DCacheWrapper.scala 10.1 KB
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package xiangshan.cache

import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import utils._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{IdRange, LazyModule, LazyModuleImp, TransferSizes}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink.{TLClientNode, TLClientParameters,
  TLMasterParameters, TLMasterPortParameters, TLArbiter, TLMessages}

// memory request in word granularity(load, mmio, lr/sc, atomics)
class DCacheWordReq  extends DCacheBundle
  val cmd    = UInt(M_SZ.W)
  val addr   = UInt(PAddrBits.W)
  val data   = UInt(DataBits.W)
  val mask   = UInt((DataBits/8).W)
  val id     = UInt(reqIdWidth.W)
  def dump() = {
    XSDebug("DCacheWordReq: cmd: %x addr: %x data: %x mask: %x id: %d\n",
      cmd, addr, data, mask, id)

// memory request in word granularity(store)
class DCacheLineReq  extends DCacheBundle
  val cmd    = UInt(M_SZ.W)
  val addr   = UInt(PAddrBits.W)
  val data   = UInt((cfg.blockBytes * 8).W)
  val mask   = UInt(cfg.blockBytes.W)
  val id     = UInt(reqIdWidth.W)
  def dump() = {
    XSDebug("DCacheLineReq: cmd: %x addr: %x data: %x mask: %x id: %d\n",
      cmd, addr, data, mask, id)

class DCacheWordResp extends DCacheBundle
  val data         = UInt(DataBits.W)
  // cache req missed, send it to miss queue
  val miss   = Bool()
  // cache req nacked, replay it later
  val replay = Bool()
  val id     = UInt(reqIdWidth.W)
  def dump() = {
    XSDebug("DCacheWordResp: data: %x id: %d miss: %b replay: %b\n",
      data, id, miss, replay)

class DCacheLineResp extends DCacheBundle
  val data   = UInt((cfg.blockBytes * 8).W)
  // cache req missed, send it to miss queue
  val miss   = Bool()
  // cache req nacked, replay it later
  val replay = Bool()
  val id     = UInt(reqIdWidth.W)
  def dump() = {
    XSDebug("DCacheLineResp: data: %x id: %d miss: %b replay: %b\n",
      data, id, miss, replay)

class Refill extends DCacheBundle
  val addr   = UInt(PAddrBits.W)
  val data   = UInt((cfg.blockBytes * 8).W)
  def dump() = {
    XSDebug("Refill: addr: %x data: %x\n", addr, data)

class DCacheWordIO extends DCacheBundle
  val req  = DecoupledIO(new DCacheWordReq)
  val resp = Flipped(DecoupledIO(new DCacheWordResp))

// used by load unit
class DCacheLoadIO extends DCacheWordIO
  // kill previous cycle's req
  val s1_kill  = Output(Bool())
  // cycle 0: virtual address: req.addr
  // cycle 1: physical address: s1_paddr
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  val s1_paddr = Output(UInt(PAddrBits.W))
  val s1_data  = Input(Vec(nWays, UInt(DataBits.W)))
  val s2_hit_way = Input(UInt(nWays.W))
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class DCacheLineIO extends DCacheBundle
  val req  = DecoupledIO(new DCacheLineReq )
  val resp = Flipped(DecoupledIO(new DCacheLineResp))

class DCacheToLsuIO extends DCacheBundle {
  val load  = Vec(LoadPipelineWidth, Flipped(new DCacheLoadIO)) // for speculative load
  val lsq = ValidIO(new Refill)  // refill to load queue, wake up load misses
  val store = Flipped(new DCacheLineIO) // for sbuffer
  val atomics  = Flipped(new DCacheWordIO)  // atomics reqs

class DCacheIO extends DCacheBundle {
  val lsu = new DCacheToLsuIO

class DCache()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasDCacheParameters {

  val clientParameters = TLMasterPortParameters.v1(
      name = "dcache",
      sourceId = IdRange(0, cfg.nMissEntries+1),
      supportsProbe = TransferSizes(cfg.blockBytes)

  val clientNode = TLClientNode(Seq(clientParameters))

  lazy val module = new DCacheImp(this)

class DCacheImp(outer: DCache) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) with HasDCacheParameters with HasXSLog {

  val io = IO(new DCacheIO)

  val (bus, edge) = outer.clientNode.out.head
  require(bus.d.bits.data.getWidth == l1BusDataWidth, "DCache: tilelink width does not match")

