提交 4fd4f504 编写于 作者: M Mikhail Glukhikh

FIR: make componentX functions operator

上级 7934853c
......@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ FILE: constantValues.kt
public final val arrayNestedness: R|kotlin/Int| = R|<local>/arrayNestedness|
public get(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component1(): R|ClassId|
public final operator fun component1(): R|ClassId|
public final fun component2(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final operator fun component2(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun copy(classId: R|ClassId| = this@R|/ClassLiteralValue|.R|/ClassLiteralValue.classId|, arrayNestedness: R|kotlin/Int| = this@R|/ClassLiteralValue|.R|/ClassLiteralValue.arrayNestedness|): R|ClassLiteralValue|
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ FILE: constantValues.kt
public final val arrayDimensions: R|kotlin/Int|
public get(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component1(): R|ClassLiteralValue|
public final operator fun component1(): R|ClassLiteralValue|
public final fun copy(value: R|ClassLiteralValue| = this@R|/KClassValue.Value.NormalClass|.R|/KClassValue.Value.NormalClass.value|): R|KClassValue.Value.NormalClass|
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ FILE: constantValues.kt
public final val type: R|KotlinType| = R|<local>/type|
public get(): R|KotlinType|
public final fun component1(): R|KotlinType|
public final operator fun component1(): R|KotlinType|
public final fun copy(type: R|KotlinType| = this@R|/KClassValue.Value.LocalClass|.R|/KClassValue.Value.LocalClass.type|): R|KClassValue.Value.LocalClass|
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ FILE: copy.kt
public final val y: R|kotlin/String| = R|<local>/y|
public get(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component2(): R|kotlin/String|
public final operator fun component2(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun copy(x: R|kotlin/Int| = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.x|, y: R|kotlin/String| = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.y|): R|Some|
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ FILE: incompatibleModifiers.kt
public final val i: R|kotlin/Int| = R|<local>/i|
public get(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun copy(i: R|kotlin/Int| = this@R|/H|.R|/H.i|): R|H|
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ FILE: incompatibleModifiers.kt
public final val i: R|kotlin/Int| = R|<local>/i|
public get(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun copy(i: R|kotlin/Int| = this@R|/I|.R|/I.i|): R|I|
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ FILE: incompatibleModifiers.kt
public final val i: R|kotlin/Int| = R|<local>/i|
public get(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun copy(i: R|kotlin/Int| = this@R|/J|.R|/J.i|): R|J|
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ FILE: incompatibleModifiers.kt
public final val i: R|kotlin/Int| = R|<local>/i|
public get(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun copy(i: R|kotlin/Int| = this@R|/X.Y|.R|/X.Y.i|): R|X.Y|
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ FILE: nullable2.kt
public final val name: R|kotlin/String| = R|<local>/name|
public get(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/String|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun copy(name: R|kotlin/String| = this@R|/Foo|.R|/Foo.name|): R|Foo|
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ FILE: safeString2.kt
public final val name: R|kotlin/String| = R|<local>/name|
public get(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/String|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun copy(name: R|kotlin/String| = this@R|/Foo|.R|/Foo.name|): R|Foo|
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ FILE: RedundantReturnUnitTypeChecker.kt
public final val x: R|kotlin/Unit| = R|<local>/x|
public get(): R|kotlin/Unit|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/Unit|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/Unit|
public final fun copy(x: R|kotlin/Unit| = this@R|/My|.R|/My.x|): R|My|
......@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ FILE: RedundantSingleExpressionStringTemplateChecker.kt
public get(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/String|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun component2(): R|ProductGroup?|
public final operator fun component2(): R|ProductGroup?|
public final fun copy(short_name: R|kotlin/String| = this@R|/ProductGroup|.R|/ProductGroup.short_name|, parent: R|ProductGroup?| = this@R|/ProductGroup|.R|/ProductGroup.parent|): R|ProductGroup|
......@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ FILE: problems2.kt
public final val s: R|kotlin/String?| = R|<local>/s|
