提交 cdd58617 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng

Add a sync collecting service for trace report.

上级 b2f381e6
......@@ -28,8 +28,18 @@ import "common/Common.proto";
// Define a trace segment report service.
// All language agents or any trace collecting component, could use this service to send span collection to the SkyWalking OAP backend.
service TraceSegmentReportService {
// Recommended trace segment report channel.
// gRPC streaming provides better performance.
// All language agents should choose this.
rpc collect (stream SegmentObject) returns (Commands) {
// An alternative for trace report by using gRPC unary
// This is provided for some 3rd-party integration, if and only if they prefer the unary mode somehow.
// The performance of SkyWalking OAP server would be very similar with streaming report,
// the performance of the network and client side are affected
rpc collectInSync (SegmentCollection) returns (Commands) {
// The segment is a collection of spans. It includes all collected spans in a simple one request context, such as a HTTP request process.
......@@ -203,4 +213,9 @@ enum SpanLayer {
MQ = 4;
// A cache layer, used in tracing the cache client component.
Cache = 5;
// The segment collections for trace report in batch and sync mode.
message SegmentCollection {
repeated SegmentObject segments = 1;
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