提交 26ea2cdc 编写于 作者: H hailong

rpc chat

上级 ff0e398a
package main
import (
rpcAuth "Open_IM/src/rpc/auth/auth"
func main() {
rpcPort := flag.Int("port", 10600, "RpcToken default listen port 10800")
rpcServer := rpcAuth.NewRpcAuthServer(*rpcPort)
.PHONY: all build run gotool install clean help
all: gotool build
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-w -s" -o ${BINARY_NAME} ${GO_FILE}
@go run ./
go fmt ./
go vet ./
make build
@if [ -f ${BINARY_NAME} ] ; then rm ${BINARY_NAME} ; fi
package rpcChat
import (
commonDB "Open_IM/src/common/db"
pbMsg "Open_IM/src/proto/chat"
func (rpc *rpcChat) GetNewSeq(_ context.Context, in *pbMsg.GetNewSeqReq) (*pbMsg.GetNewSeqResp, error) {
log.InfoByKv("rpc getNewSeq is arriving", in.OperationID, in.String())
//seq, err := model.GetBiggestSeqFromReceive(in.UserID)
seq, err := commonDB.DB.GetUserSeq(in.UserID)
resp := new(pbMsg.GetNewSeqResp)
if err == nil {
resp.Seq = seq
resp.ErrCode = 0
resp.ErrMsg = ""
return resp, err
} else {
log.ErrorByKv("getSeq from redis error", in.OperationID, "args", in.String(), "err", err.Error())
resp.Seq = 0
resp.ErrCode = 0
resp.ErrMsg = ""
return resp, nil
//func (s *MsgServer) PullMessage(_ context.Context, in *pbMsg.PullMessageReq) (*pbMsg.PullMessageResp, error) {
// log.InfoByArgs(fmt.Sprintf("rpc pullMessage is arriving,args=%s", in.String()))
// resp := new(pbMsg.PullMessageResp)
// var respMsgFormat []*pbMsg.MsgFormat
// var respUserMsgFormat []*pbMsg.UserMsgFormat
// conn := db.NewDbConnection()
// rows, err := conn.Table("receive r").Select("c.sender_id,c.receiver_id,"+
// "c.msg_type,c.push_msg_type,c.chat_type,c.msg_id,c.send_content,r.seq,c.send_time,c.sender_nickname,c.receiver_nickname,c.sender_head_url,c.receiver_head_url").
// Joins("INNER JOIN chat_log c ON r.msg_id = c.msg_id AND r.user_id = ? AND seq BETWEEN ? AND ?",
// in.UserID, in.SeqBegin, in.SeqEnd).Rows()
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Printf("pullMsg data error: %v\n", err)
// resp.ErrCode = 1
// resp.ErrMsg = err.Error()
// return resp, nil
// }
// defer rows.Close()
// for rows.Next() {
// tempResp := new(pbMsg.MsgFormat)
// rows.Scan(&tempResp.SendID, &tempResp.RecvID, &tempResp.MsgType, &tempResp.PushMsgType, &tempResp.ChatType,
// &tempResp.MsgID, &tempResp.Msg, &tempResp.Seq, &tempResp.Time, &tempResp.SendNickName, &tempResp.RecvNickName,
// &tempResp.SendHeadUrl, &tempResp.RecvHeadUrl)
// respMsgFormat = append(respMsgFormat, tempResp)
// }
// respUserMsgFormat = msgHandleByUser(respMsgFormat, in.UserID)
// return &pbMsg.PullMessageResp{
// ErrCode: 0,
// ErrMsg: "",
// UserMsg: respUserMsgFormat,
// }, nil
func (rpc *rpcChat) PullMessage(_ context.Context, in *pbMsg.PullMessageReq) (*pbMsg.PullMessageResp, error) {
log.InfoByKv("rpc pullMessage is arriving", in.OperationID, "args", in.String())
resp := new(pbMsg.PullMessageResp)
var respSingleMsgFormat []*pbMsg.GatherFormat
var respGroupMsgFormat []*pbMsg.GatherFormat
SingleMsgFormat, GroupMsgFormat, MaxSeq, MinSeq, err := commonDB.DB.GetUserChat(in.UserID, in.SeqBegin, in.SeqEnd)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("pullMsg data error", in.OperationID, in.String())
resp.ErrCode = 1
resp.ErrMsg = err.Error()
return resp, nil
respSingleMsgFormat = singleMsgHandleByUser(SingleMsgFormat, in.UserID)
respGroupMsgFormat = groupMsgHandleByUser(GroupMsgFormat)
return &pbMsg.PullMessageResp{
ErrCode: 0,
ErrMsg: "",
MaxSeq: MaxSeq,
MinSeq: MinSeq,
SingleUserMsg: respSingleMsgFormat,
GroupUserMsg: respGroupMsgFormat,
}, nil
func singleMsgHandleByUser(allMsg []*pbMsg.MsgFormat, ownerId string) []*pbMsg.GatherFormat {
var userid string
var respMsgFormat []*pbMsg.GatherFormat
m := make(map[string]MsgFormats)
for _, v := range allMsg {
if v.RecvID != ownerId {
userid = v.RecvID
} else {
userid = v.SendID
if value, ok := m[userid]; !ok {
var t MsgFormats
m[userid] = append(t, v)
} else {
m[userid] = append(value, v)
for user, msg := range m {
tempUserMsg := new(pbMsg.GatherFormat)
tempUserMsg.ID = user
tempUserMsg.List = msg
