lpc177x_8x_pinsel.h 14.9 KB
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* $Id$		lpc177x_8x_pinsel.h			2011-06-02
* @file		lpc177x_8x_pinsel.h
* @brief	Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes
*			support for Pin-connection block firmware library on LPC177x_8x
* @version	1.0
* @date		02. June. 2011
* @author	NXP MCU SW Application Team
* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
* All rights reserved.
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
* use without further testing or modification.

/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup PINSEL	Pin Selection
 * @ingroup LPC177x_8xCMSIS_FwLib_Drivers
 * @{

#ifndef __LPC177X_8X_PINSEL_H
#define __LPC177X_8X_PINSEL_H

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "LPC177x_8x.h"
#include "lpc_types.h"

/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup PINSEL_Public_Macros
 * @{

/* Macros define IOCON bits */
#define IOCON_MODE_PLAIN			((0<<3))
#define IOCON_MODE_PULLDOWN			((1<<3))
#define IOCON_MODE_PULLUP			((2<<3))
#define IOCON_MODE_REPEATER			((3<<3))
#define IOCON_HYS					((1<<5))
#define IOCON_SLEW					((1<<6))
#define IOCON_INBUF					((1<<7))
#define IOCON_I2CMODE_FAST			((0<<8))
#define IOCON_I2CMODE_OPENDRAIN		((1<<8))
#define IOCON_I2CMODE_FASTPLUS		((2<<8))
#define IOCON_ODMODE				((1<<10))