public get(): R|kotlin/String?|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component2(): R|kotlin/Array<kotlin/String>?|
public final operator fun component2(): R|kotlin/Array<kotlin/String>?|
public final fun component3(): R|kotlin/String?|
public final operator fun component3(): R|kotlin/String?|
public final fun copy(x: R|kotlin/Int| = this@R|/Some.WithPrimary|.R|/Some.WithPrimary.x|, arr: R|kotlin/Array<kotlin/String>?| = this@R|/Some.WithPrimary|.R|/Some.WithPrimary.arr|, s: R|kotlin/String?| = this@R|/Some.WithPrimary|.R|/Some.WithPrimary.s|): R|Some.WithPrimary|
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ FILE: lambdaInWhenBranch.kt
public final val t: R|kotlin/String| = R|<local>/t|
public get(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/String|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun copy(t: R|kotlin/String| = this@R|/SubClass1|.R|/SubClass1.t|): R|SubClass1|
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ FILE: components.kt
public final val y: R|kotlin/String| = R|<local>/y|
public get(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final operator fun component1(): R|kotlin/Int|
public final fun component2(): R|kotlin/String|
public final operator fun component2(): R|kotlin/String|
public final fun copy(x: R|kotlin/Int| = this@R|/D|.R|/D.x|, y: R|kotlin/String| = this@R|/D|.R|/D.y|): R|D|
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ FILE: destructuring.kt
public? final? val third: String = R|<local>/third|
public? get(): String
public final fun component1(): Int
public final operator fun component1(): Int
public final fun component2(): Double
public final operator fun component2(): Double
public final fun component3(): String
public final operator fun component3(): String
public final fun copy(first: Int = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.first|, second: Double = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.second|, third: String = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.third|): R|Some|
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ FILE: destructuring.kt
public? final? val third: String = R|<local>/third|
public? get(): String
public final fun component1(): Int
public final operator fun component1(): Int
public final fun component2(): Double
public final operator fun component2(): Double
public final fun component3(): String
public final operator fun component3(): String
public final fun copy(first: Int = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.first|, second: Double = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.second|, third: String = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.third|): R|Some|
......@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ FILE: for.kt
public? final? val y: Int = R|<local>/y|
public? get(): Int
public final fun component1(): Int
public final operator fun component1(): Int
public final fun component2(): Int
public final operator fun component2(): Int
public final fun copy(x: Int = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.x|, y: Int = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.y|): R|Some|
......@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ FILE: for.kt
public? final? val y: Int = R|<local>/y|
public? get(): Int
public final fun component1(): Int
public final operator fun component1(): Int
public final fun component2(): Int
public final operator fun component2(): Int
public final fun copy(x: Int = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.x|, y: Int = this@R|/Some|.R|/Some.y|): R|Some|
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ FILE: lambda.kt
public? final? val y: Int = R|<local>/y|
public? get(): Int
public final fun component1(): Int
public final operator fun component1(): Int
public final fun component2(): Int
public final operator fun component2(): Int
public final fun copy(x: Int = this@R|/Tuple|.R|/Tuple.x|, y: Int = this@R|/Tuple|.R|/Tuple.y|): R|Tuple|
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ FILE: lambda.kt
public? final? val y: Int = R|<local>/y|
public? get(): Int
public final fun component1(): Int
public final operator fun component1(): Int
public final fun component2(): Int
public final operator fun component2(): Int
public final fun copy(x: Int = this@R|/Tuple|.R|/Tuple.x|, y: Int = this@R|/Tuple|.R|/Tuple.y|): R|Tuple|
......@@ -1089,7 +1089,9 @@ abstract class BaseFirBuilder<T>(val baseSession: FirSession, val context: Conte
returnTypeRef = firProperty.returnTypeRef
receiverTypeRef = null
this.name = name
status = FirDeclarationStatusImpl(Visibilities.Public, Modality.FINAL)
status = FirDeclarationStatusImpl(Visibilities.Public, Modality.FINAL).apply {
isOperator = true
symbol = FirNamedFunctionSymbol(CallableId(packageFqName, classFqName, name))
dispatchReceiverType = currentDispatchReceiverType()
// Refer to FIR backend ClassMemberGenerator for body generation.
