1. 09 9月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Use ExtendedBeanInfo on an as-needed basis only · 5bcf68e2
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Prior to this change, CachedIntrospectionResults delegated to
      ExtendedBeanInfo by default in order to inspect JavaBean
      PropertyDescriptor information for bean classes.
      Originally introduced with SPR-8079, ExtendedBeanInfo was designed to
      go beyond the capabilities of the default JavaBeans Introspector in
      order to support non-void returning setter methods, principally to
      support use of builder-style APIs within Spring XML. This is a complex
      affair, and the non-trivial logic in ExtendedBeanInfo has led to various
      bugs including regressions for bean classes that do not declare
      non-void returning setters.
      This commit takes advantage of the new BeanInfoFactory mechanism
      introduced in SPR-9677 to take ExtendedBeanInfo out of the default code
      path for CachedIntrospectionResults. Now, the new
      ExtendedBeanInfoFactory class will be detected and instantiated (per its
      entry in the META-INF/spring.beanInfoFactories properties file shipped
      with the spring-beans jar). ExtendedBeanInfoFactory#supports is invoked
      for all bean classes in order to determine whether they are candidates
      for ExtendedBeanInfo introspection, i.e. whether they declare non-void
      returning setter methods.
      If a class does not declare any such non-standard setter methods (the
      99% case), then CachedIntrospectionResults will fall back to the
      default JavaBeans Introspector. While efforts have been made to fix any
      bugs with ExtendedBeanInfo, this change means that EBI will not pose
      any future risk for bean classes that do not declare non-standard
      setter methods, and also means greater efficiency in general.
      Issue: SPR-9723, SPR-9677, SPR-8079
    • C
      Address various ExtendedBeanInfo bugs · b50bb507
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Ensure that ExtendedBeanInfoTests succeeds when building under JDK 7
       - Improve handling of read and write method registration where
         generic interfaces are involved, per SPR-9453
       - Add repro test for SPR-9702, in which EBI fails to register
         an indexed read method under certain circumstances
      Issue: SPR-9702, SPR-9414, SPR-9453
  2. 05 9月, 2012 3 次提交
  3. 31 8月, 2012 2 次提交
  4. 24 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Introduce strategy for BeanInfo creation · ca017a48
      Arjen Poutsma 提交于
      Before this commit, the CachedIntrospectionResults was hard-coded to
      create ExtendedBeanInfos for bean classes. The ExtendedBeanInfo support
      the JavaBeans property contract only.
      This commit introduces the BeanInfoFactory, a strategy for creating
      BeanInfos. Through this strategy, it is possible to support
      beans that do not necessarily implement the JavaBeans contract (i.e.
      have a different getter or setter style).
      BeanInfoFactories are are instantiated by the
      CachedIntrospectionResults, which looks for
      'META-INF/spring.beanInfoFactories' files on the class path. These files
      contain one or more BeanInfoFactory class names. When a BeanInfo is to
      be created, the CachedIntrospectionResults will iterate through the
      factories, asking it to create a BeanInfo for the given bean class. If
      none of the factories support it, an ExtendedBeanInfo is created as a
      This commit also contains a change to Property, allowing BeanWrapperImpl
      to specify the property name at construction time (as opposed to using
      Property#resolveName(), which supports the JavaBeans contract only).
      Issue: SPR-9677
  5. 10 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core · 92500ab9
      Chris Beams 提交于
      CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now
      depends on internally (see previous commit).
      This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep
      v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib
      much in the same way we have historically done with ASM.
      This change is beneficial to users in several ways:
       - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application
         classpath; especially important for the growing number of
         @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality,
         along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now
         work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2.
       - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that
         may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate
         3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a
         conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for
         Spring-related purposes.
       - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is
         that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to
         ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic
         bytecode instructions.
      On CGLIB and ASM:
        CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to
        depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to
        eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and
        in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size.
        It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the
        exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any
        time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then
        the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This
        would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable
        solution now and for the forseeable future.
