提交 f16f4e55 编写于 作者: A Alexander Udalov

Disable loading parameter names from KotlinSignature, update test data

上级 c21534fe
......@@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ public class TraceBasedExternalSignatureResolver implements ExternalSignatureRes
if (data.isAnnotated() && !data.hasErrors()) {
if (JvmPackage.getPLATFORM_TYPES()) {
// We only take parameter names from the @KotlinSignature
return new AlternativeMethodSignature(returnType, receiverType,
AlternativeMethodSignatureData.updateNames(valueParameters, data.getValueParameters()),
typeParameters, Collections.<String>emptyList(), true);
return new AlternativeMethodSignature(returnType, receiverType, valueParameters,
typeParameters, Collections.<String>emptyList(), hasStableParameterNames);
return new AlternativeMethodSignature(data.getReturnType(), receiverType, data.getValueParameters(), data.getTypeParameters(),
Collections.<String>emptyList(), true);
......@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ public class A {
// FILE: 1.kt
val test = A(x = 1, y = "2")
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface A {
// FILE: 1.kt
class B : A {
override fun foo(<!PARAMETER_NAME_CHANGED_ON_OVERRIDE!>kotlinName<!>: String) {}
override fun foo(kotlinName: String) {}
class C : A {
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ public/*package*/ /*synthesized*/ fun A(/*0*/ function: (kotlin.String!) -> kotl
public/*package*/ interface A {
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun equals(/*0*/ other: kotlin.Any?): kotlin.Boolean
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ kotlinSignatureName: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ javaName: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun hashCode(): kotlin.Int
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun toString(): kotlin.String
package test
public open class ConstructorWithNewTypeParams</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> {
public constructor ConstructorWithNewTypeParams</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!>(/*0*/ first: kotlin.Any!)
public constructor ConstructorWithNewTypeParams</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!>(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.Any!)
package test
public open class ConstructorWithParentTypeParams</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> {
public constructor ConstructorWithParentTypeParams</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!>(/*0*/ first: T!)
public constructor ConstructorWithParentTypeParams</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!>(/*0*/ p0: T!)
package test
public open class ConstructorWithSeveralParams {
public constructor ConstructorWithSeveralParams(/*0*/ integer: kotlin.Int!, /*1*/ intField: kotlin.Int, /*2*/ collection: java.util.ArrayList<kotlin.String!>!)
public constructor ConstructorWithSeveralParams(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.Int!, /*1*/ p1: kotlin.Int, /*2*/ p2: java.util.ArrayList<kotlin.String!>!)
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class MethodWithFunctionTypes {
public constructor MethodWithFunctionTypes()
public open fun foo(/*0*/ f: ((kotlin.String!) -> kotlin.String!)!): (() -> kotlin.String!)!
public open fun foo(/*0*/ p0: ((kotlin.String!) -> kotlin.String!)!): (() -> kotlin.String!)!
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class MethodWithGenerics {
public constructor MethodWithGenerics()
public open fun foo(/*0*/ a: kotlin.String!, /*1*/ b: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)Map.(Mutable)Entry<kotlin.String!, kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.String!
public open fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!, /*1*/ p1: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)Map.(Mutable)Entry<kotlin.String!, kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.String!
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class MethodWithMappedClasses {
public constructor MethodWithMappedClasses()
public open fun </*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> copy(/*0*/ dest: (kotlin.MutableList<in T!>..kotlin.List<*>?), /*1*/ src: kotlin.(Mutable)List<T!>!): kotlin.Unit
public open fun </*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> copy(/*0*/ p0: (kotlin.MutableList<in T!>..kotlin.List<*>?), /*1*/ p1: kotlin.(Mutable)List<T!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class MethodWithTypeParameters {
public constructor MethodWithTypeParameters()
public open fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : java.lang.Runnable!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!, /*1*/ b: (kotlin.MutableList<out B!>..kotlin.List<B!>?), /*2*/ c: (kotlin.MutableList<in kotlin.String!>..kotlin.List<*>?)): kotlin.Unit where B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Cloneable!>!
public open fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : java.lang.Runnable!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!, /*1*/ p1: (kotlin.MutableList<out B!>..kotlin.List<B!>?), /*2*/ p2: (kotlin.MutableList<in kotlin.String!>..kotlin.List<*>?)): kotlin.Unit where B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Cloneable!>!
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class MethodWithVararg {
public constructor MethodWithVararg()
public open fun foo(/*0*/ vararg s: kotlin.String! /*kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!*/): kotlin.Unit
public open fun foo(/*0*/ vararg p0: kotlin.String! /*kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!*/): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class RedundantProjectionKind {
public constructor RedundantProjectionKind()
public open fun foo(/*0*/ list: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Number!>!): kotlin.Unit
public open fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Number!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class WrongProjectionKind {
public constructor WrongProjectionKind()
public open fun copy(/*0*/ a: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.Number!>!, /*1*/ b: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.Number!>!): kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Number!>!
public open fun copy(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.Number!>!, /*1*/ p1: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.Number!>!): kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Number!>!
