1. 28 7月, 2012 2 次提交
    • S
      Support TransactionManagementConfigurer in the TCF · 2b7a6290
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Currently the Spring TestContext Framework looks up a
      PlatformTransactionManager bean named "transactionManager". The exact
      name of the bean can be overridden via @TransactionConfiguration or
      @Transactional; however, the bean will always be looked up 'by name'.
      The TransactionManagementConfigurer interface that was introduced in
      Spring 3.1 provides a programmatic approach to specifying the
      PlatformTransactionManager bean to be used for annotation-driven
      transaction management, and that bean is not required to be named
      "transactionManager". However, as of Spring 3.1.2, using the
      TransactionManagementConfigurer on a @Configuration class has no effect
      on how the TestContext framework looks up the transaction manager.
      Consequently, if an explicit name or qualifier has not been specified,
      the bean must be named "transactionManager" in order for a transactional
      integration test to work.
      This commit addresses this issue by refactoring the
      TransactionalTestExecutionListener so that it looks up and delegates to
      a single TransactionManagementConfigurer as part of the algorithm for
      determining the transaction manager.
      Issue: SPR-9604
    • S
      Support single, unqualified tx manager in the TCF · f21fe33e
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      TransactionalTestExecutionListener currently requires that the
      PlatformTransactionManager bean be named "transactionManager" by
      default. Otherwise, the bean name can only be overridden via the
      transactionManager attribute of @TransactionConfiguration or the value
      attribute of @Transactional.
      However, if there is only a single PlatformTransactionManager in the
      test's ApplicationContext, then the requirement to specify the exact
      name of that bean (or to name it exactly "transactionManager") is often
      This commit addresses this issue by refactoring the
      TransactionalTestExecutionListener so that it is comparable to the
      algorithm for determining the transaction manager used in
      TransactionAspectSupport for "production" code. Specifically, the TTEL
      now uses the following algorithm to retrieve the transaction manager.
       - look up by type and qualifier from @Transactional
       - else, look up by type and explicit name from
       - else, look up single bean by type
       - else, look up by type and default name from @TransactionConfiguration
      Issue: SPR-9645
  2. 26 7月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Support named dispatchers in MockServletContext · 37dc211f
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Currently the getNamedDispatcher(String) method of MockServletContext
      always returns null. This poses a problem in certain testing scenarios
      since one would always expect at least a default Servlet to be present.
      This is specifically important for web application tests that involve
      the DefaultServletHttpRequestHandler which attempts to forward to the
      default Servlet after retrieving it by name. Furthermore, there is no
      way to register a named RequestDispatcher with the MockServletContext.
      This commit addresses these issues by introducing the following in
       - a new defaultServletName property for configuring the name of the
         default Servlet, which defaults to "default"
       - named RequestDispatchers can be registered and unregistered
       - a MockRequestDispatcher is registered for the "default" Servlet
         automatically in the constructor
       - when the defaultServletName property is set to a new value the
         the current default RequestDispatcher is unregistered and replaced
         with a MockRequestDispatcher for the new defaultServletName
      Issue: SPR-9587
  3. 25 7月, 2012 1 次提交
  4. 17 7月, 2012 1 次提交
    • R
      Fix minor issue in MockHttpServletRequest · 59d80ec1
      Rob Winch 提交于
      Previously MockHttpServletRequest#sendRedirect did not set the HTTP status
      or the Location header. This does not conform to the HttpServletRequest
      MockHttpServletRequest will now:
        - Set the HTTP status to 302 on sendRedirect
        - Set the Location header on sendRedirect
        - Ensure the Location header and getRedirectedUrl are kept in synch
      Issue: SPR-9594
  5. 19 6月, 2012 1 次提交
  6. 10 6月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Reproduce claims raised in SPR-8849 · 04a68272
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      This commit introduces a test suite (Spr8849Tests) that demonstrates
      the claims made in SPR-8849.
