提交 ccf4d8ad 编写于 作者: N Nicolas Hennion

All plugins work in server mode but not the getAll function

上级 05c675d7
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ If you are lookink for user manual, please follow this link: https://github.com/
__init__.py Global module init
__main__.py Entry point for module
glances_core.py Main script to rule them up...
glances_main.py Main script to rule them up...
glances_globals.py Share variables uppon modules
glances_config.py Manage configuration file
glances_timer.py Manage timer
......@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
# Import Glances libs
# Note: others Glances libs will be imported optionnaly
from .core.glances_core import GlancesCore
from .core.glances_main import GlancesMain
def main(argv=None):
# Create the Glances core instance
core = GlancesCore()
# Create the Glances main instance
core = GlancesMain()
# Glances can be ran in standalone, client or server mode
if (core.is_standalone()):
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ if psutil_version < (0, 5, 0):
print('PsUtil 0.5.1 or higher is needed. Glances cannot start.')
class GlancesCore(object):
class GlancesMain(object):
Main class to manage Glances instance
......@@ -156,14 +156,17 @@ class GlancesInstance():
def getAll(self):
# Update and return all the stats
# !!! Not work has expected compare to v1
return json.dumps(self.stats.getAll())
def getAllLimits(self):
# Return all the limits
# !!! Not implemented
return json.dumps(limits.getAll())
def getAllMonitored(self):
# Return the processes monitored list
# !!! Not implemented
return json.dumps(monitors.getAll())
def __getattr__(self, item):
......@@ -172,6 +175,8 @@ class GlancesInstance():
The goal is to dynamicaly generate the API get'Stats'() methods
# print "!!! __getattr__ in the GlancesInstance classe"
# print "!!! Method: %s" % item
header = 'get'
# Check if the attribute starts with 'get'
if (item.startswith(header)):
......@@ -188,101 +193,20 @@ class GlancesInstance():
# Default behavior
raise AttributeError(item)
# !!! Check the 2.0 cover before deleted the following comments
# def getSystem(self):
# # Return operating system info
# # No need to update...
# #~ self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getSystem())
# def getCore(self):
# # Update and return number of Core
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getCore())
# def getCpu(self):
# # Update and return CPU stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getCpu())
# def getLoad(self):
# # Update and return LOAD stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getLoad())
# def getMem(self):
# # Update and return MEM stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getMem())
# def getMemSwap(self):
# # Update and return MEMSWAP stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getMemSwap())
# def getSensors(self):
# # Update and return SENSORS stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getSensors())
# def getHDDTemp(self):
# # Update and return HDDTEMP stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getHDDTemp())
# def getNetwork(self):
# # Update and return NET stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getNetwork())
# def getDiskIO(self):
# # Update and return DISK IO stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getDiskIO())
# def getFs(self):
# # Update and return FS stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getFs())
# def getProcessCount(self):
# # Update and return ProcessCount stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getProcessCount())
# def getProcessList(self):
# # Update and return ProcessList stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getProcessList())
# def getBatPercent(self):
# # Update and return total batteries percent stats
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getBatPercent())
# def getNow(self):
# # Update and return current date/hour
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getNow().strftime(_("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
# def getUptime(self):
# # Update and return system uptime
# self.__update__()
# return json.dumps(self.stats.getUptime().strftime(_("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
# def __getTimeSinceLastUpdate(self, IOType):
# assert(IOType in ['net', 'disk', 'process_disk'])
# return getTimeSinceLastUpdate(IOType)
# def getNetTimeSinceLastUpdate(self):
# return getTimeSinceLastUpdate('net')
# def getDiskTimeSinceLastUpdate(self):
# return getTimeSinceLastUpdate('net')
# def getProcessDiskTimeSinceLastUpdate(self):
# return getTimeSinceLastUpdate('process_disk')
#!!! How to implement theses method in v2 ?
