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* @file median_search.cpp
* @brief Implementation of [Median search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_search) algorithm.
* @brief Implementation of [Median search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_of_medians) algorithm.
* @cases from [here](https://brilliant.org/wiki/median-finding-algorithm/)
* @details
* Given an array A[1,...,n] of n numbers and an index idx, idx, where 1≤idx≤ n, 1≤idx≤ n, find the i-th smallest element of A.
* Given an array A[1,...,n] of n numbers and an index idx, idx, where 1≤idx≤ n, 1≤idx≤ n, find the i-th smallest element of A.
* median_of_medians(A, i):
* #divide A into sublists of len 5
* sublists = [A[j:j+5] for j in range(0, len(A), 5)]
* medians = [sorted(sublist)[len(sublist)/2] for sublist in sublists]
* if len(medians) <= 5:
* pivot = sorted(medians)[len(medians)/2]
* else:
* #the pivot is the median of the medians
* pivot = median_of_medians(medians, len(medians)/2)
* #partitioning step
* low = [j for j in A if j < pivot]
* high = [j for j in A if j > pivot]
* k = len(low)
* if i < k:
* return median_of_medians(low,i)
* elif i > k:
* return median_of_medians(high,i-k-1)
* else: #pivot = k
* return pivot
* \note this algorithm implements median search for only arrays which have distinct elements
* Here are some example lists you can use to see how the algorithm works
* A = [1,2,3,4,5,1000,8,9,99] (Contain Unique Elements)
* B = [1,2,3,4,5,6] (Contains Unique Elements)
* print median_of_medians(A, 0) #should be 1
* print median_of_medians(A,7) #should be 99
* print median_of_medians(B,4) #should be 5
* @author Unknown author
* @author [Sushil Kumar](https://github.com/Rp-sushil)
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
......@@ -23,42 +52,14 @@ namespace search {
* @brief Functions for [Median search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_search) algorithm
namespace median_search {
/* Assume that all the elements of A are distinct
def median_of_medians(A, i):
#divide A into sublists of len 5
sublists = [A[j:j+5] for j in range(0, len(A), 5)]
medians = [sorted(sublist)[len(sublist)/2] for sublist in sublists]
if len(medians) <= 5:
pivot = sorted(medians)[len(medians)/2]
#the pivot is the median of the medians
pivot = median_of_medians(medians, len(medians)/2)
#partitioning step
low = [j for j in A if j < pivot]
high = [j for j in A if j > pivot]
k = len(low)
if i < k:
return median_of_medians(low,i)
elif i > k:
return median_of_medians(high,i-k-1)
else: #pivot = k
return pivot
* Here are some example lists you can use to see how the algorithm works
* A = [1,2,3,4,5,1000,8,9,99] (Contain Unique Elements)
* B = [1,2,3,4,5,6] (Contains Unique Elements)
* print median_of_medians(A, 0) #should be 1
* print median_of_medians(A,7) #should be 99
* print median_of_medians(B,4) #should be 5
int median_of_medians(std::vector<int> a, int idx){ // Search the element in **a** whose index is **idx** and return element at index **idx** in **a** (a[idx])
* This function Search the element in **a** whose index is **idx** and return element at index **idx** in **a** (a[idx])
* @param A(list) and idx(index) of element which we want to search
* @return corresponding element which we want to search.
int median_of_medians(const std::vector<int>& A, const int& idx) {
int pivot = 0; // initialized with zero
std::vector<int> a(A.begin(), A.end());
std::vector<int> m;
int r = a.size();
for(int i = 0; i < r; i += 5){
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