提交 6a4a5a81 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Don't consider last stage of pipeline a subshell for Ksh/Zsh

Also fixes the problem where pipelines were considered a single subshell.
上级 76a39f25
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import ShellCheck.AST
import ShellCheck.Data
import ShellCheck.Parser
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Char
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ runList root list = notes
params = Parameters {
shellType = determineShell root,
parentMap = getParentTree root,
variableFlow = getVariableFlow root
variableFlow = getVariableFlow (shellType params) (parentMap params) root
notes = concatMap (\f -> f params root) list
......@@ -95,8 +95,14 @@ determineShell (T_Script _ shebang _) = normalize $ shellFor shebang
where shellFor s | "/env " `isInfixOf` s = head ((drop 1 $ words s)++[""])
shellFor s = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse $ s
normalize "sh" = Sh
normalize "ash" = Sh
normalize "dash" = Sh
normalize "ksh" = Ksh
normalize "ksh93" = Ksh
normalize "zsh" = Zsh
normalize "bash" = Bash
normalize _ = Bash
......@@ -1516,6 +1522,9 @@ prop_subshellAssignmentCheck9 = verifyTree subshellAssignmentCheck "read n &
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck10 = verifyTree subshellAssignmentCheck "(( n <<= 3 )) & (( n |= 4 )) &"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck11 = verifyTree subshellAssignmentCheck "cat /etc/passwd | while read line; do let n=n+1; done\necho $n"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck12 = verifyTree subshellAssignmentCheck "cat /etc/passwd | while read line; do let ++n; done\necho $n"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck13 = verifyTree subshellAssignmentCheck "#!/bin/bash\necho foo | read bar; echo $bar"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck14 = verifyNotTree subshellAssignmentCheck "#!/bin/ksh93\necho foo | read bar; echo $bar"
prop_subshellAssignmentCheck15 = verifyNotTree subshellAssignmentCheck "#!/bin/zsh\ncat foo | while read bar; do a=$bar; done\necho \"$a\""
subshellAssignmentCheck params t =
let flow = variableFlow params
check = findSubshelled flow [("oops",[])] Map.empty
......@@ -1535,16 +1544,38 @@ data DataSource = DataFrom [Token] | DataExternal
data VariableState = Dead Token String | Alive deriving (Show, Eq)
leadType t =
leadType shell parents t =
case t of
T_DollarExpansion _ _ -> SubshellScope "$(..) expansion"
T_Backticked _ _ -> SubshellScope "`..` expansion"
T_Backgrounded _ _ -> SubshellScope "backgrounding &"
T_Subshell _ _ -> SubshellScope "(..) group"
-- This considers the whole pipeline one subshell. Consider fixing.
T_Pipeline _ (_:_:[]) -> SubshellScope "pipeline"
T_Redirecting _ _ _ ->
if fromMaybe False causesSubshell
then SubshellScope "pipeline"
else NoneScope
_ -> NoneScope
parentPipeline = do
parent <- Map.lookup (getId t) parents
case parent of
T_Pipeline _ _ -> return parent
_ -> Nothing
causesSubshell = do
(T_Pipeline _ list) <- parentPipeline
if length list <= 1
then return False
else if lastCreatesSubshell
then return True
else return . not $ (getId . head $ reverse list) == (getId t)
lastCreatesSubshell =
case shell of
Bash -> True
Sh -> True
Ksh -> False
Zsh -> False
getModifiedVariables t =
case t of
......@@ -1631,18 +1662,18 @@ getReferencedVariables t =
T_Assignment id Append str _ _ -> [(t, t, str)]
x -> getReferencedVariableCommand x
getVariableFlow t =
getVariableFlow shell parents t =
let (_, stack) = runState (doStackAnalysis startScope endScope t) []
in reverse stack
startScope t =
let scopeType = leadType t
let scopeType = leadType shell parents t
in do
when (scopeType /= NoneScope) $ modify ((StackScope scopeType):)
if assignFirst t then setWritten t else return ()
endScope t =
let scopeType = leadType t
let scopeType = leadType shell parents t
in do
setRead t
if assignFirst t then return () else setWritten t
......@@ -2040,6 +2071,8 @@ prop_checkLoopKeywordScope2 = verify checkLoopKeywordScope "for f; do ( break; )
prop_checkLoopKeywordScope3 = verify checkLoopKeywordScope "if true; then continue; fi"
prop_checkLoopKeywordScope4 = verifyNot checkLoopKeywordScope "while true; do break; done"
prop_checkLoopKeywordScope5 = verify checkLoopKeywordScope "if true; then break; fi"
prop_checkLoopKeywordScope6 = verify checkLoopKeywordScope "while true; do true | { break; }; done"
prop_checkLoopKeywordScope7 = verifyNot checkLoopKeywordScope "#!/bin/ksh\nwhile true; do true | { break; }; done"
checkLoopKeywordScope params t |
name `elem` map Just ["continue", "break"] =
if not $ any isLoop path
......@@ -2048,14 +2081,13 @@ checkLoopKeywordScope params t |
then err (getId t) 2104 $ "In functions, use return instead of " ++ (fromJust name) ++ "."
else err (getId t) 2105 $ (fromJust name) ++ " is only valid in loops."
else case map subshellType $ filter (not . isFunction) path of
-- TODO: Fix warning for Ksh/Zsh when this is the last step in the pipeline
(Just str):_ -> warn (getId t) 2106 $
"This only exits the subshell caused by the " ++ str ++ "."
_ -> return ()
name = getCommandName t
path = let p = getPath (parentMap params) t in filter relevant p
subshellType t = case leadType t of
subshellType t = case leadType (shellType params) (parentMap params) t of
NoneScope -> Nothing
SubshellScope str -> return str
isFunction t = case t of T_Function _ _ _ -> True; _ -> False
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