提交 44c0baa9 编写于 作者: P pTalanov

Creatures example working with the new library

上级 0fb7032f
In this example strange creatures are watching the kotlin logo. You can drag'n'drop them as well as the logo.
Doubleclick to add more creatures but be careful. They may be watching you!
In this example strange creatures are watching the kotlin logo. You can drag'n'drop them as well as the logo.
Doubleclick to add more creatures but be careful. They may be watching you!
package creatures
// importing some of the API defined
import jquery.*
import html5.*
import js.dom.html5.CanvasContext
import js.jquery.*
import js.dom.html5.CanvasGradient
import js.dom.html5.HTMLCanvasElement
import java.util.ArrayList
import js.*
import js.Math
import js.setInterval
import html5.getCanvas
import html5.getKotlinLogo
import jquery.jq
import js.setTimeout
import java.util.List
import js.dom.html.window
import js.dom.html.HTMLElement
import js.dom.html.HTMLImageElement
fun getImage(path: String): HTMLImageElement {
val image = window.document.createElement("img") as HTMLImageElement
image.src = path
return image
val canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
get() {
return window.document.getElementsByTagName("canvas").item(0)!! as HTMLCanvasElement
val context: CanvasContext
get() {
return canvas.getContext("2d")!!
abstract class Shape() {
abstract fun draw(state : CanvasState)
abstract fun draw(state: CanvasState)
// these two abstract methods defines that our shapes can be dragged
abstract fun contains(mousePos : Vector) : Boolean
abstract var pos : Vector
abstract fun contains(mousePos: Vector): Boolean
abstract var pos: Vector
var selected : Boolean = false
var selected: Boolean = false
// a couple of helper extension methods we'll be using in the derived classes
fun Context.shadowed(shadowOffset : Vector, alpha : Double, render : Context.() -> Unit) {
fun CanvasContext.shadowed(shadowOffset: Vector, alpha: Double, render: CanvasContext.() -> Unit) {
shadowColor = "rgba(100, 100, 100, $alpha)"
shadowBlur = 5.0
......@@ -37,7 +51,7 @@ abstract class Shape() {
fun Context.fillPath(constructPath : Context.() -> Unit) {
fun CanvasContext.fillPath(constructPath: CanvasContext.() -> Unit) {
......@@ -47,27 +61,26 @@ abstract class Shape() {
val Kotlin = Logo(v(250.0, 75.0))
class Logo(override var pos : Vector) : Shape()
class Logo(override var pos: Vector): Shape()
val relSize : Double = 0.25
val shadowOffset = v(-3.0, 3.0)
val relSize: Double = 0.25
val shadowOffset = v(- 3.0, 3.0)
val imageSize = v(377.0, 393.0)
var size : Vector = imageSize * relSize
var size: Vector = imageSize * relSize
// get-only properties like this saves you lots of typing and are very expressive
val position : Vector
get() = if (selected) pos - shadowOffset else pos
val position: Vector
get() = if (selected) pos - shadowOffset else pos
fun drawLogo(state : CanvasState) {
fun drawLogo(state: CanvasState) {
size = imageSize * (state.size.x / imageSize.x) * relSize
// getKotlinLogo() is a 'magic' function here defined only for purposes of demonstration but in fact it just find an element containing the logo
state.context.drawImage(getImage("/static/images/kotlinlogowobackground.png"), 0, 0,
imageSize.x.toInt(), imageSize.y.toInt(),
position.x.toInt(), position.y.toInt(),
size.x.toInt(), size.y.toInt())
state.context.drawImage(getImage("http://kotlin-demo.jetbrains.com/static/images/kotlinlogowobackground.png"), 0, 0,
imageSize.x.toInt(), imageSize.y.toInt(),
position.x.toInt(), position.y.toInt(),
size.x.toInt(), size.y.toInt())
override fun draw(state : CanvasState) {
override fun draw(state: CanvasState) {
val context = state.context
if (selected) {
// using helper we defined in Shape class
......@@ -81,41 +94,47 @@ class Logo(override var pos : Vector) : Shape()
override fun contains(mousePos: Vector): Boolean = mousePos.isInRect(pos, size)
val centre : Vector
get() = pos + size * 0.5
