名称 最后提交 最后更新
demo_ci fix typo word (#22784)
details [Fix BUG]: Core when multi thread + clone + paddle-trt (#22442)
CMakeLists.txt remove anakin from code, test=develop (#22420)
README.md Combine Inference Analysis with IR (#13914)
analysis_config.cc [Paddle-TRT]: Ernie Dynamic shape support. (#23138)
analysis_predictor.cc [Paddle-TRT] Add hard_sigmoid and hard_swish support(support MobilenetV3) (#23536)
analysis_predictor.h Add some inference API comments for AnalysisPredictor (#23242)
analysis_predictor_tester.cc INT8 Fully-connected (#17641)
api.cc Golang inference API (#22503)
api_impl.cc remove python inference warning (#22602)
api_impl.h make clone thread safe (#15363)
api_impl_tester.cc paddle::framework::vectorize() templatization [PART3] (#19643)
api_tester.cc add version support (#15469)
helper.cc fea/fuse attention lstm simplify.with fusion lstm.with sequnce expand (#13006)
helper.h add check for assigned data, test=develop (#22960)
high_level_api.md remove anakin from code, test=develop (#22420)
high_level_api_cn.md remove anakin from code, test=develop (#22420)
mkldnn_quantizer.cc INT8 Fully-connected (#17641)
mkldnn_quantizer.h INT8 Fully-connected (#17641)
mkldnn_quantizer_config.cc Add reshape int8 mkldnn op (#21428)
paddle_analysis_config.h add init value to varis in analysis config. (#23442)
paddle_api.h refine the doc of paddle_api.h, test=develop (#23402)
paddle_inference_api.h remove anakin from code, test=develop (#22420)
paddle_mkldnn_quantizer_config.h Add some inference API comments for AnalysisPredictor (#23242)
paddle_pass_builder.cc [DNNL] Added MKL-DNN inplace pass for C-API inference (#23315)
paddle_pass_builder.h remove anakin from code, test=develop (#22420)


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

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贡献者 228



  • C++ 45.8 %
  • Python 45.5 %
  • Cuda 6.4 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.7 %