1. 26 11月, 2014 1 次提交
  2. 24 11月, 2014 1 次提交
    • B
      Add undertow 1.1.0.Final support · bb150c47
      Brian Clozel 提交于
      Upgrade undertow dependency to 1.1.0.Final.
      Add support for undertow 1.1.0.Final in the
      UndertowRequestUpgradeStrategy, after a breaking change in the
      `io.undertow.websockets.jsr.ConfiguredServerEndpoint` constructor.
      Issue: SPR-12302
  3. 23 11月, 2014 1 次提交
  4. 21 11月, 2014 1 次提交
  5. 08 11月, 2014 1 次提交
  6. 04 11月, 2014 1 次提交
  7. 01 11月, 2014 1 次提交
  8. 29 10月, 2014 1 次提交
  9. 28 10月, 2014 2 次提交
  10. 24 10月, 2014 1 次提交
    • S
      Fix unnecessary required spring-context-support dep · 222d2b16
      Stephane Nicoll 提交于
      Prior to this commit, a project using compile time weaving upgrading to
      4.1 was forced to add spring-context-support and the jcache API in order
      to build. This problem is not new really: spring-aspects holds all
      aspects provided by the framework and they all are evaluated when
      compiling. 4.1 just happens to define a new aspect that requires extra
      This commit uses a new annotation of AspectJ 1.8.3. When @RequiredTypes
      is added on an aspect, it is evaluated only if the classes defined on the
      annotation are actually present. If they are not, the aspect is disabled
      and does not break the build.
      Issue: SPR-12163
  11. 22 10月, 2014 1 次提交
  12. 18 10月, 2014 1 次提交
  13. 07 10月, 2014 1 次提交
  14. 30 9月, 2014 2 次提交
    • J
      Latest dependency updates (Guava 18.0, Derby, H2 1.4.181, POI... · c7a867c4
      Juergen Hoeller 提交于
      Latest dependency updates (Guava 18.0, Derby, H2 1.4.181, POI 3.10.1, JAMon 2.79, JRuby 1.7.16)
    • S
      Create a builder for Jackson ObjectMapper · 4e24d66f
      Sebastien Deleuze 提交于
      Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder now allows to create ObjectMapper and XmlMapper
      instances easily thanks to its fluent API.
      This builder is used in Jackson message converters and views to instantiate default
      ObjectMapper and XmlMapper.
      This commit also add a createXmlMapper property to
      Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean in order to allow to create easily a XmlMapper
      Issue: SPR-12243
  15. 26 9月, 2014 3 次提交
  16. 20 9月, 2014 1 次提交
  17. 17 9月, 2014 1 次提交
  18. 26 8月, 2014 1 次提交
    • S
      Include ALL source artifacts in published sources jars · 07629a3c
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      This commit updates the Gradle build to ensure that *all* source
      artifacts are including in published 'sources' jars.
      To achieve this, we are now assembling 'sources' jars from
      'sourceSets.main.allSource' and not explicitly including or excluding
      anything by default.
      Issue: SPR-12085
  19. 20 8月, 2014 1 次提交
  20. 19 8月, 2014 1 次提交
  21. 18 8月, 2014 2 次提交
  22. 16 8月, 2014 1 次提交
  23. 15 8月, 2014 2 次提交
    • S
      Include Groovy source code in published sources jars · 042cfeed
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      In our Gradle build script, we are now assembling 'sources' jars from
      'sourceSets.main.allSource' in order to include Java, Groovy, and
      AspectJ source code as well all other appropriate classpath resources.
      Issue: SPR-12086
    • S
      Include all source artifacts in published sources jars · 9ea646e5
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      This commit updates the Gradle build to ensure that the following are
      including in published 'sources' jars.
       - Java source code (previously supported)
       - AspectJ source code (previously supported)
       - META-INF/spring.factories
       - META-INF/services/*
       - Java Properties files
       - XML files
       - MIME types files (mime.types)
      Issue: SPR-12085
  24. 13 8月, 2014 2 次提交
    • S
      Support Jackson based XML serialization/deserialization · 66656346
      Sebastien Deleuze 提交于
      This commit adds support for XML serialization/deserialization based on
      the jackson-dataformat-xml extension. When using @EnableWebMvc or
      <mvc:annotation-driven/>, Jackson will be used  by default instead of JAXB2
      if jackson-dataformat-xml classes are found in the classpath.
