未验证 提交 6fcbd418 编写于 作者: Y Yohozzy 提交者: GitHub

canfd帧结构加入 brs控制位 (#6701)

上级 4dd0e670
......@@ -289,8 +289,9 @@ struct rt_can_msg
rt_int32_t hdr_index : 8;/*Should be defined as:rx.FilterMatchIndex,which should be changed to rt_int32_t hdr_index : 8*/
rt_uint32_t fd_frame : 1;
rt_uint32_t brs : 1;
rt_uint32_t rxfifo : 2;/*Redefined to return :CAN RX FIFO0/CAN RX FIFO1*/
rt_uint32_t reserved : 5;
rt_uint32_t reserved : 4;
rt_uint32_t rxfifo : 2;/*Redefined to return :CAN RX FIFO0/CAN RX FIFO1*/
rt_uint32_t reserved : 6;
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