提交 3b3f41d3 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: wangzelin.wzl

fix interval reuse caused by elegant cutting

上级 6b50aabe
......@@ -297,34 +297,35 @@ int64_t ObIDService::get_rec_log_ts()
int ObIDService::switch_to_follower_gracefully()
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
const int64_t expire_time = ObTimeUtility::current_time() + 100000;
int locked = false;
if (OB_SUCC(rwlock_.wrlock(expire_time))) {
locked = true;
while (is_logging_ && locked) {
locked = false;
if (ObTimeUtility::current_time() > expire_time) {
if (OB_SUCC(rwlock_.wrlock(expire_time))) {
locked = true;
if (locked) {
const int64_t last_id = ATOMIC_LOAD(&last_id_);
const int64_t limited_id = ATOMIC_LOAD(&limited_id_);
// Caution: set limit id before submit log, make sure limit id <= last id
ATOMIC_STORE(&limited_id_, last_id);
submit_log_(ATOMIC_LOAD(&last_id_), limited_id);
locked = false;
TRANS_LOG(INFO, "switch to follower gracefully", K(ret), K(service_type_), K(locked));
// int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
// const int64_t expire_time = ObTimeUtility::current_time() + 100000;
// int locked = false;
// if (OB_SUCC(rwlock_.wrlock(expire_time))) {
// locked = true;
// }
// while (is_logging_ && locked) {
// rwlock_.unlock();
// locked = false;
// ObClockGenerator::usleep(1000);
// if (ObTimeUtility::current_time() > expire_time) {
// break;
// }
// if (OB_SUCC(rwlock_.wrlock(expire_time))) {
// locked = true;
// }
// }
// if (locked) {
// const int64_t last_id = ATOMIC_LOAD(&last_id_);
// const int64_t limited_id = ATOMIC_LOAD(&limited_id_);
// // Caution: set limit id before submit log, make sure limit id <= last id
// ATOMIC_STORE(&limited_id_, last_id);
// //提交日志但不要求一定成功,防止阻塞卸任
// submit_log_(ATOMIC_LOAD(&last_id_), limited_id);
// rwlock_.unlock();
// locked = false;
// }
// TRANS_LOG(INFO, "switch to follower gracefully", K(ret), K(service_type_), K(locked));
TRANS_LOG(INFO, "switch to follower gracefully", K(last_id_), K(limited_id_), K(service_type_));
// There is no failure scenario for ObIDService to switch the follower,
// so return OB_SUCCESS directly.
return OB_SUCCESS;
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