      Specifically, if <jdbc:embedded-database id="xyz" /> is used to create
      an embedded HSQL database in an XML configuration file and that
      configuration file is imported in different sets of configuration files
      that are used to load ApplicationContexts for different integration
      tests, the embedded database will be initialized multiple times using
      any nested <jdbc:script /> elements. If such a script is used to create
      a table, for example, subsequent attempts to initialize the database
      named "xyz" will fail since an embedded database named "xyz" already
      exists in the JVM.
      As a work-around, this test suite uses a SpEL expression to generate a
      random string for each embedded database instance:
      See the Javadoc in Spr8849Tests for further information.
      Issue: SPR-8849
  7. 26 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Introduce BeanFactoryAnnotationUtils · a4b00c73
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Commit 096693c4 refactored and
      deprecated TransactionAspectUtils, moving its #qualifiedBeanOfType
      and related methods into BeanFactoryUtils. This created a package cycle
      between beans.factory and beans.factory.annotation due to use of the
      beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier annotation in these methods.
      This commit breaks the package cycle by introducing
      beans.factory.annotation.BeanFactoryAnnotationUtils and moving these
      @Qualifier-related methods to it. It is intentionally similar in name
      and style to the familiar BeanFactoryUtils class for purposes of
      There are no backward-compatibilty concerns associated with this change
      as the cycle was introduced, caught and now fixed before a release.
      Issue: SPR-6847
  8. 20 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Refactor and deprecate TransactionAspectUtils · 096693c4
      Chris Beams 提交于
      TransactionAspectUtils contains a number of methods useful in
      retrieving a bean by type+qualifier. These methods are functionally
      general-purpose save for the hard coding of PlatformTransactionManager
      class literals throughout.
      This commit generifies these methods and moves them into
      BeanFactoryUtils primarily in anticipation of their use by async method
      execution interceptors and aspects when performing lookups for qualified
      executor beans e.g. via @Async("qualifier").
      The public API of TransactionAspectUtils remains backward compatible;
      all methods within have been deprecated, and all calls to those methods
      throughout the framework refactored to use the new BeanFactoryUtils
      variants instead.
  9. 19 5月, 2012 2 次提交
    • S
      Doc. usage of JSR-250 lifecycle annotations in TCF · e71cd06a
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      The reference manual previously did not mention the applicability of
      JSR-250 lifecycle annotations within the TestContext framework. The
      lacking documentation here has lead to misunderstandings of the support
      provided for @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy in test classes.
      The testing chapter of the reference manual has therefore been updated
      to explicitly define the limited support for these annotations.
      Also introduced Jsr250LifecycleTests for empirical verification of the 
      expected behavior.
      Issue: SPR-4868
    • S
      Verify scope support for 'lite' @Beans in the TCF · dc6b2abe
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Introduced AtBeanLiteModeScopeTests integration tests to verify proper 
      scoping of beans created in 'lite' mode.
      Updated comments in TACCWithoutACTests to better reflect the runtime 
      behavior for 'lite' @Bean methods.
      Issue: SPR-9401
  10. 18 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Improve documentation of annotated class support in the TCF · 36e7cb2d
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Updated all Javadoc in the Spring TestContext Framework (TCF) to explain
      and refer to 'annotated classes' instead of 'configuration classes'.
      Specifically, @ContextConfiguration now explicitly defines what is meant
      by 'annotated classes', and various other classes now refer to this
      definition. Otherwise, the term 'configuration class' has simply been
      replaced with 'annotated class'.
      Also deleted cross references to deprecated JUnit 3.8 classes and
      formatted Javadoc in general for greater readability.
      Issue: SPR-9401
  11. 16 5月, 2012 3 次提交
    • S
      Fix tx annotated tests so that they pass in the build · 500a4dd9
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      AbstractTransactionalAnnotatedConfigClassTests is now annotated with
      @DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD) so 
      that side-effects between tests are avoided.
      Re-enabled TransactionalAnnotatedConfigClassWithAtConfigurationTests
      and TransactionalAnnotatedConfigClassesWithoutAtConfigurationTests.