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class WrongReturnTypeStructure {
public constructor WrongReturnTypeStructure()
public open fun foo(/*0*/ a: kotlin.String!, /*1*/ b: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)Map.(Mutable)Entry<kotlin.String!, kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.String!
public open fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!, /*1*/ p1: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)Map.(Mutable)Entry<kotlin.String!, kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.String!
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class WrongTypeParameterBoundStructure1 {
public constructor WrongTypeParameterBoundStructure1()
public open fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : java.lang.Runnable!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!, /*1*/ b: (kotlin.MutableList<out B!>..kotlin.List<B!>?)): kotlin.Unit where B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Cloneable!>!
public open fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : java.lang.Runnable!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!, /*1*/ p1: (kotlin.MutableList<out B!>..kotlin.List<B!>?)): kotlin.Unit where B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Cloneable!>!
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class WrongTypeParameterBoundStructure2 {
public constructor WrongTypeParameterBoundStructure2()
public open fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : java.lang.Runnable!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!, /*1*/ b: (kotlin.MutableList<out B!>..kotlin.List<B!>?)): kotlin.Unit where B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Cloneable!>!
public open fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : java.lang.Runnable!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!, /*1*/ p1: (kotlin.MutableList<out B!>..kotlin.List<B!>?)): kotlin.Unit where B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.Cloneable!>!
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class WrongValueParameterStructure1 {
public constructor WrongValueParameterStructure1()
public open fun foo(/*0*/ a: kotlin.String!, /*1*/ b: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)Map.(Mutable)Entry<kotlin.String!, kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.String!
public open fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!, /*1*/ p1: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)Map.(Mutable)Entry<kotlin.String!, kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.String!
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ package test
public open class WrongValueParameterStructure2 {
public constructor WrongValueParameterStructure2()
public open fun foo(/*0*/ a: kotlin.String!, /*1*/ b: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)Map.(Mutable)Entry<kotlin.String!, kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.String!
public open fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!, /*1*/ p1: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)Map.(Mutable)Entry<kotlin.String!, kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.String!
......@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ public interface PropagateTypeArgumentNullable {
public interface Sub : test.PropagateTypeArgumentNullable.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun invOutR(): kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!
public abstract override /*1*/ fun invOutS(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun invOutS(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun invR(): kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!
public abstract override /*1*/ fun outOutS(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun outOutS(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun outR(): kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!
public abstract override /*1*/ fun outS(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun outS(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun invOutR(): kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!
public abstract fun invOutS(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun invOutS(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun invR(): kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!
public abstract fun outOutS(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun outOutS(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun outR(): kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!
public abstract fun outS(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun outS(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface ChangeProjectionKind1 {
public interface Sub : test.ChangeProjectionKind1.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface ChangeProjectionKind2 {
public interface Sub : test.ChangeProjectionKind2.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ public interface DeeplySubstitutedClassParameter {
public interface Middle</*0*/ E : kotlin.Any!> : test.DeeplySubstitutedClassParameter.Super<E!> {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ t: E!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: E!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Sub : test.DeeplySubstitutedClassParameter.Middle<kotlin.String!> {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ t: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ t: T!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: T!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ public interface DeeplySubstitutedClassParameter2 {
public interface Middle</*0*/ E : kotlin.Any!> : test.DeeplySubstitutedClassParameter2.Super<E!> {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun foo(/*0*/ t: E!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: E!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Sub : test.DeeplySubstitutedClassParameter2.Middle<kotlin.String!> {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ t: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ t: T!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: T!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface InheritMutability {
public interface Sub : test.InheritMutability.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface InheritNotVarargNotNull {
public interface Sub : test.InheritNotVarargNotNull.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>?): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>?): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface InheritProjectionKind {
public interface Sub : test.InheritProjectionKind.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface InheritReadOnliness {
public interface Sub : test.InheritReadOnliness.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface InheritVarargNotNull {
public interface Sub : test.InheritVarargNotNull.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ vararg p: kotlin.String! /*kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>*/): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ vararg p0: kotlin.String! /*kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>*/): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ vararg p: kotlin.String! /*kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!*/): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ vararg p0: kotlin.String! /*kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!*/): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ public interface Kt3302 {
public interface BasicBSONObject : test.Kt3302.LinkedHashMap<kotlin.String!, kotlin.Any!>, test.Kt3302.BSONObject {
public abstract override /*2*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*2*/ fun put(/*0*/ key: kotlin.String, /*1*/ value: kotlin.Any): kotlin.Any!
public abstract override /*2*/ fun put(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String, /*1*/ p1: kotlin.Any): kotlin.Any!
public interface LinkedHashMap</*0*/ K : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ V : kotlin.Any!> {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun put(/*0*/ key: K!, /*1*/ value: V!): V!
public abstract fun put(/*0*/ p0: K!, /*1*/ p1: V!): V!
