1. 05 9月, 2012 1 次提交
  2. 31 8月, 2012 1 次提交
  3. 30 8月, 2012 1 次提交
  4. 10 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core · 92500ab9
      Chris Beams 提交于
      CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now
      depends on internally (see previous commit).
      This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep
      v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib
      much in the same way we have historically done with ASM.
      This change is beneficial to users in several ways:
       - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application
         classpath; especially important for the growing number of
         @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality,
         along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now
         work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2.
       - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that
         may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate
         3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a
         conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for
         Spring-related purposes.
       - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is
         that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to
         ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic
         bytecode instructions.
      On CGLIB and ASM:
        CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to
        depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to
        eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and
        in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size.
        It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the
        exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any
        time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then
        the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This
        would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable
        solution now and for the forseeable future.
      On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError:
        During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to
        NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter
        regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous
        versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior,
        even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled
        asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring
        now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM
        bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor
        changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to
        instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in
        the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the
        toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing
        TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this
        reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to
        spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class
        simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE
        described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never
        encounter the same.
      Other changes include:
       - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy
       - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors
       - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB'
       - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add
         cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath
      Issue: SPR-9669
  5. 29 7月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Introduce MockEnvironment in the spring-test module · f49b22c7
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      For legacy reasons, a MockEnvironment implementation already exists in multiple places within Spring's test suite; however, it is not available to the general public.
      This commit promotes MockEnvironment to a first-class citizen in the spring-test module, alongside the existing MockPropertySource.
      In addition, the following house cleaning has been performed.
       - deleted MockPropertySource from the spring-expression module
       - deleted MockEnvironment from the "spring" integration testing module
       - updated test copies of MockPropertySource and MockEnvironment
       - documented MockEnvironment and MockPropertySource in the testing
         chapter of the reference manual
      Issue: SPR-9492
  6. 28 6月, 2012 2 次提交
  7. 28 5月, 2012 5 次提交
  8. 27 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Support not (!) operator for profile selection · bcd44f37
      Chris Beams 提交于
      The following syntax is now supported
        <beans profile="p1,!p2">
        @Profile("p1", "!p2")
      indicating that the <beans> element or annotated component should
      be processed only if profile 'p1' is active or profile 'p2' is not
      Issue: SPR-8728
  9. 26 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Introduce ConfigurableEnvironment#merge · 9fcfd7e8
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Prior to this change, AbstractApplicationContext#setParent replaced the
      child context's Environment with the parent's Environment if available.
      This has the negative effect of potentially changing the type of the
      child context's Environment, and in any case causes property sources
      added directly against the child environment to be ignored. This
      situation could easily occur if a WebApplicationContext child had a
      non-web ApplicationContext set as its parent. In this case the parent
      Environment type would (likely) be StandardEnvironment, while the child
      Environment type would (likely) be StandardServletEnvironment. By
      directly inheriting the parent environment, critical property sources
      such as ServletContextPropertySource are lost entirely.
      This commit introduces the concept of merging an environment through
      the new ConfigurableEnvironment#merge method. Instead of replacing the
      child's environment with the parent's,
      AbstractApplicationContext#setParent now merges property sources as
      well as active and default profile names from the parent into the
      child. In this way, distinct environment objects are maintained with
      specific types and property sources preserved. See #merge Javadoc for
      additional details.
      Issue: SPR-9444, SPR-9439
  10. 22 5月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Support initial delay attribute for scheduled tasks · 53673d6c
      Chris Beams 提交于
      java.util.concurrent's ScheduledExecutorService and its #schedule*
      methods allow for an 'initialDelay' parameter in milliseconds.
      Similarly, Spring's TaskExecutor abstraction allows for a concrete
      'startTime' expressed as a Date. However, Spring's <task:scheduled> XML
      element and @Scheduled annotation have, to date, not allowed for an
      initial delay parameter that can be propagated down to the underlying
      This commit introduces initial-delay and #initialDelay attributes to
      task:scheduled and @Scheduled respectively, both indicating the number
      of milliseconds to wait before the first invocation of the method in
      question. Specifying a delay in this fashion is only valid in
      conjunction with fixed-rate and fixed-delay tasks (i.e. not with cron
      or trigger tasks).
