ParameterOptimizer.h 6.7 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#pragma once

#include "LearningRateScheduler.h"
#include "Parameter.h"

namespace paddle {

 * Some member functions are set to const for two reasons:
 * 1. For sparse update thread safe: update(), traverse callback(const this)
 *    may be called many times, each time one row, and these function
 *    can be called parallelly by multi worker, to speed up large block.
 * 2. For predicate functions, needSpecialTraversal(), startCatchUpWith()
 *    may be called many times, should be no state change between calls.
class ParameterOptimizer {
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  typedef std::function<void(
      const VectorPtr vecs[], const ParameterConfig& config, size_t sparseId)>
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  explicit ParameterOptimizer(const OptimizationConfig& optConfig)
      : applyDecay_(true),
        firstTime_(true) {}

  real calcLearningRate(int64_t numSamplesProcessed, int64_t pass) {
    return learningRateScheduler_->calcLearningRate(numSamplesProcessed, pass);

  virtual ~ParameterOptimizer() {}

   * For sparse update, optimizer can maintain numRows of timer(t0).
   * Some sparse optimizer depends on parameter config in functions
   * such as startBatch(). Optimizer can get it here. But notice that,
   * not all callers can pass config here, so the optimizer should check
   * config passed in is not null ptr.
  virtual void init(size_t numRows, const ParameterConfig* config) {}

  virtual void startPass() {}
  virtual void finishPass() { ++pass_; }

  /// called by Trainer before forward() of a batch.
  virtual void startBatch(int64_t numSamplesProcessed) {

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   * following hooks useful for sparse update,
   * because the traversal in block costs.
   * called by Trainer after update and before finishBatch
   * e.g. Trainer call like this:
   * @code
   * startBatch();
   * if (dense) {
   *   update(blockVec);
   * } else {//sparse
   *   for (row : rows_in_block) {update(rowVec)}
   * }
   * auto callback = needSpecialTraversal();
   * if (callback) {
   *   // do traverse, maybe multi-thread
   *   if (dense) {
   *     callback();
   *   } else {//sparse
   *     for (row : all_rows_in_block) {callback();}
   *   }
   * }
   * finishBatch();
   * @endcode
   * @return callback if need traverse,
   *         else return nullptr.
   *         It should be no state change.
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  virtual TraverseCallback needSpecialTraversal(
      const ParameterConfig& config) const {
    return nullptr;

  /// called by Trainer after backward() of a batch
  virtual void finishBatch() {}

   * between startBatch() and finishBatch(), update() will be called
   * by the trainer multiple times, each time for updating one Parameter
   * with its gradient in PARAMETER_GRADIENT. sparseId is row id,
   * when sparseId set, update is sparse, each time one row.
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  virtual void update(const VectorPtr vecs[],
                      const ParameterConfig& config,
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                      size_t sparseId = -1LU) const = 0;

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   * following hooks catch up with current time for sparse update,
   * In the beginning, call startCatchUpWith() and check return.
   * In the end, call finishCatchUpWith() to finish state.
   * callback do the actual works, can call many times for sparse data.
   * e.g. Trainer call like this:
   * @code
   * auto callback = startCatchUpWith();
   * if (callback) {
   *   // do catch up with, maybe multi-thread
   *   if (dense) {
   *     callback();
   *   } else {//sparse
   *     for (row : rows_in_block) {callback();}
   *   }
   *   // finish catch up with, main thread
   *   finishCatchUpWith();
   * }
   * @endcode
   * @return callback if need catch up with,
   *         else return nullptr.
   *         It should be no state change.
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  virtual TraverseCallback startCatchUpWith() const { return nullptr; }
  virtual void finishCatchUpWith() {}

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   * following two hooks used by averager,
   * apply to final parameter value (PARAMETER_VALUE or PARAMETER_APPLY).
   * restore() will restore orginal value if it apply to PARAMETER_VALUE.
   * Caller must ensure it's catched up with current time before apply.
   * Use returned callback same way as callback returned by
   * ParameterOptimizer::needSpecialTraversal()
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  virtual TraverseCallback apply() { return nullptr; }
  virtual TraverseCallback restore() { return nullptr; }

  /// return the parameter types used by this updater
  const std::vector<ParameterType>& getParameterTypes() const {
    return parameterTypes_;

  void addParameterType(ParameterType type) {
    for (auto t : parameterTypes_) {
      if (t == type) return;
  real getLearningRate() const { return learningRate_; }

  virtual void setNoDecay() { applyDecay_ = false; }

  static ParameterOptimizer* create(const OptimizationConfig& optConfig,
                                    bool inPserver = false);

  typedef std::vector<ParameterOptimizer::TraverseCallback> TraverseCallbackVec;

  static TraverseCallback composeCallbacks(
      const TraverseCallbackVec& callbacks) {
    if (callbacks.size() > 1LU) {
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      return [callbacks](const VectorPtr vecs[],
                         const ParameterConfig& config,
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                         size_t sparseId) {
        for (auto callback : callbacks) {
          callback(vecs, config, sparseId);
    return (callbacks.size() == 1LU) ? callbacks[0] : nullptr;

  bool applyDecay_;
  const OptimizationConfig& optConfig_;
  std::vector<ParameterType> parameterTypes_;

   * global learning rate, init value is opt_config.learning_rate,
   * sparse regularizer get this value per batch, after StartBatch() called
   * so, if lr change in StartBatch, please assign to learningRate_
  real learningRate_;
  std::unique_ptr<LearningRateScheduler> learningRateScheduler_;
  int64_t pass_;  // current training pass (starting from 0)
  bool firstTime_;

}  // namespace paddle