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface MutableToReadOnly {
public interface Sub : test.MutableToReadOnly.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ public interface NotNullToNullable {
public interface Sub : test.NotNullToNullable.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.String): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface NullableToNotNullKotlinSignature {
public interface Sub : test.NullableToNotNullKotlinSignature.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface ReadOnlyToMutable {
public interface Sub : test.ReadOnlyToMutable.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ public interface SubclassFromGenericAndNot {
public interface Generic</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ key: T!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: T!): kotlin.Unit
public interface NonGeneric {
......@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ public interface SubclassFromGenericAndNot {
public interface Sub : test.SubclassFromGenericAndNot.NonGeneric, test.SubclassFromGenericAndNot.Generic<kotlin.String!> {
public abstract override /*2*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*2*/ fun foo(/*0*/ key: kotlin.String): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*2*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ public interface SubstitutedClassParameter {
public interface Sub : test.SubstitutedClassParameter.Super<kotlin.String!> {
public abstract override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ t: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ t: T!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: T!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ public interface SubstitutedClassParameters {
public interface Sub : test.SubstitutedClassParameters.Super1<kotlin.String!>, test.SubstitutedClassParameters.Super2<kotlin.String!> {
public abstract override /*2*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*2*/ fun foo(/*0*/ t: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*2*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.String!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super1</*0*/ T : kotlin.Any!> {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ t: T!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: T!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super2</*0*/ E : kotlin.Any!> {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ t: E!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: E!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package test
public interface InheritMutability {
public interface Sub : test.InheritMutability.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!> foo(/*0*/ a: B!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package test
public interface InheritNullability {
public interface Sub : test.InheritNullability.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ a: B!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package test
public interface InheritReadOnliness {
public interface Sub : test.InheritReadOnliness.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!> foo(/*0*/ a: B!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.(Mutable)List<kotlin.String!>!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package test
public interface TwoBounds {
public interface Sub : test.TwoBounds.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ a: B!): kotlin.Unit where B : kotlin.Cloneable!
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!): kotlin.Unit where B : kotlin.Cloneable!
public interface Super {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!): kotlin.Unit where A : kotlin.Cloneable!
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!): kotlin.Unit where A : kotlin.Cloneable!
......@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ package test
public interface TwoSuperclasses {
public interface Sub : test.TwoSuperclasses.Super1, test.TwoSuperclasses.Super2 {
public abstract override /*2*/ fun </*0*/ C : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ a: C!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*2*/ fun </*0*/ C : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ p0: C!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super1 {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super2 {
public abstract fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ a: B!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.CharSequence!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package test
public interface TwoTypeParameters {
public interface Sub : test.TwoTypeParameters.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.CharSequence!, /*1*/ A : kotlin.Cloneable!> foo(/*0*/ a: B!, /*1*/ b: A!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.CharSequence!, /*1*/ A : kotlin.Cloneable!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!, /*1*/ p1: A!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.CharSequence!, /*1*/ B : kotlin.Cloneable!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!, /*1*/ b: B!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.CharSequence!, /*1*/ B : kotlin.Cloneable!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!, /*1*/ p1: B!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package test
public interface UseParameterAsUpperBound {
public interface Sub : test.UseParameterAsUpperBound.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ A : B!> foo(/*0*/ a: B!, /*1*/ b: A!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ A : B!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!, /*1*/ p1: A!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : A!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!, /*1*/ b: B!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : A!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!, /*1*/ p1: B!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package test
public interface UseParameterInUpperBound {
public interface Sub : test.UseParameterInUpperBound.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ A : kotlin.(Mutable)List<B!>!> foo(/*0*/ a: B!, /*1*/ b: A!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ A : kotlin.(Mutable)List<B!>!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!, /*1*/ p1: A!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<A!>!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!, /*1*/ b: B!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<A!>!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!, /*1*/ p1: B!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ package test
public interface UseParameterInUpperBoundWithKotlinSignature {
public interface Sub : test.UseParameterInUpperBoundWithKotlinSignature.Super {
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ A : kotlin.(Mutable)List<B!>!> foo(/*0*/ b: B!, /*1*/ a: A!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*1*/ fun </*0*/ B : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ A : kotlin.(Mutable)List<B!>!> foo(/*0*/ p0: B!, /*1*/ p1: A!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super {
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<A!>!> foo(/*0*/ a: A!, /*1*/ b: B!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun </*0*/ A : kotlin.Any!, /*1*/ B : kotlin.(Mutable)List<A!>!> foo(/*0*/ p0: A!, /*1*/ p1: B!): kotlin.Unit
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ public interface TwoSuperclassesVarargAndNot {
public interface Sub : test.TwoSuperclassesVarargAndNot.Super1, test.TwoSuperclassesVarargAndNot.Super2 {
public abstract override /*2*/ /*fake_override*/ fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*2*/ fun foo(/*0*/ s: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract override /*2*/ fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public interface Super1 {
......@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ public interface TwoSuperclassesVarargAndNot {
public interface Super2 {
public abstract fun dummy(): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ s: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
public abstract fun foo(/*0*/ p0: kotlin.Array<(out) kotlin.String!>!): kotlin.Unit
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