提交 76a39f25 编写于 作者: V Vidar Holen

Refactoring, 25% speedup.

* Checks now use Writer monad instead of State

* Parser no longer emits notes unrelated to parsing.

* All checks are now passed a parameter value, containing shell type,
  map from notes to parents and such. This eliminates recalculation
  and removes the need for a special group of parent examining checks.
上级 8ec9fa43
......@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ internalVariables = [
variablesWithoutSpaces = [
"$", "-", "?", "!",
"$", "-", "?", "!",
commonCommands = [
commonCommands = [
"admin", "alias", "ar", "asa", "at", "awk", "basename", "batch",
"bc", "bg", "break", "c99", "cal", "cat", "cd", "cflow", "chgrp",
"chmod", "chown", "cksum", "cmp", "colon", "comm", "command",
......@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ commonCommands = [
"unalias", "uname", "uncompress", "unexpand", "unget", "uniq",
"unlink", "unset", "uucp", "uudecode", "uuencode", "uustat", "uux",
"val", "vi", "wait", "wc", "what", "who", "write", "xargs", "yacc",
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module ShellCheck.Parser (Note(..), Severity(..), parseShell, ParseResult(..), ParseNote(..), notesFromMap, Metadata(..), sortNotes) where
module ShellCheck.Parser (Note(..), Severity(..), parseShell, ParseResult(..), ParseNote(..), sortNotes, noteToParseNote) where
import ShellCheck.AST
import ShellCheck.Data
......@@ -98,20 +98,20 @@ nbsp = do
return ' '
--------- Message/position annotation on top of user state
data Note = Note Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data Note = Note Id Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data ParseNote = ParseNote SourcePos Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data Metadata = Metadata SourcePos [Note] deriving (Show)
data Severity = ErrorC | WarningC | InfoC | StyleC deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Context = ContextName SourcePos String | ContextAnnotation [Annotation]
type Code = Integer
codeForNote (Note _ code _) = code
codeForParseNote (ParseNote _ _ code _) = code
noteToParseNote map (Note id severity code message) =
ParseNote pos severity code message
pos = fromJust $ Map.lookup id map
initialState = (Id $ -1, Map.empty, [])
getInitialMeta pos = Metadata pos []
getLastId = do
(id, _, _) <- getState
return id
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ getLastId = do
getNextIdAt sourcepos = do
(id, map, notes) <- getState
let newId = incId id
let newMap = Map.insert newId (getInitialMeta sourcepos) map
let newMap = Map.insert newId sourcepos map
putState (newId, newMap, notes)
return newId
where incId (Id n) = (Id $ n+1)
......@@ -187,11 +187,6 @@ parseProblemAt pos level code msg = do
Ms.modify (\(list, current) -> ((ParseNote pos level code msg):list, current))
-- Store non-parse problems inside
addNoteFor id note = modifyMap $ Map.adjust (\(Metadata pos notes) -> Metadata pos (note:notes)) id
addNote note = do
id <- getLastId
addNoteFor id note
parseNote c l a = do
pos <- getPosition
......@@ -331,8 +326,6 @@ readConditionContents single = do
readCondAndOp = do
id <- getNextId
x <- try (string "&&" <|> string "-a")
when (single && x == "&&") $ addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC 1022 "You can't use && inside [..]. Use [[..]] instead."
when (not single && x == "-a") $ addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC 1023 "In [[..]], use && instead of -a."
return $ TC_And id typ x
......@@ -340,8 +333,6 @@ readConditionContents single = do
optional guardArithmetic
id <- getNextId
x <- try (string "||" <|> string "-o")
when (single && x == "||") $ addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC 1024 "You can't use || inside [..]. Use [[..]] instead."
when (not single && x == "-o") $ addNoteFor id $ Note ErrorC 1025 "In [[..]], use || instead of -o."
return $ TC_Or id typ x
......@@ -1885,7 +1876,7 @@ isOk p s = (fst cs) && (null . snd $ cs) where cs = checkString p s
checkString parser string =
case rp (parser >> eof >> getState) "-" string of
(Right (tree, map, notes), (problems, _)) -> (True, (notesFromMap map) ++ notes ++ problems)
(Right (tree, map, notes), (problems, _)) -> (True, notes ++ problems)
(Left _, (n, _)) -> (False, n)
parseWithNotes parser = do
......@@ -1894,16 +1885,11 @@ parseWithNotes parser = do
parseNotes <- getParseNotes
return (item, map, nub . sortNotes $ parseNotes)
toParseNotes (Metadata pos list) = map (\(Note level code note) -> ParseNote pos level code note) list
notesFromMap map = Map.fold (\x -> (++) (toParseNotes x)) [] map
getAllNotes result = (concatMap (notesFromMap . snd) (maybeToList . parseResult $ result)) ++ (parseNotes result)
compareNotes (ParseNote pos1 level1 _ s1) (ParseNote pos2 level2 _ s2) = compare (pos1, level1) (pos2, level2)
sortNotes = sortBy compareNotes
data ParseResult = ParseResult { parseResult :: Maybe (Token, Map.Map Id Metadata), parseNotes :: [ParseNote] } deriving (Show)
data ParseResult = ParseResult { parseResult :: Maybe (Token, Map.Map Id SourcePos), parseNotes :: [ParseNote] } deriving (Show)
makeErrorFor parsecError =
ParseNote (errorPos parsecError) ErrorC 1072 $ getStringFromParsec $ errorMessages parsecError
......@@ -1923,9 +1909,11 @@ getStringFromParsec errors =
parseShell filename contents = do
case rp (parseWithNotes readScript) filename contents of
(Right (script, map, notes), (parsenotes, _)) -> ParseResult (Just (script, map)) (nub $ sortNotes $ notes ++ parsenotes)
(Left err, (p, context)) -> ParseResult Nothing (nub $ sortNotes $ p ++ (notesForContext context) ++ ([makeErrorFor err]))
(Right (script, map, notes), (parsenotes, _)) ->
ParseResult (Just (script, map)) (nub $ sortNotes $ notes ++ parsenotes)
(Left err, (p, context)) ->
ParseResult Nothing
(nub $ sortNotes $ p ++ (notesForContext context) ++ ([makeErrorFor err]))
isName (ContextName _ _) = True
isName _ = False
......@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ shellCheck :: String -> [ShellCheckComment]
shellCheck script =
let (ParseResult result notes) = parseShell "-" script in
let allNotes = notes ++ (concat $ maybeToList $ do
(tree, map) <- result
let newMap = runAllAnalytics tree map
return $ notesFromMap $ filterByAnnotation tree newMap
(tree, posMap) <- result
let list = runAnalytics [] tree
return $ map (noteToParseNote posMap) $ filterByAnnotation tree list
map formatNote $ nub $ sortNotes allNotes
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