      The principal changes required to support these new attributes lie in
      ScheduledTaskRegistrar, which previously supported registration of
      tasks in the form of a Runnable and a Long parameter indicating (in the
      case of fixed-rate and fixed-delay tasks), the interval with which the
      task should be executed. In order to accommodate a third (and optional)
      'initialDelay' parameter, the IntervalTask class has been added as a
      holder for the Runnable to be executed, the interval in which to run
      it, and the optional initial delay. For symmetry, a TriggerTask and
      CronTask have also been added, the latter subclassing the former. And a
      'Task' class has been added as a common ancestor for all the above.
      One oddity of the implementation is in the naming of the new
      setters in ScheduledTaskRegistrar. Prior to this commit, the setters
      were named #setFixedDelayTasks, #setFixedRateTasks, etc, each accepting
      a Map<Runnable, long>. In adding new setters for each task type, each
      accepting a List<IntervalTask>, List<CronTask> etc, naturally the
      approach would be to use method overloading and to introduce methods
      of the same name but with differing parameter types. Unfortunately
      however, Spring does not support injection against overloaded methods
      (due to fundamental limitations of the underlying JDK Introspector).
      This is not a problem when working with the ScheduledTaskRegistrar
      directly, e.g. from within a @Configuration class that implements
      SchedulingConfigurer, but is a problem from the point of view of the
      ScheduledTasksBeanDefinitionParser which parses the <task:scheduled>
      element - here the ScheduledTaskRegistrar is treated as a Spring bean
      and is thus subject to these limitations. The solution to this problem
      was simply to avoid overloading altogether, thus the naming of the new
      methods ending in "List", e.g. #setFixedDelayTasksList, etc. These
      methods exist primarily for use by the BeanDefinitionParser and are
      not really intended for use by application developers. The Javadoc for
      each of the new methods makes note of this.
      Issue: SPR-7022
    • C
      Polish scheduled task execution infrastructure · 4d5fe57a
      Chris Beams 提交于
      In anticipation of substantive changes required to implement "initial
      delay" support in the <task:scheduled> element and @Scheduled
      annotation, the following updates have been made to the components and
      infrastructure supporting scheduled task execution:
       - Fix code style violations
       - Fix compiler warnings
       - Add Javadoc where missing, update to use {@code} tags, etc.
       - Organize imports to follow conventions
  11. 21 5月, 2012 1 次提交
  12. 20 5月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Support executor qualification with @Async#value · ed0576c1
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Prior to this change, Spring's @Async annotation support was tied to a
      single AsyncTaskExecutor bean, meaning that all methods marked with
      @Async were forced to use the same executor. This is an undesirable
      limitation, given that certain methods may have different priorities,
      etc. This leads to the need to (optionally) qualify which executor
      should handle each method.
      This is similar to the way that Spring's @Transactional annotation was
      originally tied to a single PlatformTransactionManager, but in Spring
      3.0 was enhanced to allow for a qualifier via the #value attribute, e.g.
        public void m() { ... }
      where "ptm1" is either the name of a PlatformTransactionManager bean or
      a qualifier value associated with a PlatformTransactionManager bean,
      e.g. via the <qualifier> element in XML or the @Qualifier annotation.
      This commit introduces the same approach to @Async and its relationship
      to underlying executor beans. As always, the following syntax remains
        public void m() { ... }
      indicating that calls to #m will be delegated to the "default" executor,
      i.e. the executor provided to
        <task:annotation-driven executor="..."/>
      or the executor specified when authoring a @Configuration class that
      implements AsyncConfigurer and its #getAsyncExecutor method.
      However, it now also possible to qualify which executor should be used
      on a method-by-method basis, e.g.
        public void m() { ... }
      indicating that calls to #m will be delegated to the executor bean
      named or otherwise qualified as "e1". Unlike the default executor
      which is specified up front at configuration time as described above,
      the "e1" executor bean is looked up within the container on the first
      execution of #m and then cached in association with that method for the
      lifetime of the container.
