提交 a3f131d6 编写于 作者: S shiraji

KT-13521 Warning right part of "expression ?: null" is useless

 #KT-13521 Fixed
上级 a683c2b6
......@@ -686,6 +686,8 @@ public interface Errors {
DiagnosticFactory1<KtBinaryExpression, KotlinType> USELESS_ELVIS = DiagnosticFactory1.create(WARNING, PositioningStrategies.USELESS_ELVIS);
DiagnosticFactory0<PsiElement> USELESS_ELVIS_ON_LAMBDA_EXPRESSION = DiagnosticFactory0.create(WARNING);
DiagnosticFactory0<KtBinaryExpression> USELESS_ELVIS_RIGHT_IS_NULL =
DiagnosticFactory0.create(WARNING, PositioningStrategies.USELESS_ELVIS);
// Compile-time values
......@@ -418,6 +418,7 @@ public class DefaultErrorMessages {
MAP.put(DYNAMIC_UPPER_BOUND, "Dynamic type can not be used as an upper bound");
MAP.put(USELESS_ELVIS, "Elvis operator (?:) always returns the left operand of non-nullable type {0}", RENDER_TYPE);
MAP.put(USELESS_ELVIS_ON_LAMBDA_EXPRESSION, "Left operand of elvis operator (?:) is a lambda expression");
MAP.put(USELESS_ELVIS_RIGHT_IS_NULL, "Right operand of elvis operator (?:) is useless if it is null");
MAP.put(CONFLICTING_UPPER_BOUNDS, "Upper bounds of {0} have empty intersection", NAME);
MAP.put(UNSUPPORTED_TYPEALIAS, "Type aliases are unsupported (min Kotlin language level: 1.1)");
......@@ -1198,6 +1198,9 @@ public class BasicExpressionTypingVisitor extends ExpressionTypingVisitor {
assert rightTypeInfo != null : "Right expression was not processed: " + expression;
boolean loopBreakContinuePossible = leftTypeInfo.getJumpOutPossible() || rightTypeInfo.getJumpOutPossible();
KotlinType rightType = rightTypeInfo.getType();
if (rightType != null && KtPsiUtil.isNullConstant(right)) {
// Only left argument DFA is taken into account here: we cannot be sure that right argument is joined
// (we merge it with right DFA if right argument contains no jump outside)
// FILE: J.java
import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;
public class J {
public static J staticN;
// FILE: k.kt
fun test() {
val a = J.staticN <!USELESS_ELVIS_RIGHT_IS_NULL!>?: null<!>
fun foo(a: Any?) {
public fun foo(/*0*/ a: kotlin.Any?): kotlin.Unit
public fun test(): kotlin.Unit
public open class J {
public constructor J()
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun equals(/*0*/ other: kotlin.Any?): kotlin.Boolean
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun hashCode(): kotlin.Int
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun toString(): kotlin.String
// Static members
@org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable() public final var staticN: J?
......@@ -13855,6 +13855,12 @@ public class DiagnosticsTestGenerated extends AbstractDiagnosticsTest {
String fileName = KotlinTestUtils.navigationMetadata("compiler/testData/diagnostics/tests/platformTypes/nullabilityWarnings/uselessElvisInCall.kt");
public void testUselessElvisRightIsNull() throws Exception {
String fileName = KotlinTestUtils.navigationMetadata("compiler/testData/diagnostics/tests/platformTypes/nullabilityWarnings/uselessElvisRightIsNull.kt");
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ class QuickFixRegistrar : QuickFixContributor {
val removeRedundantModifierFactory = RemoveModifierFix.createRemoveModifierFactory(true)
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