未验证 提交 41912866 编写于 作者: M MajorHe1 提交者: GitHub

[ISSUE #4925] correct the member's state when the cluster information changed (#4948)

上级 fe1d064c
......@@ -307,6 +307,14 @@ public class ServerMemberManager implements ApplicationListener<WebServerInitial
if (!serverList.containsKey(address)) {
hasChange = true;
// If the cluster information in cluster.conf or address-server has been changed,
// while the corresponding nacos-server has not been started yet, the member's state
// should be set to DOWN. If the corresponding nacos-server has been started, the
// member's state will be set to UP after detection in a few seconds.
} else {
//fix issue # 4925
// Ensure that the node is created only once
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