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# OpenHarmony 3.0.6 LTS

## Version Description

OpenHarmony 3.0.6 LTS is a maintenance version of OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS. It has rectified certain issues detected in OpenHarmony 3.0.5 LTS.

## Version Mapping

  **Table 1** Version mapping of software and tools

| Software/Tool| Version| Remarks| 
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| OpenHarmony | 3.0.6 LTS| NA | 
| (Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Studio| 3.0 Beta1| Recommended for developing OpenHarmony applications| 
| (Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool| 2.2 Beta2 | Recommended for developing OpenHarmony smart devices| 

## Source Code Acquisition

### Prerequisites

1. Register your account with Gitee.

2. Register an SSH public key for access to Gitee.

3. Install the [git client]( and [git-lfs](, and configure user information.
   git config --global "yourname"
   git config --global "your-email-address"
   git config --global credential.helper store

4. Run the following commands to install the **repo** tool:
   curl -s > /usr/local/bin/repo  # If you do not have the permission, download the tool to another directory and configure it as an environment variable by running the chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/repo command.
   pip3 install -i requests

### Acquiring Source Code Using the repo Tool

**Method 1 (recommended)**: Use the **repo** tool to download the source code over SSH. (You must have an SSH public key for access to Gitee.)

repo init -u -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v3.0.6-LTS --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

**Method 2**: Use the **repo** tool to download the source code over HTTPS.

repo init -u -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v3.0.6-LTS --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

### Acquiring Source Code from Mirrors

  **Table 2** Mirrors for acquiring source code

| LTS Code| Version| Mirror| SHA-256 Checksum| 
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Full code base (for mini, small, and standard systems)| 3.0.6 | [Download](| [Download](| 
| Standard system Hi3516 solution (binary)| 3.0.6 | [Download](| [Download](| 
| Mini system Hi3861 solution (binary)| 3.0.6 | [Download](| [Download](| 
| Small system Hi3516 solution - LiteOS (binary)| 3.0.6 | [Download](| [Download](| 
| Small system Hi3516 solution - Linux (binary)| 3.0.6 | [Download](| [Download](| 

## What's New

### Feature Updates

This version does not involve feature updates.

### API Updates

This version does not involve API updates.

### Chip and Development Board Adaptation

For details about the adaptation status, see [SIG-Devboard](

## Fixed Security Vulnerabilities

  **Table 3** Fixed security vulnerabilities

| Issue No.| Description| PR Link| 
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| I5MTWL | Security vulnerabilities of the kernel_linux_5.10 component: CVE-2022-36123, CVE-2022-20369, CVE-2022-2588, CVE-2022-2586, CVE-2022-2585, and CVE-2022-20368.| [PR]( | 
| 5FYFI | Security vulnerabilities of the kernel_linux_5.10 component: CVE-2022-34918, CVE-2022-2318, and CVE-2022-2380.| [PR]( | 
| 5FYFI | Security vulnerabilities of the kernel_linux_5.10 component: CVE-2022-26365, CVE-2022-33742, CVE-2022-33743, CVE-2022-33740, and CVE-2022-33741.| [PR]( | 
| I5LUE0 | Security vulnerability of the third_party_zlib component: CVE-2022-37434.| [PR]( | 
| I5NCH4 | When **/bin/wms_server** is run over the serial port of the Hi3516 development board in the small system, the memory address and layout information are printed.| [PR]( |