      Class-level use of Async#value behaves as expected, indicating that all
      methods within the annotated class should be executed with the named
      executor. In the case of both method- and class-level annotations, any
      method-level #value overrides any class level #value.
      This commit introduces the following major changes:
       - Add @Async#value attribute for executor qualification
       - Introduce AsyncExecutionAspectSupport as a common base class for
         both MethodInterceptor- and AspectJ-based async aspects. This base
         class provides common structure for specifying the default executor
         (#setExecutor) as well as logic for determining (and caching) which
         executor should execute a given method (#determineAsyncExecutor) and
         an abstract method to allow subclasses to provide specific strategies
         for executor qualification (#getExecutorQualifier).
       - Introduce AnnotationAsyncExecutionInterceptor as a specialization of
         the existing AsyncExecutionInterceptor to allow for introspection of
         the @Async annotation and its #value attribute for a given method.
         Note that this new subclass was necessary for packaging reasons -
         the original AsyncExecutionInterceptor lives in
         org.springframework.aop and therefore does not have visibility to
         the @Async annotation in org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.
         This new subclass replaces usage of AsyncExecutionInterceptor
         throughout the framework, though the latter remains usable and
         undeprecated for compatibility with any existing third-party
       - Add documentation to spring-task-3.2.xsd and reference manual
         explaining @Async executor qualification
       - Add tests covering all new functionality
      Note that the public API of all affected components remains backward-
      Issue: SPR-6847
    • C
      Polish async method execution infrastructure · 3fb11870
      Chris Beams 提交于
      In anticipation of substantive changes required to implement @Async
      executor qualification, the following updates have been made to the
      components and infrastructure supporting @Async functionality:
       - Fix trailing whitespace and indentation errors
       - Fix generics warnings
       - Add Javadoc where missing, update to use {@code} tags, etc.
       - Avoid NPE in AopUtils#canApply
       - Organize imports to follow conventions
       - Remove System.out.println statements from tests
       - Correct various punctuation and grammar problems
  13. 19 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Update @Bean Javadoc re: 'lite' mode, scope, etc. · 5cd6543d
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Updated the "@Bean Lite Mode" section in order to properly document 
      scoping and lifecycle semantics.
      Also fleshed out the discussion of the non-applicability of 'inter-bean 
      references' in lite mode.
      Issue: SPR-9425
  14. 18 5月, 2012 1 次提交
  15. 17 5月, 2012 4 次提交
    • P
      Fix compiler warnings · 13239a0c
      Philippe Marschall 提交于
      This patch fixes several compiler warnings that do not point to code
      problems. Two kinds of warnings are fixed. First in a lot of cases
      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") is used although there are no unchecked
      casts happening. This seems to be a leftover from when the code base
      was on Java 1.4, now that the code base was moved to Java 1.5 these are
      no longer necessary. Secondly there some places where the raw types of
      List and Class are used where there wildcard types (List<?> and
      Class<?>) would work just as well without causing any raw type warnings.
      These changes are beneficial particularly when working in Eclipse or
      other IDEs because it reduces 'noise', helping to isolate actual
      potential problems in the code.
      The following changes have been made:
       - remove @SuppressWarnings where no longer needed
       - use wildcard types instead of raw types where possible
    • S
      Improve documentation of @Bean 'lite' mode · e8f8559a
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Removed misleading mention of "configuration classes" in the
      "@Bean Lite Mode" section.
      Issue: SPR-9401
    • S
      Improve documentation of @Bean 'lite' mode · 94c9f964
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Updated the class-level JavaDoc for @Bean to better explain the
      semantics of 'lite' mode.
      Renamed "Configuration Class Lite Mode" to "@Bean Lite Mode".
      Added discussion of @DependsOn to the class-level JavaDoc.
      Issue: SPR-9401
    • S
      Improve documentation for configuration class 'lite' mode · 98050268
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Overhauled the class-level JavaDoc in @Bean:
       - added h3 headers for greater clarity and readability
       - mentioned 'prototype' semantics for lite mode
      Issue: SPR-9401
  16. 16 5月, 2012 2 次提交
  17. 01 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • D
      Fix scoped-proxy memory leak w/ @resource injection · f779c199
      Dridi Boukelmoune 提交于
      Prior to this change, request-scoped components having
      @Resource-injected dependencies caused a memory leak in
      Consider the following example:
          @Scope(value="request", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
          public class MyComponent {
              private HttpServletRequest request;
              // ...