/* Macros define for LOC registers */
#define LOC_CAN_RD_1_P0_0			((0))	/**< Input for CAN_RD_1 comes from P0.0 */
#define LOC_CAN_RD_1_P0_21			((1))	/**< Input for CAN_RD_1 comes from P0.21 */
#define LOC_CAN_RD_2_P2_7			((0))	/**< Input for CAN_RD_2 comes from P2.7 */
#define LOC_CAN_RD_2_P0_4			((1))	/**< Input for CAN_RD_2 comes from P0.4 */
#define LOC_ENET_MDIO_P2_9			((0))	/**< Input for ENET_MDIO comes from P2.9 */
#define LOC_ENET_MDIO_P1_17			((1))	/**< Input for ENET_MDIO comes from P1.17 */
#define LOC_EINT_0_P0_29			((0))	/**< Input for EINT_0 comes from P0.29 */
#define LOC_EINT_0_P2_10			((1))	/**< Input for EINT_0 comes from P2.10 */
#define LOC_EINT_1_P0_30			((0))	/**< Input for EINT_1 comes from P0.30 */
#define LOC_EINT_1_P2_11			((1))	/**< Input for EINT_1 comes from P2.11 */
#define LOC_I2C0_SCL_P1_31			((0))	/**< Input for I2C0_SCL comes from P1.31 */
#define LOC_I2C0_SCL_P0_28			((1))	/**< Input for I2C0_SCL comes from P0.28 */
#define LOC_I2C0_SCL_P5_3			((2))	/**< Input for I2C0_SCL comes from P5.3 */
#define LOC_I2C0_SDA_P1_30			((0))	/**< Input for I2C0_SDA comes from P1.30 */
#define LOC_I2C0_SDA_P0_27			((1))	/**< Input for I2C0_SDA comes from P0.27 */
#define LOC_I2C0_SDA_P5_2			((2))	/**< Input for I2C0_SDA comes from P5.2 */
#define LOC_I2C1_SCL_P0_1			((0))	/**< Input for I2C1_SCL comes from P0.1 */
#define LOC_I2C1_SCL_P2_15			((1))	/**< Input for I2C1_SCL comes from P2.15 */
#define LOC_I2C1_SCL_P0_20			((2))	/**< Input for I2C1_SCL comes from P0.20 */
#define LOC_I2C1_SDA_P2_14			((0))	/**< Input for I2C1_SDA comes from P2.14 */
#define LOC_I2C1_SDA_P0_0			((1))	/**< Input for I2C1_SDA comes from P0.0 */
#define LOC_I2C1_SDA_P0_19			((2))	/**< Input for I2C1_SDA comes from P0.19 */
#define LOC_I2C2_SCL_P2_31			((0))	/**< Input for I2C2_SCL comes from P2.31 */
#define LOC_I2C2_SCL_P0_11			((1))	/**< Input for I2C2_SCL comes from P0.11 */
#define LOC_I2C2_SCL_P4_21			((2))	/**< Input for I2C2_SCL comes from P4.21 */
#define LOC_I2C2_SCL_P4_29			((3))	/**< Input for I2C2_SCL comes from P4.29 */
#define LOC_I2C2_SDA_P2_30			((0))	/**< Input for I2C2_SDA comes from P2.30 */
#define LOC_I2C2_SDA_P0_10			((1))	/**< Input for I2C2_SDA comes from P0.10 */
#define LOC_I2C2_SDA_P4_20			((2))	/**< Input for I2C2_SDA comes from P4.20 */
#define LOC_I2C2_SDA_P1_15			((3))	/**< Input for I2C2_SDA comes from P1.15 */
#define LOC_I2S_RX_SCK_P0_23		((0))	/**< Input for I2S_RX_SCK comes from P0.23 */
#define LOC_I2S_RX_SCK_P0_4			((1))	/**< Input for I2S_RX_SCK comes from P0.4 */
#define LOC_I2S_RX_SDA_P0_25		((0))	/**< Input for I2S_RX_SDA comes from P0.25 */
#define LOC_I2S_RX_SDA_P0_6			((1))	/**< Input for I2S_RX_SDA comes from P0.6 */
#define LOC_I2S_RX_WS_P0_24			((0))	/**< Input for I2S_RX_WS comes from P0.24 */
#define LOC_I2S_RX_WS_P0_5			((1))	/**< Input for I2S_RX_WS comes from P0.5 */
#define LOC_I2S_TX_SCK_P2_11		((0))	/**< Input for I2S_TX_SCK comes from P2.11 */
#define LOC_I2S_TX_SCK_P0_7			((1))	/**< Input for I2S_TX_SCK comes from P0.7 */
#define LOC_I2S_TX_WS_P2_12			((0))	/**< Input for I2S_TX_WS comes from P2.12 */
#define LOC_I2S_TX_WS_P0_8			((1))	/**< Input for I2S_TX_WS comes from P0.8 */
#define LOC_PWM0_CAP_0_P1_12		((0))	/**< Input for PWM0_CAP_0 comes from P1.12 */
#define LOC_PWM0_CAP_0_P3_22		((1))	/**< Input for PWM0_CAP_0 comes from P3.22 */
#define LOC_PWM1_CAP_0_P3_23		((0))	/**< Input for PWM1_CAP_0 comes from P3.23 */
#define LOC_PWM1_CAP_0_P1_28		((1))	/**< Input for PWM1_CAP_0 comes from P1.28 */
#define LOC_PWM1_CAP_0_P2_6			((2))	/**< Input for PWM1_CAP_0 comes from P2.6 */
