提交 efcd430c 编写于 作者: W William Wang

LoadQueue: split rollback check into 3 stages

* stage 0 (store s1): paddr match & state check
* stage 1 (store s2): seq check 1
* stage 2 (store s3): seq check 2, cancel check, fire final req
上级 83f06d02
......@@ -358,11 +358,25 @@ class LoadQueue extends XSModule
* Generate match vector for store address with rangeMask(stPtr, enqPtr).
* Besides, load instructions in LoadUnit_S1 and S2 are also checked.
* Cycle 1: Redirect Generation
* There're three possible types of violations. Choose the oldest load.
* Prepare redirect request according to the detected violation.
* There're three possible types of violations, up to 6 possible redirect requests.
* Choose the oldest load (part 1). (4 + 2) -> (1 + 2)
* Cycle 2: Redirect Fire
* Choose the oldest load (part 2). (3 -> 1)
* Prepare redirect request according to the detected violation.
* Fire redirect request (if valid)
// stage 0: lq l1 wb l1 wb lq
// | | | | | | (paddr match)
// stage 1: lq l1 wb l1 wb lq
// | | | | | |
// | |------------| |
// | | |
// stage 2: lq l1wb lq
// | | |
// --------------------
// |
// rollback req
io.load_s1 := DontCare
def detectRollback(i: Int) = {
val startIndex = io.storeIn(i).bits.uop.lqIdx.value
......@@ -410,15 +424,6 @@ class LoadQueue extends XSModule
val l1ViolationUop = getOldestInTwo(l1ViolationVec, RegNext(VecInit(io.load_s1.map(_.uop))))
XSDebug(l1Violation, p"${Binary(Cat(l1ViolationVec))}, $l1ViolationUop\n")
val rollbackValidVec = Seq(lqViolation, wbViolation, l1Violation)
val rollbackUopVec = Seq(lqViolationUop, wbViolationUop, l1ViolationUop)
val mask = getAfterMask(rollbackValidVec, rollbackUopVec)
val oneAfterZero = mask(1)(0)
val rollbackUop = Mux(oneAfterZero && mask(2)(0),
Mux(!oneAfterZero && mask(2)(1), rollbackUopVec(1), rollbackUopVec(2)))
"need rollback (l4 load) pc %x roqidx %d target %x\n",
......@@ -435,15 +440,7 @@ class LoadQueue extends XSModule
io.storeIn(i).bits.uop.cf.pc, io.storeIn(i).bits.uop.roqIdx.asUInt, wbViolationUop.roqIdx.asUInt
(RegNext(io.storeIn(i).valid) && Cat(rollbackValidVec).orR, rollbackUop)
// rollback check
val rollback = Wire(Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Valid(new MicroOp)))
for (i <- 0 until StorePipelineWidth) {
val detectedRollback = detectRollback(i)
rollback(i).valid := detectedRollback._1
rollback(i).bits := detectedRollback._2
((lqViolation, lqViolationUop), (wbViolation, wbViolationUop), (l1Violation, l1ViolationUop))
def rollbackSel(a: Valid[MicroOp], b: Valid[MicroOp]): ValidIO[MicroOp] = {
......@@ -457,34 +454,70 @@ class LoadQueue extends XSModule
b // sel b
val rollbackSelected = ParallelOperation(rollback, rollbackSel)
val lastCycleRedirect = RegNext(io.brqRedirect)
val lastlastCycleRedirect = RegNext(lastCycleRedirect)
// S2: select rollback and generate rollback request
// S2: select rollback (part1) and generate rollback request
// rollback check
// Wb/L1 rollback seq check is done in s2
val rollbackWb = Wire(Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Valid(new MicroOp)))
val rollbackL1 = Wire(Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Valid(new MicroOp)))
val rollbackL1Wb = Wire(Vec(StorePipelineWidth*2, Valid(new MicroOp)))
// Lq rollback seq check is done in s3 (next stage), as getting rollbackLq MicroOp is slow
val rollbackLq = Wire(Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Valid(new MicroOp)))
for (i <- 0 until StorePipelineWidth) {
val detectedRollback = detectRollback(i)
rollbackLq(i).valid := detectedRollback._1._1 && RegNext(io.storeIn(i).valid)
rollbackLq(i).bits := detectedRollback._1._2
rollbackWb(i).valid := detectedRollback._2._1 && RegNext(io.storeIn(i).valid)
rollbackWb(i).bits := detectedRollback._2._2
rollbackL1(i).valid := detectedRollback._3._1 && RegNext(io.storeIn(i).valid)
rollbackL1(i).bits := detectedRollback._3._2
rollbackL1Wb(2*i) := rollbackL1(i)
rollbackL1Wb(2*i+1) := rollbackWb(i)
val rollbackL1WbSelected = ParallelOperation(rollbackL1Wb, rollbackSel)
val rollbackL1WbVReg = RegNext(rollbackL1WbSelected.valid)
val rollbackL1WbReg = RegEnable(rollbackL1WbSelected.bits, rollbackL1WbSelected.valid)
val rollbackLq0VReg = RegNext(rollbackLq(0).valid)
val rollbackLq0Reg = RegEnable(rollbackLq(0).bits, rollbackLq(0).valid)
val rollbackLq1VReg = RegNext(rollbackLq(1).valid)
val rollbackLq1Reg = RegEnable(rollbackLq(1).bits, rollbackLq(1).valid)
// S3: select rollback (part2), generate rollback request, then fire rollback request
// Note that we use roqIdx - 1.U to flush the load instruction itself.