# def __getTimeSinceLastUpdate(self, IOType):
# assert(IOType in ['net', 'disk', 'process_disk'])
# return getTimeSinceLastUpdate(IOType)
# def getNetTimeSinceLastUpdate(self):
# return getTimeSinceLastUpdate('net')
# def getDiskTimeSinceLastUpdate(self):
# return getTimeSinceLastUpdate('net')
# def getProcessDiskTimeSinceLastUpdate(self):
# return getTimeSinceLastUpdate('process_disk')
class GlancesServer():
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Glances - An eye on your system
# Copyright (C) 2014 Nicolargo <nicolas@nicolargo.com>
# Glances is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Glances is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Import system libs
import sys
import os
import collections
# Import Glances libs
from ..core.glances_globals import *
class GlancesStats:
This class store, update and give stats
# Internal dictionnary with all plugins instances
_plugins = {}
def __init__(self):
Init the stats
# Load the plugins
def __getattr__(self, item):
Overwrite the getattr in case of attribute is not found
The goal is to dynamicaly generate the API get'Stats'() methods
# print "!!! __getattr__ in the GlancesStats classe"
# print "!!! Method: %s" % item
header = 'get'
# Check if the attribute starts with 'get'
if (item.startswith(header)):
# Get the plugin name
plugname = item[len(header):].lower()
# Get the plugin instance
plugin = self._plugins[plugname]
# !!! Debug
# print "Check if method get_stats exist for plugin %s" % plugname
# print self._plugins
# print plugin
if (hasattr(plugin, 'get_stats')):
# The method get_stats exist, return it
return getattr(plugin, 'get_stats')
# The method get_stats is not found for the plugin
raise AttributeError(item)
# Default behavior
raise AttributeError(item)
def load_plugins(self):
Load all plugins in the "plugins" folder
plug_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../plugins")
sys.path.insert(0, plug_dir)
header = "glances_"
for plug in os.listdir(plug_dir):
if (plug.startswith(header) and plug.endswith(".py") and
plug != (header + "plugin.py")):
# Import the plugin
m = __import__(os.path.basename(plug)[:-3])
# Add the plugin to the dictionnary
# The key is the plugin name
# for example, the file glances_xxx.py
# generate self._plugins_list["xxx"] = ...
plugname = os.path.basename(plug)[len(header):-3].lower()
self._plugins[plugname] = m.Plugin()
def __update__(self, input_stats):
Update the stats
# For each plugins, call the update method
for p in self._plugins:
# !!! Debug
# print "Update plugin %s" % p
# print self._plugins[p].get_stats()
class GlancesStatsServer(GlancesStats):
def __init__(self):
# Init the stats
# Init the all_stats dict used by the server
# all_stats is a dict of dicts filled by the server
self.all_stats = collections.defaultdict(dict)
def update(self, input_stats = {}):
Update the stats
# Update the stats
GlancesStats.__update__(self, input_stats)
for p in self._plugins:
self.all_stats[p] = self._plugins[p].get_stats()
def getAll(self):
return self.all_stats
\ No newline at end of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Glances - An eye on your system
# Copyright (C) 2014 Nicolargo <nicolas@nicolargo.com>
# Glances is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Glances is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from psutil import process_iter, AccessDenied, NoSuchProcess
from glances.core.glances_globals import is_BSD, is_Mac, is_Windows
from glances_plugin import getTimeSinceLastUpdate
from glances.core.glances_timer import Timer
class GlancesGrabProcesses:
Get processed stats using the PsUtil lib
def __init__(self, cache_timeout = 60):
Init the class to collect stats about processes
# Add internals caches because PSUtil do not cache all the stats
# See: https://code.google.com/p/psutil/issues/detail?id=462
self.username_cache = {}
self.cmdline_cache = {}
# The internals caches will be cleaned each 'cache_timeout' seconds
self.cache_timeout = cache_timeout
self.cache_timer = Timer(self.cache_timeout)
# Init the io dict
# key = pid
# value = [ read_bytes_old, write_bytes_old ]
self.io_old = {}
def __get_process_stats(self, proc):
Get process statistics
procstat = {}
# Process ID
procstat['pid'] = proc.pid
# Process name (cached by PSUtil)
procstat['name'] = proc.name
# Process username (cached with internal cache)
self.username_cache[procstat['pid']] = proc.username
except KeyError:
self.username_cache[procstat['pid']] = proc.uids.real
except KeyError:
self.username_cache[procstat['pid']] = "?"
procstat['username'] = self.username_cache[procstat['pid']]
# Process command line (cached with internal cache)
self.cmdline_cache[procstat['pid']] = ' '.join(proc.cmdline)
procstat['cmdline'] = self.cmdline_cache[procstat['pid']]
# Process status
procstat['status'] = str(proc.status)[:1].upper()
# Process nice
procstat['nice'] = proc.get_nice()
# Process memory
procstat['memory_info'] = proc.get_memory_info()
procstat['memory_percent'] = proc.get_memory_percent()
# Process CPU
procstat['cpu_times'] = proc.get_cpu_times()
procstat['cpu_percent'] = proc.get_cpu_percent(interval=0)