  // core data structures
  val dataArray = Module(new DuplicatedDataArray)
  val metaArray = Module(new DuplicatedMetaArray)

  // core modules
  val ldu = Seq.fill(LoadPipelineWidth) { Module(new LoadPipe) }
  val storeReplayUnit = Module(new StoreReplayQueue)
  val atomicsReplayUnit = Module(new AtomicsReplayEntry)

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  val mainPipe   = Module(new MainPipe)
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  val missQueue  = Module(new MissQueue(edge))
  val probeQueue = Module(new ProbeQueue(edge))
  val wb         = Module(new WritebackQueue(edge))
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  // meta array
  val MetaWritePortCount = 1
  val MainPipeMetaWritePort = 0
  metaArray.io.write <> mainPipe.io.meta_write

  // MainPipe contend MetaRead with Load 0
  // give priority to MainPipe
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  val MetaReadPortCount = 2
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  val MainPipeMetaReadPort = 0
  val LoadPipeMetaReadPort = 1
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  val metaReadArb = Module(new Arbiter(new L1MetaReadReq, MetaReadPortCount))

  metaReadArb.io.in(LoadPipeMetaReadPort) <> ldu(0).io.meta_read
  metaReadArb.io.in(MainPipeMetaReadPort) <> mainPipe.io.meta_read

  metaArray.io.read(0) <> metaReadArb.io.out

  ldu(0).io.meta_resp    <>  metaArray.io.resp(0)
  mainPipe.io.meta_resp  <>  metaArray.io.resp(0)

  for (w <- 1 until LoadPipelineWidth) {
    metaArray.io.read(w) <> ldu(w).io.meta_read
    ldu(w).io.meta_resp <> metaArray.io.resp(w)

  // data array
  val DataWritePortCount = 1
  val MainPipeDataWritePort = 0

  dataArray.io.write <> mainPipe.io.data_write

  // give priority to MainPipe
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  val DataReadPortCount = 2
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  val MainPipeDataReadPort = 0
  val LoadPipeDataReadPort = 1
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  val dataReadArb = Module(new Arbiter(new L1DataReadReq, DataReadPortCount))

  dataReadArb.io.in(LoadPipeDataReadPort)  <> ldu(0).io.data_read
  dataReadArb.io.in(MainPipeDataReadPort)  <> mainPipe.io.data_read

  dataArray.io.read(0) <> dataReadArb.io.out

  dataArray.io.resp(0) <> ldu(0).io.data_resp
  dataArray.io.resp(0) <> mainPipe.io.data_resp

  for (w <- 1 until LoadPipelineWidth) {
    dataArray.io.read(w) <> ldu(w).io.data_read
    dataArray.io.resp(w) <> ldu(w).io.data_resp

  // load pipe
  // the s1 kill signal
  // only lsu uses this, replay never kills
  for (w <- 0 until LoadPipelineWidth) {
    ldu(w).io.lsu <> io.lsu.load(w)

    // replay and nack not needed anymore
    // TODO: remove replay and nack
    ldu(w).io.nack := false.B

  // store pipe and store miss queue
  storeReplayUnit.io.lsu    <> io.lsu.store

  // atomics
  // atomics not finished yet
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  io.lsu.atomics <> atomicsReplayUnit.io.lsu
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  // miss queue
  val MissReqPortCount = LoadPipelineWidth + 1
  val MainPipeMissReqPort = 0

  // Request
  val missReqArb = Module(new RRArbiter(new MissReq, MissReqPortCount))
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  missReqArb.io.in(MainPipeMissReqPort) <> mainPipe.io.miss_req
  for (w <- 0 until LoadPipelineWidth) { missReqArb.io.in(w + 1) <> ldu(w).io.miss_req }

