未验证 提交 b2f381e6 编写于 作者: Z zhang-wei 提交者: GitHub

add more performance detail (#31)

上级 40520300
......@@ -41,20 +41,39 @@ message BrowserPerfData {
string service = 1;
// Service version in browser is the Instance concept in the backend.
string serviceVersion = 2;
// Perf data time
// Perf data time, set by the backend side.
int64 time = 3;
// Page path in browser is the endpoint concept in the backend
// Page path in the browser, mostly it is URI, without parameter
string pagePath = 4;
// Unit of all time related field should be `ms`.
int32 redirectTime = 5;
// DNS query time
int32 dnsTime = 6;
int32 reqTime = 7;
// analysis dom tree time
int32 domAnalysisTime = 8;
int32 domReadyTime = 9;
// page blank time
int32 blankTime = 10;
// Time to first Byte
int32 ttfbTime = 7;
// TCP connection time
int32 tcpTime = 8;
// Content transfer time
int32 transTime = 9;
// Dom parsing time
int32 domAnalysisTime = 10;
// First paint time or blank screen time
int32 fptTime = 11;
// Dom ready time
int32 domReadyTime = 12;
// Page full load time
int32 loadPageTime = 13;
// Synchronous load resources in the page
int32 resTime = 14;
// Only valid for HTTPS
int32 sslTime = 15;
// Time to interact
int32 ttlTime = 16;
// First pack time
int32 firstPackTime = 17;
// First Meaningful Paint
int32 fmpTime = 18;
message BrowserErrorLog {
......@@ -63,7 +82,7 @@ message BrowserErrorLog {
string service = 2;
// Service version in browser is the Instance concept in the backend.
string serviceVersion = 3;
// Error log time
// Error log time, set by the backend side.
int64 time = 4;
// Page path in browser is the endpoint concept in the backend
// Page path in the browser, mostly it is URI, without parameter
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