提交 901b794a 编写于 作者: V Victor Petukhov

Use lexical scope from trace during checking suspend context if the analysis...

Use lexical scope from trace during checking suspend context if the analysis of engaged parent function isn't completed

^KT-39461 Fixed
上级 02f6a03f
......@@ -10286,6 +10286,11 @@ public class FirOldFrontendDiagnosticsTestGenerated extends AbstractFirOldFronte
public void testReturningLambdaInSuspendContext() throws Exception {
public void testStarApproximation() throws Exception {
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ class SuspensionPointInsideMutexLockChecker : CallChecker {
val descriptor = resolvedCall.candidateDescriptor
if (descriptor !is FunctionDescriptor || !descriptor.isSuspend) return
val enclosingSuspendFunctionSource = findEnclosingSuspendFunction(context)?.source?.getPsi() ?: return
val enclosingSuspendFunctionSource =
findEnclosingSuspendFunction(context, resolvedCall.call.callElement)?.source?.getPsi() ?: return
// Search for `synchronized` call
var parent = reportOn
......@@ -12,13 +12,12 @@ import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.DiagnosticSink
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.diagnostics.Errors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.Name
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtCodeFragment
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtThisExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getParentOfType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.DescriptorUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.callUtil.isCallableReference
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.context.CallResolutionContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.model.ResolvedCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.fqNameSafe
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.inline.InlineUtil
......@@ -50,11 +49,28 @@ fun PropertyDescriptor.isBuiltInCoroutineContext(languageVersionSettings: Langua
fun findEnclosingSuspendFunction(context: CallCheckerContext): FunctionDescriptor? = context.scope
.parentsWithSelf.firstOrNull {
it is LexicalScope && it.kind in ALLOWED_SCOPE_KINDS &&
it.ownerDescriptor.safeAs<FunctionDescriptor>()?.isSuspend == true
fun findEnclosingSuspendFunction(context: CallCheckerContext, checkingCall: KtElement): FunctionDescriptor? {
* If checking call isn't equal to call in resolution context, we should look at lexical scope from trace.
* It means there is a parent function analysis of which isn't completed yet
* and their lexical scope in the resolution context isn't recorded yet (but there is lexical scope with not completed descriptor in trace).
* Example (suggest that we're analyzing the last expression of lambda now):
* fun main() {
* runBlocking {
* retry { 1 } // `fun main` lexical scope in the resolution context, `runBlocking { ... }` one in the recorded in trace lexical scope
* }
* }
val scope = if (context.resolutionContext !is CallResolutionContext<*> || context.resolutionContext.call.callElement == checkingCall) {
} else {
context.trace.get(BindingContext.LEXICAL_SCOPE, checkingCall)
return scope?.parentsWithSelf?.firstOrNull {
it is LexicalScope && it.kind in ALLOWED_SCOPE_KINDS && it.ownerDescriptor.safeAs<FunctionDescriptor>()?.isSuspend == true
object CoroutineSuspendCallChecker : CallChecker {
override fun check(resolvedCall: ResolvedCall<*>, reportOn: PsiElement, context: CallCheckerContext) {
......@@ -69,12 +85,11 @@ object CoroutineSuspendCallChecker : CallChecker {
else -> return
val enclosingSuspendFunction = findEnclosingSuspendFunction(context)
val callElement = resolvedCall.call.callElement as KtExpression
val enclosingSuspendFunction = findEnclosingSuspendFunction(context, callElement)
when {
enclosingSuspendFunction != null -> {
val callElement = resolvedCall.call.callElement as KtExpression
if (!InlineUtil.checkNonLocalReturnUsage(enclosingSuspendFunction, callElement, context.resolutionContext)) {
var shouldReport = true
class Foo {
suspend operator fun <T> invoke(body: suspend (Int) -> T) = null as T
suspend fun <T> bar(body: suspend (Int) -> T) = null as T
fun <T> runBlocking(block: suspend () -> T) = null as T
public inline fun <T, R> T.run(block: T.() -> R) = null as R
fun main() {
val retry = Foo()
runBlocking {
retry { 1 } // OK only after fix
runBlocking {
retry { 1 } // OK
runBlocking {
retry.bar { 1 } // OK
runBlocking {
{ retry { 1 } } // should be error
runBlocking {
10.run { retry { 1 } } // should be OK
runBlocking {
10.run { retry { 1 } } // should be OK
runBlocking {
{ retry { 1 } } // should be error
class Foo {
suspend operator fun <T> invoke(body: suspend (Int) -> T) = null as T
suspend fun <T> bar(body: suspend (Int) -> T) = null as T
fun <T> runBlocking(block: suspend () -> T) = null as T
public inline fun <T, R> T.run(block: T.() -> R) = null as R
fun main() {
val retry = Foo()
runBlocking {
retry { 1 } // OK only after fix
runBlocking {
retry { 1 } // OK
runBlocking {
retry.bar { 1 } // OK
runBlocking {
{ <!NON_LOCAL_SUSPENSION_POINT!>retry<!> { 1 } } // should be error
runBlocking {
10.run { retry { 1 } } // should be OK
runBlocking {
10.run { retry { 1 } } // should be OK
runBlocking {
{ <!NON_LOCAL_SUSPENSION_POINT!>retry<!> { 1 } } // should be error
public fun main(): kotlin.Unit
public fun </*0*/ T> runBlocking(/*0*/ block: suspend () -> T): T
public inline fun </*0*/ T, /*1*/ R> T.run(/*0*/ block: T.() -> R): R
public final class Foo {
public constructor Foo()
public final suspend fun </*0*/ T> bar(/*0*/ body: suspend (kotlin.Int) -> T): T
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun equals(/*0*/ other: kotlin.Any?): kotlin.Boolean
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun hashCode(): kotlin.Int
public final suspend operator fun </*0*/ T> invoke(/*0*/ body: suspend (kotlin.Int) -> T): T
public open override /*1*/ /*fake_override*/ fun toString(): kotlin.String
......@@ -10293,6 +10293,11 @@ public class DiagnosticsTestGenerated extends AbstractDiagnosticsTestWithFirVali
public void testReturningLambdaInSuspendContext() throws Exception {
public void testStarApproximation() throws Exception {
......@@ -10288,6 +10288,11 @@ public class DiagnosticsUsingJavacTestGenerated extends AbstractDiagnosticsUsing
public void testReturningLambdaInSuspendContext() throws Exception {
public void testStarApproximation() throws Exception {
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