1. 22 3月, 2019 1 次提交
  2. 13 1月, 2017 1 次提交
  3. 21 7月, 2016 1 次提交
    • M
      Update xmlunit library to version 2.1.0 · 3635c9db
      Marius Grama 提交于
      xmlunit 2.1.0 is the latest release for xmlunit.
      Most of the xmlunit functionality used within spring-framework
      was done through the xmlunit 1.x helper class
      As of xmlunit 2.0.0 most of the XML comparison methods are done
      through hamcrest matchers exposed by the xmlunit-matchers
      library. In some cases during the migration, the matchers
      had to be customized with custom `NodeMatcher` or
      `DifferenceEvaluator` instances in order to keep the assertions
      correct (they were performed with xmlunit 1.x previously).
      Issue: SPR-14043
  4. 21 10月, 2014 1 次提交
  5. 04 2月, 2014 1 次提交
    • S
      Ensure all tests are executed in the Gradle build · b8ed2f49
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Prior to this commit several test classes named "*Test" were not
      recognized as tests by the Gradle build. This is due to the configured
      inclusion of '**/*Tests.*' which follows Spring's naming convention for
      test classes.
      This commit addresses this issue by:
       - Renaming real test classes consistently to "*Tests".
       - Renaming internal test classes to "*TestCase".
       - Renaming @WebTest to @WebTestStereotype.
       - Disabling broken tests in AnnoDrivenStaticEntityMockingControlTest.
       - Modifying the Gradle build configuration so that classes ending in
         either "*Tests" or "*Test" are considered test classes.
      Issue: SPR-11384
  6. 31 1月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Rename modules {org.springframework.*=>spring-*} · 02a4473c
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This renaming more intuitively expresses the relationship between
      subprojects and the JAR artifacts they produce.
      Tracking history across these renames is possible, but it requires
      use of the --follow flag to `git log`, for example
          $ git log spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history up until the renaming event, where
          $ git log --follow spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history for all changes to the file, before and after the
      See http://chrisbeams.com/git-diff-across-renamed-directories
  7. 07 1月, 2009 1 次提交