提交 cd0bc436 编写于 作者: P pTalanov

Adding an early version of js dom library. Fancy lines example passing (others failing)

上级 959233ac
package js.dom
package js.dom.core
import js.native
import js.noImpl
......@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ public native trait DOMImplementationRegistry {
public native trait DOMException {
public native var code: Number = js.noImpl
public native var code: Double = js.noImpl
public native trait DOMStringList {
public native val length: Number = js.noImpl
public native val length: Double = js.noImpl
public native fun item(index: Number): String = js.noImpl
public native fun contains(str: String): Boolean = js.noImpl
public native trait NameList {
public native val length: Number = js.noImpl
public native val length: Double = js.noImpl
public native fun getName(index: Number): String = js.noImpl
public native fun getNamespaceURI(index: Number): String = js.noImpl
public native fun contains(str: String): Boolean = js.noImpl
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public native trait NameList {
public native trait DOMImplementationList {
public native val length: Number = js.noImpl
public native val length: Double = js.noImpl
public native fun item(index: Number): DOMImplementation? = js.noImpl
......@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ public native trait Document : Node {
public native fun createProcessingInstruction(target: String, data: String): ProcessingInstruction? = js.noImpl
public native fun createAttribute(name: String): Attr? = js.noImpl
public native fun createEntityReference(name: String): EntityReference? = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementsByTagName(tagname: String): NodeList? = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementsByTagName(tagname: String): NodeList = js.noImpl
public native fun importNode(importedNode: Node, deep: Boolean): Node? = js.noImpl
public native fun createElementNS(namespaceURI: String, qualifiedName: String): Element? = js.noImpl
public native fun createAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, qualifiedName: String): Attr? = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): NodeList? = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): NodeList = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementById(elementId: String): Element? = js.noImpl
public native fun adoptNode(source: Node): Node? = js.noImpl
public native fun normalizeDocument(): Unit = js.noImpl
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public native trait Document : Node {
public native trait Node {
public native val nodeName: String = js.noImpl
public native var nodeValue: String = js.noImpl
public native val nodeType: Number = js.noImpl
public native val nodeType: Double = js.noImpl
public native val parentNode: Node = js.noImpl
public native val childNodes: NodeList = js.noImpl
public native val firstChild: Node = js.noImpl
......@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ public native trait Node {
public native trait NodeList {
public native val length: Number = js.noImpl
public native val length: Double = js.noImpl
public native fun item(index: Number): Node? = js.noImpl
public native trait NamedNodeMap {
public native val length: Number = js.noImpl
public native val length: Double = js.noImpl
public native fun getNamedItem(name: String): Node? = js.noImpl
public native fun setNamedItem(arg: Node): Node? = js.noImpl
public native fun removeNamedItem(name: String): Node? = js.noImpl
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public native trait NamedNodeMap {
public native trait CharacterData : Node {
public native var data: String = js.noImpl
public native val length: Number = js.noImpl
public native val length: Double = js.noImpl
public native fun substringData(offset: Number, count: Number): String = js.noImpl
public native fun appendData(arg: String): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun insertData(offset: Number, arg: String): Unit = js.noImpl
......@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ public native trait Element : Node {
public native fun getAttributeNode(name: String): Attr? = js.noImpl
public native fun setAttributeNode(newAttr: Attr): Attr? = js.noImpl
public native fun removeAttributeNode(oldAttr: Attr): Attr? = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementsByTagName(name: String): NodeList? = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementsByTagName(name: String): NodeList = js.noImpl
public native fun getAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): String = js.noImpl
public native fun setAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, qualifiedName: String, value: String): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun setAttributeNodeNS(newAttr: Attr): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): NodeList? = js.noImpl
public native fun getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): NodeList = js.noImpl
public native fun hasAttribute(name: String): Boolean = js.noImpl
public native fun hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI: String, localName: String): Boolean = js.noImpl
public native fun setIdAttribute(name: String, isId: Boolean): Unit = js.noImpl
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public native trait UserDataHandler {
public native trait DOMError {
public native var severity: Number = js.noImpl
public native var severity: Double = js.noImpl
public native var message: String = js.noImpl
public native var `type`: String = js.noImpl
public native var relatedException: Any = js.noImpl
......@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ public native trait DOMErrorHandler {
public native trait DOMLocator {
public native var lineNumber: Number = js.noImpl
public native var columnNumber: Number = js.noImpl
public native var byteOffset: Number = js.noImpl
public native var utf16Offset: Number = js.noImpl
public native var lineNumber: Double = js.noImpl
public native var columnNumber: Double = js.noImpl
public native var byteOffset: Double = js.noImpl
public native var utf16Offset: Double = js.noImpl
public native var relatedNode: Node = js.noImpl
public native var uri: String = js.noImpl
package js.dom.html
import js.noImpl
val window : Window = js.noImpl
\ No newline at end of file
package js.dom.html5
import js.native
import js.noImpl
import js.dom.html.HTMLElement
import js.dom.core.Element
public native trait HTMLImageElement {
public native var crossOrigin: String = js.noImpl
public native trait HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement {
public native var width: Double = js.noImpl
public native var height: Double = js.noImpl
public native fun getContext(context: String): CanvasContext? = js.noImpl
public native fun toDataURL(string: String, args: Any): String = js.noImpl
public native trait CanvasContext {
public native var canvas: HTMLCanvasElement = js.noImpl