......@@ -41,39 +41,39 @@ data class Test1 {
field = doubleArray
fun component1(): Array<String> {
operator fun component1(): Array<String> {
return <this>.#stringArray
fun component2(): CharArray {
operator fun component2(): CharArray {
return <this>.#charArray
fun component3(): BooleanArray {
operator fun component3(): BooleanArray {
return <this>.#booleanArray
fun component4(): ByteArray {
operator fun component4(): ByteArray {
return <this>.#byteArray
fun component5(): ShortArray {
operator fun component5(): ShortArray {
return <this>.#shortArray
fun component6(): IntArray {
operator fun component6(): IntArray {
return <this>.#intArray
fun component7(): LongArray {
operator fun component7(): LongArray {
return <this>.#longArray
fun component8(): FloatArray {
operator fun component8(): FloatArray {
return <this>.#floatArray
fun component9(): DoubleArray {
operator fun component9(): DoubleArray {
return <this>.#doubleArray
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ data class Test2<T : Any?> {
field = genericArray
fun component1(): Array<T> {
operator fun component1(): Array<T> {
return <this>.#genericArray
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ data class Test3 {
field = anyArrayN
fun component1(): Array<Any>? {
operator fun component1(): Array<Any>? {
return <this>.#anyArrayN
......@@ -226,3 +226,4 @@ data class Test3 {
......@@ -113,58 +113,58 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClassWithArrayMembers.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-doubleArray> (): kotlin.DoubleArray declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:doubleArray type:kotlin.DoubleArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.DoubleArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.<get-doubleArray>' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.Array<kotlin.String>
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.Array<kotlin.String> [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Array<kotlin.String> declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Array<kotlin.String> [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:stringArray type:kotlin.Array<kotlin.String> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Array<kotlin.String> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component1' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.CharArray
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.CharArray [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.CharArray declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.CharArray [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:charArray type:kotlin.CharArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.CharArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component2' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component3 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.BooleanArray
FUN name:component3 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.BooleanArray [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component3 (): kotlin.BooleanArray declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component3 (): kotlin.BooleanArray [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:booleanArray type:kotlin.BooleanArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.BooleanArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component3' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component4 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.ByteArray
FUN name:component4 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.ByteArray [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component4 (): kotlin.ByteArray declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component4 (): kotlin.ByteArray [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:byteArray type:kotlin.ByteArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.ByteArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component4' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component5 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.ShortArray
FUN name:component5 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.ShortArray [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component5 (): kotlin.ShortArray declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component5 (): kotlin.ShortArray [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:shortArray type:kotlin.ShortArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.ShortArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component5' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component6 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.IntArray
FUN name:component6 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.IntArray [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component6 (): kotlin.IntArray declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component6 (): kotlin.IntArray [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:intArray type:kotlin.IntArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.IntArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component6' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component7 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.LongArray
FUN name:component7 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.LongArray [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component7 (): kotlin.LongArray declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component7 (): kotlin.LongArray [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:longArray type:kotlin.LongArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.LongArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component7' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component8 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.FloatArray
FUN name:component8 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.FloatArray [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component8 (): kotlin.FloatArray declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component8 (): kotlin.FloatArray [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:floatArray type:kotlin.FloatArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.FloatArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component8' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component9 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.DoubleArray
FUN name:component9 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.DoubleArray [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component9 (): kotlin.DoubleArray declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component9 (): kotlin.DoubleArray [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:doubleArray type:kotlin.DoubleArray visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.DoubleArray origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component9' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1, stringArray:kotlin.Array<kotlin.String>, charArray:kotlin.CharArray, booleanArray:kotlin.BooleanArray, byteArray:kotlin.ByteArray, shortArray:kotlin.ShortArray, intArray:kotlin.IntArray, longArray:kotlin.LongArray, floatArray:kotlin.FloatArray, doubleArray:kotlin.DoubleArray) returnType:<root>.Test1
......@@ -478,10 +478,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClassWithArrayMembers.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-genericArray> (): kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2> declared in <root>.Test2'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:genericArray type:kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2> declared in <root>.Test2.<get-genericArray>' type=<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2> origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>) returnType:kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2>
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>) returnType:kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2> [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2> declared in <root>.Test2'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2> [operator] declared in <root>.Test2'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:genericArray type:kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2> declared in <root>.Test2.component1' type=<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2> origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>, genericArray:kotlin.Array<T of <root>.Test2>) returnType:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>
......@@ -569,10 +569,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClassWithArrayMembers.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-anyArrayN> (): kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>? declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:anyArrayN type:kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3 declared in <root>.Test3.<get-anyArrayN>' type=<root>.Test3 origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>?
