提交 e902c36c 编写于 作者: C chengduoZH

add conv2d_python doc

上级 3c6399d1
...@@ -481,11 +481,67 @@ def conv2d(input, ...@@ -481,11 +481,67 @@ def conv2d(input,
act=None, act=None,
name=None): name=None):
""" """
This function creates the op for a 2-dimensional Convolution. **Convlution2D Layer**
This is performed using the parameters of filters(size, dimensionality etc)
, stride and other configurations for a Convolution operation. The convolution2D layer calculates the output based on the input, filter
This funciton can also append an activation on top of the and strides, paddings, dilations, groups parameters. Input(Input) and Output(Output)
conv-2d output, if mentioned in the input parameters. are in NCHW format. Where N is batch size, C is the number of channels, H is the height
of the feature, and W is the width of the feature.
The details of convolution layer, please refer UFLDL's `convolution,
<http://ufldl.stanford.edu/tutorial/supervised/FeatureExtractionUsingConvolution/>`_ .
If bias_attr and activation type are provided, bias is added to the output of the convolution,
and the corresponding activation function is applied to the final result.
For each input :math:`X`, the equation is:
.. math::
Out = \sigma (W\ast X + b)
In the above equation:
* :math:`X`: Input value, a tensor with NCHW format.
* :math:`W`: Filter value, a tensor with MCHW format.
* :math:`b`: Bias, .
* :math:\sigma : Activation function.
* :math:`Out`: Output value, the shape of :math:`Out` and :math:`X` may be different.
Input shape: $(N, C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})$
Filter shape: $(C_{out}, C_{in}, H_f, W_f)$
Output shape: $(N, C_{out}, H_{out}, W_{out})$
H_{out}= \\frac{(H_{in} + 2 * paddings[0] - (dilations[0] * (H_f - 1) + 1))}{strides[0]}+ 1 \\
W_{out}= \\frac{(W_{in} + 2 * paddings[1] - (dilations[1] * (W_f - 1) + 1))}{strides[1]}+ 1
All the input variables are passed in as local variables to the LayerHelper
input(Variable): Input tensors. The format of input tensor is NCHW.
num_filters(int): Number of filters
filter_size(list/int): Filter size of Conv2d Layer
stride(list/int, optional): Strides(h_s, w_s) of Conv2d Layer. Default: 1
padding(list/int, optional): Paddings(h_pad, w_pad) of Conv2d Layer. Default: 0
groups(int, optional): The groups number of the Conv2d Layer. Default: 1
param_attr(ParamAttr): The parameters to the Conv2d Layer. Default: None
bias_attr(ParamAttr): Bias parameter for the Conv2d layer. Default: None
act(str): Activation type. Default: None
name(str): Name/alias of the function
Variable: The tensor variable storing the convolution and \
non-linearity activation result.
.. code-block:: python
data = fluid.layers.data(name='data', shape=[3,32, 32], dtype='float32')
conv2d = fluid.layers.conv2d(input=data, num_filters=2, filter_size=3, act="relu")
""" """
if stride is None: if stride is None:
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