// Thus, here if last cycle's roqIdx equals to this cycle's roqIdx, it still triggers the redirect.
val rollbackGen = Wire(Valid(new Redirect))
val rollbackReg = Reg(Valid(new Redirect))
rollbackGen.valid := rollbackSelected.valid
rollbackGen.bits.roqIdx := rollbackSelected.bits.roqIdx
rollbackGen.bits.level := RedirectLevel.flush
rollbackGen.bits.interrupt := DontCare
rollbackGen.bits.pc := DontCare
rollbackGen.bits.target := rollbackSelected.bits.cf.pc
rollbackGen.bits.brTag := rollbackSelected.bits.brTag
rollbackReg := rollbackGen
// S3: fire rollback request
io.rollback := rollbackReg
io.rollback.valid := rollbackReg.valid &&
(!lastCycleRedirect.valid || !isAfter(rollbackReg.bits.roqIdx, lastCycleRedirect.bits.roqIdx)) &&
// FIXME: this is ugly
val rollbackValidVec = Seq(rollbackL1WbVReg, rollbackLq0VReg, rollbackLq1VReg)
val rollbackUopVec = Seq(rollbackL1WbReg, rollbackLq0Reg, rollbackLq1Reg)
// select uop in parallel
val mask = getAfterMask(rollbackValidVec, rollbackUopVec)
val oneAfterZero = mask(1)(0)
val rollbackUop = Mux(oneAfterZero && mask(2)(0),
Mux(!oneAfterZero && mask(2)(1), rollbackUopVec(1), rollbackUopVec(2)))
// check if rollback request is still valid in parallel
val rollbackValidVecChecked = Wire(Vec(3, Bool()))
for(((v, uop), idx) <- rollbackValidVec.zip(rollbackUopVec).zipWithIndex) {
rollbackValidVecChecked(idx) := v &&
(!lastCycleRedirect.valid || !isAfter(uop.roqIdx, lastCycleRedirect.bits.roqIdx)) &&
!(lastCycleRedirect.valid && lastCycleRedirect.bits.isUnconditional()) &&
(!lastlastCycleRedirect.valid || !isAfter(rollbackReg.bits.roqIdx, lastlastCycleRedirect.bits.roqIdx)) &&
(!lastlastCycleRedirect.valid || !isAfter(uop.roqIdx, lastlastCycleRedirect.bits.roqIdx)) &&
!(lastlastCycleRedirect.valid && lastlastCycleRedirect.bits.isUnconditional())
io.rollback.bits.roqIdx := rollbackUop.roqIdx
io.rollback.bits.level := RedirectLevel.flush
io.rollback.bits.interrupt := DontCare
io.rollback.bits.pc := DontCare
io.rollback.bits.target := rollbackUop.cf.pc
io.rollback.bits.brTag := rollbackUop.brTag
io.rollback.valid := rollbackValidVecChecked.asUInt.orR
when(io.rollback.valid) {
XSDebug("Mem rollback: pc %x roqidx %d\n", io.rollback.bits.pc, io.rollback.bits.roqIdx.asUInt)
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