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>? [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test3
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>? declared in <root>.Test3'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>? [operator] declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:anyArrayN type:kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3 declared in <root>.Test3.component1' type=<root>.Test3 origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3, anyArrayN:kotlin.Array<kotlin.Any>?) returnType:<root>.Test3
......@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ data class Test1 {
field = z
fun component1(): Int {
operator fun component1(): Int {
return <this>.#x
fun component2(): String {
operator fun component2(): String {
return <this>.#y
fun component3(): Any {
operator fun component3(): Any {
return <this>.#z
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ data class Test2 {
field = x
fun component1(): Any? {
operator fun component1(): Any? {
return <this>.#x
......@@ -135,19 +135,19 @@ data class Test3 {
field = df
fun component1(): Double {
operator fun component1(): Double {
return <this>.#d
fun component2(): Double? {
operator fun component2(): Double? {
return <this>.#dn
fun component3(): Float {
operator fun component3(): Float {
return <this>.#f
fun component4(): Float? {
operator fun component4(): Float? {
return <this>.#df
......@@ -41,22 +41,22 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClasses.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-z> (): kotlin.Any declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:z type:kotlin.Any visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Any origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.<get-z>' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.Int
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.Int [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.Int visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component1' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.String
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.String [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.String declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.String [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:y type:kotlin.String visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.String origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component2' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:component3 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.Any
FUN name:component3 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1) returnType:kotlin.Any [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component3 (): kotlin.Any declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component3 (): kotlin.Any [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:z type:kotlin.Any visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Any origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1.component3' type=<root>.Test1 origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1, x:kotlin.Int, y:kotlin.String, z:kotlin.Any) returnType:<root>.Test1
......@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClasses.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-x> (): kotlin.Any? declared in <root>.Test2'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.Any? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Any? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test2 declared in <root>.Test2.<get-x>' type=<root>.Test2 origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2) returnType:kotlin.Any?
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2) returnType:kotlin.Any? [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test2
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Any? declared in <root>.Test2'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Any? [operator] declared in <root>.Test2'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.Any? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Any? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test2 declared in <root>.Test2.component1' type=<root>.Test2 origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2, x:kotlin.Any?) returnType:<root>.Test2
......@@ -332,28 +332,28 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClasses.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-df> (): kotlin.Float? declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:df type:kotlin.Float? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Float? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3 declared in <root>.Test3.<get-df>' type=<root>.Test3 origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Double
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Double [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test3
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Double declared in <root>.Test3'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Double [operator] declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:d type:kotlin.Double visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Double origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3 declared in <root>.Test3.component1' type=<root>.Test3 origin=null
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Double?
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Double? [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test3
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Double? declared in <root>.Test3'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Double? [operator] declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:dn type:kotlin.Double? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Double? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3 declared in <root>.Test3.component2' type=<root>.Test3 origin=null
FUN name:component3 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Float
FUN name:component3 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Float [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test3
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component3 (): kotlin.Float declared in <root>.Test3'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component3 (): kotlin.Float [operator] declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:f type:kotlin.Float visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Float origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3 declared in <root>.Test3.component3' type=<root>.Test3 origin=null
FUN name:component4 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Float?
FUN name:component4 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3) returnType:kotlin.Float? [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test3
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component4 (): kotlin.Float? declared in <root>.Test3'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component4 (): kotlin.Float? [operator] declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:df type:kotlin.Float? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Float? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3 declared in <root>.Test3.component4' type=<root>.Test3 origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3, d:kotlin.Double, dn:kotlin.Double?, f:kotlin.Float, df:kotlin.Float?) returnType:<root>.Test3
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ data class Test1<T : Any?> {
field = x
fun component1(): T {
operator fun component1(): T {
return <this>.#x
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ data class Test2<T : Number> {
field = x
fun component1(): T {
operator fun component1(): T {
return <this>.#x
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ data class Test3<T : Any?> {
field = x
fun component1(): List<T> {
operator fun component1(): List<T> {
return <this>.#x
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ data class Test4 {
field = x
fun component1(): List<String> {
operator fun component1(): List<String> {
return <this>.#x
