1. 18 10月, 2013 2 次提交
  2. 17 10月, 2013 2 次提交
    • P
      Refine ResolvableType class · 3337fd32
      Phillip Webb 提交于
      - Support for serialization
      - Allow programmatic creation of an array from a given component type
      - Allow programmatic creation with given generics
      - Extract generics from Class types using Class.getTypeParameters()
      - Move TypeVariableResolver to an inner class (and make method private)
      - Refine 'resolve()' algorithm
      Issue: SPR-10973
    • S
      Document 'annotated classes' in Testing chapter · 7ffd05a8
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      In order to help developers avoid surprises from unintended use of
      "@Bean Lite Mode" when referencing classes via @ContextConfiguration in
      the TestContext framework, this commit duplicates the previous
      discussion of "annotated classes" from the Javadoc for
      @ContextConfiguration as a tip in the "Context configuration with
      annotated classes" section of the Testing chapter in the reference
      Issue: SPR-10971
  3. 16 10月, 2013 4 次提交
  4. 15 10月, 2013 14 次提交
  5. 14 10月, 2013 2 次提交
  6. 13 10月, 2013 1 次提交
    • R
      Add support for resolving message headers · 8ae88c20
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      This change adds support for @Header and @Headers annotated method
      arguments to spring-messaging. Also supported are arguments of type
      MessageHeaders, and MessageHeaderAccessor (including sub-types of
      MessageHeaderAccessort as long as they provide a wrap(Message<?>)
      static factory method).
      This change also renames @MessageBody to @Payload.
      Issue: SPR-10985
  7. 12 10月, 2013 5 次提交
  8. 11 10月, 2013 3 次提交
    • R
      Add support for MIME-based message conversion · 7d3b6497
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      The MessageConverter interface in spring-messaging is now explicitly
      designed to support conversion of the payload of a Message<?> to and
      from serialized form based on MIME type message header.
      By default, the MessageHeaders.CONTENT_HEADER header is used but a
      custom ContentTypeResolver can be configured to customize that.
      Currently available are Jackson 2, String, and byte array converters.
      A CompositeMessageConverter can be used to configure several
      message converters in various places such as a messaging template.
    • P
      Clarify ResolvableType.resolve() Java Doc · ee8f1aa6
      Phillip Webb 提交于
      Issue: SPR-10973
    • P
      Fix ResolvableType isAssignableFrom for <?> · 5358cc0f
      Phillip Webb 提交于
      Fix ResolvableType.isAssignableFrom to correctly deal with <?> style
      Issue: SPR-10973
  9. 10 10月, 2013 4 次提交
    • P
      Refactor from deprecated GenericTypeResolver calls · 501a1cbb
      Phillip Webb 提交于
      Refactor AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolver and
      BridgeMethodResolver to use ResolvableType in preference to deprecated
      GenericTypeResolver calls.
      Issue: SPR-10980
    • P
      Use ResolvableType in GenericCollectnTypeResolver · fdf0ef40
      Phillip Webb 提交于
      Refactor GenericCollectionTypeResolver to make use of ResolvableType
      for generic resolution.
      Issue: SPR-10977
    • P
      Use ResolvableType in GenericTypeResolver · 595efe9a
      Phillip Webb 提交于
      Refactor GenericTypeResolver to make use of ResolvableType
      for generic resolution.
      Issue: SPR-10978
    • P
      Introduce ResolvableType Class · 6a18b004
      Phillip Webb 提交于
      Add a new ResolvableType Class which encapsulates java.lang.reflect.Type,
      providing access to supertypes, interfaces and generic parameters along
      with the ability to ultimately resolve to a java.lang.Class.
      ResolvableTypes may be obtained from fields, method parameters, method
      returns, classes or directly from a java.lang.reflect.Type. Most methods
      will themselves return ResolvableTypes, allowing easy navigation.
      For example:
      	private HashMap<Integer, List<String>> myMap;
      	public void example() {
       		ResolvableType t = ResolvableType.forField(
       		t.getSuperType(); // AbstractMap<Integer, List<String>>;
       		t.asMap(); // Map<Integer, List<String>>
       		t.getGeneric(0).resolve(); // Integer
       		t.getGeneric(1).resolve(); // List
       		t.getGeneric(1); // List<String>
       		t.resolveGeneric(1, 0); // String
      Issue: SPR-10973
  10. 09 10月, 2013 2 次提交
  11. 08 10月, 2013 1 次提交
    • B
      Support AntPathMatch URLs in URL ResultMatchers · e04a7569
      Brian Clozel 提交于
      Prior to this commit, one could only match exact URLs in redirectedUrl
      and forwardedUrl ResultMatchers. When creating a resource with
      a REST service, URLs often contain the id the new resource,
      like "/resource/12".
      This commit updates those ResultMatchers to support both
      exact matches and AntPath matches, using new methods.
      The former URL then can be tested against "/resource/*" in MVC tests.
      Issue: SPR-10789