提交 56c51382 编写于 作者: C Catouse

* change README files.

上级 e5f7ce81
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[![Bower version](https://badge.fury.io/bo/zui.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/bo/zui)
一个基于 Bootstrap 深度定制开源前端实践方案,帮助你快速构建现代跨屏应用。
从官方网站了解更多: http://openzui.com/ 。
从官方网站了解更多: https://openzui.com/ 。
💎  为移动端设计,基于 Flex 的 UI 框架: [MZUI](http://openzui.com/m/)
💎  为移动端设计,基于 Flex 的 UI 框架: [MZUI](https://openzui.com/m/)
官方 QQ 群:**2群:127535859**,1群:384135104(满员)
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## 快速使用
详细使用说明访问 http://openzui.com/#basic/download 。
详细使用说明访问 https://openzui.com/#basic/download 。
### NPM
......@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ bower install zui
### 文档
文档请直接访问官方网站 http://openzui.com/ 。
文档请直接访问官方网站 https://openzui.com/ 。
开发中的文档请访问 https://easysoft.github.io/zui/ 。
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[![Bower version](https://badge.fury.io/bo/zui.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/bo/zui)
An open source front-end customized solution based on Bootstrap and helps you quickly build modern multi-screen applications.
Learn more from the official website http://zui.sexy/
Learn more from the official website https://openzui.com/en/
💎  Designed for mobile and based on Flex UI framework: [MZUI](http://zui.sexy/m/)
💎  Designed for mobile and based on Flex UI framework: [MZUI](https://openzui.com/m/)
Official QQ group:**Group 2: 127535859**, Group 1: 384135104(Full)
Projects and plans: http://zui.5upm.com/product-browse-2.html
......@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ Projects and plans: http://zui.5upm.com/product-browse-2.html
## Quick Start
Detailed instructions can be found here http://zui.sexy/#basic/download.
Detailed instructions can be found here https://openzui.com/en/#basic/download.
### NPM
......@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ Other CDN:
### Document
Please visit the official website directly http://zui.sexy/ for the documentation.
Please visit the official website directly https://openzui.com/en/ for the documentation.
Please visit https://easysoft.github.io/zui/ for documentation in development.
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