提交 6591a7c4 编写于 作者: G gongfuxiang


上级 5fa361de
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class Search extends Common
// 获取商品列表
$ret = SearchService::GoodsList($this->params);
$msg = '没有相关数据';
$code = -100;
......@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
<div class="am-g am-g-fixed flood" {{if !empty($floor['bg_color'])}}style="background-color:{{$floor.bg_color}};"{{else /}}style="background-color:#eaeaea;"{{/if}}>
<div class="am-u-sm-5 am-u-md-4 text-one list" >
<div class="am-g am-g-fixed flood">
<div class="am-u-sm-3 text-one list" {{if !empty($floor['bg_color'])}}style="background-color:{{$floor.bg_color}};"{{else /}}style="background-color:#eaeaea;"{{/if}}>
<div class="word">
{{if !empty($floor['items'])}}
{{foreach $floor.items as $category_key=>$category}}
......@@ -164,32 +164,34 @@
<a href="{{:MyUrl('index/search/index', ['category_id'=>$floor['id']])}}" target="_blank">
<div class="outer-con">
<div class="describe">{{$floor.describe}}</div>
{{if !empty($floor['big_images'])}}
<div class="outer-con">
<div class="describe">{{$floor.describe}}</div>
{{if !empty($floor['big_images'])}}
<a href="{{:MyUrl('index/search/index', ['category_id'=>$floor['id']])}}" target="_blank">
<img src="{{$floor.big_images}}" />
<div class="triangle-topright"></div>
{{if !empty($floor['goods'])}}
{{foreach $floor.goods as $goods_key=>$goods}}
<div class="goods-items {{if in_array($goods_key, [0,1])}}am-u-sm-7 am-u-md-4 text-two{{else /}}am-u-sm-6 am-u-md-2 text-three{{/if}} {{if in_array($goods_key, [0,3])}} sug{{/if}} {{if in_array($goods_key, [2,5])}} big{{/if}} {{if $goods_key eq 5}} last{{/if}}">
<div class="outer-con">
<div class="goods-title ellipsis">
<a href="{{$goods['goods_url']}}" target="_blank" {{if !empty($goods.title_color)}}style="color:{{$goods.title_color}};"{{/if}}>{{$goods.title}}</a>
<div class="goods-list">
{{if !empty($floor['goods'])}}
{{foreach $floor.goods as $goods_key=>$goods}}
<div class="goods-items">
<a href="{{$goods.goods_url}}" target="_blank">
<img src="{{$goods.home_recommended_images}}" alt="{{$goods.title}}" />
<div class="outer-con">
<div class="goods-title ellipsis">
<a href="{{$goods['goods_url']}}" target="_blank" {{if !empty($goods.title_color)}}style="color:{{$goods.title_color}};"{{/if}}>{{$goods.title}}</a>
<div class="price">¥{{$goods.min_price}}</div>
<div class="price">¥{{$goods.min_price}}</div>
<a href="{{$goods.goods_url}}" target="_blank">
<img src="{{$goods.home_recommended_images}}" />
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class GoodsService
foreach($goods_category as &$v)
$category_ids = self::GoodsCategoryItemsIds([$v['id']], 1);
$goods = self::CategoryGoodsList(['where'=>['gci.category_id'=>$category_ids, 'is_home_recommended'=>1], 'm'=>0, 'n'=>6, 'field'=>'g.id,g.title,g.title_color,g.images,g.home_recommended_images,g.original_price,g.price,g.min_price,g.max_price,g.inventory,g.buy_min_number,g.buy_max_number']);
$goods = self::CategoryGoodsList(['where'=>['gci.category_id'=>$category_ids, 'is_home_recommended'=>1], 'm'=>0, 'n'=>8, 'field'=>'g.id,g.title,g.title_color,g.images,g.home_recommended_images,g.original_price,g.price,g.min_price,g.max_price,g.inventory,g.buy_min_number,g.buy_max_number']);
$v['goods'] = $goods['data'];
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......@@ -248,31 +259,12 @@ text-align: center;float:none}
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......@@ -285,31 +277,14 @@ text-align: center;float:none}
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