1. 15 8月, 2015 6 次提交
    • S
      Rename test classes to avoid confusion · e7c95add
      Sam Brannen 提交于
    • S
      Merge pull request #857 from kazuki43zoo/SPR-12801 · ae9b5c15
      Stephane Nicoll 提交于
      * pr/857:
        Add missing @since tag
    • K
      Add missing @since tag · 93919204
      Kazuki Shimizu 提交于
      Issue: SPR-12801
    • S
      Polishing · d4d5e5ce
      Sam Brannen 提交于
    • S
      Differentiate b/t (in)definite results in JsonPath assertions · 07bb0378
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Prior to this commit, the exists() method in JsonPathExpectationsHelper
      correctly asserted that the evaluated JsonPath expression resulted in a
      value (i.e., that a non-null value exists); however, if the value was
      an empty array, the exists() method always threw an AssertionError.
      The existing behavior makes sense if the JsonPath expression is
      'indefinite' -- for example, if the expression uses a filter to select
      results based on a predicate for which there is no match in the JSON
      document, but the existing behavior is illogical and therefore invalid
      if the JsonPath expression is 'definite' (i.e., directly references an
      array in the JSON document that exists but happens to be empty). For
      example, prior to this commit, the following threw an AssertionError.
          new JsonPathExpectationsHelper("$.arr").exists("{ 'arr': [] }");
      Similar arguments can be made for the doesNotExist() method.
      After thorough analysis of the status quo, it has become apparent that
      the existing specialized treatment of arrays is a result of the fact
      that the JsonPath library always returns an empty list if the path is
      an 'indefinite' path that does not evaluate to a specific result.
      Consult the discussion on "What is Returned When?" in the JsonPath
      documentation for details:
      This commit addresses these issues by ensuring that empty arrays are
      considered existent if the JsonPath expression is definite but
      nonexistent if the expression is indefinite.
      Issue: SPR-13351
    • S
      Polish assertion msgs in JsonPathExpectationsHelper · d2503340
      Sam Brannen 提交于
  2. 14 8月, 2015 8 次提交
  3. 13 8月, 2015 11 次提交
  4. 12 8月, 2015 10 次提交
  5. 11 8月, 2015 2 次提交
  6. 10 8月, 2015 3 次提交