      On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError:
        During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to
        NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter
        regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous
        versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior,
        even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled
        asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring
        now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM
        bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor
        changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to
        instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in
        the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the
        toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing
        TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this
        reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to
        spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class
        simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE
        described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never
        encounter the same.
      Other changes include:
       - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy
       - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors
       - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB'
       - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add
         cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath
      Issue: SPR-9669
  6. 20 6月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Infer return type of parametrized factory methods · c461455c
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Currently, if a factory method is parameterized and the corresponding
      variable types are declared on the method itself instead of on the
      enclosing class or interface, Spring always predicts the return type to
      be Object, even if the return type can be explicitly inferred from the
      method signature and supplied arguments (which are available in the bean
      This commit introduces a new resolveParameterizedReturnType() method in
      GenericTypeResolver that attempts to infer the concrete type for the
      generic return type of a given parameterized method, falling back to the
      standard return type if necessary. Furthermore,
      AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory now delegates to
      resolveParameterizedReturnType() when predicting the return type for
      factory methods.
      resolveParameterizedReturnType() is capable of inferring the concrete
      type for return type T for method signatures similar to the following.
      Such methods may potentially be static. Also, the formal argument list
      for such methods is not limited to a single argument.
       - public <T> T foo(Class<T> clazz)
       - public <T> T foo(Object obj, Class<T> clazz)
       - public <V, T> T foo(V obj, Class<T> clazz)
       - public <T> T foo(T obj)
      Issue: SPR-9493
  7. 14 6月, 2012 1 次提交
  8. 27 5月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Cache by-type lookups in DefaultListableBeanFactory · 4c7a1c0a
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Prior to this change, by-type lookups using DLBF#getBeanNamesForType
      required traversal of all bean definitions within the bean factory
      in order to inspect their bean class for assignability to the target
      type. These operations are comparatively expensive and when there are a
      large number of beans registered within the container coupled with a
      large number of by-type lookups at runtime, the performance impact can
      be severe. The test introduced here demonstrates such a scenario clearly.
      This performance problem is likely to manifest in large Spring-based
      applications using non-singleton beans, particularly request-scoped
      beans that may be created and wired many thousands of times per second.
      This commit introduces a simple ConcurrentHashMap-based caching strategy
      for by-type lookups; container-wide assignability checks happen only
      once on the first by-type lookup and are afterwards cached by type
      with the values in the map being an array of all bean names assignable
      to that type. This means that at runtime when creating and autowiring
      non-singleton beans, the cost of by-type lookups is reduced to that of
      Issue: SPR-6870
    • C
      Polish · db1cb134
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Issue: SPR-6870
  9. 18 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • G
      Add value-type attrib to beans->map->entry element · 183ac0c1
      Gary Russell 提交于
      Previously, the <value> subelement of a map <entry> allowed one to
      specify the type of a specific map entry value. This patch allows a
      value-type attribute as well, such that instead of the following
          <entry key="x-message-ttl">
              <value type="java.lang.Long">100</value>
          <entry key="x-ha-policy" value="all" />
      one can now use the more concise form
          <entry key="x-message-ttl" value="100" value-type="java.lang.Long"/>
          <entry key="x-ha-policy" value="all"/>
      The new value-type attribute may be used at the <map> level as well,
      indicating that all elements are of the same type.
      Appropriate tests have been added exercising value-type at the <map> and
      <entry> levels.
      Issue: SPR-9249
  10. 31 1月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Mark remaining @Ignored tests with 'TODO SPR-8116' · ddf8eaf3
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Each of these tests began failing during the Gradle build porting
      process. None seem severe, many are likely due to classpath issues.
      In the case of TestNG support, this needs to be added to the Gradle
      build in order to execute these tests. See SPR-8116.txt
    • C
      Rename modules {org.springframework.*=>spring-*} · 02a4473c
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This renaming more intuitively expresses the relationship between
      subprojects and the JAR artifacts they produce.
      Tracking history across these renames is possible, but it requires
      use of the --follow flag to `git log`, for example
          $ git log spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history up until the renaming event, where
          $ git log --follow spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history for all changes to the file, before and after the
      See http://chrisbeams.com/git-diff-across-renamed-directories