提交 bf90f3a9 编写于 作者: B Ben Darnell

http1connection: Make content-length parsing more strict

Content-length and chunk size parsing now strictly matches the RFCs.
We previously used the python int() function which accepted leading
plus signs and internal underscores, which are not allowed by the
HTTP RFCs (it also accepts minus signs, but these are less problematic
in this context since they'd result in errors elsewhere)

It is important to fix this because when combined with certain proxies,
the lax parsing could result in a request smuggling vulnerability (if
both Tornado and the proxy accepted an invalid content-length but
interpreted it differently). This is known to occur with old versions
of haproxy, although the current version of haproxy is unaffected.
上级 3afcc45b
......@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ class HTTP1Connection(httputil.HTTPConnection):
self._expected_content_remaining = 0
elif "Content-Length" in headers:
self._expected_content_remaining = int(headers["Content-Length"])
self._expected_content_remaining = parse_int(headers["Content-Length"])
self._expected_content_remaining = None
# TODO: headers are supposed to be of type str, but we still have some
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ class HTTP1Connection(httputil.HTTPConnection):
headers["Content-Length"] = pieces[0]
content_length = int(headers["Content-Length"]) # type: Optional[int]
content_length: Optional[int] = parse_int(headers["Content-Length"])
except ValueError:
# Handles non-integer Content-Length value.
raise httputil.HTTPInputError(
......@@ -668,7 +668,10 @@ class HTTP1Connection(httputil.HTTPConnection):
total_size = 0
while True:
chunk_len_str = await self.stream.read_until(b"\r\n", max_bytes=64)
chunk_len = int(chunk_len_str.strip(), 16)
chunk_len = parse_hex_int(native_str(chunk_len_str[:-2]))
except ValueError:
raise httputil.HTTPInputError("invalid chunk size")
if chunk_len == 0:
crlf = await self.stream.read_bytes(2)
if crlf != b"\r\n":
......@@ -842,3 +845,21 @@ class HTTP1ServerConnection(object):
await asyncio.sleep(0)
DIGITS = re.compile(r"[0-9]+")
HEXDIGITS = re.compile(r"[0-9a-fA-F]+")
def parse_int(s: str) -> int:
"""Parse a non-negative integer from a string."""
if DIGITS.fullmatch(s) is None:
raise ValueError("not an integer: %r" % s)
return int(s)
def parse_hex_int(s: str) -> int:
"""Parse a non-negative hexadecimal integer from a string."""
if HEXDIGITS.fullmatch(s) is None:
raise ValueError("not a hexadecimal integer: %r" % s)
return int(s, 16)
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from tornado.httputil import (
from tornado.iostream import IOStream
from tornado.locks import Event
from tornado.log import gen_log
from tornado.log import gen_log, app_log
from tornado.netutil import ssl_options_to_context
from tornado.simple_httpclient import SimpleAsyncHTTPClient
from tornado.testing import (
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import socket
import ssl
import sys
import tempfile
import textwrap
import unittest
import urllib.parse
from io import BytesIO
......@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ class SSLTestMixin(object):
def get_ssl_options(self):
return dict(
def get_ssl_version(self):
......@@ -558,23 +559,59 @@ bar
self.assertEqual(json_decode(response), {"foo": ["bar"]})
def test_invalid_content_length(self):
with ExpectLog(
gen_log, ".*Only integer Content-Length is allowed", level=logging.INFO
def test_chunked_request_body_invalid_size(self):
# Only hex digits are allowed in chunk sizes. Python's int() function
# also accepts underscores, so make sure we reject them here.
POST /echo HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: foo
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
b"\n", b"\r\n"
b"\n", b"\r\n"
yield self.stream.read_until_close()
start_line, headers, response = self.io_loop.run_sync(
lambda: read_stream_body(self.stream)
self.assertEqual(400, start_line.code)
def test_invalid_content_length(self):
# HTTP only allows decimal digits in content-length. Make sure we don't
# accept anything else, with special attention to things accepted by the
# python int() function (leading plus signs and internal underscores).
test_cases = [
("alphabetic", "foo"),
("leading plus", "+10"),
("internal underscore", "1_0"),
for name, value in test_cases:
with self.subTest(name=name), closing(IOStream(socket.socket())) as stream:
with ExpectLog(
".*Only integer Content-Length is allowed",
yield stream.connect(("", self.get_http_port()))
POST /echo HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: {value}
Connection: close
).replace("\n", "\r\n")
yield stream.read_until_close()
class XHeaderTest(HandlerBaseTestCase):
......@@ -1123,6 +1160,46 @@ class StreamingChunkSizeTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
class InvalidOutputContentLengthTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
class MessageDelegate(HTTPMessageDelegate):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def headers_received(self, start_line, headers):
content_lengths = {
"normal": "10",
"alphabetic": "foo",
"leading plus": "+10",
"underscore": "1_0",
ResponseStartLine("HTTP/1.1", 200, "OK"),
HTTPHeaders({"Content-Length": content_lengths[headers["x-test"]]}),
def get_app(self):
class App(HTTPServerConnectionDelegate):
def start_request(self, server_conn, request_conn):
return InvalidOutputContentLengthTest.MessageDelegate(request_conn)
return App()
def test_invalid_output_content_length(self):
with self.subTest("normal"):
response = self.fetch("/", method="GET", headers={"x-test": "normal"})
self.assertEqual(response.body, b"1234567890")
for test in ["alphabetic", "leading plus", "underscore"]:
with self.subTest(test):
# This log matching could be tighter but I think I'm already
# over-testing here.
with ExpectLog(app_log, "Uncaught exception"):
with self.assertRaises(HTTPError):
self.fetch("/", method="GET", headers={"x-test": test})
class MaxHeaderSizeTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
def get_app(self):
return Application([("/", HelloWorldRequestHandler)])
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