1. 23 8月, 2023 6 次提交
  2. 22 8月, 2023 4 次提交
    • B
      test: Skip circlerefs test on pypy · 6f892119
      Ben Darnell 提交于
      Pypy doesn't have the same refcount fast-path as cpython so the
      gc behavior is different and this test is irrelevant.
    • B
      test: Fix circlerefs test on python 3.10 and before · e80e9441
      Ben Darnell 提交于
      Local/attribute dicts are reported a bit differently here.
    • B
      ioloop,concurrent: Fix reference cycles · 1d5fc980
      Ben Darnell 提交于
      In a few places we were referring to a future via a closure instead
      of using the reference passed as an argument to the callback.  This
      sometimes causes a reference cycle that can slow GC. This commit
      adds a test which covers two of the cases (chain_future and the
      concurrent.future branch of add_future) while the third was found by
      inspecting other calls to add_done_callback for obvious instances of
      this pattern.
      Fixes #2620
    • B
      test: Refactor circlerefs script into a test · ddb7e88a
      Ben Darnell 提交于
      This script was only ever run irregularly on its own; bring it in
      to the test suite so it can be run automatically.
  3. 13 8月, 2023 2 次提交
  4. 11 8月, 2023 5 次提交
  5. 09 8月, 2023 3 次提交
    • B
      http1connection: Make content-length parsing more strict · bf90f3a9
      Ben Darnell 提交于
      Content-length and chunk size parsing now strictly matches the RFCs.
      We previously used the python int() function which accepted leading
      plus signs and internal underscores, which are not allowed by the
      HTTP RFCs (it also accepts minus signs, but these are less problematic
      in this context since they'd result in errors elsewhere)
      It is important to fix this because when combined with certain proxies,
      the lax parsing could result in a request smuggling vulnerability (if
      both Tornado and the proxy accepted an invalid content-length but
      interpreted it differently). This is known to occur with old versions
      of haproxy, although the current version of haproxy is unaffected.
    • B
      Merge pull request #3305 from bdarnell/redirect-test-windows · fe6c125b
      Ben Darnell 提交于
      web_test: Fix open redirect test on windows
    • B
      web_test: Fix open redirect test on windows · 418f63ad
      Ben Darnell 提交于
      Drive letters in windows absolute paths mess up this test,
      so remove them and use a path relative to the drive root instead.
  6. 07 8月, 2023 1 次提交
  7. 04 8月, 2023 1 次提交
  8. 27 7月, 2023 10 次提交
  9. 26 7月, 2023 2 次提交
  10. 23 7月, 2023 5 次提交
  11. 20 7月, 2023 1 次提交