# Process network connections (TCP and UDP) (Experimental)
# !!! High CPU consumption
# try:
# procstat['tcp'] = len(proc.get_connections(kind="tcp"))
# procstat['udp'] = len(proc.get_connections(kind="udp"))
# except:
# procstat['tcp'] = 0
# procstat['udp'] = 0
# Process IO
# procstat['io_counters'] is a list:
# [read_bytes, write_bytes, read_bytes_old, write_bytes_old, io_tag]
# If io_tag = 0 > Access denied (display "?")
# If io_tag = 1 > No access denied (display the IO rate)
# Note Disk IO stat not available on Mac OS
if not is_Mac:
# Get the process IO counters
proc_io = proc.get_io_counters()
io_new = [proc_io.read_bytes, proc_io.write_bytes]
except AccessDenied:
# Access denied to process IO (no root account)
# Put 0 in all values (for sort) and io_tag = 0 (for display)
procstat['io_counters'] = [0, 0] + [0, 0]
io_tag = 0
# For IO rate computation
# Append saved IO r/w bytes
procstat['io_counters'] = io_new + self.io_old[procstat['pid']]
except KeyError:
procstat['io_counters'] = io_new + [0, 0]
# then save the IO r/w bytes
self.io_old[procstat['pid']] = io_new
io_tag = 1
# Append the IO tag (for display)
procstat['io_counters'] += [io_tag]
return procstat
def update(self):
self.processlist = []
self.processcount = {'total': 0, 'running': 0, 'sleeping': 0, 'thread': 0}
# Get the time since last update
time_since_update = getTimeSinceLastUpdate('process_disk')
# For each existing process...
for proc in process_iter():
# Get stats using the PSUtil
procstat = self.__get_process_stats(proc)
# Add a specific time_since_update stats for bitrate
procstat['time_since_update'] = time_since_update
# ignore the 'idle' process on Windows and *BSD
# ignore the 'kernel_task' process on OS X
# waiting for upstream patch from psutil
if (is_BSD and procstat['name'] == 'idle' or
is_Windows and procstat['name'] == 'System Idle Process' or
is_Mac and procstat['name'] == 'kernel_task'):
# Update processcount (global statistics)
self.processcount[str(proc.status)] += 1
except KeyError:
# Key did not exist, create it
self.processcount[str(proc.status)] = 1
self.processcount['total'] += 1
# Update thread number (global statistics)
self.processcount['thread'] += proc.get_num_threads()
except (NoSuchProcess, AccessDenied):
# Update processlist
# Clean internals caches if timeout is reached
if (self.cache_timer.finished()):
self.username_cache = {}
self.cmdline_cache = {}
# Restart the timer
def getcount(self):
return self.processcount
def getlist(self):
return self.processlist
# Create a GlancesGrabProcesses instance shared between
# processcount and processlist plugins
processes = GlancesGrabProcesses()
......@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
def get_stats(self):
# Return the stats object for the RPC API
# Sort it by disk name
# Convert it to string
return str(sorted(self.stats, key=lambda network: network['disk_name']))
# !!! Sort it by disk name (why do it here ? Better in client side ?)
self.stats = sorted(self.stats, key=lambda network: network['disk_name'])
return GlancesPlugin.get_stats(self)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
def get_stats(self):
# Return the stats object for the RPC API
# Sort it by mount name
# Convert it to string
return str(sorted(self.stats, key=lambda network: network['mnt_point']))
# !!! Sort it by mount name (why do it here ? Better in client side ?)
self.stats = sorted(self.stats, key=lambda network: network['mnt_point'])
return GlancesPlugin.get_stats(self)
class glancesGrabFs:
......@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
def get_stats(self):
# Return the stats object for the RPC API
# Sort it by label name
# Convert it to string
return str(sorted(self.stats, key=lambda sensors: sensors['label']))
# !!! Sort it by label name (why do it here ? Better in client side ?)
self.stats = sorted(self.stats, key=lambda sensors: sensors['label'])
return GlancesPlugin.get_stats(self)
class glancesGrabHDDTemp:
......@@ -90,3 +90,4 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
'cached': cached}
self.stats = {}
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Import system libs
import json
# psutil >= 1.0.0
from psutil import net_io_counters
......@@ -100,6 +102,6 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
def get_stats(self):
# Return the stats object for the RPC API
# Sort it by interface name
# Convert it to string
return str(sorted(self.stats, key=lambda network: network['interface_name']))