      Also introduced a log4j FileAppender for tests that writes to
      Issue: SPR-9051
    • S
      Disable tx annotated tests until working within the build · 2017b248
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Issue: SPR-9051
    • S
      Investigate claims made in SPR-9051 regarding transactional tests · 1cec0f9c
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      The claim: given an integration test class that is annotated with 
      @ContextConfiguration and declares a configuration class that is missing
      an @Configuration annotation, if a transactional test method (i.e., one 
      annotated with @Transactional) changes the state of the database then
      changes will not be rolled back as would be expected with the default 
      rollback semantics of the Spring TestContext Framework (TCF).
      TransactionalAnnotatedConfigClassWithAtConfigurationTests is a concrete 
      implementation of AbstractTransactionalAnnotatedConfigClassTests that
      a true @Configuration class and thereby demonstrates the expected
      of such transactional tests with automatic rollback.
      TransactionalAnnotatedConfigClassesWithoutAtConfigurationTests is a 
      concrete implementation of
      that does NOT use a true @Configuration class but rather a 'lite mode'
      configuration class (see the Javadoc for @Bean for details).
      Using such a 'lite mode' configuration class results in the following:
       - Its @Bean methods act as factory methods instead of singleton beans.
       - The dataSource() method is invoked multiple times instead of once.
       - The test instance and the TCF operate on different data sources.
       - The transaction managed (and rolled back) by the TCF is not the 
         transaction that the application code or test instance uses.
      Ultimately, the use of a 'lite mode' configuration class gives the false
      appearance that there is a bug in the TCF (in that the transaction is
      rolled back); however, the transaction managed by the TCF is in fact 
      rolled back.
      In conclusion, these tests demonstrate both the intended behavior of the
      TCF and the fact that using 'lite mode' configuration classes can lead
      confusing results (both in tests and production code).
      Issue: SPR-9051
  12. 12 5月, 2012 2 次提交
    • S
      Refute claims made in SPR-9051 · 78c6d70f
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      It was claimed that when a {@code @ContextConfiguration} test class
      references a config class missing an {@code @Configuration} annotation,
      @Bean dependencies are wired successfully but the bean lifecycle is not
      applied (no init methods are invoked, for example).
      AnnotatedConfigClassesWithoutAtConfigurationTests refutes this claim by
      demonstrating that @Bean methods in non-@Configuration classes are
      properly handled as "annotated factory bean methods" and that lifecycle
      callbacks in fact apply to such factory beans.
      Issue: SPR-9051
    • S
  13. 10 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Re-enable ignored tests in MockServletContextTests · 80af8426
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Two tests in MockServletContextTests were disabled with @Ignore with the
      comment "fails to work under ant after move from .testsuite -> .test";
      however, this no longer appears to apply with the Gradle build. Thus
      these tests have been re-enabled.
  14. 30 4月, 2012 2 次提交
    • S
      Fix javadoc warnings · effb7625
      Stevo Slavic 提交于
      Before this change there were numerous javadoc warnings being reported
      while building Spring framework API.
      This commit resolves most of the javadoc warnings, reducing the total
      number from 265 to 103.
      Issue: SPR-9113
    • S
      Fix encoding issues in javadoc · 991b8e9a
      Stevo Slavic 提交于
      Before this change javadoc in two classes had non-UTF-8 encoded
      characters. This caused building Spring API to fail in Java 1.7.
      Commit fixes this by replacing wrongly encoded characters with their
      UTF-8 equivalents.
      Issue: SPR-9097
  15. 31 1月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Mark remaining @Ignored tests with 'TODO SPR-8116' · ddf8eaf3
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Each of these tests began failing during the Gradle build porting
      process. None seem severe, many are likely due to classpath issues.
      In the case of TestNG support, this needs to be added to the Gradle
      build in order to execute these tests. See SPR-8116.txt
    • C
      Rename modules {org.springframework.*=>spring-*} · 02a4473c
      Chris Beams 提交于
      This renaming more intuitively expresses the relationship between
      subprojects and the JAR artifacts they produce.
      Tracking history across these renames is possible, but it requires
      use of the --follow flag to `git log`, for example
          $ git log spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history up until the renaming event, where
          $ git log --follow spring-aop/src/main/java/org/springframework/aop/Advisor.java
      will show history for all changes to the file, before and after the
      See http://chrisbeams.com/git-diff-across-renamed-directories