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  wb.io.miss_req.valid := missReqArb.io.out.valid
  wb.io.miss_req.bits  := missReqArb.io.out.bits.addr

  block_decoupled(missReqArb.io.out, missQueue.io.req, wb.io.block_miss_req)
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  // refill to load queue
  io.lsu.lsq <> missQueue.io.refill

  // tilelink stuff
  bus.a <> missQueue.io.mem_acquire
  bus.e <> missQueue.io.mem_finish
  missQueue.io.probe_req := bus.b.bits.address
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  // probe
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  // probeQueue.io.mem_probe <> bus.b
  block_decoupled(bus.b, probeQueue.io.mem_probe, missQueue.io.probe_block)
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  // mainPipe
  val MainPipeReqPortCount = 4
  val MissMainPipeReqPort = 0
  val StoreMainPipeReqPort = 1
  val AtomicsMainPipeReqPort = 2
  val ProbeMainPipeReqPort = 3

  val mainPipeReqArb = Module(new RRArbiter(new MainPipeReq, MainPipeReqPortCount))
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  mainPipeReqArb.io.in(MissMainPipeReqPort)    <> missQueue.io.pipe_req
  mainPipeReqArb.io.in(StoreMainPipeReqPort)   <> storeReplayUnit.io.pipe_req
  mainPipeReqArb.io.in(AtomicsMainPipeReqPort) <> atomicsReplayUnit.io.pipe_req
  mainPipeReqArb.io.in(ProbeMainPipeReqPort)   <> probeQueue.io.pipe_req

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  // add a stage to break the Arbiter bits.addr to ready path
  val mainPipeReq_valid = RegInit(false.B)
  val mainPipeReq_fire  = mainPipeReq_valid && mainPipe.io.req.ready
  val mainPipeReq_req   = RegEnable(mainPipeReqArb.io.out.bits, mainPipeReqArb.io.out.fire())

  mainPipeReqArb.io.out.ready := mainPipe.io.req.ready
  mainPipe.io.req.valid := mainPipeReq_valid
  mainPipe.io.req.bits  := mainPipeReq_req

  when (mainPipeReqArb.io.out.fire()) { mainPipeReq_valid := true.B }
  when (!mainPipeReqArb.io.out.fire() && mainPipeReq_fire) { mainPipeReq_valid := false.B }
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  missQueue.io.pipe_resp         <> mainPipe.io.miss_resp
  storeReplayUnit.io.pipe_resp   <> mainPipe.io.store_resp
  atomicsReplayUnit.io.pipe_resp <> mainPipe.io.amo_resp

  probeQueue.io.lrsc_locked_block <> mainPipe.io.lrsc_locked_block

  // wb
  // add a queue between MainPipe and WritebackUnit to reduce MainPipe stalls due to WritebackUnit busy
  wb.io.req <> mainPipe.io.wb_req
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  bus.c     <> wb.io.mem_release

  // connect bus d 
  missQueue.io.mem_grant.valid := false.B
  missQueue.io.mem_grant.bits  := DontCare

  wb.io.mem_grant.valid := false.B
  wb.io.mem_grant.bits  := DontCare

  // in L1DCache, we ony expect Grant[Data] and ReleaseAck
  bus.d.ready := false.B
  when (bus.d.bits.opcode === TLMessages.Grant || bus.d.bits.opcode === TLMessages.GrantData) {
    missQueue.io.mem_grant <> bus.d
  } .elsewhen (bus.d.bits.opcode === TLMessages.ReleaseAck) {
    wb.io.mem_grant <> bus.d
  } .otherwise {
    assert (!bus.d.fire())

  // dcache should only deal with DRAM addresses
  when (bus.a.fire()) {
    assert(bus.a.bits.address >= 0x80000000L.U)
  when (bus.b.fire()) {
    assert(bus.b.bits.address >= 0x80000000L.U)
  when (bus.c.fire()) {
    assert(bus.c.bits.address >= 0x80000000L.U)

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  def block_decoupled[T <: Data](source: DecoupledIO[T], sink: DecoupledIO[T], block_signal: Bool) = {
    sink.valid   := source.valid && !block_signal
    source.ready := sink.ready   && !block_signal
    sink.bits    := source.bits
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