      This commit introduces MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter and
      MappingJackson2XmlView classes, and common parts between JSON
      and XML processing have been moved to AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter
      and AbstractJackson2View classes.
      MappingJackson2XmlView supports serialization of a single object. If the model
      contains multiple entries, MappingJackson2XmlView.setModelKey() should be
      used to specify the entry to serialize.
      Pretty print works in XML, but tests are not included since a Woodstox dependency
      is needed, and it is better to continue testing spring-web and spring-webmvc
      against JAXB2.
      Issue: SPR-11785
    • P
      Update docbook dependency and generate epub · 887815f4
      Phillip Webb 提交于
      Issue: SPR-11167
  25. 12 8月, 2014 1 次提交
    • R
      Upgrade to Gson 2.3 · d6fd40d6
      Roy Clarkson 提交于
      This release contains the following new features:
      - The new @JsonAdapter annotation to specify a Json TypeAdapter for a
        class field
      - JsonPath support: JsonParser.getPath() method returns the JsonPath
      - New public methods in JsonArray (similar to the java.util.List):
        contains(JsonElement), remove(JsonElement), remove(int index),
        set(int index, JsonElement element)
      - Many other smaller bug fixes
      See: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-gson/MOqf5RGtIzk
  26. 11 8月, 2014 1 次提交
    • S
      Add sonar integration. · e2aba3d3
      Stephane Nicoll 提交于
      This commit configures the SonarRunner plugin so that SonarQube can
      be used against the project. A few customizations were applied to
      namely exclude the asm and cglib repackaged classes.
      Issue: SPR-10766
  27. 09 8月, 2014 1 次提交
  28. 04 8月, 2014 1 次提交
    • S
      Avoid duplicate entries · 32975be2
      Stephane Nicoll 提交于
      Prior to this commit, the schema distribution archive contains
      duplicate entries for the more recent XSD as it is reference both with
      its version and as the "default" XSD (i.e. without a version).
      This commit configures the task to apply a duplicatesStrategy so that
      only the first entry remains.
      Issue: SPR-12011
  29. 29 7月, 2014 2 次提交
  30. 26 7月, 2014 1 次提交
    • R
      Add WebLogicRequestUpgradeStrategy · c89325b9
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      This change creates an AbstractTyrusRequestUpgradeStrategy shared
      between the WebLogic and GlassFish sub-classes.
      The version of Tyrus is lowered to 1.3.5 to match the version used
      in WebLogic (12.1.3) and that in turn requires a little extra effort
      in the base AbstractTyrusRequestUpgradeStrategy to make up for
      changes that have taken place from Tyrus 1.3.5 to 1.7.
      Issue: SPR-11293
  31. 24 7月, 2014 2 次提交
    • S
      Support Groovy scripts in the TCF · 35c372f2
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Spring Framework 4.0 introduced first-class support for a Groovy-based
      DSL for defining the beans for an ApplicationContext. However, prior to
      this commit, the Spring TestContext Framework (TCF) did not provide any
      out-of-the-box support for using Groovy scripts as path-based resource
      locations when loading an application context for tests.
      This commit addresses this issue by introducing first-class support for
      using Groovy scripts to load the ApplicationContext for integration
      tests managed by the TCF. Specifically, the following changes have been
      made in the TCF to support Groovy scripts.
       - Introduced getResourceSuffixes() in AbstractContextLoader in order
         to support multiple resource suffixes in the default detection
         process. This feature is used by the new Groovy/Xml context loaders.
       - Introduced GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader and
         GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoader which support both Groovy scripts
         and XML config files for loading bean definitions. Furthermore,
         these loaders support "-context.xml" and "Context.groovy" as
         resource suffixes when detecting defaults. Note that a default XML
         config file will be detected before a default Groovy script.
       - DelegatingSmartContextLoader and WebDelegatingSmartContextLoader now
         use reflection to choose between using GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader
         and GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoader vs. GenericXmlContextLoader and
         GenericXmlWebContextLoader as their XML loaders, depending on
         whether Groovy is present in the classpath.
       - Groovy scripts can be configured via the 'locations' or 'value'
         attributes of @ContextConfiguration and can be mixed seamlessly with
         XML config files.
      Issue: SPR-11233
    • R
      Upgrade to Tyrus 1.7 · 88d8dff3
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      This change provides WebSocket support for the upcoming Glassfish 4.0.1
      release while at the same dropping support for Glassfish 4.0 due to
      incompatible changes.
      Issue: SPR-11094