val centre: Vector
get() = pos + size * 0.5
val gradientGenerator = RadialGradientGenerator(getContext())
val gradientGenerator: RadialGradientGenerator? = null
get() {
if ($gradientGenerator == null) {
$gradientGenerator = RadialGradientGenerator(context)
return $gradientGenerator
class Creature(override var pos : Vector, val state : CanvasState) : Shape() {
class Creature(override var pos: Vector, val state: CanvasState): Shape() {
val shadowOffset = v(-5.0, 5.0)
val colorStops = gradientGenerator.getNext()
val shadowOffset = v(- 5.0, 5.0)
val colorStops = gradientGenerator!!.getNext()
val relSize = 0.05
// these properties have no backing fields and in java/javascript they could be represented as little helper functions
val radius : Double
get() = state.width * relSize
val position : Vector
get() = if (selected) pos - shadowOffset else pos
val directionToLogo : Vector
get() = (Kotlin.centre - position).normalized
val radius: Double
get() = state.width * relSize
val position: Vector
get() = if (selected) pos - shadowOffset else pos
val directionToLogo: Vector
get() = (Kotlin.centre - position).normalized
//notice how the infix call can make some expressions extremely expressive
override fun contains(mousePos : Vector) = pos distanceTo mousePos < radius
override fun contains(mousePos: Vector) = pos distanceTo mousePos < radius
// defining more nice extension functions
fun Context.circlePath(position : Vector, rad : Double) {
fun CanvasContext.circlePath(position: Vector, rad: Double) {
arc(position.x, position.y, rad, 0.0, 2 * Math.PI, false)
//notice we can use an extension function we just defined inside another extension function
fun Context.fillCircle(position : Vector, rad : Double) {
fun CanvasContext.fillCircle(position: Vector, rad: Double) {
fillPath {
circlePath(position, rad)
override fun draw(state : CanvasState) {
override fun draw(state: CanvasState) {
val context = state.context
if (!selected) {
......@@ -124,7 +143,7 @@ class Creature(override var pos : Vector, val state : CanvasState) : Shape() {
fun drawCreature(context : Context) {
fun drawCreature(context: CanvasContext) {
context.fillStyle = getGradient(context)
context.fillPath {
......@@ -133,22 +152,22 @@ class Creature(override var pos : Vector, val state : CanvasState) : Shape() {
fun getGradient(context : Context) : CanvasGradient {
fun getGradient(context: CanvasContext): CanvasGradient {
val gradientCentre = position + directionToLogo * (radius / 4)
val gradient = context.createRadialGradient(gradientCentre.x, gradientCentre.y, 1.0, gradientCentre.x, gradientCentre.y, 2 * radius)
val gradient = context.createRadialGradient(gradientCentre.x, gradientCentre.y, 1.0, gradientCentre.x, gradientCentre.y, 2 * radius)!!
for (colorStop in colorStops) {
gradient.addColorStop(colorStop._1, colorStop._2)
return gradient
fun tailPath(context : Context) {
val tailDirection = -directionToLogo
fun tailPath(context: CanvasContext) {
val tailDirection = - directionToLogo
val tailPos = position + tailDirection * radius * 1.0
val tailSize = radius * 1.6
val angle = Math.PI / 6.0
val p1 = tailPos + tailDirection.rotatedBy(angle) * tailSize
val p2 = tailPos + tailDirection.rotatedBy(-angle) * tailSize
val p2 = tailPos + tailDirection.rotatedBy(- angle) * tailSize
val middlePoint = position + tailDirection * radius * 1.0
context.moveTo(tailPos.x.toInt(), tailPos.y.toInt())
context.lineTo(p1.x.toInt(), p1.y.toInt())
......@@ -156,7 +175,7 @@ class Creature(override var pos : Vector, val state : CanvasState) : Shape() {
context.lineTo(tailPos.x.toInt(), tailPos.y.toInt())
fun drawEye(context : Context) {
fun drawEye(context: CanvasContext) {
val eyePos = directionToLogo * radius * 0.6 + position
val eyeRadius = radius / 3
val eyeLidRadius = eyeRadius / 2
......@@ -166,7 +185,7 @@ class Creature(override var pos : Vector, val state : CanvasState) : Shape() {
context.fillCircle(eyePos, eyeLidRadius)