# !!! Sort it by interface name (why do it here ? Better in client side ?)
self.stats = sorted(self.stats, key=lambda network: network['interface_name'])
return GlancesPlugin.get_stats(self)
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
Glances' Core Plugin
Get current date/time
stats is date (string)
stats is (string)
def __init__(self):
......@@ -42,4 +42,6 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
# Now
self.stats = datetime.now()
# Had to convert it to string because datetime is not JSON serializable
self.stats = datetime.now().strftime(_("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import json
from time import time
# Global list to manage the elapsed time
......@@ -46,11 +47,17 @@ class GlancesPlugin(object):
# Init the stat list
self.stats = None
def __repr__(self):
# Return the raw stats
return self.stats
def __str__(self):
# Return the human-readable stats
return str(self.stats)
def get_stats(self):
# Return the stats object for the RPC API
# Had to convert it to string
return str(self.stats)
# Return the stats object in JSON format for the RPC API
return json.dumps(self.stats)
......@@ -18,18 +18,8 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# !!! Not optimized because both processcount and processlist
# !!! grab all processes.
# !!! Action: create a new file globalprocesses.py with a global
# !!! variable instance of GlancesGrabProcesses classes and share
# !!! it between the two plugins
from psutil import process_iter, AccessDenied, NoSuchProcess
from glances.core.glances_globals import is_BSD, is_Mac, is_Windows
from glances.core.glances_timer import Timer
from glances_plugin import GlancesPlugin, getTimeSinceLastUpdate
from glances_plugin import GlancesPlugin
from _processes import processes
class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
......@@ -41,196 +31,15 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
def __init__(self):
# Init the process class
self.glancesgrabprocesses = GlancesGrabProcesses()
# Nothing else to do...
# 'processes' is already init in the _processes.py script
def update(self):
Update processes stats
self.stats = self.glancesgrabprocesses.getcount()
# processcount = self.glancesgrabprocesses.getcount()
# process = self.glancesgrabprocesses.getlist()
# if not hasattr(self, 'process'):
# self.processcount = {}
# self.process = []
# else:
# self.processcount = processcount
# self.process = process
def get_stats(self):
# Return the stats object for the RPC API
# Sort it by mount name
# Convert it to string
return str(self.stats)
class GlancesGrabProcesses:
Get processed stats using the PsUtil lib
def __init__(self, cache_timeout = 60):
Init the class to collect stats about processes
# Add internals caches because PSUtil do not cache all the stats
# See: https://code.google.com/p/psutil/issues/detail?id=462
self.username_cache = {}
self.cmdline_cache = {}
# The internals caches will be cleaned each 'cache_timeout' seconds
self.cache_timeout = cache_timeout
self.cache_timer = Timer(self.cache_timeout)
# Init the io dict
# key = pid
# value = [ read_bytes_old, write_bytes_old ]
self.io_old = {}
def __get_process_stats(self, proc):
Get process statistics
procstat = {}
# Process ID
procstat['pid'] = proc.pid
# Process name (cached by PSUtil)
procstat['name'] = proc.name
# Process username (cached with internal cache)
self.username_cache[procstat['pid']] = proc.username
except KeyError:
self.username_cache[procstat['pid']] = proc.uids.real
except KeyError:
self.username_cache[procstat['pid']] = "?"
procstat['username'] = self.username_cache[procstat['pid']]
# Process command line (cached with internal cache)
self.cmdline_cache[procstat['pid']] = ' '.join(proc.cmdline)
procstat['cmdline'] = self.cmdline_cache[procstat['pid']]
# Process status
procstat['status'] = str(proc.status)[:1].upper()
# Process nice
procstat['nice'] = proc.get_nice()
# Process memory
procstat['memory_info'] = proc.get_memory_info()
procstat['memory_percent'] = proc.get_memory_percent()
# Process CPU
procstat['cpu_times'] = proc.get_cpu_times()
procstat['cpu_percent'] = proc.get_cpu_percent(interval=0)