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClassesGeneric.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-x> (): T of <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:T of <root>.Test1 visibility:private [final]' type=T of <root>.Test1 origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1> declared in <root>.Test1.<get-x>' type=<root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1> origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1>) returnType:T of <root>.Test1
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1>) returnType:T of <root>.Test1 [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1>
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): T of <root>.Test1 declared in <root>.Test1'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): T of <root>.Test1 [operator] declared in <root>.Test1'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:T of <root>.Test1 visibility:private [final]' type=T of <root>.Test1 origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1> declared in <root>.Test1.component1' type=<root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1> origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1>, x:T of <root>.Test1) returnType:<root>.Test1<T of <root>.Test1>
......@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClassesGeneric.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-x> (): T of <root>.Test2 declared in <root>.Test2'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:T of <root>.Test2 visibility:private [final]' type=T of <root>.Test2 origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2> declared in <root>.Test2.<get-x>' type=<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2> origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>) returnType:T of <root>.Test2
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>) returnType:T of <root>.Test2 [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): T of <root>.Test2 declared in <root>.Test2'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): T of <root>.Test2 [operator] declared in <root>.Test2'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:T of <root>.Test2 visibility:private [final]' type=T of <root>.Test2 origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2> declared in <root>.Test2.component1' type=<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2> origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>, x:T of <root>.Test2) returnType:<root>.Test2<T of <root>.Test2>
......@@ -209,10 +209,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClassesGeneric.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-x> (): kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3> declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3> declared in <root>.Test3.<get-x>' type=<root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3> origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3>) returnType:kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3>
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3>) returnType:kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3> [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3>
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3> declared in <root>.Test3'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3> [operator] declared in <root>.Test3'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3> declared in <root>.Test3.component1' type=<root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3> origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3>, x:kotlin.collections.List<T of <root>.Test3>) returnType:<root>.Test3<T of <root>.Test3>
......@@ -299,10 +299,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClassesGeneric.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-x> (): kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> declared in <root>.Test4'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test4 declared in <root>.Test4.<get-x>' type=<root>.Test4 origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test4) returnType:kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String>
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test4) returnType:kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test4
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> declared in <root>.Test4'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> [operator] declared in <root>.Test4'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test4 declared in <root>.Test4.component1' type=<root>.Test4 origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test4, x:kotlin.collections.List<kotlin.String>) returnType:<root>.Test4
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ data class TestData {
field = nn
fun component1(): Nothing? {
operator fun component1(): Nothing? {
return <this>.#nn
......@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/kt31649.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-nn> (): kotlin.Nothing? declared in <root>.TestData'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:nn type:kotlin.Nothing? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Nothing? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.TestData declared in <root>.TestData.<get-nn>' type=<root>.TestData origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.TestData) returnType:kotlin.Nothing?
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.TestData) returnType:kotlin.Nothing? [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.TestData
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Nothing? declared in <root>.TestData'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Nothing? [operator] declared in <root>.TestData'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:nn type:kotlin.Nothing? visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Nothing? origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.TestData declared in <root>.TestData.component1' type=<root>.TestData origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.TestData, nn:kotlin.Nothing?) returnType:<root>.TestData
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ data class A {
field = runA
fun component1(): @ExtensionFunctionType Function2<A, String, Unit> {
operator fun component1(): @ExtensionFunctionType Function2<A, String, Unit> {
return <this>.#runA
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ data class B {
field = x
fun component1(): Any {
operator fun component1(): Any {
return <this>.#x
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/lambdaInDataClassDefaultParameter.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-runA> (): @[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit> declared in <root>.A'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:runA type:@[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit> visibility:private [final]' type=@[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.A declared in <root>.A.<get-runA>' type=<root>.A origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.A) returnType:@[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit>
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.A) returnType:@[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit> [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.A
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): @[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit> declared in <root>.A'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): @[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit> [operator] declared in <root>.A'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:runA type:@[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit> visibility:private [final]' type=@[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.A declared in <root>.A.component1' type=<root>.A origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.A, runA:@[ExtensionFunctionType] kotlin.Function2<<root>.A, kotlin.String, kotlin.Unit>) returnType:<root>.A
......@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/lambdaInDataClassDefaultParameter.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-x> (): kotlin.Any declared in <root>.B'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.Any visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Any origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.B declared in <root>.B.<get-x>' type=<root>.B origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.B) returnType:kotlin.Any