fun drawCreatureWithShadow(context : Context) {
fun drawCreatureWithShadow(context: CanvasContext) {
context.shadowed(shadowOffset, 0.7) {
context.fillStyle = getGradient(context)
fillPath {
......@@ -178,15 +197,15 @@ class Creature(override var pos : Vector, val state : CanvasState) : Shape() {
class CanvasState(val canvas : Canvas) {
var width = canvas.width.toDouble()
var height = canvas.height.toDouble()
val size : Vector
class CanvasState(val canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) {
var width = canvas.width
var height = canvas.height
val size: Vector
get() = v(width, height)
val context = getContext()
val context = creatures.context
var valid = false
var shapes = ArrayList<Shape>()
var selection : Shape? = null
var selection: Shape? = null
var dragOff = Vector()
val interval = 1000 / 30
......@@ -231,18 +250,18 @@ class CanvasState(val canvas : Canvas) {
}, interval)
fun mousePos(e : MouseEvent) : Vector {
fun mousePos(e: MouseEvent): Vector {
var offset = Vector()
var element : DomElement? = canvas
var element: HTMLElement? = canvas
while (element != null) {
val el : DomElement = element.sure()
val el: HTMLElement = element.sure()
offset += Vector(el.offsetLeft, el.offsetTop)
element = el.offsetParent
return Vector(e.pageX, e.pageY) - offset
fun addShape(shape : Shape) {
fun addShape(shape: Shape) {
valid = false
......@@ -267,11 +286,11 @@ class CanvasState(val canvas : Canvas) {
class RadialGradientGenerator(val context : Context) {
class RadialGradientGenerator(val context: CanvasContext) {
val gradients = ArrayList<Array<#(Double, String)>>()
var current = 0
fun newColorStops(vararg colorStops : #(Double, String)) {
fun newColorStops(vararg colorStops: #(Double, String)) {
......@@ -284,47 +303,49 @@ class RadialGradientGenerator(val context : Context) {
newColorStops(#(0.0, "rgb(250,147,250)"), #(0.5, "rgb(255,80,255)"), #(1.0, "rgb(250,0,217)"))
fun getNext() : Array<#(Double, String)> {
fun getNext(): Array<#(Double, String)> {
val result = gradients.get(current)
current = (current + 1) % gradients.size()
return result
fun v(x : Double, y : Double) = Vector(x, y)
fun v(x: Double, y: Double) = Vector(x, y)
class Vector(val x : Double = 0.0, val y : Double = 0.0) {
fun plus(v : Vector) = v(x + v.x, y + v.y)
fun minus() = v(-x, -y)
fun minus(v : Vector) = v(x - v.x, y - v.y)
fun times(koef : Double) = v(x * koef, y * koef)
fun distanceTo(v : Vector) = Math.sqrt((this - v).sqr)
fun rotatedBy(theta : Double) : Vector {
class Vector(val x: Double = 0.0, val y: Double = 0.0) {
fun plus(v: Vector) = v(x + v.x, y + v.y)
fun minus() = v(- x, - y)
fun minus(v: Vector) = v(x - v.x, y - v.y)
fun times(koef: Double) = v(x * koef, y * koef)
fun distanceTo(v: Vector) = Math.sqrt((this - v).sqr)
fun rotatedBy(theta: Double): Vector {
val sin = Math.sin(theta)
val cos = Math.cos(theta)
return v(x * cos - y * sin, x * sin + y * cos)
fun isInRect(topLeft : Vector, size : Vector) = (x >= topLeft.x) && (x <= topLeft.x + size.x) &&
fun isInRect(topLeft: Vector, size: Vector) = (x >= topLeft.x) && (x <= topLeft.x + size.x) &&
(y >= topLeft.y) && (y <= topLeft.y + size.y)
val sqr : Double
val sqr: Double
get() = x * x + y * y
val normalized : Vector
val normalized: Vector
get() = this * (1.0 / Math.sqrt(sqr))
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
val state = CanvasState(getCanvas())
state.addShape(Creature(state.size * 0.25, state))
state.addShape(Creature(state.size * 0.75, state))
state.valid = false
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
jq {
val state = CanvasState(canvas)
state.addShape(Creature(state.size * 0.25, state))
state.addShape(Creature(state.size * 0.75, state))
state.valid = false
fun <T> List<T>.reversed() : List<T> {
fun <T> List<T>.reversed(): List<T> {
val result = ArrayList<T>()
var i = size()
while (i > 0) {
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