#define LOC_SD_CMD_P0_20			((0))	/**< Input for SD_CMD comes from P0.20 */
#define LOC_SD_CMD_P1_3				((1))	/**< Input for SD_CMD comes from P1.3 */
#define LOC_SD_DAT_0_P0_22			((0))	/**< Input for SD_DAT_0 comes from P0.22 */
#define LOC_SD_DAT_0_P1_6			((1))	/**< Input for SD_DAT_0 comes from P1.6 */
#define LOC_SD_DAT_1_P2_11			((0))	/**< Input for SD_DAT_1 comes from P2.11 */
#define LOC_SD_DAT_1_P1_7			((1))	/**< Input for SD_DAT_1 comes from P1.7 */
#define LOC_SD_DAT_2_P2_12			((0))	/**< Input for SD_DAT_2 comes from P2.12 */
#define LOC_SD_DAT_2_P1_11			((1))	/**< Input for SD_DAT_2 comes from P1.11 */
#define LOC_SD_DAT_3_P2_13			((0))	/**< Input for SD_DAT_3 comes from P2.13 */
#define LOC_SD_DAT_3_P1_12			((1))	/**< Input for SD_DAT_3 comes from P1.12 */
#define LOC_SSP0_MISO_P2_26			((0))	/**< Input for SSP0_MISO comes from P2.26 */
#define LOC_SSP0_MISO_P1_23			((1))	/**< Input for SSP0_MISO comes from P1_23 */
#define LOC_SSP0_MISO_P0_17			((2))	/**< Input for SSP0_MISO comes from P0_17 */
#define LOC_SSP0_MOSI_P2_27			((0))	/**< Input for SSP0_MOSI comes from P2.27 */
#define LOC_SSP0_MOSI_P1_24			((1))	/**< Input for SSP0_MOSI comes from P1.24 */
#define LOC_SSP0_MOSI_P0_18			((2))	/**< Input for SSP0_MOSI comes from P0.18 */
#define LOC_SSP0_SCK_P1_20			((0))	/**< Input for SSP0_SCK comes from P1.20 */
#define LOC_SSP0_SCK_P2_22			((1))	/**< Input for SSP0_SCK comes from P2.22 */
#define LOC_SSP0_SCK_P0_15			((2))	/**< Input for SSP0_SCK comes from P0_15 */
#define LOC_SSP0_SSEL_P2_23			((0))	/**< Input for SSP0_SSEL comes from P2.23 */
#define LOC_SSP0_SSEL_P1_21			((1))	/**< Input for SSP0_SSEL comes from P1.21 */
#define LOC_SSP0_SSEL_P1_28			((2))	/**< Input for SSP0_SSEL comes from P1.28 */
#define LOC_SSP0_SSEL_P0_16			((3))	/**< Input for SSP0_SSEL comes from P0.16 */
#define LOC_SSP1_MISO_P0_12			((0))	/**< Input for SSP1_MISO comes from P0.12 */
#define LOC_SSP1_MISO_P1_18			((1))	/**< Input for SSP1_MISO comes from P1.18 */
#define LOC_SSP1_MISO_P4_22			((2))	/**< Input for SSP1_MISO comes from P4_22 */
#define LOC_SSP1_MISO_P0_8			((3))	/**< Input for SSP1_MISO comes from P0.8 */
#define LOC_SSP1_MOSI_P0_13			((0))	/**< Input for SSP1_MOSI comes from P0.13 */
#define LOC_SSP1_MOSI_P1_22			((1))	/**< Input for SSP1_MOSI comes from P1.22 */
#define LOC_SSP1_MOSI_P4_23			((2))	/**< Input for SSP1_MOSI comes from P4.23 */
#define LOC_SSP1_MOSI_P0_9			((3))	/**< Input for SSP1_MOSI comes from P0.9 */
#define LOC_SSP1_SCK_P1_31			((0))	/**< Input for SSP1_SCK comes from P1.31 */
#define LOC_SSP1_SCK_P1_19			((1))	/**< Input for SSP1_SCK comes from P1.19 */
#define LOC_SSP1_SCK_P4_20			((2))	/**< Input for SSP1_SCK comes from P4_20 */
#define LOC_SSP1_SCK_P0_7			((3))	/**< Input for SSP1_SCK comes from P0_7 */
#define LOC_SSP1_SSEL_P0_14			((0))	/**< Input for SSP1_SSEL comes from P0.14 */
#define LOC_SSP1_SSEL_P1_26			((1))	/**< Input for SSP1_SSEL comes from P1.26 */
#define LOC_SSP1_SSEL_P4_21			((2))	/**< Input for SSP1_SSEL comes from P4.21 */
#define LOC_SSP1_SSEL_P0_6			((3))	/**< Input for SSP1_SSEL comes from P0.6 */
#define LOC_SSP2_MISO_P1_4			((1))	/**< Input for SSP2_MISO comes from P1.4 */
#define LOC_SSP2_MOSI_P1_1			((1))	/**< Input for SSP2_MOSI comes from P1.1 */
#define LOC_SSP2_SCK_P1_0			((1))	/**< Input for SSP2_SCK comes from P1.0 */
#define LOC_SSP2_SSEL_P1_8			((1))	/**< Input for SSP2_SSEL comes from P1.8 */
#define LOC_T0_CAP_0_P3_23			((0))	/**< Input for T0_CAP_0 comes from P3.23 */
#define LOC_T0_CAP_0_P1_26			((1))	/**< Input for T0_CAP_0 comes from P1.26 */
#define LOC_T0_CAP_1_P3_24			((0))	/**< Input for T0_CAP_1 comes from P3.24 */
