提交 f15024d7 编写于 作者: J Justin Collins

Add more debug messages to checks

上级 38c663d1
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class Brakeman::BaseCheck < SexpProcessor
@tracker = tracker
@string_interp = false
@current_set = nil
@debug_mode = tracker.options[:debug]
@current_template = @current_module = @current_class = @current_method = nil
self.strict = false
self.auto_shift_type = false
......@@ -376,4 +377,8 @@ class Brakeman::BaseCheck < SexpProcessor
def debug_info msg
Kernel.warn msg if @debug_mode
......@@ -62,9 +62,12 @@ class Brakeman::CheckCrossSiteScripting < Brakeman::BaseCheck
tracker.each_template do |name, template|
@current_template = template
template[:outputs].each do |out|
debug_info "Checking #{name} for direct XSS"
unless check_for_immediate_xss out
debug_info "Checking #{name} for indirect XSS"
@matched = false
@mark = false
process out
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckDefaultRoutes < Brakeman::BaseCheck
:confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high],
:file => "#{tracker.options[:app_path]}/config/routes.rb"
else #Report each controller separately
debug_info "Checking each controller for default routes"
tracker.routes.each do |name, actions|
if actions.is_a? Array and actions[0] == :allow_all_actions
warn :controller => name,
......@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ class Brakeman::CheckEvaluation < Brakeman::BaseCheck
#Process calls
def run_check
debug_info "Finding eval-like calls"
calls = tracker.find_call nil, [:eval, :instance_eval, :class_eval, :module_eval]
debug_info "Processing eval-like calls"
calls.each do |call|
process_result call
......@@ -14,10 +14,13 @@ class Brakeman::CheckExecute < Brakeman::BaseCheck
#Check models, controllers, and views for command injection.
def run_check
debug_info "Finding system calls using ``"
check_for_backticks tracker
debug_info "Finding other system calls"
calls = tracker.find_call [:IO, :Open3, :Kernel, []], [:exec, :popen, :popen3, :syscall, :system]
debug_info "Processing system calls"
calls.each do |result|
process result
......@@ -6,12 +6,16 @@ class Brakeman::CheckFileAccess < Brakeman::BaseCheck
Brakeman::Checks.add self
def run_check
debug_info "Finding possible file access"
methods = tracker.find_call [:Dir, :File, :IO, :Kernel, :"Net::FTP", :"Net::HTTP", :PStore, :Pathname, :Shell, :YAML], [:[], :chdir, :chroot, :delete, :entries, :foreach, :glob, :install, :lchmod, :lchown, :link, :load, :load_file, :makedirs, :move, :new, :open, :read, :read_lines, :rename, :rmdir, :safe_unlink, :symlink, :syscopy, :sysopen, :truncate, :unlink]
debug_info "Finding calls to load()"
methods.concat tracker.find_call [], [:load]
debug_info "Finding calls using FileUtils"
methods.concat tracker.find_call(:FileUtils, nil)
debug_info "Processing found calls"
methods.each do |call|
process_result call
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckMailTo < Brakeman::BaseCheck
#Check for javascript encoding of mail_to address
# mail_to email, name, :encode => :javascript
def mail_to_javascript?
debug_info "Checking calls to mail_to for javascript encoding"
tracker.find_call([], :mail_to).each do |result|
call = result[-1]
args = call[-1]
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class Brakeman::CheckMassAssignment < Brakeman::BaseCheck
@results = Set.new
debug_info "Finding possible mass assignment calls on #{models.length} models"
calls = tracker.find_call models, [:new,
......@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ class Brakeman::CheckMassAssignment < Brakeman::BaseCheck
debug_info "Processing possible mass assignment calls"
calls.each do |result|
process result
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckQuoteTableName < Brakeman::BaseCheck
def uses_quote_table_name?
debug_info "Finding calls to quote_table_name()"
not tracker.find_call([], :quote_table_name).empty?
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckRedirect < Brakeman::BaseCheck
Brakeman::Checks.add self
def run_check
debug_info "Finding calls to redirect_to()"
@tracker.find_call(nil, :redirect_to).each do |c|
process c
......@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ class Brakeman::CheckRedirect < Brakeman::BaseCheck
#which can be used to enable/disable reporting output of method calls which use
#user input as arguments.
def include_user_input? call
debug_info "Checking if call includes user input"
if tracker.options[:ignore_redirect_to_model] and call? call[3][1] and
call[3][1][2] == :new and call[3][1][1]
......@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ class Brakeman::CheckRender < Brakeman::BaseCheck
Brakeman::Checks.add self
def run_check
debug_info "Checking all method bodies for calls to render()"
tracker.each_method do |src, class_name, method_name|
@current_class = class_name
@current_method = method_name
process src
debug_info "Checking all templates for calls to render()"
tracker.each_template do |name, template|
@current_template = template
process template[:src]
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckSendFile < Brakeman::CheckFileAccess
Brakeman::Checks.add self
def run_check
debug_info "Finding all calls to send_file()"
methods = tracker.find_call nil, :send_file
methods.each do |call|
......@@ -14,12 +14,17 @@ class Brakeman::CheckSQL < Brakeman::BaseCheck
def run_check
@rails_version = tracker.config[:rails_version]
debug_info "Finding possible SQL calls on models"
calls = tracker.find_model_find tracker.models.keys
debug_info "Finding possible SQL calls with no target"
calls.concat tracker.find_call([], /^(find.*|last|first|all|count|sum|average|minumum|maximum|count_by_sql)$/)
debug_info "Finding possible SQL calls using constantized()"
calls.concat tracker.find_model_find(nil).select { |result| constantize_call? result }
debug_info "Processing possible SQL calls"
calls.each do |c|
process c
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckStripTags < Brakeman::BaseCheck
def uses_strip_tags?
debug_info "Finding calls to strip_tags()"
not tracker.find_call([], :strip_tags).empty?
......@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ class Brakeman::CheckTranslateBug < Brakeman::BaseCheck
def uses_translate?
debug_info "Finding calls to translate() or t()"
not tracker.find_call([], [:t, :translate]).empty?
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class Brakeman::CheckWithoutProtection < Brakeman::BaseCheck
@results = Set.new
debug_info "Finding all mass assignments"
calls = tracker.find_call models, [:new,
......@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ class Brakeman::CheckWithoutProtection < Brakeman::BaseCheck
debug_info "Processing all mass assignments"
calls.each do |result|
process result
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