClient:
obclient -h<your_ip> -P<observer_mysql_port> -uroot
`<your_ip>` specifies the IP address of the server where your OceanBase Database instance is located. By default, the `observer` connects to the OBClient through port `2883`. Use the actual port number if you have changed it.
The following returned information indicates successful connection:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3221546072
Server version: 5.7.25 OceanBase 3.1.0 (r1-) (Built Apr 7 2021 08:14:49)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MySQL [(none)]>
## (Optional) Step 6: Create a tenant
For more information, see [Create a user tenant](https://open.oceanbase.com/docs/community/oceanbase-database/V3.1.0/create-a-user-tenant)
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