#define LOC_T0_CAP_1_P1_27			((1))	/**< Input for T0_CAP_1 comes from P1.27 */
#define LOC_T1_CAP_0_P1_18			((0))	/**< Input for T1_CAP_0 comes from P1.18 */
#define LOC_T1_CAP_0_P3_27			((1))	/**< Input for T1_CAP_0 comes from P3.27 */
#define LOC_T1_CAP_1_P3_28			((0))	/**< Input for T1_CAP_1 comes from P3.28 */
#define LOC_T1_CAP_1_P1_19			((1))	/**< Input for T1_CAP_1 comes from P1.19 */
#define LOC_T2_CAP_0_P2_14			((0))	/**< Input for T2_CAP_0 comes from P2.14 */
#define LOC_T2_CAP_0_P2_6			((1))	/**< Input for T2_CAP_0 comes from P2.6 */
#define LOC_T2_CAP_0_P0_4			((2))	/**< Input for T2_CAP_0 comes from P0.4 */
#define LOC_T2_CAP_0_P1_14			((3))	/**< Input for T2_CAP_0 comes from P1.14 */
#define LOC_T2_CAP_1_P2_15			((0))	/**< Input for T2_CAP_1 comes from P2.15 */
#define LOC_T2_CAP_1_P0_5			((1))	/**< Input for T2_CAP_1 comes from P0.5 */
#define LOC_T3_CAP_0_P0_23			((0))	/**< Input for T3_CAP_0 comes from P0.23 */
#define LOC_T3_CAP_0_P2_22			((1))	/**< Input for T3_CAP_0 comes from P2.22 */
#define LOC_T3_CAP_0_P1_10			((2))	/**< Input for T3_CAP_0 comes from P1.10 */
#define LOC_T3_CAP_1_P0_24			((0))	/**< Input for T3_CAP_1 comes from P0.24 */
#define LOC_T3_CAP_1_P2_23			((1))	/**< Input for T3_CAP_1 comes from P2.23 */
#define LOC_T3_CAP_1_P1_0			((2))	/**< Input for T3_CAP_1 comes from P1.0 */
#define LOC_U0_RXD_P0_1				((0))	/**< Input for U0_RXD comes from P0.1 */
#define LOC_U0_RXD_P0_3				((1))	/**< Input for U0_RXD comes from P0.3 */
#define LOC_U1_CTS_P0_17			((0))	/**< Input for U1_CTS comes from P0.17 */
#define LOC_U1_CTS_P2_8				((1))	/**< Input for U1_CTS comes from P2.8 */
#define LOC_U1_CTS_P2_2				((2))	/**< Input for U1_CTS comes from P2.2 */
#define LOC_U1_CTS_P3_18			((3))	/**< Input for U1_CTS comes from P3.18 */
#define LOC_U1_DCD_P0_18			((0))	/**< Input for U1_DCD comes from P0.18 */
#define LOC_U1_DCD_P2_3				((1))	/**< Input for U1_DCD comes from P2.3 */
#define LOC_U1_DCD_P3_19			((2))	/**< Input for U1_DCD comes from P3_19 */
#define LOC_U1_DSR_P0_19			((0))	/**< Input for U1_DSR comes from P0.19 */
#define LOC_U1_DSR_P2_4				((1))	/**< Input for U1_DSR comes from P2.4 */
#define LOC_U1_DSR_P3_20			((2))	/**< Input for U1_DSR comes from P0.19 */
#define LOC_U1_RI_P0_21				((0))	/**< Input for U1_RI comes from P0.21 */
#define LOC_U1_RI_P2_6				((1))	/**< Input for U1_RI comes from P2.6 */
#define LOC_U1_RI_P3_22				((2))	/**< Input for U1_RI comes from P3.22 */
#define LOC_U1_RXD_P0_16			((0))	/**< Input for U1_RXD comes from P0.16 */
#define LOC_U1_RXD_P3_17			((1))	/**< Input for U1_RXD comes from P3.17 */
#define LOC_U1_RXD_P2_1				((2))	/**< Input for U1_RXD comes from P2.1 */
#define LOC_U2_RXD_P0_11			((0))	/**< Input for U2_RXD comes from P0.11 */
#define LOC_U2_RXD_P4_23			((1))	/**< Input for U2_RXD comes from P4.23 */
#define LOC_U2_RXD_P2_9				((2))	/**< Input for U2_RXD comes from P2.9 */
#define LOC_U3_RXD_P0_26			((0))	/**< Input for U3_RXD comes from P0.26 */
#define LOC_U3_RXD_P0_1				((1))	/**< Input for U3_RXD comes from P0.1 */
#define LOC_U3_RXD_P4_29			((2))	/**< Input for U3_RXD comes from P4.29 */
#define LOC_U3_RXD_P0_3				((3))	/**< Input for U3_RXD comes from P0.3 */
#define LOC_U4_RXD_P2_9				((0))	/**< Input for U4_RXD comes from P2.9 */
#define LOC_U4_RXD_P5_3				((1))	/**< Input for U4_RXD comes from P5.3 */
#define LOC_USB_SCL_P0_28			((0))	/**< Input for USB_SCL comes from P0.28 */
#define LOC_USB_SCL_P1_28			((1))	/**< Input for USB_SCL comes from P1.28 */
#define LOC_USB_SDA_P0_27			((0))	/**< Input for USB_SDA comes from P0.27 */
#define LOC_USB_SDA_P1_29			((1))	/**< Input for USB_SDA comes from P1.29 */