respMsgFormat = append(respMsgFormat, tempUserMsg)
return respMsgFormat
func groupMsgHandleByUser(allMsg []*pbMsg.MsgFormat) []*pbMsg.GatherFormat {
var respMsgFormat []*pbMsg.GatherFormat
m := make(map[string]MsgFormats)
for _, v := range allMsg {
groupID := strings.Split(v.RecvID, " ")[1]
if value, ok := m[groupID]; !ok {
var t MsgFormats
m[groupID] = append(t, v)
} else {
m[groupID] = append(value, v)
for groupID, msg := range m {
tempUserMsg := new(pbMsg.GatherFormat)
tempUserMsg.ID = groupID
tempUserMsg.List = msg
respMsgFormat = append(respMsgFormat, tempUserMsg)
return respMsgFormat
type MsgFormats []*pbMsg.MsgFormat
// 实现sort.Interface接口取元素数量方法
func (s MsgFormats) Len() int {
return len(s)
// 实现sort.Interface接口比较元素方法
func (s MsgFormats) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].SendTime < s[j].SendTime
// 实现sort.Interface接口交换元素方法
func (s MsgFormats) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
package rpcChat
import (
log2 "Open_IM/src/common/log"
pbChat "Open_IM/src/proto/chat"
type rpcChat struct {
rpcPort int
rpcRegisterName string
etcdSchema string
etcdAddr []string
producer *kafka.Producer
func NewRpcChatServer(port int) *rpcChat {
rc := rpcChat{
rpcPort: port,
rpcRegisterName: config.Config.RpcRegisterName.OpenImOfflineMessageName,
etcdSchema: config.Config.Etcd.EtcdSchema,
etcdAddr: config.Config.Etcd.EtcdAddr,
rc.producer = kafka.NewKafkaProducer(config.Config.Kafka.Ws2mschat.Addr, config.Config.Kafka.Ws2mschat.Topic)
return &rc
func (rpc *rpcChat) Run() {
log2.Info("", "", "rpc get_token init...")
address := utils.ServerIP + ":" + strconv.Itoa(rpc.rpcPort)
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", address)
if err != nil {
log2.Error("", "", "listen network failed, err = %s, address = %s", err.Error(), address)
log2.Info("", "", "listen network success, address = %s", address)
//grpc server
srv := grpc.NewServer()
defer srv.GracefulStop()
//service registers with etcd
pbChat.RegisterChatServer(srv, rpc)
err = getcdv3.RegisterEtcd(rpc.etcdSchema, strings.Join(rpc.etcdAddr, ","), utils.ServerIP, rpc.rpcPort, rpc.rpcRegisterName, 10)
if err != nil {
log2.Error("", "", "register rpc get_token to etcd failed, err = %s", err.Error())
err = srv.Serve(listener)
if err != nil {
log2.Info("", "", "rpc get_token fail, err = %s", err.Error())
log2.Info("", "", "rpc get_token init success")
package rpcChat
import (
pbChat "Open_IM/src/proto/chat"
func (rpc *rpcChat) UserSendMsg(_ context.Context, pb *pbChat.UserSendMsgReq) (*pbChat.UserSendMsgResp, error) {
serverMsgID := GetMsgID(pb.SendID)
pbData := pbChat.WSToMsgSvrChatMsg{}
pbData.MsgFrom = pb.MsgFrom
pbData.SessionType = pb.SessionType
pbData.ContentType = pb.ContentType
pbData.Content = pb.Content
pbData.RecvID = pb.RecvID
pbData.ForceList = pb.ForceList
pbData.OfflineInfo = pb.OffLineInfo
pbData.Options = pb.Options
pbData.PlatformID = pb.PlatformID
pbData.SendID = pb.SendID
pbData.MsgID = serverMsgID
pbData.OperationID = pb.OperationID
pbData.Token = pb.Token
pbData.SendTime = utils.GetCurrentTimestampBySecond()
rpc.sendMsgToKafka(&pbData, pbData.RecvID)
rpc.sendMsgToKafka(&pbData, pbData.SendID)
replay := pbChat.UserSendMsgResp{}
replay.ReqIdentifier = pb.ReqIdentifier
replay.MsgIncr = pb.MsgIncr
replay.ClientMsgID = pb.ClientMsgID
replay.ServerMsgID = serverMsgID
return &replay, nil
func (rpc *rpcChat) sendMsgToKafka(m *pbChat.WSToMsgSvrChatMsg, key string) {
pid, offset, err := rpc.producer.SendMessage(m, key)
if err != nil {
log.ErrorByKv("kafka send failed", m.OperationID, "send data", m.String(), "pid", pid, "offset", offset, "err", err.Error())
func GetMsgID(sendID string) string {
t := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
return t + "-" + sendID + "-" + strconv.Itoa(rand.Int())
package main
import (
rpcChat "Open_IM/src/rpc/chat/chat"
func main() {
rpcPort := flag.String("port", "", "rpc listening port")
rpcServer := rpcChat.NewRpcChatServer(utils.StringToInt(*rpcPort))
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