docker_install_en.rst 6.3 KB
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Yi Wang 已提交
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PaddlePaddle in Docker Containers

Yi Wang 已提交
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Docker container is currently the only officially-supported way to
running PaddlePaddle.  This is reasonable as Docker now runs on all
major operating systems including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Please be aware that you will need to change `Dockers settings
<>`_ to make full use
of your hardware resource on Mac OS X and Windows.
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liaogang 已提交
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Usage of CPU-only and GPU Images
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For each version of PaddlePaddle, we release 2 Docker images, a
CPU-only one and a CUDA GPU one.  We do so by configuring
` <>`_
automatically generate the latest docker images `paddledev/paddle:0.10.0rc1-cpu`
and `paddledev/paddle:0.10.0rc1-gpu`.

To run the CPU-only image as an interactive container:

.. code-block:: bash

    docker run -it --rm paddledev/paddle:0.10.0rc1-cpu /bin/bash

or, we can run it as a daemon container

.. code-block:: bash

    docker run -d -p 2202:22 -p 8888:8888 paddledev/paddle:0.10.0rc1-cpu

and SSH to this container using password :code:`root`:

.. code-block:: bash

    ssh -p 2202 root@localhost

An advantage of using SSH is that we can connect to PaddlePaddle from
more than one terminals.  For example, one terminal running vi and
another one running Python interpreter.  Another advantage is that we
can run the PaddlePaddle container on a remote server and SSH to it
from a laptop.

Above methods work with the GPU image too -- just please don't forget
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to install GPU driver. To support GPU driver, we recommend to use 
[nvidia-docker]( Run using

.. code-block:: bash

    nvidia-docker run -it --rm paddledev/paddle:0.10.0rc1-gpu /bin/bash

**Note:** If you would have a problem running nvidia-docker, you may try the old method we have used (not recommended).
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.. code-block:: bash

    export CUDA_SO="$(\ls /usr/lib64/libcuda* | xargs -I{} echo '-v {}:{}') $(\ls /usr/lib64/libnvidia* | xargs -I{} echo '-v {}:{}')"
    export DEVICES=$(\ls /dev/nvidia* | xargs -I{} echo '--device {}:{}')
    docker run ${CUDA_SO} ${DEVICES} -it paddledev/paddle:0.10.0rc1-gpu

PaddlePaddle Book

The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows
you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations,
visualizations and explanatory text in a single browser.

PaddlePaddle Book is an interactive Jupyter Notebook for users and developers. 
We already exposed port 8888 for this book. If you want to
dig deeper into deep learning, PaddlePaddle Book definitely is your best choice.

Once you are inside the container, simply issue the command:

.. code-block:: bash
    jupyter notebook

Then, you would back and paste the address into the local browser:
.. code-block:: text


That's all. Enjoy your journey!

Non-AVX Images

Please be aware that the CPU-only and the GPU images both use the AVX
instruction set, but old computers produced before 2008 do not support
AVX.  The following command checks if your Linux computer supports

.. code-block:: bash

   if cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i avx; then echo Yes; else echo No; fi

If it doesn't, we will need to build non-AVX images manually from
source code:

.. code-block:: bash

   cd ~
   git clone
   cd Paddle
   docker build --build-arg WITH_AVX=OFF -t paddle:cpu-noavx -f paddle/scripts/docker/Dockerfile .
   docker build --build-arg WITH_AVX=OFF -t paddle:gpu-noavx -f paddle/scripts/docker/Dockerfile.gpu .

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Development Using Docker

dayhaha 已提交
Developers can work on PaddlePaddle using Docker.  This allows
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developers to work on different platforms -- Linux, Mac OS X, and
Windows -- in a consistent way.

王益 已提交
1. Build the Development Environment as a Docker Image
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   .. code-block:: bash

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      git clone --recursive
      cd Paddle
      docker build -t paddle:dev -f paddle/scripts/docker/Dockerfile .
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   Note that by default :code:`docker build` wouldn't import source
   tree into the image and build it.  If we want to do that, we need
   to set a build arg:
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   .. code-block:: bash

王益 已提交
      docker build -t paddle:dev -f paddle/scripts/docker/Dockerfile --build-arg BUILD_AND_INSTALL=ON .
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2. Run the Development Environment

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   Once we got the image :code:`paddle:dev`, we can use it to develop
   Paddle by mounting the local source code tree into a container that
   runs the image:
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   .. code-block:: bash
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liaogang 已提交
      docker run -d -p 2202:22 -p 8888:8888 -v $PWD:/paddle paddle:dev

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   This runs a container of the development environment Docker image
   with the local source tree mounted to :code:`/paddle` of the

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   Note that the default entry-point of :code:`paddle:dev` is
   :code:`sshd`, and above :code:`docker run` commands actually starts
   an SSHD server listening on port 2202.  This allows us to log into
   this container with:

王益 已提交
   .. code-block:: bash
王益 已提交

王益 已提交
      ssh root@localhost -p 2202
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   Usually, I run above commands on my Mac.  I can also run them on a
   GPU server :code:`xxx.yyy.zzz.www` and ssh from my Mac to it:
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   .. code-block:: bash
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王益 已提交
      my-mac$ ssh root@xxx.yyy.zzz.www -p 2202

王益 已提交
3. Build and Install Using the Development Environment

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   Once I am in the container, I can use
   :code:`paddle/scripts/docker/` to build, install, and test
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   .. code-block:: bash
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   This builds everything about Paddle in :code:`/paddle/build`.  And
   we can run unit tests there:

   .. code-block:: bash
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      cd /paddle/build

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Paddle Docker images include an HTML version of C++ source code
generated using `woboq code browser
<>`_.  This makes it easy
for users to browse and understand the C++ source code.

As long as we give the Paddle Docker container a name, we can run an
dayhaha 已提交
additional Nginx Docker container to serve the volume from the Paddle
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.. code-block:: bash

   docker run -d --name paddle-cpu-doc paddle:0.10.0rc1-cpu
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   docker run -d --volumes-from paddle-cpu-doc -p 8088:80 nginx

Then we can direct our Web browser to the HTML version of source code
at http://localhost:8088/paddle/