public native fun save(): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun restore(): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun scale(x: Number, y: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun rotate(angle: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun translate(x: Number, y: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun transform(m11: Number, m12: Number, m21: Number, m22: Number, dx: Number, dy: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun setTransform(m11: Number, m12: Number, m21: Number, m22: Number, dx: Number, dy: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native var globalAlpha: Double = js.noImpl
public native var globalCompositeOperation: String = js.noImpl
public native var fillStyle: String = js.noImpl
public native var strokeStyle: String = js.noImpl
public native fun createLinearGradient(x0: Number, y0: Number, x1: Number, y1: Number): CanvasGradient? = js.noImpl
public native fun createRadialGradient(x0: Number, y0: Number, r0: Number, x1: Number, y1: Number, r1: Number): CanvasGradient? = js.noImpl
public native var lineWidth: Double = js.noImpl
public native var lineCap: String = js.noImpl
public native var lineJoin: String = js.noImpl
public native var miterLimit: Double = js.noImpl
public native var shadowOffsetX: Double = js.noImpl
public native var shadowOffsetY: Double = js.noImpl
public native var shadowBlur: Double = js.noImpl
public native var shadowColor: String = js.noImpl
public native fun clearRect(x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun fillRect(x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun strokeRect(x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun beginPath(): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun closePath(): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun moveTo(x: Number, y: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun lineTo(x: Number, y: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun quadraticCurveTo(cpx: Number, cpy: Number, x: Number, y: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun bezierCurveTo(cp1x: Number, cp1y: Number, cp2x: Number, cp2y: Number, x: Number, y: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun arcTo(x1: Number, y1: Number, x2: Number, y2: Number, radius: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun rect(x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun arc(x: Number, y: Number, radius: Number, startAngle: Number, endAngle: Number, anticlockwise: Boolean): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun fill(): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun stroke(): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun clip(): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun isPointInPath(x: Number, y: Number): Boolean = js.noImpl
public native fun drawFocusRing(element: Element, xCaret: Number, yCaret: Number, canDrawCustom: Boolean): Unit = js.noImpl
public native var font: String = js.noImpl
public native var textAlign: String = js.noImpl
public native var textBaseline: String = js.noImpl
public native fun fillText(text: String, x: Number, y: Number, maxWidth: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun strokeText(text: String, x: Number, y: Number, maxWidth: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun measureText(text: String): TextMetrics? = js.noImpl
public native fun drawImage(img_elem: HTMLElement, dx_or_sx: Number, dy_or_sy: Number, dw_or_sw: Number, dh_or_sh: Number, dx: Number, dy: Number, dw: Number, dh: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native fun createImageData(imagedata: ImageData, sh: Number): ImageData? = js.noImpl
public native fun createImageData(sw: Number, sh: Number): ImageData? = js.noImpl
public native fun getImageData(sx: Number, sy: Number, sw: Number, sh: Number): ImageData? = js.noImpl
public native fun putImageData(image_data: ImageData, dx: Number, dy: Number, dirtyX: Number, dirtyY: Number, dirtyWidth: Number, dirtyHeight: Number): Unit = js.noImpl
public native trait CanvasGradient {
public native fun addColorStop(offset: Number, color: String): Unit = js.noImpl
public native trait ImageData {
public native var data: CanvasPixelArray = js.noImpl
public native var width: Double = js.noImpl
public native var height: Double = js.noImpl
public native trait CanvasPixelArray {
public native var length: Double = js.noImpl
public native trait TextMetrics {
public native var width: Double = js.noImpl
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public final class WebDemoCanvasExamplesTest extends SingleFileTranslationTest {
public void testFancyLines() throws Exception {
doTest("Fancy lines.kt", "$");
doTest("Fancy lines.kt", "window");
public void testTrafficLight() throws Exception {
......@@ -62,14 +62,13 @@ public abstract class Config {
// "/core/dom/core.kt"
public static final String LIBRARIES_LOCATION = "js/js.libraries/src";
......@@ -6,59 +6,61 @@ Note that only a subset of the api is supported for now.
package fancylines
import js.*;
import html5.*;
import jquery.*;
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
//jq is a name for JQuery function
jq {
import js.dom.html5.*
import js.dom.html.window
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
window.onload = {
val canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
get() {
return window.document.getElementsByTagName("canvas").item(0) as HTMLCanvasElement
class FancyLines() {
// we use two 'magic' functions here getContext() and getCanvas()
val context = getContext();
val height = getCanvas().height;
val width = getCanvas().width;
var x = width * Math.random();
var y = height * Math.random();
var hue = 0;
val context = canvas.getContext("2d")!!
val height = canvas.height
val width = canvas.width
var x = width * Math.random()
var y = height * Math.random()
var hue = 0;
fun line() {
fun line() {
context.lineWidth = 20.0 * Math.random();
context.moveTo(x.toInt(), y.toInt());
context.lineWidth = 20.0 * Math.random()
context.moveTo(x.toInt(), y.toInt());
x = width * Math.random();
y = height * Math.random();
x = width * Math.random();
y = height * Math.random()
context.bezierCurveTo(width * Math.random(), height * Math.random(),
width * Math.random(), height * Math.random(), x, y);
context.bezierCurveTo(width * Math.random(), height * Math.random(),
width * Math.random(), height * Math.random(), x, y);
hue += Math.random() * 10;
hue += Math.random() * 10;
context.strokeStyle = "hsl($hue, 50%, 50%)";
context.strokeStyle = "hsl($hue, 50%, 50%)";
context.shadowColor = "white";
context.shadowBlur = 10.0;
context.shadowColor = "white";
context.shadowBlur = 10.0;
fun blank() {
context.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,1,0.1)";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
fun blank() {
context.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,1,0.1)";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
fun run() {
setInterval({line()}, 40);
setInterval({blank()}, 100);
fun run() {
setInterval({line()}, 40);
setInterval({blank()}, 100);
\ No newline at end of file
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