提交 d378e4bd 编写于 作者: P Pavel V. Talanov

Some hacky API tweaks to conform with new stdlib APIs.

上级 428c517e
package kotlin
import java.util.Map as JMap
/** Provides [] access to maps */
fun <K, V> JMap<K, V>.set(key : K, value : V) = this.put(key, value)
......@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ public final class AnalyzerFacadeForJS {
final ModuleDescriptor owner = new ModuleDescriptor("<module>");
TopDownAnalysisParameters topDownAnalysisParameters = new TopDownAnalysisParameters(
notLibFiles(config.getLibFiles()), false, false);
notLibFiles(config.getLibFiles()), false, false);
InjectorForTopDownAnalyzerForJs injector = new InjectorForTopDownAnalyzerForJs(
project, topDownAnalysisParameters, new ObservableBindingTrace(bindingTraceContext), owner,
JetControlFlowDataTraceFactory.EMPTY, JsConfiguration.jsLibConfiguration(project));
project, topDownAnalysisParameters, new ObservableBindingTrace(bindingTraceContext), owner,
JetControlFlowDataTraceFactory.EMPTY, JsConfiguration.jsLibConfiguration(project));
injector.getTopDownAnalyzer().analyzeFiles(withJsLibAdded(files, config));
return bindingTraceContext.getBindingContext();
......@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ public final class AnalyzerFacadeForJS {
final ModuleDescriptor owner = new ModuleDescriptor("<module>");
TopDownAnalysisParameters topDownAnalysisParameters = new TopDownAnalysisParameters(
Predicates.<PsiFile>alwaysTrue(), false, false);
Predicates.<PsiFile>alwaysTrue(), false, false);
InjectorForTopDownAnalyzerForJs injector = new InjectorForTopDownAnalyzerForJs(
project, topDownAnalysisParameters, new ObservableBindingTrace(bindingTraceContext), owner,
JetControlFlowDataTraceFactory.EMPTY, JsConfiguration.jsLibConfiguration(project));
project, topDownAnalysisParameters, new ObservableBindingTrace(bindingTraceContext), owner,
JetControlFlowDataTraceFactory.EMPTY, JsConfiguration.jsLibConfiguration(project));
return bindingTraceContext.getBindingContext();
......@@ -135,15 +135,17 @@ public final class AnalyzerFacadeForJS {
public void addDefaultImports(@NotNull Collection<JetImportDirective> directives) {
//TODO: these thing should not be hard-coded like that
directives.add(JetPsiFactory.createImportDirective(project, new ImportPath("js.*")));
directives.add(JetPsiFactory.createImportDirective(project, new ImportPath(JetStandardClasses.STANDARD_CLASSES_FQNAME, true)));
directives.add(JetPsiFactory.createImportDirective(project, new ImportPath("kotlin.*")));
public void extendNamespaceScope(@NotNull BindingTrace trace, @NotNull NamespaceDescriptor namespaceDescriptor,
@NotNull WritableScope namespaceMemberScope) {
DefaultModuleConfiguration.createStandardConfiguration(project, true).extendNamespaceScope(trace, namespaceDescriptor, namespaceMemberScope);
DefaultModuleConfiguration.createStandardConfiguration(project, true)
.extendNamespaceScope(trace, namespaceDescriptor, namespaceMemberScope);
......@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ public abstract class Config {
protected static final String LIBRARIES_LOCATION = "js/js.libraries/src";
......@@ -7,42 +7,41 @@
* See this page for details:
* http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/Kotlin/Type-safe+Groovy-style+builders
import js.*
import java.util.*
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
val result =
html {
head {
title {+"XML encoding with Kotlin"}
body {
h1 {+"XML encoding with Kotlin"}
p {+"this format can be used as an alternative markup to XML"}
// an element with attributes and text content
a(href = "http://jetbrains.com/kotlin") {+"Kotlin"}
// mixed content
p {
+"This is some"
b {+"mixed"}
+"text. For more see the"
a(href = "http://jetbrains.com/kotlin") {+"Kotlin"}
p {+"some text"}
// content generated from command-line arguments
p {
+"Command line arguments were:"
ul {
for (arg in args)
li {+arg}
html {
head {
title {+"XML encoding with Kotlin"}
body {
h1 {+"XML encoding with Kotlin"}
p {+"this format can be used as an alternative markup to XML"}
// an element with attributes and text content
a(href = "http://jetbrains.com/kotlin") {+"Kotlin"}
// mixed content
p {
+"This is some"
b {+"mixed"}
+"text. For more see the"
a(href = "http://jetbrains.com/kotlin") {+"Kotlin"}
p {+"some text"}
// content generated from command-line arguments
p {
+"Command line arguments were:"
ul {
for (arg in args)
li {+arg}
......@@ -50,15 +49,15 @@ trait Element {
fun render(builder : StringBuilder, indent : String)
fun toString() : String? {
val builder = StringBuilder()
render(builder, "")
return builder.toString()
val builder = StringBuilder()
render(builder, "")
return builder.toString()
class TextElement(val text : String) : Element {
override fun render(builder : StringBuilder, indent : String) {
......@@ -67,31 +66,31 @@ abstract class Tag(val name : String) : Element {
val attributes = HashMap<String, String>()
protected fun initTag<T : Element>(tag : T, init : T.() -> Unit) : T {
return tag
return tag
override fun render(builder : StringBuilder, indent : String) {
for (c in children) {
c.render(builder, indent + " ")
for (c in children) {
c?.render(builder, indent + " ")
private fun renderAttributes() : String? {
val builder = StringBuilder()
for (a in attributes.keySet()) {
builder.append(" $a=\"${attributes[a]}\"")
return builder.toString()
val builder = StringBuilder()
for (a in attributes.keySet()) {
builder.append(" $a=\"${attributes[a]}\"")
return builder.toString()
abstract class TagWithText(name : String) : Tag(name) {
fun String.plus() {
......@@ -113,8 +112,8 @@ abstract class BodyTag(name : String) : TagWithText(name) {
fun h1(init : H1.() -> Unit) = initTag(H1(), init)
fun ul(init : UL.() -> Unit) = initTag(UL(), init)
fun a(href : String, init : A.() -> Unit) {
val a = initTag(A(), init)
a.href = href
val a = initTag(A(), init)
a.href = href
......@@ -129,17 +128,14 @@ class P() : BodyTag("p")
class H1() : BodyTag("h1")
class A() : BodyTag("a") {
public var href : String
get() = attributes["href"]
set(value) {
attributes["href"] = value
get() = attributes["href"].sure()
set(value) {
attributes["href"] = value
fun html(init : HTML.() -> Unit) : HTML {
val html = HTML()
return html
// An excerpt from the Standard Library
fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.set(key : K, value : V) = this.put(key, value)
\ No newline at end of file
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