 * @}

/** @defgroup PINSEL_Public_Types PINSEL Public Types
 * @{

typedef enum
	PINSEL_BASICMODE_PLAINOUT  = 0,	/**< Plain output */
	PINSEL_BASICMODE_PULLDOWN,		/**< Pull-down enabled */
  	PINSEL_BASICMODE_PULLUP,		/**< Pull-up enabled (default) */
	PINSEL_BASICMODE_REPEATER		/**< Repeater mode */

typedef enum
	/** Fast mode (400 kHz clock rate) and standard (100 kHz clock rate) */
	/** Open drain I/O (not I2C). No glitch filter, 3 mA typical output drive */
	/** Fast Mode Plus I2C. This includes a filter for <50 ns glitches */
	/** High drive open drain I/O (not I2C). No glitch filter, 20 mA typical output drive */

 * @}

/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup PINSEL_Public_Functions
 * @{
void PINSEL_ConfigPin(uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t funcnum);
void PINSEL_SetPinMode(uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, PinSel_BasicMode modenum);
void PINSEL_SetHysMode(uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, FunctionalState NewState);
void PINSEL_SetSlewMode(uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, FunctionalState NewState);
void PINSEL_SetInBufMode(uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, FunctionalState NewState);
void PINSEL_SetI2CMode(uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, PinSel_I2cMode I2CMode);
void PINSEL_SetOpenDrainMode(uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, FunctionalState NewState);
void PINSEL_SetAnalogPinMode (uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t enable);
void PINSEL_DacEnable (uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t enable);
void PINSEL_SetFilter (uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t enable);

 * @}

#endif /* LPC177x_8x_PINSEL_H */

 * @}

/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */