提交 59f4d299 编写于 作者: A Anand Baburajan 提交者: Adam Geitgey

Message if no faces in training image

Show a message if a training image contains none or more than one faces
上级 6ede62f4
# Find all the faces in an image then recognize them using a SVM with scikit-learn
# This allows you to train multiple images per person
# Train multiple images per person
# Find and recognize faces in an image using a SVC with scikit-learn
......@@ -27,9 +27,6 @@ Structure:
# Install scikit-learn if you haven't already with pip
# $ pip3 install scikit-learn
import face_recognition
from sklearn import svm
import os
......@@ -46,17 +43,23 @@ train_dir = os.listdir('/train_dir/')
# Loop through each person in the training directory
for person in train_dir:
pix = os.listdir("/train_dir/" + person)
# Loop through each training image for the current person
for person_img in pix:
# Get the face encodings for the face in each image file
face = face_recognition.load_image_file("/train_dir/" + person + "/" + person_img)
face_enc = face_recognition.face_encodings(face)[0]
# Add face encoding for current image with corresponding label (name) to the training data
face_bounding_boxes = face_recognition.face_locations(face)
#If training image contains none or more than faces, print an error message and exit
if len(face_bounding_boxes) != 1:
print(person + "/" + person_img + " contains none or more than one faces and can't be used for training.")
face_enc = face_recognition.face_encodings(face)[0]
# Add face encoding for current image with corresponding label (name) to the training data
# Create and train the SVC classifier
clf = svm.SVC(gamma='scale')
......@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ no = len(face_locations)
print("Number of faces detected: ", no)
# Predict all the faces in the test image using the trained classifier
print("Found: \n")
for i in range(no):
test_image_enc = face_recognition.face_encodings(test_image)[i]
name = clf.predict([test_image_enc])
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