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.B) returnType:kotlin.Any [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.B
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Any declared in <root>.B'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Any [operator] declared in <root>.B'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.Any visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Any origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.B declared in <root>.B.component1' type=<root>.B origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.B, x:kotlin.Any) returnType:<root>.B
......@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ open data class ValidatedProperties {
field = test2
open get
fun component1(): String {
operator fun component1(): String {
return <this>.<get-test1>()
fun component2(): String {
operator fun component2(): String {
return <this>.<get-test2>()
......@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/openDataClass.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public open fun <get-test2> (): kotlin.String declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:test2 type:kotlin.String visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.String origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.ValidatedProperties declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties.<get-test2>' type=<root>.ValidatedProperties origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.ValidatedProperties) returnType:kotlin.String
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.ValidatedProperties) returnType:kotlin.String [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.ValidatedProperties
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.String declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.String [operator] declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties'
CALL 'public open fun <get-test1> (): kotlin.String declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties' type=kotlin.String origin=null
$this: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.ValidatedProperties declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties.component1' type=<root>.ValidatedProperties origin=null
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.ValidatedProperties) returnType:kotlin.String
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.ValidatedProperties) returnType:kotlin.String [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.ValidatedProperties
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.String declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.String [operator] declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties'
CALL 'public open fun <get-test2> (): kotlin.String declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties' type=kotlin.String origin=null
$this: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.ValidatedProperties declared in <root>.ValidatedProperties.component2' type=<root>.ValidatedProperties origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.ValidatedProperties, test1:kotlin.String, test2:kotlin.String) returnType:<root>.ValidatedProperties
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ data class Test<T : Any?> {
field = y
fun component1(): T {
operator fun component1(): T {
return <this>.#x
fun component2(): String {
operator fun component2(): String {
return <this>.#y
......@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/dataClassMembers.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-y> (): kotlin.String declared in <root>.Test'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:y type:kotlin.String visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.String origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test<T of <root>.Test> declared in <root>.Test.<get-y>' type=<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test> origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test>) returnType:T of <root>.Test
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test>) returnType:T of <root>.Test [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test>
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): T of <root>.Test declared in <root>.Test'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): T of <root>.Test [operator] declared in <root>.Test'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:T of <root>.Test visibility:private [final]' type=T of <root>.Test origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test<T of <root>.Test> declared in <root>.Test.component1' type=<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test> origin=null
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test>) returnType:kotlin.String
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test>) returnType:kotlin.String [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test>
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.String declared in <root>.Test'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.String [operator] declared in <root>.Test'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:y type:kotlin.String visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.String origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Test<T of <root>.Test> declared in <root>.Test.component2' type=<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test> origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test>, x:T of <root>.Test, y:kotlin.String) returnType:<root>.Test<T of <root>.Test>
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ data class Some<T : Any?> {
field = value
fun component1(): T {
operator fun component1(): T {
return <this>.#value
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/MultiList.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-value> (): T of <root>.Some declared in <root>.Some'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:value type:T of <root>.Some visibility:private [final]' type=T of <root>.Some origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Some<T of <root>.Some> declared in <root>.Some.<get-value>' type=<root>.Some<T of <root>.Some> origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Some<T of <root>.Some>) returnType:T of <root>.Some
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Some<T of <root>.Some>) returnType:T of <root>.Some [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Some<T of <root>.Some>
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): T of <root>.Some declared in <root>.Some'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): T of <root>.Some [operator] declared in <root>.Some'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:value type:T of <root>.Some visibility:private [final]' type=T of <root>.Some origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Some<T of <root>.Some> declared in <root>.Some.component1' type=<root>.Some<T of <root>.Some> origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Some<T of <root>.Some>, value:T of <root>.Some) returnType:<root>.Some<T of <root>.Some>
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ data class DataClass : Derived, Delegate {
field = delegate
fun component1(): Delegate {
operator fun component1(): Delegate {
return <this>.#delegate
......@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/SignatureClash.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-delegate> (): <root>.Delegate declared in <root>.DataClass'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:delegate type:<root>.Delegate visibility:private [final]' type=<root>.Delegate origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.DataClass declared in <root>.DataClass.<get-delegate>' type=<root>.DataClass origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.DataClass) returnType:<root>.Delegate
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.DataClass) returnType:<root>.Delegate [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.DataClass
