ob_tenant_freezer.h 9.0 KB
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 * Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase
 * OceanBase CE is licensed under Mulan PubL v2.
 * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PubL v2.
 * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PubL v2 at:
 *          http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPubL-2.0
 * See the Mulan PubL v2 for more details.


#include "lib/atomic/ob_atomic.h"
#include "lib/list/ob_list.h"
#include "lib/lock/ob_tc_rwlock.h"
#include "lib/thread/thread_mgr.h"
#include "lib/thread/thread_mgr_interface.h"
#include "share/ob_occam_timer.h"
#include "share/ob_tenant_mgr.h"
#include "storage/tx_storage/ob_tenant_freezer_rpc.h"

namespace oceanbase
namespace common
class ObServerConfig;
class ObMemstoreAllocatorMgr;
namespace storage
class ObTenantFreezer;
class ObTenantTxDataFreezeGuard;

class ObTenantFreezer
friend ObTenantTxDataFreezeGuard;
  const static int64_t TIME_WHEEL_PRECISION = 100_ms;
  const static int64_t SLOW_FREEZE_INTERVAL = 30_s;
  const static int FREEZE_TRIGGER_THREAD_NUM= 1;
  const static int64_t FREEZE_TRIGGER_INTERVAL = 2_s;
  const static int64_t UPDATE_INTERVAL = 100_ms;
  static int mtl_init(ObTenantFreezer* &m);
  int init();
  void destroy();
  int start();
  int stop();
  void wait();

  // freeze all the ls of this tenant.
  // return the first failed code.
  int tenant_freeze();
  // freeze a tablet
  int tablet_freeze(const common::ObTabletID &tablet_id,
                    const bool is_force_freeze=false);
  // check if this tenant's memstore is out of range, and trigger minor/major freeze.
  int check_and_do_freeze();
  // we can only deal with freeze one by one.
  // set tenant freezing will prevent a new freeze.
  int set_tenant_freezing();
  // unset tenant freezing flag.
  // @param[in] rollback_freeze_cnt, reduce the tenant's freeze count by 1, if true.
  int unset_tenant_freezing(const bool rollback_freeze_cnt);

