提交 818a4e19 编写于 作者: A Adam Geitgey


上级 8888b4e0
......@@ -237,16 +237,16 @@ to any service that supports Docker images.
## Common Issues
##### Issue: `Illegal instruction (core dumped)` when using face_recognition or running examples.
Issue: `Illegal instruction (core dumped)` when using face_recognition or running examples.
Solution: `dlib` is compiled with SSE4 or AVX support, but your CPU is too old and doesn't support that.
You'll need to recompile `dlib` after [making the code change outlined here](https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/issues/11#issuecomment-287398611).
##### Issue: `RuntimeError: Unsupported image type, must be 8bit gray or RGB image.` when running the webcam examples.
Issue: `RuntimeError: Unsupported image type, must be 8bit gray or RGB image.` when running the webcam examples.
Solution: Your webcam probably isn't set up correctly with OpenCV. [Look here for more](https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/issues/21#issuecomment-287779524).
##### Issue: `MemoryError` when running `pip2 install face_recognition`
Issue: `MemoryError` when running `pip2 install face_recognition`
Solution: The face_recognition_models file is too big for your available pip cache memory. Instead,
try `pip2 --no-cache-dir install face_recognition` to avoid the issue.
......@@ -75,11 +75,27 @@ Recognize who appears in each photo.
results = face_recognition.compare_faces([biden_encoding], unknown_encoding)
You can even use this library with other Python libraries to do
real-time face recognition:
See `this
example <https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/facerec_from_webcam_faster.py>`__
for the code.
| Python 3 / Python 2 are fully supported. Only macOS and
| Linux are tested. I have no idea if this will work on Windows.
- Python 3+ or Python 2.7
- macOS or Linux (Windows untested)
- `Also can run on a Raspberry Pi 2+ (follow these specific
instructions) <https://gist.github.com/ageitgey/1ac8dbe8572f3f533df6269dab35df65>`__
- A `pre-configured VM
image <https://medium.com/@ageitgey/try-deep-learning-in-python-now-with-a-fully-pre-configured-vm-1d97d4c3e9b>`__
is also available.
Install this module from pypi using ``pip3`` (or ``pip2`` for Python 2):
......@@ -100,6 +116,11 @@ source <https://gist.github.com/ageitgey/629d75c1baac34dfa5ca2a1928a7aeaf>`__
``pip3 install face_recognition``
| again to complete your installation.
| If you are still having trouble installing this, you can also try out
| `pre-configured
VM <https://medium.com/@ageitgey/try-deep-learning-in-python-now-with-a-fully-pre-configured-vm-1d97d4c3e9b>`__.
......@@ -239,9 +260,16 @@ All the examples are available
- `Find and recognize unknown faces in a photograph based on
photographs of known
people <https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/recognize_faces_in_pictures.py>`__
- `Recognize faces in live video using your webcam (Requires OpenCV to
- `Recognize faces in live video using your webcam - Simple / Slower
Version (Requires OpenCV to be
installed) <https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/facerec_from_webcam.py>`__
- `Recognize faces in live video using your webcam - Faster Version
(Requires OpenCV to be
installed) <https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/facerec_from_webcam_faster.py>`__
- `Recognize faces on a Raspberry Pi w/
camera <https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/facerec_on_raspberry_pi.py>`__
- `Run a web service to recognize faces via HTTP (Requires Flask to be
installed) <https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/blob/master/examples/web_service_example.py>`__
How Face Recognition Works
......@@ -257,11 +285,24 @@ Caveats
very well on children. It tends to mix
up children quite easy using the default comparison threshold of 0.6.
Deployment to Cloud Hosts (Heroku, AWS, etc)
| Since ``face_recognition`` depends on ``dlib`` which is written in
C++, it can be tricky to deploy an app
| using it to a cloud hosting provider like Heroku or AWS.
| To make things easier, there's an example Dockerfile in this repo that
shows how to run an app built with
| ``face_recognition`` in a `Docker <https://www.docker.com/>`__
container. With that, you should be able to deploy
| to any service that supports Docker images.
Common Issues
Issue: ``Illegal instruction (core dumped)`` when using face\_recognition or running examples.
Issue: ``Illegal instruction (core dumped)`` when using
face\_recognition or running examples.
| Solution: ``dlib`` is compiled with SSE4 or AVX support, but your CPU
is too old and doesn't support that.
......@@ -269,15 +310,15 @@ Issue: ``Illegal instruction (core dumped)`` when using face\_recognition or run
here <https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/issues/11#issuecomment-287398611>`__.
Issue: ``RuntimeError: Unsupported image type, must be 8bit gray or RGB image.`` when running the webcam example.
``RuntimeError: Unsupported image type, must be 8bit gray or RGB image.``
when running the webcam examples.
Solution: Your webcam probably isn't set up correctly with OpenCV. `Look
here for
more <https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition/issues/21#issuecomment-287779524>`__.
Issue: ``MemoryError`` when running ``pip2 install face_recognition``
| Solution: The face\_recognition\_models file is too big for your
available pip cache memory. Instead,
......@@ -315,6 +356,7 @@ Thanks
.. |image4| image:: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/896692/23625282/7f2d79dc-025d-11e7-8728-d8924596f8fa.png
.. |image5| image:: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/896692/23625283/80638760-025d-11e7-80a2-1d2779f7ccab.png
.. |image6| image:: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/896692/23625229/45e049b6-025d-11e7-89cc-8a71cf89e713.png
.. |image7| image:: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/896692/24430398/36f0e3f0-13cb-11e7-8258-4d0c9ce1e419.gif
.. |known| image:: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/896692/23582466/8324810e-00df-11e7-82cf-41515eba704d.png
.. |unknown| image:: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/896692/23582465/81f422f8-00df-11e7-8b0d-75364f641f58.png
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