      The bean name for "MyComponent" will end up being
      'scopedTarget.myComponent', which will become a key in
      the #dependenciesForBeanMap structure.
      On the first request, the injected HttpServletRequest bean will be a
      proxy and will internally have a bean name of the form
      "$Proxy10@1a3a2a52". This name will be added to the Set value associated
      with the 'scopedTarget.myComponent' entry in #dependenciesForBeanMap.
      On the second request, the process will repeat, but the injected
      HttpServletRequest will be a different proxy instance, thus having a
      different identity hex string, e.g. "$Proxy10@5eba06ff". This name will
      also be added to the Set value associated with the
      'scopedTarget.myComponent' entry in #dependenciesForBeanMap, and this
      is the source of the leak: a new entry is added to the set on each
      request but should be added only once.
      This commit fixes the leak by introducing caching to
      CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor#ResourceElement similar to that already
      present in AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor#AutowiredFieldElement
      and #AutowiredMethodElement. Essentially, each ResourceElement instance
      now tracks whether it has been created, caches the ultimate value to be
      injected and returns it eagerly if necessary. Besides solving the memory
      leak, this has the side effect of avoiding unnecessary proxy creation.
      This fix also explains clearly why injection into request-scoped
      components using @Autowired never suffered this memory leak: because the
      correct caching was already in place. Because @resource is considerably
      less-frequently used than @Autowired, and given that this particular
      injection arrangement is relatively infrequent, it becomes
      understandable how this bug has been present without being reported
      since the introduction of @resource support in Spring 2.5: developers
      were unlikely to encounter it in the first place; and if they did, the
      leak was minor enough (adding strings to a Set), that it could
      potentially go unnoticed indefinitely depending on request volumes and
      available memory.
      Issue: SPR-9176
  18. 30 4月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Fix javadoc warnings · effb7625
      Stevo Slavic 提交于
      Before this change there were numerous javadoc warnings being reported
      while building Spring framework API.
      This commit resolves most of the javadoc warnings, reducing the total
      number from 265 to 103.
      Issue: SPR-9113
  19. 27 3月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Introduce 3.2 versions of Spring XML namespaces · 180c5b2e
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Copy spring-*-3.1.xsd => spring-*-3.2.xsd; this commit introduces no
      substantive changes, but rather prepares for them by creating a clean
      baseline. All internal references to 3.1 schemas (e.g. spring-tool) have
      also been updated.
  20. 09 3月, 2012 1 次提交
  21. 22 2月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Predict specific object type in EhCacheFactoryBean · 0690b588
      Stevo Slavic 提交于
      Prior to this change, before a bean is created by EhCacheFactoryBean,
      its #getObjectType would return only an Ehcache interface. This caused
      unwanted wiring issues as described in the related JIRA issue.
      This fix makes use of EhCacheFactoryBean's configuration to determine
      the specific Ehcache object type even before it's created, such that
      the container is provided with as much information as possible when
      resolving dependencies. Nevertheless, users are advised to code to
      the Ehcache interface.
      Issue: SPR-7843
  22. 20 2月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Fix regression in @PropertySource placeholder resolution · 4df2a14b
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Changes in commit 41ade68b introduced
      a regression causing all but the first location in the
      @PropertySource#value array to be ignored during ${...} placeholder
      resolution. This change ensures that all locations are processed and
      replaced as expected.
      Issue: SPR-9133, SPR-9127
  23. 31 1月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Remove bundlor support · 6235a341
      Chris Beams 提交于
    • C
      Rename modules {org.springframework.*=>spring-*} · 02a4473c
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This renaming more intuitively expresses the relationship between
      subprojects and the JAR artifacts they produce.
      Tracking history across these renames is possible, but it requires
      use of the --follow flag to `git log`, for example
          $ git log spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history up until the renaming event, where
          $ git log --follow spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history for all changes to the file, before and after the
      See http://chrisbeams.com/git-diff-across-renamed-directories