  // If the tenant's freeze process is slowed, we will only freeze one time every
  // set the tenant freeze process slowed. used while the tablet's max memtablet
  // number meet.
  // @param[in] tablet_id, which tablet slow the freeze process.
  // @param[in] protect_clock, the memtable's min protection clock.
  int set_tenant_slow_freeze(const common::ObTabletID &tablet_id,
                             const int64_t protect_clock);
  // uset the slow freeze flag.
  // if the tenant freeze process is slowed by this tablet, then unset it.
  // @param[in] tablet_id, the tablet who want to unset the slow freeze flag.
  //                       unset success if the tablet is the one who slow the tenant.
  //                       else do nothing.
  int unset_tenant_slow_freeze(const common::ObTabletID &tablet_id);
  // unset the slow freeze flag.
  // if the tenant is slowed. unset it and reset the slow tablet.
  int unset_tenant_slow_freeze();
  // set tenant mem limit, both for min and max memory limit.
  // @param[in] lower_limit, the min memory limit will be set.
  // @param[in] upper_limit, the max memory limit will be set.
  int set_tenant_mem_limit(const int64_t lower_limit,
                           const int64_t upper_limit);
  // get the tenant mem limit, both min and max memory limit.
  // @param[out] lower_limit, the min memory limit set now.
  // @param[out] upper_limit, the max memory limit set now.
  int get_tenant_mem_limit(int64_t &lower_limit,
                           int64_t &upper_limit) const;
  // get the tenant memstore info.
  int get_tenant_memstore_cond(int64_t &active_memstore_used,
                               int64_t &total_memstore_used,
                               int64_t &memstore_freeze_trigger,
                               int64_t &memstore_limit,
102 103
                               int64_t &freeze_cnt,
                               const bool force_refresh = true);
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  // get the tenant memstore limit.
  int get_tenant_memstore_limit(int64_t &mem_limit);
  // this is used to check if the tenant's memstore is out.
  int check_tenant_out_of_memstore_limit(bool &is_out_of_mem);
  // this check if a major freeze is needed
  bool tenant_need_major_freeze();
  // used to print a log.
  static int rpc_callback();
  // update the memstore limit use sysconf.
  void reload_config();
  // print the tenant usage info into print_buf.
  // @param[out] print_buf, the buf is used to print.
  // @param[in] buf_len, the buf length.
  // @param[in/out] pos, from which position to print and return the print position.
  int print_tenant_usage(char *print_buf,
                         int64_t buf_len,
                         int64_t &pos);
  // if major freeze is failed and need retry, set the major freeze into at retry_major_info_.
  const ObRetryMajorInfo &get_retry_major_info() const { return retry_major_info_; }
  void set_retry_major_info(const ObRetryMajorInfo &retry_major_info)
    retry_major_info_ = retry_major_info;
  static int64_t get_freeze_trigger_interval() { return FREEZE_TRIGGER_INTERVAL; }
  ObServerConfig *get_config() { return config_; }
  bool exist_ls_freezing();
  int ls_freeze_(ObLS *ls);
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  int64_t get_freeze_trigger_percentage_() const;
  int post_freeze_request_(const storage::ObFreezeType freeze_type,
                           const int64_t try_frozen_version);
  int retry_failed_major_freeze_(bool &triggered);
  int get_global_frozen_scn_(int64_t &frozen_version);
  int post_tx_data_freeze_request_();
  int get_tenant_mem_usage_(int64_t &active_memstore_used,
                            int64_t &total_memstore_used,
                            int64_t &total_memstore_hold);
  int get_freeze_trigger_(int64_t &memstore_freeze_trigger);
  int get_freeze_trigger_(int64_t &max_mem_memstore_can_get_now,
                          int64_t &kvcache_mem,
                          int64_t &memstore_freeze_trigger);
  int get_mem_remain_trigger_(int64_t &mem_remain_trigger);
  bool need_freeze_(const int64_t active_memstore_used,
                    const int64_t memstore_freeze_trigger);
  bool is_minor_need_slow_(const int64_t mem_total_memstore_hold,
                           const int64_t memstore_freeze_trigger);
  bool is_major_freeze_turn_();
  int do_major_if_need_(const bool need_freeze);
  int do_minor_freeze_(const int64_t active_memstore_used,
                       const int64_t memstore_freeze_trigger);
  int do_major_freeze_(const int64_t try_frozen_scn);
  void log_frozen_memstore_info_if_need_(const int64_t active_memstore_used,
                                         const int64_t mem_total_memstore_used,
                                         const int64_t mem_total_memstore_hold,
                                         const int64_t memstore_freeze_trigger);
  void halt_prewarm_if_need_(const int64_t memstore_freeze_trigger,
                             const int64_t mem_total_memstore_hold);
  int unset_tenant_slow_freeze_();
  int check_and_freeze_normal_data_();
  int check_and_freeze_tx_data_();
  int get_tenant_tx_data_mem_used_(int64_t &tenant_tx_data_mem_used);
  int get_ls_tx_data_mem_used_(ObLS *ls, int64_t &ls_tx_data_mem_used);
  bool is_inited_;
  bool is_freezing_tx_data_;
  SpinRWLock lock_;
  ObTenantInfo tenant_info_;                  // store the mem limit, memstore limit and etc.
  obrpc::ObTenantFreezerRpcProxy rpc_proxy_;  // used to trigger minor/major freeze
  obrpc::ObTenantFreezerRpcCb tenant_mgr_cb_; // callback after the trigger rpc finish.
  obrpc::ObSrvRpcProxy *svr_rpc_proxy_;
  obrpc::ObCommonRpcProxy *common_rpc_proxy_;
  const share::ObRsMgr *rs_mgr_;
  ObAddr self_;
  common::ObServerConfig *config_;
  ObRetryMajorInfo retry_major_info_;
  common::ObMemstoreAllocatorMgr *allocator_mgr_;

  common::ObOccamThreadPool freeze_trigger_pool_;
  common::ObOccamTimer freeze_trigger_timer_;
  common::ObOccamTimerTaskRAIIHandle timer_handle_;
  bool exist_ls_freezing_;
  int64_t last_update_ts_;

class ObTenantTxDataFreezeGuard
  ObTenantTxDataFreezeGuard() : can_freeze_(false), tenant_freezer_(nullptr) {}
  ~ObTenantTxDataFreezeGuard() { reset(); }

  int init(ObTenantFreezer *tenant_freezer)
    int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
    if (OB_ISNULL(tenant_freezer)) {
      STORAGE_LOG(WARN, "invalid tx data table", KR(ret));
    } else {
      can_freeze_ = (false == ATOMIC_CAS(&(tenant_freezer->is_freezing_tx_data_), false, true));
      if (can_freeze_) {
        tenant_freezer_ = tenant_freezer;
    return ret;

  void reset()
    can_freeze_ = false;
    if (OB_NOT_NULL(tenant_freezer_)) {
      ATOMIC_STORE(&(tenant_freezer_->is_freezing_tx_data_), false);
      tenant_freezer_ = nullptr;

  bool can_freeze() { return can_freeze_; }

  bool can_freeze_;
  ObTenantFreezer *tenant_freezer_;