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): <root>.Delegate declared in <root>.DataClass'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): <root>.Delegate [operator] declared in <root>.DataClass'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:delegate type:<root>.Delegate visibility:private [final]' type=<root>.Delegate origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.DataClass declared in <root>.DataClass.component1' type=<root>.DataClass origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.DataClass, delegate:<root>.Delegate) returnType:<root>.DataClass
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ data class A {
field = y
fun component1(): Int {
operator fun component1(): Int {
return <this>.#x
fun component2(): Int {
operator fun component2(): Int {
return <this>.#y
......@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/destructuringInLambda.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-y> (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.A'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:y type:kotlin.Int visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.A declared in <root>.A.<get-y>' type=<root>.A origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.A) returnType:kotlin.Int
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.A) returnType:kotlin.Int [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.A
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.A'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in <root>.A'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.Int visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.A declared in <root>.A.component1' type=<root>.A origin=null
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.A) returnType:kotlin.Int
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.A) returnType:kotlin.Int [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.A
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.A'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in <root>.A'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:y type:kotlin.Int visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.A declared in <root>.A.component2' type=<root>.A origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.A, x:kotlin.Int, y:kotlin.Int) returnType:<root>.A
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/destructuringInLambda.kt
VALUE_PARAMETER name:<destruct> index:0 type:<root>.A
VAR name:y type:kotlin.Int [val]
CALL 'public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.A' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
CALL 'public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in <root>.A' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
$this: GET_VAR '<destruct>: <root>.A declared in <root>.fn.<anonymous>' type=<root>.A origin=null
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='local final fun <anonymous> (<destruct>: <root>.A): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.fn'
CALL 'public final fun plus (other: kotlin.Int): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in kotlin.Int' type=kotlin.Int origin=PLUS
......@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ data class P {
field = y
fun component1(): Int {
operator fun component1(): Int {
return <this>.#x
fun component2(): Int {
operator fun component2(): Int {
return <this>.#y
......@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/enhancedNullabilityInForLoop.kt
CALL 'public abstract fun next (): T of kotlin.collections.MutableIterator [fake_override,operator] declared in kotlin.collections.MutableIterator' type=<root>.P? origin=FOR_LOOP_NEXT
$this: GET_VAR 'val tmp_1: kotlin.collections.MutableIterator<<root>.P?> [val] declared in <root>.testForInListDestructured' type=kotlin.collections.MutableIterator<<root>.P?> origin=null
VAR name:x type:kotlin.Int [val]
CALL 'public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.P' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
CALL 'public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in <root>.P' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
$this: GET_VAR 'val <destruct>: <root>.P? [val] declared in <root>.testForInListDestructured' type=<root>.P? origin=null
VAR name:y type:kotlin.Int [val]
CALL 'public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.P' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
CALL 'public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in <root>.P' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
$this: GET_VAR 'val <destruct>: <root>.P? [val] declared in <root>.testForInListDestructured' type=<root>.P? origin=null
FUN name:testDesugaredForInList visibility:public modality:FINAL <> () returnType:kotlin.Unit
......@@ -146,16 +146,16 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/enhancedNullabilityInForLoop.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-y> (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.P'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:y type:kotlin.Int visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.P declared in <root>.P.<get-y>' type=<root>.P origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.P) returnType:kotlin.Int
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.P) returnType:kotlin.Int [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.P
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.P'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in <root>.P'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:x type:kotlin.Int visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.P declared in <root>.P.component1' type=<root>.P origin=null
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.P) returnType:kotlin.Int
FUN name:component2 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.P) returnType:kotlin.Int [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.P
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Int declared in <root>.P'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component2 (): kotlin.Int [operator] declared in <root>.P'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:y type:kotlin.Int visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Int origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.P declared in <root>.P.component2' type=<root>.P origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.P, x:kotlin.Int, y:kotlin.Int) returnType:<root>.P
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ data class Tag<out RenderingT : Any?> {
field = action
fun component1(): Function1<RenderingT, Unit> {
operator fun component1(): Function1<RenderingT, Unit> {
return <this>.#action
......@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ FILE fqName:<root> fileName:/typeAliasWithUnsafeVariance.kt
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun <get-action> (): kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit> declared in <root>.Tag'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:action type:kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag> declared in <root>.Tag.<get-action>' type=<root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag> origin=null
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag>) returnType:kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit>
FUN name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag>) returnType:kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit> [operator]
$this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag>
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit> declared in <root>.Tag'
RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit> [operator] declared in <root>.Tag'
GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:action type:kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit> visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit> origin=null
receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag> declared in <root>.Tag.component1' type=<root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag> origin=null
FUN name:copy visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag>, action:kotlin.Function1<RenderingT of <root>.Tag, kotlin.Unit>) returnType:<root>.Tag<RenderingT of <root>.Tag>
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