# Process network connections (TCP and UDP) (Experimental)
# !!! High CPU consumption
# try:
# procstat['tcp'] = len(proc.get_connections(kind="tcp"))
# procstat['udp'] = len(proc.get_connections(kind="udp"))
# except:
# procstat['tcp'] = 0
# procstat['udp'] = 0
# Process IO
# procstat['io_counters'] is a list:
# [read_bytes, write_bytes, read_bytes_old, write_bytes_old, io_tag]
# If io_tag = 0 > Access denied (display "?")
# If io_tag = 1 > No access denied (display the IO rate)
# Note Disk IO stat not available on Mac OS
if not is_Mac:
# Get the process IO counters
proc_io = proc.get_io_counters()
io_new = [proc_io.read_bytes, proc_io.write_bytes]
except AccessDenied:
# Access denied to process IO (no root account)
# Put 0 in all values (for sort) and io_tag = 0 (for display)
procstat['io_counters'] = [0, 0] + [0, 0]
io_tag = 0
# For IO rate computation
# Append saved IO r/w bytes
procstat['io_counters'] = io_new + self.io_old[procstat['pid']]
except KeyError:
procstat['io_counters'] = io_new + [0, 0]
# then save the IO r/w bytes
self.io_old[procstat['pid']] = io_new
io_tag = 1
# Append the IO tag (for display)
procstat['io_counters'] += [io_tag]
return procstat
def update(self):
self.processlist = []
self.processcount = {'total': 0, 'running': 0, 'sleeping': 0, 'thread': 0}
# Get the time since last update
time_since_update = getTimeSinceLastUpdate('process_disk')
# For each existing process...
for proc in process_iter():
# Get stats using the PSUtil
procstat = self.__get_process_stats(proc)
# Add a specific time_since_update stats for bitrate
procstat['time_since_update'] = time_since_update
# ignore the 'idle' process on Windows and *BSD
# ignore the 'kernel_task' process on OS X
# waiting for upstream patch from psutil
if (is_BSD and procstat['name'] == 'idle' or
is_Windows and procstat['name'] == 'System Idle Process' or
is_Mac and procstat['name'] == 'kernel_task'):
# Update processcount (global statistics)
self.processcount[str(proc.status)] += 1
except KeyError:
# Key did not exist, create it
self.processcount[str(proc.status)] = 1
self.processcount['total'] += 1
# Update thread number (global statistics)
self.processcount['thread'] += proc.get_num_threads()
except (NoSuchProcess, AccessDenied):
# Update processlist
# Clean internals caches if timeout is reached
if (self.cache_timer.finished()):
self.username_cache = {}
self.cmdline_cache = {}
# Restart the timer
def getcount(self):
return self.processcount
def getlist(self):
return self.processlist
# !!! Update is call twisse (one for processcount and one for processlist)
self.stats = processes.getcount()
......@@ -18,18 +18,8 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# !!! Not optimized because both processcount and processlist
# !!! grab all processes.
# !!! Action: create a new file globalprocesses.py with a global
# !!! variable instance of GlancesGrabProcesses classes and share
# !!! it between the two plugins
from psutil import process_iter, AccessDenied, NoSuchProcess
from glances.core.glances_globals import is_BSD, is_Mac, is_Windows
from glances.core.glances_timer import Timer
from glances_plugin import GlancesPlugin, getTimeSinceLastUpdate
from glances_processcount import GlancesGrabProcesses
from glances_plugin import GlancesPlugin
from _processes import processes
class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
......@@ -42,8 +32,8 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
def __init__(self):
# Init the process class
self.glancesgrabprocesses = GlancesGrabProcesses()
# Nothing else to do...
# 'processes' is already init in the _processes.py script
def update(self):
......@@ -51,20 +41,7 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
Update processes stats
self.stats = self.glancesgrabprocesses.getlist()
# processcount = self.glancesgrabprocesses.getcount()
# process = self.glancesgrabprocesses.getlist()
# if not hasattr(self, 'process'):
# self.processcount = {}
# self.process = []
# else:
# self.processcount = processcount
# self.process = process
# !!! Update is call twisse (one for processcount and one for processlist)
self.stats = processes.getlist()
def get_stats(self):
# Return the stats object for the RPC API
# Convert it to string
return str(self.stats)
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Import system libs
from sets import Set
# sensors library (optional; Linux-only)
import sensors
......@@ -52,9 +53,9 @@ class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
def get_stats(self):
# Return the stats object for the RPC API
# Sort it by label name
# Convert it to string
return str(sorted(self.stats, key=lambda sensors: sensors['label']))
# !!! Sort it by label name (why do it here ? Better in client side ?)
self.stats = sorted(self.stats, key=lambda sensors: sensors['label'])
return GlancesPlugin.get_stats(self)
class glancesGrabSensors:
......@@ -73,6 +74,9 @@ class glancesGrabSensors:
self.initok = True
self.sensors_list = []
def __update__(self):
Update the stats
......@@ -89,11 +93,13 @@ class glancesGrabSensors:
sensors_current['label'] = feature.label[:20]
sensors_current['value'] = int(feature.get_value())
def get(self):
return self.sensors_list
def quit(self):
if self.initok:
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from glances_plugin import GlancesPlugin
class Plugin(GlancesPlugin):
Glances' Host Plugin
Glances' Host/System Plugin
stats is a dict
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